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Steven Fackler 提交于 2014-02-25 12:00 . Small reorder
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<title>Procedural Macros in Rust</title>
<meta name="description" content="An overview of the procedural macro system in Rust">
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<h1>Macros in Rust</h1>
<small>Steven Fackler / <a href="https://github.com/sfackler">sfackler</a></small>
<li>What's a macro?</li>
<li>Why use macros?</li>
<li>What's this externally loadable thing?</li>
<li>How does it work?</li>
<h2>What's a macro?</h2>
This stuff:
<pre><code data-trim>
let count = try!(r.read(buf));
let foo = bytes!("hello");
println!("Hello, {}", "world");
#[deriving(Show, Eq)]
struct Foo {
i: int
<h2>Not quite like C macros</h2>
C's preprocessor operates on a lexical level.
Think find and replace - like <code>sed</code>.
<pre><code data-trim>
#define MIN(a, b) (((a) &lt; (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define struct union
#define DO_A_THING(t) do { \
do_blah(t); \
do_foo(t); \
} while(0)
<h2>Rust's macros operate on the AST</h2>
<blockquote cite="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_syntax_tree">
&ldquo;An abstract syntax tree (AST), or just
syntax tree, is a tree representation of the
abstract syntactic structure of source code written
in a programming language.&rdquo;
<pre><code data-trim>
pub enum Expr_ {
ExprCall(@Expr, ~[@Expr]),
ExprMatch(@Expr, ~[Arm]),
ExprForLoop(@Pat, @Expr, P&lt;Block&gt;, Option&lt;Ident&gt;),
pub enum Item_ {
ItemFn(P&lt;FnDecl&gt;, Purity, AbiSet, Generics, P&lt;Block&gt;),
ItemTrait(Generics, ~[TraitDef], ~[TraitMethod]),
Macros can do things that normal code simply can't.
<p>Return from the invoking function</p>
<pre><code data-trim>
macro_rules! try(
($e:expr) =&gt; (
match $e {
Ok(e) =&gt; e,
Err(e) =&gt; return Err(e)
fn read_foo(r: &amp;mut Reader) -&gt; Result&lt;Foo, IoError&gt; {
let bar = try!(r.read_be_i32());
let baz = try!(r.read_bytes(10));
Ok(Foo { bar: bar, baz: baz })
<p>(Almost) freeform syntax</p>
<pre><code data-trim>
let map = make_map!(Start with collections::HashMap::new() and add
"foo" =&gt; 1,
"bar" =&gt; 2,
"baz" =&gt; 3);
<p>Do work at compile time instead of run time!</p>
<pre><code data-trim>
test.rs:2:35: 2:37 error: argument never used
test.rs:2 println!("hello {}", "world", 10);
<h2>How does it work?</h2>
Syntax extensions don't have to be defined in the
compiler anymore! (<a href="https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/11151">#11151</a>)
They can be implemented in libraries that the
compiler can load into itself.
<h2>Basic idea</h2>
It's simple for <code>macro_rules!</code>.
<pre><code data-trim>
macro_rules! my_macro(() =&gt; (1))
<h2>Basic idea</h2>
It's a bit more complicated for procedural macros.
Libraries define a <code>macro_registrar</code>
function to register procedural macros with the
<pre><code data-trim>
pub fn registrar(cb: |ast::Name, ext::base::SyntaxExtension|) {
<pre><code data-trim>
pub enum SyntaxExtension {
// e.g. #[deriving(...)]
// e.g. try!(...)
// e.g. macro_rules! foo(...)
<h2>Basic idea</h2>
Client code annotates the crate import to tell the
compiler to load syntax extensions from it.
<pre><code data-trim>
extern crate my_macros;
fn main() {
let _x = my_macro!();
Let's write a syntax extension that creates sorted
arrays of strings:
<pre><code data-trim>
extern crate sort;
fn main() {
assert_eq!(sort!("z", "", "hello", "a"),
["", "a", "hello", "z"]);
<a href="https://github.com/sfackler/syntax-ext-talk/tree/gh-pages/simple-ext">Source here</a>
Working with the AST can be extraordinarily verbose
- try creating an <code>impl</code> block via AST
nodes (or don't).
No type information.
Namespacing can be tricky. There's no way of
knowing what path a certain item is accessible by.
<h2>&#9888; Warning! &#9888;</h2>
External syntax extensions are feature gated for a
reason! The API can and will change.
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马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:mirrors_sfackler/syntax-ext-talk.git
