同步操作将从 leo/supervisor 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
#include "watcher.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "command.h"
#include "system.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <csignal>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
static int nCpuIdx = -1;
static int nVertIdx = -1;
static int nResIdx = -1;
static void GetKeyIdx() {
static bool bCalc = false;
if (bCalc) return;
bCalc = true;
FILE * pPipe = popen("ps -u -p 1", "r");
if (!pPipe) return;
std::string sResult;
char pBuf[2048] = {0};
while (!feof(pPipe)) {
size_t nSize = fread(pBuf, 1, 2048, pPipe);
if (nSize > 0) sResult.append(pBuf, nSize);
std::istringstream issH(sResult);
int nIdx = 0;
while (issH.good()) {
std::string sKey;
issH >> sKey;
if (sKey == "%CPU") nCpuIdx = nIdx;
else if (sKey == "VSZ") nVertIdx = nIdx;
else if (sKey == "RSS") nResIdx = nIdx;
Watcher & Watcher::Instance() {
static std::unique_ptr<Watcher> iIns;
if (!iIns) iIns.reset(new Watcher);
return *iIns;
void Watcher::Breath() {
static uint64_t nLastBreath = 0;
static bool bSyncStatus = false;
uint64_t nTick = Tick();
if (nTick - nLastBreath < 500) return;
nLastBreath = nTick;
for (auto & kv : _mWatcher) {
if (kv.second.emStatus == EStatus::Running) {
int nStatus = 0;
int nChild = waitpid(kv.second.nPid, &nStatus, WNOHANG);
if (nChild > 0) {
Tail(kv.first, kv.second);
if (WIFEXITED(nStatus)) {
CatchExit(kv.first, kv.second, nStatus, true);
} else if (nChild == 0) {
Tail(kv.first, kv.second);
} else {
kv.second.emStatus = errno == EINTR ? EStatus::Stopped : EStatus::Fatal;
Json::Value iMsg;
iMsg["action"] = "status_change";
iMsg["watcher"] = kv.first;
iMsg["status"] = kv.second.emStatus;
Notify("/ws", iMsg);
if (bSyncStatus) {
bSyncStatus = false;
} else {
bSyncStatus = true;
Json::Value iMsg;
iMsg["action"] = "update";
iMsg["watchers"] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
char pBuf[2048] = {0};
for (auto & kv : _mWatcher) {
if (kv.second.emStatus == EStatus::Running) {
std::string sCmd = "ps -u -p " + std::to_string(kv.second.nPid);
std::string sResult;
sResult.reserve(1024 * 8);
FILE * pPipe = popen(sCmd.data(), "r");
if (!pPipe) continue;
while (!feof(pPipe)) {
size_t nSize = fread(pBuf, 1, 2048, pPipe);
if (nSize > 0) sResult.append(pBuf, nSize);
int nVert = 0, nRes = 0, nIdx = 0;
std::string sCpu = "";
std::istringstream iss(sResult);
while (iss.get() != '\n') continue;
while (iss.good()) {
std::string sData;
iss >> sData;
if (nIdx == nCpuIdx) {
sCpu = sData;
} else if (nIdx == nVertIdx) {
nVert = atoi(sData.data());
} else if (nIdx == nResIdx) {
nRes = atoi(sData.data());
Json::Value iStatus;
iStatus["name"] = kv.first;
iStatus["cpu"] = sCpu;
iStatus["vert"] = nVert;
iStatus["res"] = nRes;
if (iMsg["watchers"].size() > 0) Notify("/ws", iMsg);
void Watcher::Start(const std::string &sName, const std::string &sPath, const std::string &sCmd, int nRetry) {
auto it = _mWatcher.find(sName);
if (it != _mWatcher.end() && it->second.emStatus == EStatus::Running) return;
std::vector<std::string> vParams;
std::string sDeli = " \t";
std::string::size_type nStart = 0, nEnd = 0;
while (nEnd < sCmd.length()) {
char nTemp = sCmd[nEnd];
if (sDeli.find(nTemp) != std::string::npos) {
if (nStart != nEnd) vParams.push_back(sCmd.substr(nStart, nEnd - nStart));
nStart = nEnd;
} else {
if (nStart != nEnd) vParams.push_back(sCmd.substr(nStart));
if (vParams.size() <= 0) return;
int pFd[2] = {0, 0};
if (pipe(pFd) == -1) {
LOG_ERR("Failed to create pipe for start watcher [%s]", sName.data());
pid_t nChildPid = fork();
if (nChildPid == -1) {
LOG_ERR("Failed to start. Name : %s, Path : %s, Cmd : %s", sName.data(), sPath.data(), sCmd.data());
} else if (nChildPid == 0) {
dup2(pFd[1], STDERR_FILENO);
dup2(pFd[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
setpgid(nChildPid, nChildPid);
if (-1 == chdir(sPath.data())) {
std::cerr << "Failed to change directory : " << sPath << std::endl;
} else {
char * pParam[20] = {0};
memset(pParam, 0, sizeof(pParam));
for (int i = 0; i < vParams.size() && i < 19; ++i)
pParam[i] = (char *)vParams[i].data();
if (-1 == execvp(vParams[0].data(), pParam))
std::cerr << "No such file named : " << vParams[0] << std::endl;
} else {
int nFlags = fcntl(pFd[0], F_GETFL, 0);
fcntl(pFd[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK | nFlags);
if (it != _mWatcher.end()) {
it->second.emStatus = nChildPid == 0 ? EStatus::Fatal : EStatus::Running;
it->second.nFd = pFd[0];
it->second.nPid = nChildPid;
it->second.nRetry = nRetry;
AppendTail(sName, it->second, "\n\n----------- Start -----------\n");
} else {
Info iInfo;
iInfo.emStatus = nChildPid == 0 ? EStatus::Fatal : EStatus::Running;
iInfo.nFd = pFd[0];
iInfo.nPid = nChildPid;
iInfo.nTail = 0;
iInfo.nRetry = nRetry;
iInfo.sCmd = sCmd;
iInfo.sPath = sPath;
memset(iInfo.pTail, 0, 16384);
_mWatcher[sName] = iInfo;
AppendTail(sName, iInfo, "\n----------- Start -----------\n");
Json::Value iMsg;
iMsg["action"] = "status_change";
iMsg["watcher"] = sName;
iMsg["status"] = nChildPid == 0 ? EStatus::Fatal : EStatus::Running;
Notify("/ws", iMsg);
LOG_INFO("Start %s ... [%s]", sName.data(), nChildPid == 0 ? "Fatal" : "OK");
void Watcher::Stop(const std::string &sName) {
auto it = _mWatcher.find(sName);
if (it == _mWatcher.end() || it->second.emStatus != EStatus::Running) return;
int nStatus = kill(it->second.nPid, SIGKILL);
if (nStatus == -1) {
LOG_ERR("Stop %s ... [Failed]", sName.data());
} else {
nStatus = 0;
while (waitpid(it->second.nPid, &nStatus, 0) == -1) {
if (errno != EINTR) break;
CatchExit(sName, it->second, nStatus);
LOG_INFO("Stop %s ... [OK]", sName.data());
void Watcher::StopAll() {
int nStatus = 0;
for (auto & kv : _mWatcher) {
if (kv.second.emStatus == EStatus::Running) {
kill(kv.second.nPid, SIGKILL);
while (waitpid(kv.second.nPid, &nStatus, 0) == -1) {
if (errno != EINTR) break;
void Watcher::Remove(const std::string &sName) {
auto it = _mWatcher.find(sName);
if (it == _mWatcher.end()) return;
if (it->second.emStatus == EStatus::Running) Stop(sName);
Watcher::Info * Watcher::Get(const std::string &sName) {
auto it = _mWatcher.find(sName);
if (it == _mWatcher.end()) return nullptr;
return &it->second;
void Watcher::Notify(const std::string & sScope, const Json::Value & rMsg) {
if (_fNotifier) _fNotifier(sScope, rMsg);
void Watcher::Tail(const std::string & sName, Info & rInfo) {
static char pLine[8192] = {0}, pData[8192] = {0};
memset(pLine, 0, 8192);
memset(pData, 0, 8192);
int nSize = read(rInfo.nFd, pLine, 8192);
if (nSize > 0) {
int nRead = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nSize; ++i) {
if (pLine[i] == 0x1B && pLine[i + 1] == '[') {
while (i < nSize && pLine[i] != 'm') i++;
} else {
pData[nRead] = pLine[i];
memcpy(rInfo.pTail + rInfo.nTail, pData, nRead);
if (rInfo.nTail + nRead > 8192) {
int nIdx = rInfo.nTail + nRead - 8192;
int i = 0;
for (; nIdx < rInfo.nTail + nRead; ++nIdx) {
if (rInfo.pTail[nIdx] == '\n') {
for (; i < rInfo.nTail + nRead - nIdx; ++i) {
rInfo.pTail[i] = rInfo.pTail[i + nIdx];
rInfo.pTail[i] = '\0';
rInfo.nTail = i;
} else {
rInfo.nTail += nRead;
Json::Value iMsg;
iMsg["action"] = "tail_append";
iMsg["data"] = pData;
Notify("/tail/" + sName, iMsg);
void Watcher::AppendTail(const std::string & sName, Info & rInfo, const std::string & sTail) {
int nSize = sTail.size();
memcpy(rInfo.pTail + rInfo.nTail, sTail.data(), nSize);
if (rInfo.nTail + nSize > 8192) {
int nIdx = rInfo.nTail + nSize - 8192;
int i = 0;
for (; nIdx < rInfo.nTail + nSize; ++nIdx) {
if (rInfo.pTail[nIdx] == '\n') {
for (; i < rInfo.nTail + nSize - nIdx; ++i) {
rInfo.pTail[i] = rInfo.pTail[i + nIdx];
rInfo.pTail[i] = '\0';
rInfo.nTail = i;
} else {
rInfo.nTail += nSize;
Json::Value iMsg;
iMsg["action"] = "tail_append";
iMsg["data"] = sTail;
Notify("/tail/" + sName, iMsg);
void Watcher::CatchExit(const std::string & sName, Info & rInfo, int nStatus, bool bRetry /* = false */) {
rInfo.emStatus = WEXITSTATUS(nStatus) == 0 ? EStatus::Stopped : EStatus::Fatal;
rInfo.nFd = -1;
rInfo.nPid = -1;
if (bRetry && rInfo.nRetry > 0) {
rInfo.emStatus = EStatus::Retry;
Json::Value iMsg;
iMsg["action"] = "status_change";
iMsg["watcher"] = sName;
iMsg["status"] = EStatus::Retry;
Notify("/ws", iMsg);
AppendTail(sName, rInfo, "\n----------- Auto-retry -----------\n");
Start(sName, rInfo.sPath, rInfo.sCmd, rInfo.nRetry - 1);
} else {
Json::Value iMsg;
iMsg["action"] = "status_change";
iMsg["watcher"] = sName;
iMsg["status"] = rInfo.emStatus;
Notify("/ws", iMsg);
AppendTail(sName, rInfo, "\n----------- Stopped -----------\n");
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