# Documentation:
# https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/guides/writing-pyproject-toml/
# https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/index.html
requires = ["setuptools", "wheel", "cython"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
package-dir = {"" = "src"}
zip-safe = false
provides = ["ezdxf"]
where = ["src"]
namespaces = false
name = "ezdxf"
dynamic = ["version"]
description = "A Python package to create/manipulate DXF drawings."
authors = [
readme = {file = "README.md", content-type = "text/markdown"}
requires-python = ">= 3.9"
keywords = ["DXF", "CAD"]
license = {file = "LICENCE"}
# full list of classifiers: https://pypi.org/classifiers/
"Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
"License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
"Operating System :: OS Independent",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12",
"Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython",
"Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy",
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
"Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules",
"Typing :: Typed",
# use PyQt5 (draw5/dev5) only when PySide6 is not available
draw = ["PySide6", "matplotlib", "PyMuPDF>=1.20.0", "Pillow"]
draw5 = ["PyQt5", "matplotlib", "PyMuPDF>=1.20.0", "Pillow"]
dev = [
dev5 = [
ezdxf = "ezdxf.__main__:main"
Repository = "https://github.com/mozman/ezdxf"
Documentation = "https://ezdxf.readthedocs.io"
Changelog = "https://ezdxf.mozman.at/notes/#/page/changelog"
Forum = "https://github.com/mozman/ezdxf/discussions"
Issues = "https://github.com/mozman/ezdxf/issues"
Website = "https://ezdxf.mozman.at"
Download = "https://pypi.org/project/ezdxf"
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