# Contains routines for labels creation, features extraction and normalization
import os
import numpy as np
import scipy.io.wavfile as wav
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.externals import joblib
from IPython import embed
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot
import librosa
import math
def nCr(n, r):
return math.factorial(n) // math.factorial(r) // math.factorial(n-r)
class FeatureClass:
def __init__(self, params, is_eval=False):
:param params: parameters dictionary
:param is_eval: if True, does not load dataset labels.
# Input directories
self._feat_label_dir = params['feat_label_dir']
self._dataset_dir = params['dataset_dir']
self._dataset_combination = '{}_{}'.format(params['dataset'], 'eval' if is_eval else 'dev')
self._aud_dir = os.path.join(self._dataset_dir, self._dataset_combination)
self._desc_dir = None if is_eval else os.path.join(self._dataset_dir, 'metadata_dev')
# Output directories
self._label_dir = None
self._feat_dir = None
self._feat_dir_norm = None
# Local parameters
self._is_eval = is_eval
self._fs = params['fs']
self._hop_len_s = params['hop_len_s']
self._hop_len = int(self._fs * self._hop_len_s)
self._label_hop_len_s = params['label_hop_len_s']
self._label_hop_len = int(self._fs * self._label_hop_len_s)
self._label_frame_res = self._fs / float(self._label_hop_len)
self._nb_label_frames_1s = int(self._label_frame_res)
self._win_len = 2 * self._hop_len
self._nfft = self._next_greater_power_of_2(self._win_len)
self._nb_mel_bins = params['nb_mel_bins']
self._mel_wts = librosa.filters.mel(sr=self._fs, n_fft=self._nfft, n_mels=self._nb_mel_bins).T
self._dataset = params['dataset']
self._eps = 1e-8
self._nb_channels = 4
# Sound event classes dictionary
self._unique_classes = params['unique_classes']
self._audio_max_len_samples = params['max_audio_len_s'] * self._fs # TODO: Fix the audio synthesis code to always generate 60s of
# audio. Currently it generates audio till the last active sound event, which is not always 60s long. This is a
# quick fix to overcome that. We need this because, for processing and training we need the length of features
# to be fixed.
self._max_feat_frames = int(np.ceil(self._audio_max_len_samples / float(self._hop_len)))
self._max_label_frames = int(np.ceil(self._audio_max_len_samples / float(self._label_hop_len)))
def _load_audio(self, audio_path):
fs, audio = wav.read(audio_path)
audio = audio[:, :self._nb_channels] / 32768.0 + self._eps
if audio.shape[0] < self._audio_max_len_samples:
zero_pad = np.random.rand(self._audio_max_len_samples - audio.shape[0], audio.shape[1])*self._eps
audio = np.vstack((audio, zero_pad))
elif audio.shape[0] > self._audio_max_len_samples:
audio = audio[:self._audio_max_len_samples, :]
return audio, fs
def _next_greater_power_of_2(x):
return 2 ** (x - 1).bit_length()
def _spectrogram(self, audio_input):
_nb_ch = audio_input.shape[1]
nb_bins = self._nfft // 2
spectra = np.zeros((self._max_feat_frames, nb_bins + 1, _nb_ch), dtype=complex)
for ch_cnt in range(_nb_ch):
stft_ch = librosa.core.stft(np.asfortranarray(audio_input[:, ch_cnt]), n_fft=self._nfft, hop_length=self._hop_len,
win_length=self._win_len, window='hann')
spectra[:, :, ch_cnt] = stft_ch[:, :self._max_feat_frames].T
return spectra
def _get_mel_spectrogram(self, linear_spectra):
mel_feat = np.zeros((linear_spectra.shape[0], self._nb_mel_bins, linear_spectra.shape[-1]))
for ch_cnt in range(linear_spectra.shape[-1]):
mag_spectra = np.abs(linear_spectra[:, :, ch_cnt])**2
mel_spectra = np.dot(mag_spectra, self._mel_wts)
log_mel_spectra = librosa.power_to_db(mel_spectra)
mel_feat[:, :, ch_cnt] = log_mel_spectra
mel_feat = mel_feat.reshape((linear_spectra.shape[0], self._nb_mel_bins * linear_spectra.shape[-1]))
return mel_feat
def _get_foa_intensity_vectors(self, linear_spectra):
IVx = np.real(np.conj(linear_spectra[:, :, 0]) * linear_spectra[:, :, 1])
IVy = np.real(np.conj(linear_spectra[:, :, 0]) * linear_spectra[:, :, 2])
IVz = np.real(np.conj(linear_spectra[:, :, 0]) * linear_spectra[:, :, 3])
normal = np.sqrt(IVx**2 + IVy**2 + IVz**2) + self._eps
IVx = np.dot(IVx / normal, self._mel_wts)
IVy = np.dot(IVy / normal, self._mel_wts)
IVz = np.dot(IVz / normal, self._mel_wts)
# we are doing the following instead of simply concatenating to keep the processing similar to mel_spec and gcc
foa_iv = np.dstack((IVx, IVy, IVz))
foa_iv = foa_iv.reshape((linear_spectra.shape[0], self._nb_mel_bins * 3))
if np.isnan(foa_iv).any():
print('Feature extraction is generating nan outputs')
return foa_iv
def _get_gcc(self, linear_spectra):
gcc_channels = nCr(linear_spectra.shape[-1], 2)
gcc_feat = np.zeros((linear_spectra.shape[0], self._nb_mel_bins, gcc_channels))
cnt = 0
for m in range(linear_spectra.shape[-1]):
for n in range(m+1, linear_spectra.shape[-1]):
R = np.conj(linear_spectra[:, :, m]) * linear_spectra[:, :, n]
cc = np.fft.irfft(np.exp(1.j*np.angle(R)))
cc = np.concatenate((cc[:, -self._nb_mel_bins//2:], cc[:, :self._nb_mel_bins//2]), axis=-1)
gcc_feat[:, :, cnt] = cc
cnt += 1
return gcc_feat.reshape((linear_spectra.shape[0], self._nb_mel_bins*gcc_channels))
def _get_spectrogram_for_file(self, audio_filename):
audio_in, fs = self._load_audio(os.path.join(self._aud_dir, audio_filename))
audio_spec = self._spectrogram(audio_in)
return audio_spec
def get_labels_for_file(self, _desc_file):
Reads description file and returns classification based SED labels and regression based DOA labels
:param _desc_file: metadata description file
:return: label_mat: labels of the format [sed_label, doa_label],
where sed_label is of dimension [nb_frames, nb_classes] which is 1 for active sound event else zero
where doa_labels is of dimension [nb_frames, 3*nb_classes], nb_classes each for x, y, z axis,
se_label = np.zeros((self._max_label_frames, len(self._unique_classes)))
x_label = np.zeros((self._max_label_frames, len(self._unique_classes)))
y_label = np.zeros((self._max_label_frames, len(self._unique_classes)))
z_label = np.zeros((self._max_label_frames, len(self._unique_classes)))
for frame_ind, active_event_list in _desc_file.items():
if frame_ind < self._max_label_frames:
for active_event in active_event_list:
se_label[frame_ind, active_event[0]] = 1
x_label[frame_ind, active_event[0]] = active_event[1]
y_label[frame_ind, active_event[0]] = active_event[2]
z_label[frame_ind, active_event[0]] = active_event[3]
label_mat = np.concatenate((se_label, x_label, y_label, z_label), axis=1)
return label_mat
# ------------------------------- EXTRACT FEATURE AND PREPROCESS IT -------------------------------
def extract_all_feature(self):
# setting up folders
self._feat_dir = self.get_unnormalized_feat_dir()
# extraction starts
print('Extracting spectrogram:')
print('\t\taud_dir {}\n\t\tdesc_dir {}\n\t\tfeat_dir {}'.format(
self._aud_dir, self._desc_dir, self._feat_dir))
for file_cnt, file_name in enumerate(os.listdir(self._aud_dir)):
wav_filename = '{}.wav'.format(file_name.split('.')[0])
spect = self._get_spectrogram_for_file(wav_filename)
#extract mel
mel_spect = self._get_mel_spectrogram(spect)
feat = None
if self._dataset is 'foa':
# extract intensity vectors
foa_iv = self._get_foa_intensity_vectors(spect)
feat = np.concatenate((mel_spect, foa_iv), axis=-1)
elif self._dataset is 'mic':
# extract gcc
gcc = self._get_gcc(spect)
feat = np.concatenate((mel_spect, gcc), axis=-1)
print('ERROR: Unknown dataset format {}'.format(self._dataset))
# plot.figure()
# plot.subplot(211), plot.imshow(mel_spect.T)
# plot.subplot(212), plot.imshow(foa_iv.T)
# plot.show()
if feat is not None:
print('{}: {}, {}'.format(file_cnt, file_name, feat.shape ))
np.save(os.path.join(self._feat_dir, '{}.npy'.format(wav_filename.split('.')[0])), feat)
def preprocess_features(self):
# Setting up folders and filenames
self._feat_dir = self.get_unnormalized_feat_dir()
self._feat_dir_norm = self.get_normalized_feat_dir()
normalized_features_wts_file = self.get_normalized_wts_file()
spec_scaler = None
# pre-processing starts
if self._is_eval:
spec_scaler = joblib.load(normalized_features_wts_file)
print('Normalized_features_wts_file: {}. Loaded.'.format(normalized_features_wts_file))
print('Estimating weights for normalizing feature files:')
print('\t\tfeat_dir: {}'.format(self._feat_dir))
spec_scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
for file_cnt, file_name in enumerate(os.listdir(self._feat_dir)):
print('{}: {}'.format(file_cnt, file_name))
feat_file = np.load(os.path.join(self._feat_dir, file_name))
del feat_file
print('Normalized_features_wts_file: {}. Saved.'.format(normalized_features_wts_file))
print('Normalizing feature files:')
print('\t\tfeat_dir_norm {}'.format(self._feat_dir_norm))
for file_cnt, file_name in enumerate(os.listdir(self._feat_dir)):
print('{}: {}'.format(file_cnt, file_name))
feat_file = np.load(os.path.join(self._feat_dir, file_name))
feat_file = spec_scaler.transform(feat_file)
os.path.join(self._feat_dir_norm, file_name),
del feat_file
print('normalized files written to {}'.format(self._feat_dir_norm))
# ------------------------------- EXTRACT LABELS AND PREPROCESS IT -------------------------------
def extract_all_labels(self):
self._label_dir = self.get_label_dir()
print('Extracting labels:')
print('\t\taud_dir {}\n\t\tdesc_dir {}\n\t\tlabel_dir {}'.format(
self._aud_dir, self._desc_dir, self._label_dir))
for file_cnt, file_name in enumerate(os.listdir(self._desc_dir)):
if len(file_name)!=26: #checking clean metadata files #TODO this is not required if the dataset is clean
wav_filename = '{}.wav'.format(file_name.split('.')[0])
desc_file_polar = self.load_output_format_file(os.path.join(self._desc_dir, file_name))
desc_file = self.convert_output_format_polar_to_cartesian(desc_file_polar)
label_mat = self.get_labels_for_file(desc_file)
print('{}: {}, {}'.format(file_cnt, file_name, label_mat.shape))
np.save(os.path.join(self._label_dir, '{}.npy'.format(wav_filename.split('.')[0])), label_mat)
# ------------------------------- DCASE OUTPUT FORMAT FUNCTIONS -------------------------------
def load_output_format_file(self, _output_format_file):
Loads DCASE output format csv file and returns it in dictionary format
:param _output_format_file: DCASE output format CSV
:return: _output_dict: dictionary
_output_dict = {}
_fid = open(_output_format_file, 'r')
# next(_fid)
for _line in _fid:
_words = _line.strip().split(',')
_frame_ind = int(_words[0])
if _frame_ind not in _output_dict:
_output_dict[_frame_ind] = []
if len(_words) == 5: #read polar coordinates format, we ignore the track count
_output_dict[_frame_ind].append([int(_words[1]), float(_words[3]), float(_words[4])])
elif len(_words) == 6: # read Cartesian coordinates format, we ignore the track count
_output_dict[_frame_ind].append([int(_words[1]), float(_words[3]), float(_words[4]), float(_words[5])])
return _output_dict
def write_output_format_file(self, _output_format_file, _output_format_dict):
Writes DCASE output format csv file, given output format dictionary
:param _output_format_file:
:param _output_format_dict:
_fid = open(_output_format_file, 'w')
# _fid.write('{},{},{},{}\n'.format('frame number with 20ms hop (int)', 'class index (int)', 'azimuth angle (int)', 'elevation angle (int)'))
for _frame_ind in _output_format_dict.keys():
for _value in _output_format_dict[_frame_ind]:
# Write Cartesian format output. Since baseline does not estimate track count we use a fixed value.
_fid.write('{},{},{},{},{},{}\n'.format(int(_frame_ind), int(_value[0]), 0, float(_value[1]), float(_value[2]), float(_value[3])))
def segment_labels(self, _pred_dict, _max_frames):
Collects class-wise sound event location information in segments of length 1s from reference dataset
:param _pred_dict: Dictionary containing frame-wise sound event time and location information. Output of SELD method
:param _max_frames: Total number of frames in the recording
:return: Dictionary containing class-wise sound event location information in each segment of audio
dictionary_name[segment-index][class-index] = list(frame-cnt-within-segment, azimuth, elevation)
nb_blocks = int(np.ceil(_max_frames/float(self._nb_label_frames_1s)))
output_dict = {x: {} for x in range(nb_blocks)}
for frame_cnt in range(0, _max_frames, self._nb_label_frames_1s):
# Collect class-wise information for each block
# [class][frame] = <list of doa values>
# Data structure supports multi-instance occurence of same class
block_cnt = frame_cnt // self._nb_label_frames_1s
loc_dict = {}
for audio_frame in range(frame_cnt, frame_cnt+self._nb_label_frames_1s):
if audio_frame not in _pred_dict:
for value in _pred_dict[audio_frame]:
if value[0] not in loc_dict:
loc_dict[value[0]] = {}
block_frame = audio_frame - frame_cnt
if block_frame not in loc_dict[value[0]]:
loc_dict[value[0]][block_frame] = []
# Update the block wise details collected above in a global structure
for class_cnt in loc_dict:
if class_cnt not in output_dict[block_cnt]:
output_dict[block_cnt][class_cnt] = []
keys = [k for k in loc_dict[class_cnt]]
values = [loc_dict[class_cnt][k] for k in loc_dict[class_cnt]]
output_dict[block_cnt][class_cnt].append([keys, values])
return output_dict
def regression_label_format_to_output_format(self, _sed_labels, _doa_labels):
Converts the sed (classification) and doa labels predicted in regression format to dcase output format.
:param _sed_labels: SED labels matrix [nb_frames, nb_classes]
:param _doa_labels: DOA labels matrix [nb_frames, 2*nb_classes] or [nb_frames, 3*nb_classes]
:return: _output_dict: returns a dict containing dcase output format
_nb_classes = len(self._unique_classes)
_is_polar = _doa_labels.shape[-1] == 2*_nb_classes
_azi_labels, _ele_labels = None, None
_x, _y, _z = None, None, None
if _is_polar:
_azi_labels = _doa_labels[:, :_nb_classes]
_ele_labels = _doa_labels[:, _nb_classes:]
_x = _doa_labels[:, :_nb_classes]
_y = _doa_labels[:, _nb_classes:2*_nb_classes]
_z = _doa_labels[:, 2*_nb_classes:]
_output_dict = {}
for _frame_ind in range(_sed_labels.shape[0]):
_tmp_ind = np.where(_sed_labels[_frame_ind, :])
if len(_tmp_ind[0]):
_output_dict[_frame_ind] = []
for _tmp_class in _tmp_ind[0]:
if _is_polar:
_output_dict[_frame_ind].append([_tmp_class, _azi_labels[_frame_ind, _tmp_class], _ele_labels[_frame_ind, _tmp_class]])
_output_dict[_frame_ind].append([_tmp_class, _x[_frame_ind, _tmp_class], _y[_frame_ind, _tmp_class], _z[_frame_ind, _tmp_class]])
return _output_dict
def convert_output_format_polar_to_cartesian(self, in_dict):
out_dict = {}
for frame_cnt in in_dict.keys():
if frame_cnt not in out_dict:
out_dict[frame_cnt] = []
for tmp_val in in_dict[frame_cnt]:
ele_rad = tmp_val[2]*np.pi/180.
azi_rad = tmp_val[1]*np.pi/180
tmp_label = np.cos(ele_rad)
x = np.cos(azi_rad) * tmp_label
y = np.sin(azi_rad) * tmp_label
z = np.sin(ele_rad)
out_dict[frame_cnt].append([tmp_val[0], x, y, z])
return out_dict
def convert_output_format_cartesian_to_polar(self, in_dict):
out_dict = {}
for frame_cnt in in_dict.keys():
if frame_cnt not in out_dict:
out_dict[frame_cnt] = []
for tmp_val in in_dict[frame_cnt]:
x, y, z = tmp_val[1], tmp_val[2], tmp_val[3]
# in degrees
azimuth = np.arctan2(y, x) * 180 / np.pi
elevation = np.arctan2(z, np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)) * 180 / np.pi
r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
out_dict[frame_cnt].append([tmp_val[0], azimuth, elevation])
return out_dict
# ------------------------------- Misc public functions -------------------------------
def get_classes(self):
return self._unique_classes
def get_normalized_feat_dir(self):
return os.path.join(
def get_unnormalized_feat_dir(self):
return os.path.join(
def get_label_dir(self):
if self._is_eval:
return None
return os.path.join(
self._feat_label_dir, '{}_label'.format(self._dataset_combination)
def get_normalized_wts_file(self):
return os.path.join(
def get_nb_channels(self):
return self._nb_channels
def get_nb_classes(self):
return len(self._unique_classes)
def nb_frames_1s(self):
return self._nb_label_frames_1s
def get_hop_len_sec(self):
return self._hop_len_s
def get_nb_frames(self):
return self._max_label_frames
def get_nb_mel_bins(self):
return self._nb_mel_bins
def create_folder(folder_name):
if not os.path.exists(folder_name):
print('{} folder does not exist, creating it.'.format(folder_name))
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