import requests
import urllib3
# Assign requests.Session instance to session variable
session = requests.Session()
# Define URL and PAYLOAD variables
URL = "https://sbx-nxos-mgmt.cisco.com/api/aaaLogin.json"
PAYLOAD = {"aaaUser": {"attributes": {"name": "admin", "pwd": "Admin_1234!"}}}
# Obtain an authentication cookie
session.post(URL, json=PAYLOAD, verify=False)
# Define SYS_URL variable
SYS_URL = "https://sbx-nxos-mgmt.cisco.com/api/mo/sys.json"
# Obtain system information by making session.get call
# then convert it to JSON format then filter to system attributes
response = session.get(SYS_URL, verify=False).json()
# Now, access the JSON data as you were doing before
sys_info = response["imdata"][0]["topSystem"]["attributes"]
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