同步操作将从 李建成/geoda 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
* GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2015 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved
* This file is part of GeoDa.
* GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <cmath> // for math abs and floor function
#include <cfloat>
#include <wx/graphics.h>
#include "logger.h"
#include "GdaConst.h"
#include "GenUtils.h"
#include "GdaShape.h"
// Set default margin
fixed_aspect_ratio = true;
drawing_area_width = 0;
drawing_area_height = 0;
drawing_area_ar = 0;
orig_data_x_min = 0;
orig_data_y_min = 0;
orig_data_x_max = 0;
orig_data_y_max = 0;
data_x_min = 0;
data_y_min = 0;
data_x_max = 0;
data_y_max = 0;
screen_width = 0;
screen_height = 0;
scale_x = 0;
scale_y = 0;
max_scale = 0; // max of scale_x, scale_y
trans_x = 0;
trans_y = 0;
slack_x = 0;
slack_y = 0;
GdaScaleTrans& GdaScaleTrans::operator=(const GdaScaleTrans& s)
fixed_aspect_ratio = s.fixed_aspect_ratio;
drawing_area_width = s.drawing_area_width;
drawing_area_height = s.drawing_area_height;
drawing_area_ar = s.drawing_area_ar;
orig_data_x_min = s.orig_data_x_min;
orig_data_y_min = s.orig_data_y_min;
orig_data_x_max = s.orig_data_x_max;
orig_data_y_max = s.orig_data_y_max;
data_x_min = s.data_x_min;
data_y_min = s.data_y_min;
data_x_max = s.data_x_max;
data_y_max = s.data_y_max;
screen_width = s.screen_width;
screen_height = s.screen_height;
scale_x = s.scale_x;
scale_y = s.scale_y;
max_scale = s.max_scale; // max of scale_x, scale_y
trans_x = s.trans_x;
trans_y = s.trans_y;
slack_x = s.slack_x;
slack_y = s.slack_y;
return *this;
bool GdaScaleTrans::IsValid()
return data_width > 0 && data_height > 0;
wxRealPoint GdaScaleTrans::GetDataCenter()
wxRealPoint pt;
pt.x = (orig_data_x_min + orig_data_x_max) / 2.0;
pt.y = (orig_data_y_min + orig_data_y_max) / 2.0;
return pt;
int GdaScaleTrans::GetXNudge()
return (left_margin - right_margin) / 2;
void GdaScaleTrans::SetData(double x_min, double y_min,
double x_max, double y_max)
orig_data_x_min = x_min;
orig_data_y_min = y_min;
orig_data_x_max = x_max;
orig_data_y_max = y_max;
data_x_min = x_min;
data_y_min = y_min;
data_x_max = x_max;
data_y_max = y_max;
void GdaScaleTrans::SetView(int screen_w, int screen_h, double scale_factor)
screen_width = screen_w * scale_factor;
screen_height = screen_h * scale_factor;
void GdaScaleTrans::SetMargin(int _top_marg, int _bottom_marg,
int _left_marg, int _right_marg)
top_margin = _top_marg;
bottom_margin = _bottom_marg;
left_margin = _left_marg;
right_margin = _right_marg;
void GdaScaleTrans::SetFixedAspectRatio(bool fixed)
fixed_aspect_ratio = fixed;
void GdaScaleTrans::SetExtent(double w, double e, double s, double n)
data_x_min = w;
data_x_max = e;
data_y_min = s;
data_y_max = n;
/** x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max are the bounding box limits for the entire map.
target_height and target_width are ignored if set to 0. They are used
when a target size smaller than the normal maximum working area size is
desired, for example when the user continually zooms out. The optional
image_width_p and image_height_p parameters are for returning the
resulting image width after the transformation is applied. */
void GdaScaleTrans::calcAffineParams()
drawing_area_width = screen_width - (left_margin + right_margin);
drawing_area_height = screen_height - (top_margin + bottom_margin);
// drawing_area_ar represents the drawing area aspect ratio.
drawing_area_ar = drawing_area_width / drawing_area_height;
// if fixed_aspect_ratio == true, we will maintain the original
// aspect-ratio (width : height) of the input data.
data_width = data_x_max - data_x_min;
data_height = data_y_max - data_y_min;
// data aspect ratio
data_ar = data_width / data_height;
if ( fixed_aspect_ratio ) {
if (drawing_area_ar >= data_ar ) {
// scale (translated) data to fit within height of drawing area
scale_x = drawing_area_height / data_height;
scale_y = -scale_x;
slack_y = 0;
slack_x = (drawing_area_width - (scale_x * data_width))/2.0;
trans_x = slack_x + left_margin - scale_x * data_x_min;
trans_y = screen_height - bottom_margin - scale_y * data_y_min;
} else { // drawing_area_ar < data_ar
// scale (translated) data to fit within width of drawing area
scale_x = drawing_area_width / data_width;
scale_y = -scale_x;
slack_x = 0;
slack_y = (drawing_area_height - (scale_x * data_height))/2.0;
trans_x = left_margin - scale_x * data_x_min;
trans_y = screen_height - slack_y - bottom_margin - scale_y * data_y_min;
} else { // fixed_aspect_ratio == false, fit_to_window == true/false
slack_x = 0;
slack_y = 0;
scale_x = drawing_area_width / data_width;
scale_y = -(drawing_area_height / data_height);
trans_x = left_margin - scale_x * data_x_min;
trans_y = screen_height - bottom_margin - scale_y * data_y_min;
max_scale = scale_x;
if (scale_y > scale_x)
max_scale = scale_y;
void GdaScaleTrans::Reset()
data_x_min = orig_data_x_min;
data_x_max = orig_data_x_max;
data_y_min = orig_data_y_min;
data_y_max = orig_data_y_max;
void GdaScaleTrans::Zoom(bool is_zoomin, wxPoint& from, wxPoint &to)
if (is_zoomin == false ) {
// always zoom out
double expand_in_x = data_width * 0.5;
double expand_in_y = data_height * 0.5;
data_x_min = data_x_min - expand_in_x;
data_y_min = data_y_min - expand_in_y;
data_x_max = data_x_max + expand_in_x;
data_y_max = data_y_max + expand_in_y;
} else {
// zoom in
wxRealPoint from_data = View2Data(from);
wxRealPoint to_data = View2Data(to);
if (from_data.x < to_data.x) {
data_x_min = from_data.x;
data_x_max = to_data.x;
} else {
data_x_max = from_data.x;
data_x_min = to_data.x;
if (from_data.y < to_data.y) {
data_y_min = from_data.y;
data_y_max = to_data.y;
} else {
data_y_max = from_data.y;
data_y_min = to_data.y;
void GdaScaleTrans::PanView(const wxPoint& pt_from, const wxPoint& pt_to)
wxRealPoint data_pt_from = View2Data(pt_from);
wxRealPoint data_pt_to = View2Data(pt_to);
double offset_data_x = data_pt_from.x - data_pt_to.x;
double offset_data_y = data_pt_from.y - data_pt_to.y;
data_x_min = data_x_min + offset_data_x;
data_y_min = data_y_min + offset_data_y;
data_x_max = data_x_max + offset_data_x;
data_y_max = data_y_max + offset_data_y;
void GdaScaleTrans::ScrollView(int scroll_x, int scroll_y)
wxPoint pt_from(0,0);
wxPoint pt_to(scroll_x, scroll_y);
PanView(pt_from, pt_to);
wxString GdaScaleTrans::GetString()
wxString str("GdaScaleTrans: ");
str << "scale_x=" << scale_x << ", scale_y=" << scale_y;
str << "\n trans_x=" << trans_x << ", trans_y=";
str << trans_y;
return str;
wxRealPoint GdaScaleTrans::View2Data(const wxPoint& src)
wxRealPoint result;
transform_back(src, result);
return result;
void GdaScaleTrans::transform_back(const wxPoint& src, wxRealPoint& result) const
result.x = (src.x - trans_x) / scale_x ;
result.y = (src.y - trans_y) / scale_y ;
void GdaScaleTrans::transform(const wxRealPoint& src, wxPoint* result) const
result->x = (int) (src.x * scale_x + trans_x);
result->y = (int) (src.y * scale_y + trans_y);
void GdaScaleTrans::transform(const wxRealPoint& src, wxRealPoint* result) const
result->x = src.x * scale_x + trans_x;
result->y = src.y * scale_y + trans_y;
void GdaScaleTrans::transform(const wxPoint& src, wxPoint* result) const
result->x = (int) (((double) src.x) * scale_x + trans_x);
result->y = (int) (((double) src.y) * scale_y + trans_y);
void GdaScaleTrans::transform(const Shapefile::Point& src, wxPoint* result) const
result->x = (int) (src.x * scale_x + trans_x);
result->y = (int) (src.y * scale_y + trans_y);
void GdaScaleTrans::transform(const double& src, double* result) const
*result = src * max_scale;
GdaShapeAttribs::GdaShapeAttribs(const GdaShapeAttribs& s)
: brush(s.brush), pen(s.pen), x_nudge(s.x_nudge), y_nudge(s.y_nudge)
GdaShapeAttribs::GdaShapeAttribs(const GdaShapeAttribs* s)
: brush(*GdaConst::default_myshape_brush),
pen(*GdaConst::default_myshape_pen), x_nudge(0), y_nudge(0)
if (!s) return;
brush = s->brush;
pen = s->pen;
x_nudge = s->x_nudge;
y_nudge = s->y_nudge;
GdaShapeAttribs& GdaShapeAttribs::operator=(const GdaShapeAttribs& s) {
brush = s.brush;
pen = s.pen;
x_nudge = s.x_nudge;
y_nudge = s.y_nudge;
return *this;
// GdaShape: Basic class for rendering shape
GdaShape::GdaShape() :
center(0,0), center_o(0.0,0.0), category(0), attribs(0), null_shape(false)
if (attribs) delete attribs;
GdaShape::GdaShape(const GdaShape& s) :
center(s.center), center_o(s.center_o), attribs(0),
if (s.attribs) attribs = new GdaShapeAttribs(s.attribs);
GdaShape& GdaShape::operator=(const GdaShape& s)
null_shape = s.null_shape;
center = s.center;
center_o = s.center_o;
/** allocate optional attributes if not already allocated. Attributes
will be deleted by destructor */
if (s.attribs) {
if (!attribs) attribs = new GdaShapeAttribs;
return *this;
void GdaShape::applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A)
A.transform(center_o, ¢er);
void GdaShape::projectToBasemap(Gda::Basemap* basemap, double scale_factor)
basemap->LatLngToXY(center_o.x, center_o.y, center.x, center.y);
if (scale_factor != 1) {
center.x = center.x * scale_factor;
center.y = center.y * scale_factor;
void GdaShape::setNudge(int x_nudge, int y_nudge)
if (!attribs) attribs = new GdaShapeAttribs;
attribs->x_nudge = x_nudge;
attribs->y_nudge = y_nudge;
void GdaShape::setPen(const wxPen& pen)
if (!attribs) attribs = new GdaShapeAttribs;
attribs->pen = pen;
void GdaShape::setBrush(const wxBrush& brush)
if (!attribs) attribs = new GdaShapeAttribs;
attribs->brush = brush;
const wxPen& GdaShape::getPen()
if (!attribs) return *GdaConst::default_myshape_pen;
if (attribs->pen.IsOk() && attribs->pen.GetColour().IsOk())
return attribs->pen;
return *GdaConst::default_myshape_pen;
const wxBrush& GdaShape::getBrush()
if (!attribs) return *GdaConst::default_myshape_brush;
if (attribs->brush.IsOk() && attribs->brush.GetColour().IsOk())
return attribs->brush;
return *GdaConst::default_myshape_brush;
int GdaShape::getXNudge()
if (!attribs) return 0;
return attribs->x_nudge;
int GdaShape::getYNudge()
if (!attribs) return 0;
return attribs->y_nudge;
// Help class for GdaShape
void GdaShapeAlgs::partsToCount(const std::vector<wxInt32>& parts,
int total_points, int* count)
if (total_points == 0 || parts.size() == 0) return;
int last_ind = parts.size()-1;
for (int i=0; i<last_ind; i++) {
count[i] = parts[i+1]-parts[i];
count[last_ind] = total_points - parts[last_ind];
wxRealPoint GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(GdaPolygon* poly)
if (poly->n_count < 1) return wxRealPoint(0,0);
if (poly->points_o) {
return calculateMeanCenter(poly->n, poly->points_o);
} else {
return calculateMeanCenter(poly->pc->points);
wxRealPoint GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(int n, wxRealPoint* pts)
wxRealPoint c(0.0, 0.0);
if (pts) {
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
c.x += pts[i].x;
c.y += pts[i].y;
c.x /= (double) n;
c.y /= (double) n;
return c;
wxRealPoint GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(
const std::vector<Shapefile::Point>& pts)
wxRealPoint c(0.0, 0.0);
int n = pts.size();
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
c.x += pts[i].x;
c.y += pts[i].y;
c.x /= (double) n;
c.y /= (double) n;
return c;
// The only calculates the centroid for the first polygon in the
// description and does not take into acount holes in the polygon.
// also, polygons are assumed to be simple.
wxRealPoint GdaShapeAlgs::calculateCentroid(GdaPolygon* poly)
if (poly->n_count < 1) return wxRealPoint(0,0);
if (poly->points_o) {
return calculateCentroid(poly->n, poly->points_o);
} else {
int start = 0;
int n_size = poly->count[0];
for (int i=1; i<poly->pc->num_parts; i++) {
if (poly->count[i] > n_size) {
start = n_size;
n_size = poly->count[i];
return calculateCentroid(start, poly->pc->points);
wxRealPoint GdaShapeAlgs::calculateCentroid(int n, wxRealPoint* pts)
double area = GdaShapeAlgs::calculateArea(n, pts);
if (area == 0) return wxRealPoint(pts[0].x, pts[0].y);
// polygon is a p-gon. Handle case when polygon is not closed
int p = (pts[0].x==pts[n-1].x && pts[0].y==pts[n-1].y) ? n-1 : n;
double cx=0, cy=0, d;
for (int i=0, j=1, k=0; k<p; i=(i+1)%p, j=(j+1)%p, k++) {
d = (pts[i].x * pts[j].y) - (pts[j].x * pts[i].y);
cx += (pts[i].x + pts[j].x)*d;
cy += (pts[i].y + pts[j].y)*d;
cx /= area*6.0f;
cy /= area*6.0f;
return wxRealPoint(cx, cy);
wxRealPoint GdaShapeAlgs::calculateCentroid(int start,
const std::vector<Shapefile::Point>& pts)
int n = pts.size() - start;
double area = GdaShapeAlgs::calculateArea(n, pts);
if (area == 0) return wxRealPoint(pts[start].x, pts[start].y);
// polygon is a p-gon. Handle case when polygon is not closed
int p = (pts[0].x==pts[n-1 + start].x && pts[0 + start].y==pts[n-1 + start].y) ? n-1 : n;
double cx=0, cy=0, d;
for (int i=start, j=1, k=0; k<p; i=(i+1)%p, j=(j+1)%p, k++) {
d = (pts[i].x * pts[j].y) - (pts[j].x * pts[i].y);
cx += (pts[i].x + pts[j].x)*d;
cy += (pts[i].y + pts[j].y)*d;
cx /= area*6.0f;
cy /= area*6.0f;
return wxRealPoint(cx, cy);
/** Note: if area is returned as negative, then this indicates that the
polygon coordinates were given in reverse. When this is applied
to by the calculateCentroid function, the negative area will
automatically correct for reversed coordinates in the returned
centroid point. */
double GdaShapeAlgs::calculateArea(int n, wxRealPoint* pts)
if (n <= 2) return 0;
double a = 0;
int p = (pts[0].x==pts[n-1].x && pts[0].y==pts[n-1].y) ? n-1 : n;
for (int i=0, j=1, k=0; k<p; i=(i+1)%p, j=(j+1)%p, k++) {
a += (pts[i].x * pts[j].y - pts[j].x * pts[i].y);
return a/2.0f;
double GdaShapeAlgs::calculateArea(int start,
const std::vector<Shapefile::Point>& pts)
int n = pts.size() - start;
if (n <= 2) return 0;
double a = 0;
int p = (pts[0+start].x==pts[n-1+start].x && pts[0+start].y==pts[n-1+start].y) ? n-1 : n;
for (int i=start, j=1, k=0; k<p; i=(i+1)%p, j=(j+1)%p, k++) {
a += (pts[i].x * pts[j].y - pts[j].x * pts[i].y);
return a/2.0f;
/** num_points is an optional parameter. If num_points < 4, then a reasonable
number of points to specify the circle is given depending on the radius.
The program will either use it's own internal scratch wxPoints pnts_array
is null, or will write to pnts_array if not null. Note, the size of
pnts_array needs to be sufficiently large.
wxRegion GdaShapeAlgs::createCircleRegion(const wxPoint& center, double radius,
int num_points,
wxPoint* pnts_array,
int* pnts_array_size)
static const int max_pts = 100;
static wxPoint scratch_pts[max_pts];
wxPoint* p = pnts_array ? pnts_array : scratch_pts;
radius = fabs(radius); // ensure radius is non-zero
if (radius < 1) radius = 1; // ensure radius is greater than 0
if (radius > 5000) radius = 5000; // ensure radius is at most 5000
if (num_points > max_pts) num_points = max_pts;
if (num_points < 4) {
if (radius <= 10) {
num_points = 10;
} else if (radius > 10 && radius <= 100) {
num_points = 20;
} else { // radius > 100
num_points = 40;
double slice = ((double) 6.28318)/((double) num_points); // 2*pi/num_pts
double theta = 0;
for (int i=0; i<num_points; i++) {
theta = i * slice;
p[i].x = radius * cos(theta);
p[i].y = radius * sin(theta);
p[i] += center;
if (pnts_array_size) *pnts_array_size = num_points;
return wxRegion(num_points, p);
void GdaShapeAlgs::createCirclePolygon(const wxPoint& center, double radius,
int num_points, wxPoint* pnts_array,
int* pnts_array_size)
static const int max_pts = 100;
static wxPoint scratch_pts[max_pts];
wxPoint* p = pnts_array ? pnts_array : scratch_pts;
radius = fabs(radius); // ensure radius is non-zero
if (radius < 1) radius = 1; // ensure radius is greater than 0
if (radius > 5000) radius = 5000; // ensure radius is at most 5000
if (num_points > max_pts) num_points = max_pts;
if (num_points < 4) {
if (radius <= 10) {
num_points = 10;
} else if (radius > 10 && radius <= 100) {
num_points = 20;
} else { // radius > 100
num_points = 40;
double slice = ((double) 6.28318)/((double) num_points); // 2*pi/num_pts
double theta = 0;
for (int i=0; i<num_points; i++) {
theta = i * slice;
p[i].x = radius * cos(theta);
p[i].y = radius * sin(theta);
p[i] += center;
if (pnts_array_size) *pnts_array_size = num_points;
/** wxRegions need to have a non-zero area. This function takes a line
specifiation and converts it to a 3-pixels across parallelogram. */
wxRegion GdaShapeAlgs::createLineRegion(wxPoint a, wxPoint b)
static wxPoint scratch_pts[4];
if (a == b) {
scratch_pts[0] = a + wxPoint(-1,-1);
scratch_pts[0] = a + wxPoint(-1,1);
scratch_pts[0] = a + wxPoint(1,1);
scratch_pts[0] = a + wxPoint(1,-1);
} else if (abs(a.y - b.y) >= abs(a.x - b.x)) {
// line is closer to vertical than horizontal
scratch_pts[0] = a + wxPoint(-1,0);
scratch_pts[1] = a + wxPoint(1,0);
scratch_pts[2] = b + wxPoint(1,0);
scratch_pts[3] = b + wxPoint(-1,0);
} else {
// line is closer to horizontal than vertical
scratch_pts[0] = a + wxPoint(0,-1);
scratch_pts[1] = a + wxPoint(0,1);
scratch_pts[2] = b + wxPoint(0,1);
scratch_pts[3] = b + wxPoint(0,-1);
return wxRegion(4, scratch_pts);
bool GdaShapeAlgs::pointInPolygon(const wxPoint& pt, int n, const wxPoint* pts)
bool within = false;
for (int i=0, j=n-1; i<n; j=i++) {
if (((pts[i].y > pt.y) != (pts[j].y > pt.y)) &&
(pt.x < (pts[j].x-pts[i].x) * (pt.y-pts[i].y) /
(pts[j].y-pts[i].y) + pts[i].x))
within = !within;
return within;
void GdaShapeAlgs::getBoundingBoxOrig(const GdaPolygon* p, double& xmin,
double& ymin, double& xmax, double& ymax)
if (p->pc) {
xmin = p->pc->box[0];
ymin = p->pc->box[1];
xmax = p->pc->box[2];
ymax = p->pc->box[3];
} else {
xmin = p->points_o[0].x;
xmax = xmin;
ymin = p->points_o[0].y;
ymax = ymin;
for (int i=1; i<p->n; i++) {
if (p->points_o[i].x < xmin) {
xmin = p->points_o[i].x;
} else if (p->points_o[i].x > xmax) {
xmax = p->points_o[i].x;
if (p->points_o[i].y < ymin) {
ymin = p->points_o[i].y;
} else if (p->points_o[i].y > ymax) {
ymax = p->points_o[i].y;
// GdaPoint: point (for rendering)
: radius(GdaConst::my_point_click_radius), adaptive_radius(false)
null_shape = true;
GdaPoint::GdaPoint(const GdaPoint& s)
: GdaShape(s), radius(s.radius), adaptive_radius(false)
GdaPoint::GdaPoint(wxRealPoint point_o_s)
: radius(GdaConst::my_point_click_radius), adaptive_radius(false)
center = wxPoint((int) point_o_s.x, (int) point_o_s.y);
center_o = point_o_s;
GdaPoint::GdaPoint(wxRealPoint point_o_s, wxDouble radius)
: radius(radius), adaptive_radius(false)
center = wxPoint((int) point_o_s.x, (int) point_o_s.y);
center_o = point_o_s;
GdaPoint::GdaPoint(double x_orig, double y_orig)
: radius(GdaConst::my_point_click_radius), adaptive_radius(false)
center = wxPoint((int) x_orig, (int) y_orig);
center_o = wxRealPoint(x_orig, y_orig);
GdaPoint::GdaPoint(double x_orig, double y_orig, double radius_o)
: radius(GdaConst::my_point_click_radius), radius_o(radius_o)
center = wxPoint((int) x_orig, (int) y_orig);
center_o = wxRealPoint(x_orig, y_orig);
adaptive_radius = true;
void GdaPoint::Offset(double dx, double dy)
void GdaPoint::Offset(int dx, int dy)
double GdaPoint::GetX()
return center_o.x;
double GdaPoint::GetY()
return center_o.y;
void GdaPoint::SetX(double x)
center.x = (int) x;
center_o.x = x;
void GdaPoint::SetY(double y)
center.y = (int) y;
center_o.y = y;
bool GdaPoint::pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt)
if (null_shape) return false;
return ( fabs((double) (center.x - pt.x))
<= 1.0 && // GdaConst::my_point_click_radius
fabs((double) (center.y - pt.y))
<= 1.0 ); // GdaConst::my_point_click_radius
bool GdaPoint::regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r)
if (null_shape) return false;
return r.Contains(center.x-1, center.y-1, 3, 3) != wxOutRegion;
void GdaPoint::applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A)
GdaShape::applyScaleTrans(A); // apply affine transform to base class
//A.transform(center_o, ¢er);
if (adaptive_radius) {
wxRealPoint center_o_offset(center_o);
center_o_offset.x += radius_o;
wxPoint center_offset;
A.transform(center_o_offset, ¢er_offset);
radius = center_offset.x - center.x;
void GdaPoint::projectToBasemap(Gda::Basemap* basemap, double scale_factor)
basemap->LatLngToXY(center_o.x, center_o.y, center.x, center.y);
if (scale_factor != 1) {
center.x = center.x * scale_factor;
center.y = center.y * scale_factor;
if (adaptive_radius) {
wxRealPoint center_o_offset(center_o);
center_o_offset.x += radius_o;
wxPoint center_offset;
basemap->LatLngToXY(center_o_offset.x, center_o_offset.y,
center_offset.x, center_offset.y);
radius = center_offset.x - center.x;
void GdaPoint::paintSelf(wxDC& dc)
if (null_shape) return;
wxPoint n_center(center.x+getXNudge(), center.y+getYNudge());
dc.DrawCircle(n_center, radius);
void GdaPoint::paintSelf(wxGraphicsContext* gc)
if (null_shape) return;
wxPoint n_center(center.x+getXNudge(), center.y+getYNudge());
wxGraphicsPath path = gc->CreatePath();
path.AddCircle(n_center.x, n_center.y, radius);
// GdaCircle: circle (for rendering)
null_shape = true;
GdaCircle::GdaCircle(const GdaCircle& s)
: GdaShape(s), radius(s.radius), radius_o(s.radius_o),
GdaCircle::GdaCircle(wxRealPoint center_o_s, double radius_o_s,
bool scale_radius_s)
: radius_o(radius_o_s), radius(radius_o_s), scale_radius(scale_radius_s)
center = wxPoint((int) center_o_s.x, (int) center_o_s.y);
center_o = center_o_s;
GdaCircle::GdaCircle(wxPoint pt1, wxPoint pt2)
Update(pt1, pt2);
void GdaCircle::Offset(double dx, double dy)
center.x = center_o.x + dx;
center.y = center_o.y + dy;
void GdaCircle::Offset(int dx, int dy)
center.x = center_o.x + dx;
center.y = center_o.y + dy;
void GdaCircle::Update(wxPoint pt1, wxPoint pt2)
wxRealPoint c;
c.x = (pt1.x + pt2.x ) / 2.0;
c.y = (pt1.y + pt2.y ) / 2.0;
double r = (pt2.x - pt1.x) * (pt2.x - pt1.x) + (pt2.y - pt1.y) * (pt2.y - pt1.y);
r = sqrt(r) / 2.0;
center = wxPoint((int) c.x, (int) c.y);
center_o = c;
radius_o = r;
radius = r;
scale_radius = false;
null_shape = false;
bool GdaCircle::pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt)
if (null_shape) return false;
return GenUtils::distance(center, pt) <= radius;
bool GdaCircle::regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r)
return false;
void GdaCircle::applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A)
if (null_shape) return;
GdaShape::applyScaleTrans(A); // apply affine transform to base class
A.transform(center_o, ¢er);
if (scale_radius) A.transform(radius_o, &radius);
void GdaCircle::paintSelf(wxDC& dc)
if (null_shape) return;
wxPoint n_center(center.x+getXNudge(), center.y+getYNudge());
dc.DrawCircle(n_center, radius);
void GdaCircle::paintSelf(wxGraphicsContext* gc)
if (null_shape) return;
wxPoint n_center(center.x+getXNudge(), center.y+getYNudge());
wxGraphicsPath path = gc->CreatePath();
path.AddCircle(n_center.x, n_center.y, radius);
// GdaRectangle: rectable (for rendering)
null_shape = true;
GdaRectangle::GdaRectangle(const GdaRectangle& s)
: GdaShape(s), lower_left(s.lower_left), upper_right(s.upper_right),
lower_left_o(s.lower_left_o), upper_right_o(s.upper_right_o)
GdaRectangle::GdaRectangle(wxRealPoint lower_left_o_s,
wxRealPoint upper_right_o_s)
: lower_left(lower_left_o_s), upper_right(upper_right_o_s),
lower_left_o(lower_left_o_s), upper_right_o(upper_right_o_s)
center_o.x = (lower_left_o.x + upper_right_o.x)/2.0;
center_o.y = (lower_left_o.y + upper_right_o.y)/2.0;
center = wxPoint((int) center_o.x, (int) center_o.y);
GdaRectangle::GdaRectangle(wxPoint pt1, wxPoint pt2)
Update(pt1, pt2);
bool GdaRectangle::pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt)
if (null_shape) return false;
return (pt.x >= lower_left.x && pt.x <= upper_right.x &&
pt.y <= lower_left.y && pt.y >= upper_right.y);
void GdaRectangle::Offset(double dx, double dy)
// only offset the screen objects
lower_left.x = lower_left_o.x + dx;
lower_left.y = lower_left_o.y + dy;
upper_right.x = upper_right_o.x + dx;
upper_right.y = upper_right_o.y + dy;
void GdaRectangle::Offset(int dx, int dy)
// only offset the screen objects
lower_left.x += dx;
lower_left.y += dy;
upper_right.x += dx;
upper_right.y += dy;
lower_left_o.x += dx;
lower_left_o.y += dy;
upper_right_o.x += dx;
upper_right_o.y += dy;
void GdaRectangle::Update(wxPoint pt1, wxPoint pt2)
wxRealPoint ll;
wxRealPoint ur;
ll.x = pt1.x < pt2.x ? pt1.x : pt2.x;
ur.x = pt1.x < pt2.x ? pt2.x : pt1.x;
ll.y = pt1.y > pt2.y ? pt1.y : pt2.y;
ur.y = pt1.y > pt2.y ? pt2.y : pt1.y;
lower_left = ll;
lower_left_o = ll;
upper_right = ur;
upper_right_o = ur;
center_o.x = (lower_left_o.x + upper_right_o.x)/2.0;
center_o.y = (lower_left_o.y + upper_right_o.y)/2.0;
center = wxPoint((int) center_o.x, (int) center_o.y);
null_shape = false;
bool GdaRectangle::regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r)
return false;
void GdaRectangle::applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A)
if (null_shape) return;
GdaShape::applyScaleTrans(A); // apply affine transform to base class
A.transform(lower_left_o, &lower_left);
A.transform(upper_right_o, &upper_right);
void GdaRectangle::projectToBasemap(Gda::Basemap* basemap, double scale_factor)
if (null_shape)
GdaShape::projectToBasemap(basemap, scale_factor); // apply affine transform to base class
basemap->LatLngToXY(lower_left_o.x, lower_left_o.y,
lower_left.x, lower_left.y);
basemap->LatLngToXY(upper_right_o.x, upper_right_o.y,
upper_right.x, upper_right.y);
if (scale_factor != 1) {
lower_left.x = lower_left.x * scale_factor;
lower_left.y = lower_left.y * scale_factor;
upper_right.x = upper_right.x * scale_factor;
upper_right.y = upper_right.y * scale_factor;
void GdaRectangle::paintSelf(wxDC& dc)
if (null_shape) return;
int x = lower_left.x+getXNudge();
int y = upper_right.y+getYNudge();
int w = upper_right.x - lower_left.x;
int h = lower_left.y - upper_right.y;
if (h==0) h = 1;
void GdaRectangle::paintSelf(wxGraphicsContext* gc)
if (null_shape) return;
gc->DrawRectangle(lower_left.x+getXNudge(), lower_left.y+getYNudge(),
upper_right.x - lower_left.x,
upper_right.y - lower_left.y);
// GdaPolygon: polygon (for rendering)
GdaPolygon::GdaPolygon() : points(0), points_o(0), count(0)
null_shape = true;
GdaPolygon::GdaPolygon(const GdaPolygon& s)
: GdaShape(s), //region(s.region),
n(s.n), pc(s.pc), points_o(s.points_o),
n_count(s.n_count), all_points_same(s.all_points_same),
bb_ll_o(s.bb_ll_o), bb_ur_o(s.bb_ur_o), count(0)
if (null_shape) return;
points = new wxPoint[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points[i].x = s.points[i].x;
points[i].y = s.points[i].y;
if (s.points_o) {
points_o = new wxRealPoint[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points_o[i].x = s.points_o[i].x;
points_o[i].y = s.points_o[i].y;
count = new int[s.n_count];
for (int i=0; i<s.n_count; i++) {
count[i] = s.count[i];
GdaPolygon::GdaPolygon(wxPoint& pt1, wxPoint& pt2)
: n(2), points_o(0), pc(0), points(0), n_count(1),
all_points_same(false), count(0)
n = 2;
count = new int[1];
count[0] = n;
points = new wxPoint[n];
points_o = new wxRealPoint[n];
points_o[0].x = pt1.x;
points_o[0].y = pt1.y;
points_o[1].x = pt1.x;
points_o[1].y = pt1.y;
points[0].x = (int) points_o[0].x;
points[0].y = (int) points_o[0].y;
points[1].x = (int) points_o[1].x;
points[1].y = (int) points_o[1].y;
center_o = GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(n, points_o);
center.x = (int) center_o.x;
center.y = (int) center_o.y;
bb_ll_o = center_o;
bb_ur_o = center_o;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
if (points_o[i].x < bb_ll_o.x) bb_ll_o.x = points_o[i].x;
if (points_o[i].x > bb_ur_o.x) bb_ur_o.x = points_o[i].x;
if (points_o[i].y < bb_ll_o.y) bb_ll_o.y = points_o[i].y;
if (points_o[i].y > bb_ur_o.y) bb_ur_o.y = points_o[i].y;
/** This constructs a polygon with no holes and only one region. The
memory for the original set of points is also maintained internally and
will be deleted when the constructor is called. */
GdaPolygon::GdaPolygon(int n_s, wxRealPoint* points_o_s)
: n(n_s), points_o(0), pc(0), points(0), n_count(1),
all_points_same(false), count(0)
if (points_o_s == 0 || n == 0) {
null_shape = true;
count = new int[1];
count[0] = n_s;
points = new wxPoint[n_s];
points_o = new wxRealPoint[n_s];
n = points && points_o_s ? n_s : 0;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points_o[i].x = points_o_s[i].x;
points_o[i].y = points_o_s[i].y;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points[i].x = (int) points_o_s[i].x;
points[i].y = (int) points_o_s[i].y;
center_o = GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(n, points_o);
center.x = (int) center_o.x;
center.y = (int) center_o.y;
bb_ll_o = center_o;
bb_ur_o = center_o;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
if (points_o[i].x < bb_ll_o.x) bb_ll_o.x = points_o[i].x;
if (points_o[i].x > bb_ur_o.x) bb_ur_o.x = points_o[i].x;
if (points_o[i].y < bb_ll_o.y) bb_ll_o.y = points_o[i].y;
if (points_o[i].y > bb_ur_o.y) bb_ur_o.y = points_o[i].y;
//region = wxRegion(n, points);
/** This constructs a potentially multi-part polygon where each polygon
part might contain holes. Only a pointer to the original data is
kept, and this memory is not deleted in the destructor. */
GdaPolygon::GdaPolygon(Shapefile::PolygonContents* pc_s)
: n(0), points_o(0), pc(pc_s), points(0), all_points_same(false), count(0)
if (pc->shape_type == 0 || pc->num_points == 0) {
null_shape = true;
count = new int[pc->num_parts];
// initialize count array
GdaShapeAlgs::partsToCount(pc->parts, pc->num_points, count);
n_count = pc->num_parts;
n = pc->num_points;
points = new wxPoint[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points[i].x = (int) pc->points[i].x;
points[i].y = (int) pc->points[i].y;
center_o = GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(pc->points);
center.x = (int) center_o.x;
center.y = (int) center_o.y;
bb_ll_o = center_o;
bb_ur_o = center_o;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
if (pc->points[i].x < bb_ll_o.x) bb_ll_o.x = pc->points[i].x;
if (pc->points[i].x > bb_ur_o.x) bb_ur_o.x = pc->points[i].x;
if (pc->points[i].y < bb_ll_o.y) bb_ll_o.y = pc->points[i].y;
if (pc->points[i].y > bb_ur_o.y) bb_ur_o.y = pc->points[i].y;
if (points) {
delete [] points;
points = 0;
if (points_o) {
delete [] points_o;
points_o = 0;
if (count) {
delete [] count;
count = 0;
void GdaPolygon::Offset(double dx, double dy)
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points[i].x = points_o[i].x + dx;
points[i].y = points_o[i].y + dy;
void GdaPolygon::Offset(int dx, int dy)
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points[i].x = points_o[i].x + dx;
points[i].y = points_o[i].y + dy;
bool GdaPolygon::pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt)
if (null_shape) return false;
if (all_points_same) {
return pt == center;
} else {
return GdaShapeAlgs::pointInPolygon(pt, n, points);
bool GdaPolygon::regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r)
//wxRegion reg(region);
//return !reg.IsEmpty();
return false;
void GdaPolygon::applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A)
if (null_shape) return;
GdaShape::applyScaleTrans(A); // apply affine transform to base class
if (points_o) {
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
A.transform(points_o[i], &(points[i]));
} else {
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
A.transform(pc->points[i], &(points[i]));
void GdaPolygon::projectToBasemap(Gda::Basemap* basemap, double scale_factor)
if (null_shape)
GdaShape::projectToBasemap(basemap, scale_factor);
if (points_o) {
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
basemap->LatLngToXY(points_o[i].x, points_o[i].y,
points[i].x, points[i].y);
if (scale_factor != 1) {
points[i].x = points[i].x * scale_factor;
points[i].y = points[i].y * scale_factor;
} else {
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
basemap->LatLngToXY(pc->points[i].x, pc->points[i].y,
points[i].x, points[i].y);
if (scale_factor != 1) {
points[i].x = points[i].x * scale_factor;
points[i].y = points[i].y * scale_factor;
wxRealPoint GdaPolygon::CalculateCentroid(int n, wxRealPoint* pts)
double area = 0;
double sum_x = 0;
double sum_y = 0;
for (int cnt = 0; cnt < n-1; cnt++) {
area += (pts[cnt].x * pts[(cnt+1)%n].y - pts[(cnt+1)%n].x * pts[cnt].y);
sum_x += (pts[cnt].x + pts[(cnt+1)%n].x) *
(pts[cnt].x * pts[(cnt+1)%n].y - pts[(cnt+1)%n].x * pts[cnt].y);
sum_y += (pts[cnt].y + pts[(cnt+1)%n].y) *
(pts[cnt].x * pts[(cnt+1)%n].y - pts[(cnt+1)%n].x * pts[cnt].y);
return wxRealPoint(sum_x / (3 * area), sum_y / (3 * area));
void GdaPolygon::paintSelf(wxDC& dc)
if (null_shape) return;
if (n_count > 1) {
dc.DrawPolyPolygon(n_count, count, points);
} else {
dc.DrawPolygon(n, points);
void GdaPolygon::paintSelf(wxGraphicsContext* gc)
if (null_shape) return;
if (n_count > 1) {
int start = 0;
for (int c=0; c<n_count; c++) {
wxGraphicsPath path = gc->CreatePath();
int n = count[c];
start += n;
for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++) {
path.MoveToPoint(points[start+i].x, points[start+i].y);
int j = i + 1;
if (j < n) {
path.AddLineToPoint(points[start+j].x, points[start+j].y);
gc->FillPath(path, wxWINDING_RULE);
} else {
wxGraphicsPath path = gc->CreatePath();
for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++) {
path.MoveToPoint(points[i].x, points[i].y);
int j = i + 1;
if (j < n) {
path.AddLineToPoint(points[j].x, points[j].y);
gc->FillPath(path, wxWINDING_RULE);
: n(2), pc(0), n_count(1), count(0), points(0), points_o(0)
null_shape = true;
GdaPolyLine::GdaPolyLine(const GdaPolyLine& s)
: GdaShape(s), //region(s.region),
n(s.n), pc(s.pc), points_o(s.points_o),
n_count(s.n_count), points(0), count(0)
if (null_shape) return;
points = new wxPoint[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points[i].x = s.points[i].x;
points[i].y = s.points[i].y;
if (s.points_o) {
points_o = new wxRealPoint[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points_o[i].x = s.points_o[i].x;
points_o[i].y = s.points_o[i].y;
count = new int[s.n_count];
for (int i=0; i<s.n_count; i++) {
count[i] = s.count[i];
/** This constructs a single polyline rather than (possibly) several disjoint
polylines like the PolyLineContents data structure allows for. The
memory for the original set of points is also maintained internally and
will be deleted when the destructor is called. */
GdaPolyLine::GdaPolyLine(int n_s, wxRealPoint* points_o_s)
: n(n_s), pc(0), n_count(1), count(0), points_o(0), points(0)
if (n == 0 || points_o_s == 0) {
null_shape = true;
count = new int[1];
count[0] = n;
points = new wxPoint[n];
points_o = new wxRealPoint[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points_o[i].x = points_o_s[i].x;
points_o[i].y = points_o_s[i].y;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points[i].x = (int) points_o_s[i].x;
points[i].y = (int) points_o_s[i].y;
center_o = GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(n, points_o);
center.x = (int) center_o.x;
center.y = (int) center_o.y;
//if (n>1) {
// region = GdaShapeAlgs::createLineRegion(points[0], points[1]);
// for (int i=1; i<n-1; i++) {
// region.Union(GdaShapeAlgs::createLineRegion(points[i], points[i+1]));
// }
GdaPolyLine::GdaPolyLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
: n(2), pc(0), n_count(1), points_o(0), points(0), count(0)
count = new int[1];
count[0] = n;
points = new wxPoint[n];
points_o = new wxRealPoint[n];
points_o[0].x = x1;
points_o[0].y = y1;
points_o[1].x = x2;
points_o[1].y = y2;
points[0].x = (int) x1;
points[0].y = (int) y1;
points[1].x = (int) x2;
points[1].y = (int) y2;
center_o = GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(n, points_o);
center.x = (int) center_o.x;
center.y = (int) center_o.y;
//region = GdaShapeAlgs::createLineRegion(points[0], points[1]);
//for (int i=1; i<n-1; i++) {
// region.Union(GdaShapeAlgs::createLineRegion(points[i], points[i+1]));
GdaPolyLine::GdaPolyLine(wxPoint pt1, wxPoint pt2)
: n(2), pc(0), n_count(1), points_o(0), points(0), count(0)
double x1 = (double)pt1.x;
double y1 = (double)pt1.y;
double x2 = (double)pt2.x;
double y2 = (double)pt2.y;
count = new int[1];
count[0] = n;
points = new wxPoint[n];
points_o = new wxRealPoint[n];
Update(pt1, pt2);
/** This constructs a potentially multi-part polyline. Only a pointer to the
original data is kept, and this memory is not deleted in the destructor. */
GdaPolyLine::GdaPolyLine(Shapefile::PolyLineContents* pc_s)
: n(0), points_o(0), pc(pc_s), points(0), count(0)
if (pc->shape_type == 0 || pc->num_points == 0) {
null_shape = true;
count = new int[pc->num_parts];
// initialize count array
GdaShapeAlgs::partsToCount(pc->parts, pc->num_points, count);
n_count = pc->num_parts;
n = pc->num_points;
points = new wxPoint[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points[i].x = (int) pc->points[i].x;
points[i].y = (int) pc->points[i].y;
//int chunk_index = 0; // will have the initial index of each part
//for (int h=0; h<n_count; h++) {
// if (count[h] > 1) { // ensure this is a valid part
// region.Union(GdaShapeAlgs::createLineRegion(points[chunk_index],
// points[chunk_index+1]));
// for (int i=1; i<n-1; i++) {
// region.Union(GdaShapeAlgs::createLineRegion(points[chunk_index+i],
// points[chunk_index+i+1]));
// }
// }
// chunk_index += count[h]; // increment to next part
center_o = GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(pc->points);
center.x = (int) center_o.x;
center.y = (int) center_o.y;
if (points) delete [] points; points = 0;
if (points_o) delete [] points_o; points_o = 0;
if (count) delete [] count; count = 0;
void GdaPolyLine::projectToBasemap(Gda::Basemap* basemap, double scale_factor)
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
basemap->LatLngToXY(points_o[i].x, points_o[i].y, points[i].x, points[i].y);
if (scale_factor != 1) {
points[i].x = points[i].x * scale_factor;
points[i].y = points[i].y * scale_factor;
void GdaPolyLine::Offset(double dx, double dy)
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points[i].x = points_o[i].x + dx;
points[i].y = points_o[i].y + dy;
void GdaPolyLine::Offset(int dx, int dy)
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points[i].x = points_o[i].x + dx;
points[i].y = points_o[i].y + dy;
void GdaPolyLine::Update(wxPoint pt1, wxPoint pt2)
if (n > 2)
points_o[0].x = pt1.x;
points_o[0].y = pt1.y;
points_o[1].x = pt2.x;
points_o[1].y = pt2.y;
points[0].x = (int) pt1.x;
points[0].y = (int) pt1.y;
points[1].x = (int) pt2.x;
points[1].y = (int) pt2.y;
center_o = GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(n, points_o);
center.x = (int) center_o.x;
center.y = (int) center_o.y;
null_shape = false;
GdaPolyLine& GdaPolyLine::operator=(const GdaPolyLine& s)
if (points) delete [] points; points = 0;
if (points_o) delete [] points_o; points_o = 0;
if (count) delete [] count; count = 0;
if (s.null_shape) return *this;
if (s.points) {
points = new wxPoint[s.n];
for (int i=0, iend=s.n; i<iend; i++) {
points[i] = s.points[i];
if (s.points_o) {
points_o = new wxRealPoint[n];
for (int i=0, iend=s.n; i<iend; i++) {
points_o[i] = s.points_o[i];
if (s.count) {
count = new int[s.n_count];
for (int i=0, iend=s.n_count; i<iend; i++) {
count[i] = s.count[i];
n = s.n;
n_count = s.n_count;
pc = s.pc;
return *this;
bool GdaPolyLine::pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt)
if (null_shape) return false;
const double r = 3.0; // point radius
wxRealPoint hp;
double hp_rad;
for (int j=0, its=n-1; j<its; j++) {
hp.x = (points[j].x + points[j+1].x)/2.0;
hp.y = (points[j].y + points[j+1].y)/2.0;
hp_rad = GenUtils::distance(points[j],
if ((GenUtils::pointToLineDist(pt, points[j], points[j+1]) <= r) &&
(GenUtils::distance(hp, pt) <= hp_rad + r)) return true;
return false;
bool GdaPolyLine::regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r)
return false;
void GdaPolyLine::applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A)
if (null_shape) return;
GdaShape::applyScaleTrans(A); // apply affine transform to base class
if (points_o) {
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
A.transform(points_o[i], &(points[i]));
} else {
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
A.transform(pc->points[i], &(points[i]));
void GdaPolyLine::paintSelf(wxDC& dc)
if (null_shape) return;
int nx = getXNudge();
int ny = getYNudge();
if (n > 1) {
for (int i=0, its=n-1; i<its; i++) {
dc.DrawLine(points[i].x+nx, points[i].y+ny,
points[i+1].x+nx, points[i+1].y+ny);
} else {
dc.DrawPoint(points[0].x+nx, points[0].y+ny);
void GdaPolyLine::paintSelf(wxGraphicsContext* gc)
wxString GdaPolyLine::printDetails()
wxString s;
s << "GdaPolyLine attribs: ";
s << "\n null_shape : " << null_shape;
s << "\n n : " << n;
s << "\n n_count : " << n_count;
s << "\n count[0] : " << count[0];
s << "\n points[0].x : " << points[0].x;
s << "\n points[0].y : " << points[0].y;
return s;
: n(0), points(0), points_o(0)
null_shape = true;
GdaSpline::GdaSpline(const GdaSpline& s)
: GdaShape(s), //region(s.region),
n(s.n), points_o(s.points_o), points(0)
if (null_shape) return;
points = new wxPoint[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points[i].x = s.points[i].x;
points[i].y = s.points[i].y;
if (s.points_o) {
points_o = new wxRealPoint[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points_o[i].x = s.points_o[i].x;
points_o[i].y = s.points_o[i].y;
GdaSpline::GdaSpline(const std::vector<wxRealPoint>& points_orig)
: n((int) points_orig.size()), points_o(0), points(0)
if (n == 0) {
null_shape = true;
points = new wxPoint[n];
points_o = new wxRealPoint[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points_o[i].x = points_orig[i].x;
points_o[i].y = points_orig[i].y;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points[i].x = (int) points_orig[i].x;
points[i].y = (int) points_orig[i].y;
center_o = GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(n, points_o);
center.x = (int) center_o.x;
center.y = (int) center_o.y;
GdaSpline::GdaSpline(const std::vector<double>& x_orig,
const std::vector<double>& y_orig)
: n((int) x_orig.size()), points_o(0), points(0)
if (n == 0) {
null_shape = true;
points = new wxPoint[n];
points_o = new wxRealPoint[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points_o[i].x = x_orig[i];
points_o[i].y = y_orig[i];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points[i].x = (int) x_orig[i];
points[i].y = (int) y_orig[i];
center_o = GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(n, points_o);
center.x = (int) center_o.x;
center.y = (int) center_o.y;
This is a special constructor to make it convenient to specify
additional first and last points as part of a curve. This
is useful for smoothed data sets where the smoothed curve
is extended to the edges of the bounding box.
GdaSpline::GdaSpline(double x_orig_first, double y_orig_first,
const std::vector<double>& x_orig,
const std::vector<double>& y_orig,
double x_orig_last, double y_orig_last,
double x_trans, double y_trans,
double x_scale, double y_scale)
: n((int) x_orig.size()+2), points_o(0), points(0)
if (n == 0) {
null_shape = true;
points = new wxPoint[n];
points_o = new wxRealPoint[n];
points_o[0].x = (x_orig_first-x_trans)*x_scale;
points_o[0].y = (y_orig_first-y_trans)*y_scale;
points_o[n-1].x = (x_orig_last-x_trans)*x_scale;
points_o[n-1].y = (y_orig_last-y_trans)*y_scale;
for (int i=0; i<n-2; i++) {
points_o[i+1].x = (x_orig[i]-x_trans)*x_scale;
points_o[i+1].y = (y_orig[i]-y_trans)*y_scale;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points[i].x = (int) x_orig[i];
points[i].y = (int) y_orig[i];
center_o = GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(n, points_o);
center.x = (int) center_o.x;
center.y = (int) center_o.y;
void GdaSpline::addExtensions(double x_orig_first, double y_orig_first,
const std::vector<double>& x_orig,
const std::vector<double>& y_orig,
double x_orig_last, double y_orig_last,
double x_trans, double y_trans,
double x_scale, double y_scale)
n = (int) x_orig.size()+2;
null_shape = false;
if (points) delete points;
points = new wxPoint[n];
if (points_o) delete points_o;
points_o = new wxRealPoint[n];
points_o[0].x = (x_orig_first-x_trans)*x_scale;
points_o[0].y = (y_orig_first-y_trans)*y_scale;
points_o[n-1].x = (x_orig_last-x_trans)*x_scale;
points_o[n-1].y = (y_orig_last-y_trans)*y_scale;
for (int i=0; i<n-2; i++) {
points_o[i+1].x = (x_orig[i]-x_trans)*x_scale;
points_o[i+1].y = (y_orig[i]-y_trans)*y_scale;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points[i].x = (int) x_orig[i];
points[i].y = (int) y_orig[i];
center_o = GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(n, points_o);
center.x = (int) center_o.x;
center.y = (int) center_o.y;
void GdaSpline::reInit(const std::vector<double>& x_orig,
const std::vector<double>& y_orig,
double x_trans, double y_trans,
double x_scale, double y_scale)
n = (int) x_orig.size();
if (points) delete points; points = 0;
if (points_o) delete points_o; points_o = 0;
null_shape = n == 0;
if (n <= 0) return;
points = new wxPoint[n];
points_o = new wxRealPoint[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points_o[i].x = (x_orig[i]-x_trans)*x_scale;
points_o[i].y = (y_orig[i]-y_trans)*y_scale;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points[i].x = (int) x_orig[i];
points[i].y = (int) y_orig[i];
center_o = GdaShapeAlgs::calculateMeanCenter(n, points_o);
center.x = (int) center_o.x;
center.y = (int) center_o.y;
if (points) delete [] points; points = 0;
if (points_o) delete [] points_o; points_o = 0;
void GdaSpline::Offset(double dx, double dy)
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points[i].x = points_o[i].x + dx;
points[i].y = points_o[i].y + dy;
void GdaSpline::Offset(int dx, int dy)
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
points[i].x = points_o[i].x + dx;
points[i].y = points_o[i].y + dy;
GdaSpline& GdaSpline::operator=(const GdaSpline& s)
//LOG_MSG("Entering GdaSpline::operator=");
if (points) delete [] points; points = 0;
if (points_o) delete [] points_o; points_o = 0;
if (s.null_shape) return *this;
if (s.points) {
points = new wxPoint[s.n];
for (int i=0, iend=s.n; i<iend; i++) {
points[i] = s.points[i];
if (s.points_o) {
points_o = new wxRealPoint[n];
for (int i=0, iend=s.n; i<iend; i++) {
points_o[i] = s.points_o[i];
n = s.n;
//region = s.region;
return *this;
//LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaSpline::operator=");
bool GdaSpline::pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt)
if (null_shape || !points) return false;
const double r = 3.0; // point radius
wxRealPoint hp;
double hp_rad;
for (int j=0, its=n-1; j<its; j++) {
hp.x = (points[j].x + points[j+1].x)/2.0;
hp.y = (points[j].y + points[j+1].y)/2.0;
hp_rad = GenUtils::distance(points[j], points[j+1])/2.0;
if ((GenUtils::pointToLineDist(pt, points[j], points[j+1]) <= r) &&
(GenUtils::distance(hp, pt) <= hp_rad + r))
return true;
return false;
bool GdaSpline::regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r)
//wxRegion reg(region);
//return !reg.IsEmpty();
return false;
void GdaSpline::applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A)
if (null_shape || n==0 || !points_o) return;
GdaShape::applyScaleTrans(A); // apply affine transform to base class
if (!points || !points_o) return;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) A.transform(points_o[i], &(points[i]));
void GdaSpline::paintSelf(wxDC& dc)
if (null_shape || n<=2 || !points) return;
// int nx = getXNudge();
// int ny = getYNudge();
dc.DrawSpline(n, points);
void GdaSpline::paintSelf(wxGraphicsContext* gc)
wxString GdaSpline::printDetails()
wxString s;
s << "GdaSpline attribs: ";
s << "\n null_shape : " << null_shape;
s << "\n n : " << n;
if (null_shape || !points || !points_o) return s;
s << "\n points[0].x : " << points[0].x;
s << "\n points[0].y : " << points[0].y;
return s;
null_shape = true;
GdaRay::GdaRay(const GdaRay& s)
: GdaShape(s), degs_rot_cc_from_horiz(s.degs_rot_cc_from_horiz),
GdaRay::GdaRay(wxRealPoint center_o_s, double degs_rot_cc_from_horiz_s,
int length_s)
: degs_rot_cc_from_horiz(degs_rot_cc_from_horiz_s), length(length_s)
center = wxPoint((int) center_o_s.x, (int) center_o_s.y);
center_o = center_o_s;
void GdaRay::Offset(double dx, double dy)
void GdaRay::Offset(int dx, int dy)
bool GdaRay::pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt)
// should use line intersection instead
if (null_shape) return false;
return GenUtils::distance(center, pt) <= length;
bool GdaRay::regionIntersect(const wxRegion& r)
return false;
void GdaRay::applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A)
if (null_shape) return;
GdaShape::applyScaleTrans(A); // apply affine transform to base class
A.transform(center_o, ¢er);
void GdaRay::paintSelf(wxDC& dc)
if (null_shape) return;
double dx = length;
double dy = 0;
// now rotate the vector (dx,dy) by deg_rot_cc_from_horiz
double rad = degs_rot_cc_from_horiz * 0.0174532925; // pi/180 = 0.1745...
double c_rad = cos(rad);
double s_rad = sin(rad);
double rot_dx = c_rad*dx - s_rad*dy;
double rot_dy = -(s_rad*dx + c_rad*dy);
wxPoint n_center(center.x+getXNudge(), center.y+getYNudge());
dc.DrawLine(center.x+getXNudge(), center.y+getYNudge(),
void GdaRay::paintSelf(wxGraphicsContext* gc)
: text(""), font(*GdaConst::medium_font),
ref_pt(0,0), ref_pt_o(0,0),
horiz_align(h_center), vert_align(v_center),
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { bb_poly[i].x = 0; bb_poly[i].y = 0; }
GdaShapeText::GdaShapeText(wxString text_s, wxFont font_s, const wxRealPoint& ref_pt_s,
double degs_rot_cc_from_horiz_s,
HorizAlignment h_align, VertAlignment v_align,
int x_nudge, int y_nudge)
: text(text_s), font(font_s),
ref_pt(ref_pt_s), ref_pt_o(ref_pt_s),
horiz_align(h_align), vert_align(v_align), hidden(false)
setNudge(x_nudge, y_nudge);
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { bb_poly[i].x = 0; bb_poly[i].y = 0; }
GdaShapeText::GdaShapeText(const GdaShapeText& s)
: GdaShape(s), text(s.text), font(s.font),
ref_pt(s.ref_pt), ref_pt_o(s.ref_pt_o),
horiz_align(s.horiz_align), vert_align(s.vert_align),
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) bb_poly[i] = s.bb_poly[i];
void GdaShapeText::Offset(double dx, double dy)
void GdaShapeText::Offset(int dx, int dy)
GdaShapeText& GdaShapeText::operator=(const GdaShapeText& s)
text = s.text;
font = s.font;
ref_pt = s.ref_pt;
ref_pt_o = s.ref_pt_o;
degs_rot_cc_from_horiz = s.degs_rot_cc_from_horiz;
degs_rot_cc_from_horiz_o = s.degs_rot_cc_from_horiz_o;
horiz_align = s.horiz_align;
vert_align = s.vert_align;
hidden = s.hidden;
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) bb_poly[i] = s.bb_poly[i];
return *this;
bool GdaShapeText::pointWithin(const wxPoint& pt)
return GdaShapeAlgs::pointInPolygon(pt, 5, bb_poly);
void GdaShapeText::projectToBasemap(Gda::Basemap* basemap, double scale_factor)
basemap->LatLngToXY(ref_pt_o.x, ref_pt_o.y, ref_pt.x, ref_pt.y);
if (scale_factor != 1) {
ref_pt.x = ref_pt.x * scale_factor;
ref_pt.y = ref_pt.y * scale_factor;
void GdaShapeText::paintSelf(wxDC& dc)
//LOG_MSG("Entering GdaShapeText::paintSelf");
if (hidden) return;
wxPen pen = getPen();
//wxString text("This is a very big test.");
//wxSize extent(dc.GetTextExtent(text));
//wxRealPoint t_ref_pt(300,200);
//dc.DrawCircle(wxPoint(t_ref_pt.x, t_ref_pt.y), 10);
//dc.DrawPoint(t_ref_pt.x, t_ref_pt.y);
wxPoint text_pos;
wxRealPoint nudged_ref_pt(ref_pt.x+getXNudge(), ref_pt.y+getYNudge());
text_pos = wxPoint(GdaShapeText::calcRefPoint(dc, text, font, nudged_ref_pt,
horiz_align, vert_align));
dc.DrawRotatedText(text, text_pos.x, text_pos.y,
// Calculate the bounding polygon. This is needed for pointWithin
wxSize extent(dc.GetTextExtent(text));
double x = extent.GetWidth();
double y = extent.GetHeight();
// rotate vector (x,0) by deg_rot_cc_from _horiz
double theta = degs_rot_cc_from_horiz / 57.2957796;
double xp_x = x * cos(theta);
double yp_x = x * sin(theta);
// now calculate upper left and upper right points
wxPoint ul(text_pos);
wxPoint ur(ul.x+xp_x, ul.y-yp_x);
// rotate vector (0,y) by deg_rot_cc_from_horiz
double xp_y = -y * sin(theta);
double yp_y = y * cos(theta);
// now calculate lower left point and lower right point
wxPoint ll(ul.x-xp_y, ul.y+yp_y);
wxPoint lr(ll.x+xp_x, ll.y-yp_x);
bb_poly[0] = ul;
bb_poly[1] = ur;
bb_poly[2] = lr;
bb_poly[3] = ll;
bb_poly[4] = ul;
// draw the full text bounding box for debugging purposes
//dc.DrawPolygon(5, bb_poly);
//dc.DrawLine(ul, ur);
//dc.DrawLine(ur, lr);
//dc.DrawLine(lr, ll);
//dc.DrawLine(ll, ul);
//wxPoint t_ref_pt(ref_pt.x+getXNudge(), ref_pt.y+getYNudge());
//dc.DrawCircle(t_ref_pt, 6);
//LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaShapeText::paintSelf");
void GdaShapeText::paintSelf(wxGraphicsContext* gc)
void GdaShapeText::GetSize(wxDC& dc, int& w, int& h)
wxSize extent(dc.GetTextExtent(text));
w = extent.GetWidth();
h = extent.GetHeight();
void GdaShapeText::applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A)
GdaShape::applyScaleTrans(A); // apply affine transform to base class
A.transform(ref_pt_o, &ref_pt);
// adjust degs_rot_cc_from_horiz according to A.scale_x and A.scale_y
// begin by calculating the unit vector that represents
// the rotation from horizontal
double rads = degs_rot_cc_from_horiz_o / 57.2957796;
double x_o = cos(rads);
double y_o = sin(rads);
double x = x_o * A.scale_x;
double y = y_o * -A.scale_y;
double dist_x_y = GenUtils::distance(wxRealPoint(0,0), wxRealPoint(x,y));
if (dist_x_y <= 4*DBL_MIN) return;
// renormalize to unit length
x /= dist_x_y;
y /= dist_x_y;
// now calculate cc degrees of rotation from (1,0) for (x,y)
degs_rot_cc_from_horiz = acos(x) * 57.2957796;
if (y < 0) degs_rot_cc_from_horiz = 360.0 - degs_rot_cc_from_horiz;
/** degs_rot_cc_from_horiz = degrees of rotation counter clockwise from
horizontal. */
wxPoint GdaShapeText::calcRefPoint(wxDC& dc, const wxString& text,
const wxFont& font,
const wxRealPoint& ref_pt,
double degs_rot_cc_from_horiz,
HorizAlignment h_align,
VertAlignment v_align)
//wxFont orig_font = dc.GetFont();
wxSize extent(dc.GetTextExtent(text));
double dx, dy;
if (h_align == left ) {
dx = 0;
} else if ( h_align == h_center ) {
dx = - (double) extent.GetWidth() / 2.0;
} else {
dx = - (double) extent.GetWidth();
if ( v_align == top ) {
dy = 0;
} else if ( v_align == v_center ) {
dy = (double) extent.GetHeight() / 2.0;
} else {
dy = (double) extent.GetHeight();
//dc.DrawLine(ref_pt.x, ref_pt.y, ref_pt.x + dx, ref_pt.y + dy);
//dc.DrawCircle(wxPoint(ref_pt.x + dx, ref_pt.y + dy), 5);
// now rotate the vector (dx,dy) by deg_rot_cc_from_horiz
double rad = degs_rot_cc_from_horiz * 0.0174532925; // pi/180 = 0.1745...
double c_rad = cos(rad);
double s_rad = sin(rad);
double rot_dx = c_rad*dx - s_rad*dy;
double rot_dy = -(s_rad*dx + c_rad*dy);
// add this to the original ref_pt.
wxPoint ret_pt(ref_pt.x + rot_dx, ref_pt.y + rot_dy);
//dc.DrawLine(ref_pt.x, ref_pt.y, ret_pt.x, ret_pt.y);
//dc.DrawCircle(ret_pt, 5);
return ret_pt;
: vals(0), attributes(0), rows(0), cols(0), font(*GdaConst::small_font),
ref_pt(0,0), ref_pt_o(0,0),
horiz_align(GdaShapeText::h_center), vert_align(GdaShapeText::v_center),
cell_h_align(GdaShapeText::h_center), cell_v_align(GdaShapeText::v_center),
row_gap(3), col_gap(10), hidden(false)
GdaShapeTable::GdaShapeTable(const std::vector<wxString>& vals_s,
const std::vector<CellAttrib>& attributes_s,
int rows_s, int cols_s, wxFont font_s,
const wxRealPoint& ref_pt_s,
GdaShapeText::HorizAlignment horiz_align_s,
GdaShapeText::VertAlignment vert_align_s,
GdaShapeText::HorizAlignment cell_h_align_s,
GdaShapeText::VertAlignment cell_v_align_s,
int row_gap_s, int col_gap_s,
int x_nudge, int y_nudge)
: vals(vals_s), attributes(attributes_s),
rows(rows_s), cols(cols_s), font(font_s),
ref_pt(ref_pt_s), ref_pt_o(ref_pt_s),
horiz_align(horiz_align_s), vert_align(vert_align_s),
cell_h_align(cell_h_align_s), cell_v_align(cell_v_align_s),
row_gap(row_gap_s), col_gap(col_gap_s),
setNudge(x_nudge, y_nudge);
GdaShapeTable::GdaShapeTable(const GdaShapeTable& s)
: GdaShape(s), vals(s.vals), attributes(s.attributes),
rows(s.rows), cols(s.cols), font(s.font),
ref_pt(s.ref_pt), ref_pt_o(s.ref_pt_o),
horiz_align(s.horiz_align), vert_align(s.vert_align),
cell_h_align(s.cell_h_align), cell_v_align(s.cell_v_align),
row_gap(s.row_gap), col_gap(s.col_gap),
GdaShapeTable& GdaShapeTable::operator=(const GdaShapeTable& s)
vals = s.vals;
attributes = s.attributes;
rows = s.rows;
cols = s.cols;
font = s.font;
ref_pt = s.ref_pt;
ref_pt_o = s.ref_pt_o;
horiz_align = s.horiz_align;
vert_align = s.vert_align;
cell_h_align = s.cell_h_align;
cell_v_align = s.cell_v_align;
row_gap = s.row_gap;
col_gap = s.col_gap;
hidden = s.hidden;
return *this;
void GdaShapeTable::Offset(double dx, double dy)
void GdaShapeTable::Offset(int dx, int dy)
void GdaShapeTable::paintSelf(wxDC& dc)
using namespace std;
//LOG_MSG("Entering GdaShapeTable::paintSelf");
if (hidden || vals.size() == 0 || rows*cols != vals.size()) return;
// we know that rows>0 and cols>0 and that rows*cols == vals.size()
// let's find the max vertical extent and the max horizontal
// extent for each row and each column
vector<int> row_h(rows, 0);
vector<int> col_w(cols, 0);
vector<wxSize> extents(rows*cols);
for (int i=0; i<rows; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<cols; j++) {
int ij = i*cols+j;
extents[ij] = dc.GetTextExtent(vals[ij]);
//wxString msg("extents[");
//msg << i << "," << j << "] = " << extents[ij].GetWidth();
//msg << "," << extents[ij].GetHeight();
if (row_h[i] < extents[ij].GetHeight()) {
row_h[i] = extents[ij].GetHeight();
if (col_w[j] < extents[ij].GetWidth()) {
col_w[j] = extents[ij].GetWidth();
//for (int i=0; i<rows; i++) {
//wxString msg("row_h[");
//msg << i << "] = " << row_h[i];
//for (int i=0; i<cols; i++) {
// wxString msg("col_w[");
// msg << i << "] = " << col_w[i];
// LOG_MSG(msg);
vector<wxPoint> d(rows*cols);
for (int i=0; i<rows; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<cols; j++) {
int ij = i*cols+j;
if (cell_h_align == GdaShapeText::left) {
d[ij].x = 0;
} else if (cell_h_align == GdaShapeText::h_center) {
d[ij].x = (col_w[j]-extents[ij].GetWidth())/2;
} else {
d[ij].x = col_w[j]-extents[ij].GetWidth();
if (cell_v_align == GdaShapeText::top) {
d[ij].y = 0;
} else if (cell_v_align == GdaShapeText::v_center) {
d[ij].y = (row_h[i]-extents[ij].GetHeight())/2;
} else {
d[ij].y = row_h[i]-extents[ij].GetHeight();
//wxString msg("d[");
//msg << i << "," << j << "] = " << d[ij].x;
//msg << "," << d[ij].y;
vector<wxPoint> pos(rows*cols);
int y_offset = 0;
for (int i=0; i<rows; i++) {
int x_offset = 0;
for (int j=0; j<cols; j++) {
int ij = i*cols+j;
pos[ij] = wxPoint(x_offset + d[ij].x, y_offset + d[ij].y);
x_offset += col_gap + col_w[j];
y_offset += row_gap + row_h[i];
int table_width = 0;
int table_height = 0;
for (int i=0; i<cols; i++) table_width += col_w[i];
for (int i=0; i<rows; i++) table_height += row_h[i];
table_width += (cols-1)*col_gap;
table_height += (rows-1)*row_gap;
wxPoint n_ref_pt;
n_ref_pt.x = ref_pt.x;
n_ref_pt.y = ref_pt.y;
if (horiz_align == GdaShapeText::h_center) {
n_ref_pt.x -= table_width/2;
} else if (horiz_align == GdaShapeText::right) {
n_ref_pt.x -= table_width;
if (vert_align == GdaShapeText::v_center) {
n_ref_pt.y += table_height/2;
} else if (vert_align == GdaShapeText::bottom) {
n_ref_pt.y += table_height;
n_ref_pt.x += getXNudge();
n_ref_pt.y += getYNudge();
bool attribs_defined = (attributes.size() == vals.size());
for (int i=0; i<rows; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<cols; j++) {
int ij = i*cols+j;
if (attribs_defined) {
dc.DrawText(vals[ij], pos[ij]+n_ref_pt);
//wxString msg(vals[ij]);
//msg << " = " << pos[ij].x << "," << pos[ij].y;
//LOG_MSG("Exiting GdaShapeTable::paintSelf");
void GdaShapeTable::paintSelf(wxGraphicsContext* gc)
void GdaShapeTable::GetSize(wxDC& dc, int& w, int& h)
using namespace std;
if (hidden || vals.size() == 0 || rows*cols != vals.size()) return;
vector<int> row_h(rows, 0);
vector<int> col_w(cols, 0);
vector<wxSize> extents(rows*cols);
for (int i=0; i<rows; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<cols; j++) {
int ij = i*cols+j;
extents[ij] = dc.GetTextExtent(vals[ij]);
if (row_h[i] < extents[ij].GetHeight()) {
row_h[i] = extents[ij].GetHeight();
if (col_w[j] < extents[ij].GetWidth()) {
col_w[j] = extents[ij].GetWidth();
w = 0;
h = 0;
for (int i=0; i<cols; i++) w += col_w[i];
for (int i=0; i<rows; i++) h += row_h[i];
w += (cols-1)*col_gap;
h += (rows-1)*row_gap;
void GdaShapeTable::applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A)
A.transform(ref_pt_o, &ref_pt);
: caption(wxEmptyString), is_horizontal(true),
caption_font(*GdaConst::medium_font), font(*GdaConst::small_font),
hidden(false), hide_scale_values(false), hide_caption(false),
auto_drop_scale_values(true), move_outer_val_text_inwards(false),
GdaAxis::GdaAxis(const GdaAxis& s)
: GdaShape(s), caption(s.caption), scale(s.scale),
is_horizontal(s.is_horizontal), caption_font(s.caption_font), font(s.font),
a(s.a), b(s.b), a_o(s.a_o), b_o(s.b_o), hidden(s.hidden),
hide_scale_values(s.hide_scale_values), hide_caption(s.hide_caption),
GdaAxis::GdaAxis(const wxString& caption_s, const AxisScale& s,
const wxRealPoint& a_s, const wxRealPoint& b_s,
int x_nudge, int y_nudge, bool inSubview_b)
: caption(caption_s), scale(s), is_horizontal(a_s.y == b_s.y),
a(a_s), b(b_s), a_o(a_s), b_o(b_s),
font(*GdaConst::small_font), caption_font(*GdaConst::medium_font),
hidden(false), hide_scale_values(false), hide_caption(false),
auto_drop_scale_values(true), move_outer_val_text_inwards(false),
hide_negative_labels(false), inSubview(inSubview_b)
setNudge(x_nudge, y_nudge);
/** Alternative consturctor where number of tics and tic lables are provided
by a vector of strings. In this case the AxisScale is ignored. */
GdaAxis::GdaAxis(const wxString& caption_s,
const std::vector<wxString>& tic_labels_s,
const wxRealPoint& a_s, const wxRealPoint& b_s,
int x_nudge, int y_nudge)
: caption(caption_s), tic_labels(tic_labels_s),
is_horizontal(a_s.y == b_s.y),
a(a_s), b(b_s), a_o(a_s), b_o(b_s),
font(*GdaConst::small_font), caption_font(*GdaConst::medium_font),
hidden(false), hide_scale_values(false),
auto_drop_scale_values(true), move_outer_val_text_inwards(false),
setNudge(x_nudge, y_nudge);
void GdaAxis::Offset(double dx, double dy)
void GdaAxis::Offset(int dx, int dy)
void GdaAxis::applyScaleTrans(const GdaScaleTrans& A)
A.transform(a_o, &a);
A.transform(b_o, &b);
void GdaAxis::paintSelf(wxGraphicsContext* gc)
void GdaAxis::paintSelf(wxDC& dc)
if (hidden) return;
bool use_axis_scale = (tic_labels.size() == 0);
size_t num_tics = use_axis_scale ? scale.tics.size() : tic_labels.size();
wxPoint aa = a;
aa.x += getXNudge();
aa.y += getYNudge();
wxPoint bb = b;
bb.x += getXNudge();
bb.y += getYNudge();
double my_tic_inc;
if (use_axis_scale) {
my_tic_inc = (GenUtils::distance(aa,bb) / scale.scale_range) *
} else {
my_tic_inc = GenUtils::distance(aa,bb) / ((double) (num_tics-1));
const int tic_length = 4;
const double label_offset = 8;
const double caption_offset = 26;
// total number of values to print in each case:
// scale_len < 40: 1
// 40 <= scale_len < 80: 2
// 80 <= scale_len < 120: 3
// in general, only 1 value per 40 pixels
int scale_len = isHorizontal() ? bb.x - aa.x : bb.y - aa.y;
if (scale_len < 0) scale_len = -scale_len;
if (scale_len == 0) scale_len = 1;
int max_label_len = 0;
if (use_axis_scale) {
for (size_t i=0, sz=scale.tics_str.size(); i<sz; ++i) {
int len = scale.tics_str[i].length();
if (len > max_label_len) max_label_len = len;
} else {
for (size_t i=0, sz=tic_labels.size(); i<sz; ++i) {
int len = tic_labels[i].length();
if (len > max_label_len) max_label_len = len;
double pixels_per_tic = ((double) scale_len) / ((double) num_tics);
// want at least 40 pixels per tic
double min_pixels_per_tic = 40;
if (max_label_len > 2) {
min_pixels_per_tic += 8*(max_label_len-2);
std::vector<bool> print_tic(num_tics, false);
size_t first_tic = 0;
size_t last_tic = num_tics > 0 ? num_tics - 1 : 0;
size_t middle_tic = 0;
if (num_tics > 2) {
if (num_tics%2==0) {
middle_tic = (num_tics/2)-1;
} else {
middle_tic = (num_tics-1)/2;
if (num_tics == 1) {
print_tic[first_tic] = true;
} else if (num_tics == 2) {
if (scale_len < min_pixels_per_tic) {
print_tic[first_tic] = true;
} else {
print_tic[first_tic] = true;
print_tic[last_tic] = true;
} else if (num_tics == 3) {
if (scale_len < min_pixels_per_tic) {
print_tic[1] = true;
} else if (scale_len < 2*min_pixels_per_tic) {
print_tic[first_tic] = true;
print_tic[last_tic] = true;
} else {
print_tic[first_tic] = true;
print_tic[middle_tic] = true;
print_tic[last_tic] = true;
if (num_tics > 3 && scale_len < min_pixels_per_tic) { // allow 1 tic
print_tic[first_tic] = true;
} else if (num_tics > 3 && scale_len < 2*min_pixels_per_tic) { // allow 2 tics
print_tic[first_tic] = true;
print_tic[last_tic] = true;
} else if (num_tics > 3 && scale_len < 3*min_pixels_per_tic) { // allow 3 tics
if (num_tics == 4) {
print_tic[first_tic] = true;
print_tic[last_tic] = true;
} else {
print_tic[first_tic] = true;
print_tic[middle_tic] = true; // middle tic
print_tic[last_tic] = true;
} else if (num_tics > 3) {
double pixels_so_far = 0;
for (size_t i=0; i<num_tics; ++i) {
double tic_i_loc = ((double) i) * pixels_per_tic;
//if (tic_i_loc >= pixels_so_far) {
print_tic[i] = true;
// pixels_so_far += pixels_per_tic;
if (hide_negative_labels) {
for (size_t i=0, sz=print_tic.size(); i<sz; ++i) {
if (!print_tic[i]) continue;
wxString text;
double v;
if (use_axis_scale) {
text = wxString(scale.tics_str[i].c_str(), wxConvUTF8);
} else {
text = tic_labels[i];
if (text.ToDouble(&v) && v < 0) print_tic[i] = false;
if (isHorizontal()) {
dc.DrawLine(aa.x, aa.y, bb.x, bb.y);
for (size_t i=0; i<num_tics; i++) {
int my_x = ((double) aa.x) + (((double) i) * my_tic_inc);
if (use_axis_scale) {
int tl_delta = scale.tics_str_show[i] ? 1 : -1;
dc.DrawLine(my_x, aa.y, my_x, aa.y + (tic_length+tl_delta));
} else {
dc.DrawLine(my_x, aa.y, my_x, aa.y + tic_length);
wxString text;
if (use_axis_scale) {
text = wxString(scale.tics_str[i].c_str(), wxConvUTF8);
} else {
text = tic_labels[i];
wxRealPoint ref_pt(my_x, aa.y+label_offset);
double cc_rot_degs = 0;
GdaShapeText::HorizAlignment horiz_align = GdaShapeText::h_center;
if (move_outer_val_text_inwards && i == 0 && num_tics > 1) {
horiz_align = GdaShapeText::left;
} else if (move_outer_val_text_inwards && i+1 == num_tics &&
num_tics > 1) {
horiz_align = GdaShapeText::right;
wxPoint text_pos = GdaShapeText::calcRefPoint(dc, text, font, ref_pt,
if (!use_axis_scale ||
(scale.tics_str_show[i] &&
!hide_scale_values && print_tic[i])) {
dc.DrawRotatedText(text, text_pos.x, text_pos.y, cc_rot_degs);
wxRealPoint ref_pt(aa.x + (bb.x - aa.x)/2, aa.y + caption_offset);
double cc_rot_degs = 0;
wxPoint text_pos = GdaShapeText::calcRefPoint(dc, caption, caption_font,
ref_pt, cc_rot_degs,
if (!hide_scale_values && !hide_caption) {
dc.DrawRotatedText(caption, text_pos.x, text_pos.y, cc_rot_degs);
} else {
dc.DrawLine(aa.x, aa.y, bb.x, bb.y);
for (size_t i=0; i<num_tics; i++) {
int my_y = ((double) aa.y) - (((double) i) * my_tic_inc);
if (use_axis_scale) {
int tl_delta = scale.tics_str_show[i] ? 1 : -1;
dc.DrawLine(aa.x - (tic_length+tl_delta), my_y, aa.x, my_y);
} else {
dc.DrawLine(aa.x - tic_length, my_y, aa.x, my_y);
wxString text;
if (use_axis_scale) {
text = wxString(scale.tics_str[i].c_str(), wxConvUTF8);
} else {
text = tic_labels[i];
wxRealPoint ref_pt(aa.x-label_offset, my_y);
double cc_rot_degs = 90;
GdaShapeText::HorizAlignment horiz_align = GdaShapeText::h_center;
if (move_outer_val_text_inwards && i == 0 && num_tics > 1) {
horiz_align = GdaShapeText::left;
} else if (move_outer_val_text_inwards && i+1 == num_tics &&
num_tics > 1)
horiz_align = GdaShapeText::right;
wxPoint text_pos = GdaShapeText::calcRefPoint(dc, text, font, ref_pt,
cc_rot_degs, horiz_align,
if (!use_axis_scale ||
(scale.tics_str_show[i] && !hide_scale_values && print_tic[i]))
dc.DrawRotatedText(text, text_pos.x, text_pos.y, cc_rot_degs);
wxRealPoint ref_pt(aa.x - caption_offset, aa.y + (bb.y - aa.y)/2);
double cc_rot_degs = 90;
wxPoint text_pos = GdaShapeText::calcRefPoint(dc, caption, caption_font,
ref_pt, cc_rot_degs,
if (!hide_scale_values && !hide_caption) {
dc.DrawRotatedText(caption, text_pos.x, text_pos.y, cc_rot_degs);
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