sap nwrfcsdk 7.2 include the win32, win64, linux x64. and sapcar.exe is win64.
This project is finished in 2006. It is established by visual c++ 2003. For contract management. Finished in 2005
This is a program for analysing the pdf file then copy from one dir to another dir according to file content.
This is for getting the information from pdf files and batch rename all of the pdf files. finished in 2012, revised in 2013 and 2015.
This is pdf generate program. And the print the generated pdf to label printer. FInished in 2015.07
this is my first program with python . It discribes how to invoke c dll for python. Finished in 2015.10
This is for info team to use 2d or barcode to manage the contract. Finished in 2016.3
This project is for batch printing of label. It invokes the bartend dll. The data is snapped from web(used html parser).
此项目是为蒂森克虏伯电梯-松江工厂开发的内部项目,使用python+django开发,WEB界面使用purecss+angularjs, 部署在centos,使用uginx部署。含如下模块(初始): 1 售后备件库管理 2 售后PO流程 3 MOD项目流程 4 非标选号器