![GDevelop logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/4ian/GDevelop/master/newIDE/GDevelop%20banner.png "GDevelop logo")
GDevelop is a full-featured, no-code, open-source game development software. You can build games for mobile, desktop and the web. GDevelop is fast and easy to use: the game logic is built up using an intuitive and powerful event-based system.
![The GDevelop editor when editing a game level](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/4ian/GDevelop/master/newIDE/GDevelop%20screenshot.png "The GDevelop editor when editing a game level")
## Getting started
| ❔ I want to... | 🚀 What to do |
| ------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Download GDevelop to make games | Go to [GDevelop website](https://gdevelop.io) to download the app! |
| Contribute to the editor | Download [Node.js] and follow this [README](newIDE/README.md). |
| Create/improve an extension | Download [Node.js] and follow this [README](newIDE/README-extensions.md). |
| Help to translate GDevelop | Go on the [GDevelop project on Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/project/gdevelop) or translate [in-app tutorials](https://github.com/GDevelopApp/GDevelop-tutorials). |
> Are you interested in contributing to GDevelop for the first time? Take a look at the list of **[good first issues](https://github.com/4ian/GDevelop/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22%F0%9F%91%8Cgood+first+issue%22)**, **[good first contributions](https://github.com/4ian/GDevelop/discussions/categories/good-first-contribution)** or the **["🏐 not too hard" cards](https://trello.com/b/qf0lM7k8/gdevelop-roadmap?menu=filter&filter=label:Not%20too%20hard%20%E2%9A%BD%EF%B8%8F)** on the Roadmap.
## Overview of the architecture
| Directory | ℹ️ Description |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `Core` | GDevelop core library, containing common tools to implement the IDE and work with GDevelop games. |
| `GDJS` | The game engine, written in TypeScript, using PixiJS (WebGL), powering all GDevelop games. |
| `GDevelop.js` | Bindings of `Core`, `GDJS` and `Extensions` to JavaScript (with WebAssembly), used by the IDE. |
| `newIDE` | The game editor, written in JavaScript with React, Electron and PixiJS. |
| `Extensions` | Extensions for the game engine, providing objects, behaviors, events and new features. |
To learn more about GDevelop Architecture, read the [architecture overview here](Core/GDevelop-Architecture-Overview.md).
Pre-generated documentation of the Core library, C++ and TypeScript game engines is [available here](https://docs.gdevelop.io).
Status of the tests and builds: [![macOS and Linux build status](https://circleci.com/gh/4ian/GDevelop.svg?style=shield)](https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/4ian/GDevelop) [![Fast tests status](https://gdevelop.semaphoreci.com/badges/GDevelop/branches/master.svg?style=shields)](https://gdevelop.semaphoreci.com/projects/GDevelop) [![All tests status](https://www.travis-ci.com/4ian/GDevelop.svg?branch=master)](https://www.travis-ci.com/github/4ian/GDevelop) [![Windows Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/84uhtdox47xp422x/branch/master?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/4ian/gdevelop/branch/master) [![https://good-labs.github.io/greater-good-affirmation/assets/images/badge.svg](https://good-labs.github.io/greater-good-affirmation/assets/images/badge.svg)](https://good-labs.github.io/greater-good-affirmation)
## Links
### Community
- [GDevelop forums](https://forum.gdevelop.io) and [Discord chat](https://discord.gg/gdevelop).
- [GDevelop homepage](https://gdevelop.io)
- [GDevelop wiki (documentation)](https://wiki.gdevelop.io/gdevelop5/start)
- Help translate GDevelop in your language: [GDevelop project on Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/project/gdevelop).
### Development Roadmap
- [GDevelop Roadmap on Trello.com](https://trello.com/b/qf0lM7k8/gdevelop-roadmap), for a global view of the features that could be added. Please vote and comment here for new features/requests.
- [GitHub issue page](https://github.com/4ian/GDevelop/issues), for technical issues and bugs.
- [Github discussions](https://github.com/4ian/GDevelop/discussions) to talk about new features and ideas.
### Games made with GDevelop
- See the [showcase of games](https://gdevelop.io/games) created with GDevelop.
- Find more GDevelop games on [gd.games](https://gd.games).
- Suggest your game to be [added to the showcase here](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfjiOnkbODuPifSGuzxYY61vB5kyMWdTZSSqkJsv3H6ePRTQA/viewform).
[![Some games made with GDevelop](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/4ian/GDevelop/master/newIDE/GDevelop%20games.png "Some games made with GDevelop")](https://gdevelop.io/games)
## License
- The Core library, the native and HTML5 game engines, the IDE, and all extensions (respectively `Core`, `GDJS`, `newIDE` and `Extensions` folders) are under the **MIT license**.
- The name, GDevelop, and its logo are the exclusive property of Florian Rival.
Games exported with GDevelop are based on the GDevelop game engine (see `Core` and `GDJS` folders): this engine is distributed under the MIT license so that you can **distribute, sell or do anything** with the games you created with GDevelop. In particular, you are not forced to make your game open-source.
[node.js]: https://nodejs.org