#! /usr/bin/env groovy
// If run with no arguments, search through this directory recursively, looking at each .md file and
// then seeing if there are any references to that file in any of the other pages. Output shows a
// count of links to each page, sorted from largest to smallest.
// using the the generated _site directory, use grep to find files that mention the name of
// each page followed by ".html". We will just update the count of 'links' in the allPages
// map with the number of pages that mention the page in question. Then at the end, any page
// that has zero links to it is (potentially) an orphan. There may be some that are intentionally
// orphans.
// Note that if there are two pages with the same name but in different directories, we will mis-count
// those unless we make this way smarter about looking at page names and links.
// If run with a single argument, consider that argument as a name of a page and show the internal
// links to that page.
@Grab(group='commons-io', module='commons-io', version='2.6')
import org.apache.commons.io.FilenameUtils
// map of page name to count of links to that page
def allPages = [:]
// map of extension to count of number of files with that extension
def extensions = [:]
// a wrapper closure around executing a string
// can take either a string or a list of strings (for arguments with spaces)
// returns a count of lines in the output.
def getCountFromCommand = { strList, dirName ->
def proc = strList.execute(null,new File(dirName))
def stdout = new StringBuilder(), stderr = new StringBuilder()
proc.consumeProcessOutput(stdout, stderr)
def output = stdout.toString()
int count = 0
if (output.length() > 0) {
count = output.split("\r\n|\r|\n").length;
return count
// a wrapper closure around executing a string
// can take either a string or a list of strings (for arguments with spaces)
// prints the output
def runCommand = { strList, dirName ->
def proc = strList.execute(null,new File(dirName))
def stdout = new StringBuilder(), stderr = new StringBuilder()
proc.consumeProcessOutput(stdout, stderr)
println stdout.toString()
//--------- main execution -----------------------------------------------------
def currentDir = new File('.')
def removeablePath = currentDir.getCanonicalPath()
println "removeablePath is ${removeablePath}"
currentDir.eachFileRecurse {
fullPath = it.getCanonicalPath()
// ignore stuff in directories we don't care about
if (fullPath ==~ /.*\/_site\/.*/ ||
fullPath ==~ /.*\/\.git\/.*/ ||
fullPath ==~ /.*\/_includes\/.*/ ||
fullPath ==~ /.*\/_layouts\/.*/ ||
fullPath ==~ /.*\/dbdoc\/.*/ ||
fullPath ==~ /.*\/javadoc\/.*/ ) {
return true
// we are only interested in files. Check the extensions, we are only interested
// in .md files or .html files. Keep count of all extensions just for grins.
if (it.isFile()) {
extension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(it.name)
pageName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(it.name)
// blog posts are strange. The filename is like yyyy-mm-dd-title but the link
// you would use is like yyyy/mm/title so we need to extract just the title.
def match = pageName =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)-(.*)/
if (match) {
blogTitle = match[0][4]
pageName = blogTitle
pagePath = FilenameUtils.getFullPath(it.name)
pageId = "${pagePath}/${pageName}"
if (extensions.containsKey(extension)) {
extensions[extension] = extensions[extension] + 1
} else {
extensions[extension] = 1
if (extension == 'md' || extension == 'html') {
allPages[pageName] = 0
println "Total pages: ${allPages.size()}"
if (args.length == 0) {
print "Finding orphans "
allPages.each { entry ->
count = getCountFromCommand ("grep -nHIrF -- ${entry.key}.html".toString(),"_site")
allPages[entry.key] = count
print '.'
println ''
def sortedPages = allPages.sort { -it.value }
println "Pages"
println "\t${'PageName'.padRight(80)}\tLink Count"
sortedPages.each { entry ->
println "\t${entry.key.padRight(80)}\t${entry.value}"
} else {
println "Finding links to page named '${args[0]}.html'"
runCommand ("grep -nHIrF -- ${args[0]}.html".toString(),"_site")
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