同步操作将从 songbl/stata_ado 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
* Authors:
* Program written by Bolin, Song (松柏林) Shenzhen, China.
* Wechat:songbl_stata, 2021-01-02
* Original Data Source: https://data.stats.gov.cn/
* Please do not use this code for commerical purpose
capture program drop cngdf
program define cngdf
version 14.0
syntax [anything] ,YEAR(numlist max=1 min=1 ) [CHINA]
if missing("`china'") {
if `year'<1993 | `year'>2019 {
disp as error `"The year must be between 1993 and 2019"'
exit 198
capture confirm integer number `year'
if _rc {
di as err "The year must be a integer"
exit 198
local URL "https://gitee.com/songbolin/stata/raw/master/8458467434930237.dta"
tempfile data
cap copy `"`URL'"' "`data'.dta", replace
local times = 0
while _rc ~= 0 {
local times = `times' + 1
sleep 1000
cap copy `"`URL'"' "`data'.dta", replace
if `times' > 10 {
disp as error "Internet speeds is too low to get the data"
exit 601
use "`data'.dta", clear
gen Real_GDP = GDP if year == `year'
bysort id :replace Real_GDP= Real_GDP[_n-1]*GDPindex/100 if year!=`year'
gen gdp_deflator=GDP/Real_GDP
drop GDP Real_GDP GDPindex
drop if year<`year'
label variable gdp_deflator "GDP deflator based on `year'"
label data "GDP deflator based on `year'"
if `year'<1978 | `year'>2019 {
disp as error `"The year must be between 1978 and 2019"'
exit 198
capture confirm integer number `year'
if _rc {
di as err "The year must be a integer"
exit 198
local URL "https://gitee.com/songbolin/stata/raw/master/8458490029.dta"
tempfile data
cap copy `"`URL'"' "`data'.dta", replace
local times = 0
while _rc ~= 0 {
local times = `times' + 1
sleep 1000
cap copy `"`URL'"' "`data'.dta", replace
if `times' > 10 {
disp as error "Internet speeds is too low to get the data"
exit 601
use "`data'.dta", clear
gen Real_gdp = gdp if year == `year'
replace Real_gdp= Real_gdp[_n-1]*gdp_index/100 if year!=`year'
gen gdp_deflator=gdp/Real_gdp
drop gdp Real_gdp gdp_index
drop if year<`year'
label variable gdp_deflator "GDP deflator based on `year'"
label data "GDP deflator based on `year'"
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