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Guillaume Lefranc 提交于 2017-01-25 14:55 . Fix exception in debug message
// replication-manager - Replication Manager Monitoring and CLI for MariaDB
// Author: Guillaume Lefranc <[email protected]>
// License: GNU General Public License, version 3. Redistribution/Reuse of this code is permitted under the GNU v3 license, as an additional term ALL code must carry the original Author(s) credit in comment form.
// See LICENSE in this directory for the integral text.
package main
import (
termbox "github.com/nsf/termbox-go"
uuid "github.com/satori/go.uuid"
// Global variables
var (
hostList []string
servers serverList
slaves serverList
master *ServerMonitor
exit bool
dbUser string
dbPass string
rplUser string
rplPass string
failoverCtr int
failoverTs int64
tlog termlog.TermLog
ignoreList []string
logPtr *os.File
exitMsg string
termlength int
sme *state.StateMachine
swChan = make(chan bool)
repmgrHostname string
runUUID string
runStatus string
runOnceAfterTopology bool
func init() {
runUUID = uuid.NewV4().String()
runStatus = "A"
runOnceAfterTopology = true
var errLog = mysql.Logger(log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", 0))
monitorCmd.Flags().IntVar(&conf.MaxFail, "failcount", 5, "Trigger failover after N failures (interval 1s)")
monitorCmd.Flags().Int64Var(&conf.FailResetTime, "failcount-reset-time", 300, "Reset failures counter after N seconds")
monitorCmd.Flags().Int64Var(&conf.MonitoringTicker, "monitoring-ticker", 2, "Monitoring time interval in seconds")
monitorCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&conf.Autorejoin, "autorejoin", true, "Automatically rejoin a failed server to the current master")
monitorCmd.Flags().StringVar(&conf.CheckType, "check-type", "tcp", "Type of server health check (tcp, agent)")
monitorCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&conf.CheckReplFilter, "check-replication-filters", true, "Check that elected master have equal replication filters")
monitorCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&conf.CheckBinFilter, "check-binlog-filters", true, "Check that elected master have equal binlog filters")
monitorCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&conf.RplChecks, "check-replication-state", true, "Ignore replication checks for failover purposes")
monitorCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&conf.HttpServ, "http-server", false, "Start the HTTP monitor")
monitorCmd.Flags().StringVar(&conf.BindAddr, "http-bind-address", "localhost", "Bind HTTP monitor to this IP address")
monitorCmd.Flags().StringVar(&conf.HttpPort, "http-port", "10001", "HTTP monitor to listen on this port")
monitorCmd.Flags().StringVar(&conf.HttpRoot, "http-root", "/usr/share/replication-manager/dashboard", "Path to HTTP monitor files")
monitorCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&conf.HttpAuth, "http-auth", false, "Authenticate to web server")
monitorCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&conf.HttpBootstrapButton, "http-bootstrap-button", false, "Get a boostrap option to init replication")
monitorCmd.Flags().IntVar(&conf.SessionLifeTime, "http-session-lifetime", 3600, "Http Session life time ")
monitorCmd.Flags().StringVar(&conf.MailFrom, "mail-from", "mrm@localhost", "Alert email sender")
monitorCmd.Flags().StringVar(&conf.MailTo, "mail-to", "", "Alert email recipients, separated by commas")
monitorCmd.Flags().StringVar(&conf.MailSMTPAddr, "mail-smtp-addr", "localhost:25", "Alert email SMTP server address, in host:[port] format")
monitorCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&conf.Daemon, "daemon", false, "Daemon mode. Do not start the Termbox console")
monitorCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&conf.Interactive, "interactive", true, "Ask for user interaction when failures are detected")
monitorCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&conf.MxsOn, "maxscale", false, "Synchronize replication status with MaxScale proxy server")
monitorCmd.Flags().StringVar(&conf.MxsHost, "maxscale-host", "", "MaxScale host IP")
monitorCmd.Flags().StringVar(&conf.MxsPort, "maxscale-port", "6603", "MaxScale admin port")
monitorCmd.Flags().StringVar(&conf.MxsUser, "maxscale-user", "admin", "MaxScale admin user")
monitorCmd.Flags().StringVar(&conf.MxsPass, "maxscale-pass", "mariadb", "MaxScale admin password")
monitorCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&conf.HaproxyOn, "haproxy", false, "Wrapper running haproxy on same host")
monitorCmd.Flags().IntVar(&conf.HaproxyWritePort, "haproxy-write-port", 3306, "haproxy read-write port to leader")
monitorCmd.Flags().IntVar(&conf.HaproxyReadPort, "haproxy-read-port", 3307, "haproxy load balance read port to all nodes")
monitorCmd.Flags().StringVar(&conf.HaproxyBinaryPath, "haproxy-binary-path", "/usr/sbin/haproxy", "MaxScale admin user")
monitorCmd.Flags().StringVar(&conf.HaproxyReadBindIp, "haproxy-ip-read-bind", "", "haproxy input bind address for read")
monitorCmd.Flags().StringVar(&conf.HaproxyWriteBindIp, "haproxy-ip-write-bind", "", "haproxy input bind address for write")
var err error
repmgrHostname, err = os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("ERROR: replication-manager could not get hostname from system")
// initRepmgrFlags function is used to initialize flags that are common to several subcommands
// e.g. monitor, failover, switchover.
// If you add a subcommand that shares flags with other subcommand scenarios please call this function.
// If you add flags that impact all the possible scenarios please do it here.
func initRepmgrFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) {
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&conf.PreScript, "pre-failover-script", "", "Path of pre-failover script")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&conf.PostScript, "post-failover-script", "", "Path of post-failover script")
cmd.Flags().Int64Var(&conf.MaxDelay, "maxdelay", 0, "Maximum replication delay before initiating failover")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&conf.GtidCheck, "gtidcheck", false, "Do not initiate failover unless slaves are fully in sync")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&conf.PrefMaster, "prefmaster", "", "Preferred candidate server for master failover, in host:[port] format")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&conf.IgnoreSrv, "ignore-servers", "", "List of servers to ignore in slave promotion operations")
cmd.Flags().Int64Var(&conf.WaitKill, "wait-kill", 5000, "Wait this many milliseconds before killing threads on demoted master")
cmd.Flags().Int64Var(&conf.WaitTrx, "wait-trx", 10, "Wait this many seconds before transactions end to cancel switchover")
cmd.Flags().IntVar(&conf.WaitWrite, "wait-write-query", 10, "Wait this many seconds before write query end to cancel switchover")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&conf.ReadOnly, "readonly", true, "Set slaves as read-only after switchover")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&conf.LogFile, "logfile", "", "Write MRM messages to a log file")
cmd.Flags().IntVar(&conf.Timeout, "connect-timeout", 5, "Database connection timeout in seconds")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&conf.MasterConn, "master-connection", "", "Connection name to use for multisource replication")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&conf.MultiMaster, "multimaster", false, "Turn on multi-master detection")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&conf.Spider, "spider", false, "Turn on spider detection")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&conf.Test, "test", false, "Enable non regression tests ")
cmd.Flags().IntVar(&conf.FailLimit, "failover-limit", 5, "Quit monitor after N failovers (0: unlimited)")
cmd.Flags().Int64Var(&conf.FailTime, "failover-time-limit", 0, "In automatic mode, Wait N seconds before attempting next failover (0: do not wait)")
cmd.Flags().IntVar(&conf.MasterConnectRetry, "master-connect-retry", 10, "Specifies how many seconds to wait between slave connect retries to master")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&conf.FailSync, "failover-at-sync", false, "Only failover when state semisync is sync for last status")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&conf.FailEventScheduler, "failover-event-scheduler", false, "Failover Event Scheduler")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&conf.FailEventStatus, "failover-event-status", false, "Failover Event Status ENABLE OR DISABLE ON SLAVE")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&conf.Heartbeat, "heartbeat-table", false, "Heartbeat for active/passive or multi mrm setup")
var failoverCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "failover",
Short: "Failover a dead master",
Long: `Trigger failover on a dead master by promoting a slave.`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
sme = new(state.StateMachine)
// Recover state from file before doing anything else
sf := stateFile{Name: "/tmp/mrm.state"}
err := sf.access()
if err != nil {
logprint("WARN : Could not create state file")
err = sf.read()
if err != nil {
logprint("WARN : Could not read values from state file:", err)
} else {
failoverCtr = int(sf.Count)
failoverTs = sf.Timestamp
err = topologyDiscover()
if err != nil {
for _, s := range sme.GetState() {
// Test for ERR00012 - No master detected
if sme.CurState.Search("ERR00012") {
for _, s := range servers {
if s.State == "" {
s.State = stateFailed
if conf.LogLevel > 2 {
logprint("DEBUG: State failed set by state detection ERR00012")
master = s
} else {
if master == nil {
log.Fatalln("ERROR: Could not find a failed server in the hosts list")
if conf.FailLimit > 0 && failoverCtr >= conf.FailLimit {
log.Fatalf("ERROR: Failover has exceeded its configured limit of %d. Remove /tmp/mrm.state file to reinitialize the failover counter", conf.FailLimit)
rem := (failoverTs + conf.FailTime) - time.Now().Unix()
if conf.FailTime > 0 && rem > 0 {
log.Fatalf("ERROR: Failover time limit enforced. Next failover available in %d seconds", rem)
if masterFailover(true) {
sf.Timestamp = failoverTs
err := sf.write()
if err != nil {
logprint("WARN : Could not write values to state file:", err)
PostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Close connections on exit.
for _, server := range servers {
defer server.Conn.Close()
var switchoverCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "switchover",
Short: "Perform a master switch",
Long: `Performs an online master switch by promoting a slave to master
and demoting the old master to slave`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
sme = new(state.StateMachine)
err := topologyDiscover()
if err != nil {
PostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Close connections on exit.
for _, server := range servers {
defer server.Conn.Close()
var monitorCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "monitor",
Short: "Start the conf.Interactive replication monitor",
Long: `Starts replication-manager in stateful monitor daemon mode.
Interactive console and HTTP dashboards are available for control`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
if conf.LogLevel >= 2 {
log.Printf("%+v", conf)
if conf.HttpServ {
go httpserver()
if !conf.Daemon {
err := termbox.Init()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Termbox initialization error", err)
// Initialize the state machine at this stage where everything is fine.
sme = new(state.StateMachine)
if conf.Daemon {
termlength = 40
logprintf("INFO : replication-manager version %s started in daemon mode", repmgrVersion)
} else {
_, termlength = termbox.Size()
if termlength == 0 {
termlength = 120
loglen := termlength - 9 - (len(hostList) * 3)
tlog = termlog.NewTermLog(loglen)
if conf.Interactive {
logprint("INFO : Monitor started in manual mode")
} else {
logprint("INFO : Monitor started in automatic mode")
termboxChan := newTbChan()
interval := time.Second
ticker := time.NewTicker(interval * time.Duration(conf.MonitoringTicker))
for exit == false {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
if sme.IsDiscovered() == false {
if conf.LogLevel > 2 {
logprint("DEBUG: Discovering topology loop")
states := sme.GetState()
for i := range states {
if sme.CanMonitor() {
/* run once */
if runOnceAfterTopology {
if master != nil {
if conf.HaproxyOn {
runOnceAfterTopology = false
if conf.LogLevel > 2 {
logprint("DEBUG: Monitoring server loop")
for k, v := range servers {
logprintf("DEBUG: Server [%d]: URL: %-15s State: %6s PrevState: %6s", k, v.URL, v.State, v.PrevState)
if master != nil {
logprintf("DEBUG: Master [ ]: URL: %-15s State: %6s PrevState: %6s", master.URL, master.State, master.PrevState)
for k, v := range slaves {
logprintf("DEBUG: Slave [%d]: URL: %-15s State: %6s PrevState: %6s", k, v.URL, v.State, v.PrevState)
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
for _, server := range servers {
go server.check(wg)
states := sme.GetState()
for i := range states {
select {
case sig := <-swChan:
if sig {
//do nothing
if !sme.IsInFailover() {
case event := <-termboxChan:
switch event.Type {
case termbox.EventKey:
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlS {
if master.State != stateFailed || master.FailCount > 0 {
} else {
logprint("ERROR: Master failed, cannot initiate switchover")
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlF {
if master.State == stateFailed {
} else {
logprint("ERROR: Master not failed, cannot initiate failover")
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlD {
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlR {
logprint("INFO: Setting slaves read-only")
for _, sl := range slaves {
dbhelper.SetReadOnly(sl.Conn, true)
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlW {
logprint("INFO: Setting slaves read-write")
for _, sl := range slaves {
dbhelper.SetReadOnly(sl.Conn, false)
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlI {
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlH {
if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlQ {
logprint("INFO : Quitting monitor")
exit = true
switch event.Ch {
case 's':
if exitMsg != "" {
PostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Close connections on exit.
for _, server := range servers {
defer server.Conn.Close()
func checkfailed() {
// Don't trigger a failover if a switchover is happening
if sme.IsInFailover() {
logprintf("DEBUG: In Failover skip checking failed master")
// logprintf("WARN : Constraint is blocking master state %s stateFailed %s conf.Interactive %b master.FailCount %d >= maxfail %d" ,master.State,stateFailed,interactive, master.FailCount , maxfail )
if master != nil {
if master.State == stateFailed && conf.Interactive == false && master.FailCount >= conf.MaxFail {
rem := (failoverTs + conf.FailTime) - time.Now().Unix()
if (conf.FailTime == 0) || (conf.FailTime > 0 && (rem <= 0 || failoverCtr == 0)) {
if failoverCtr == conf.FailLimit {
sme.AddState("INF00002", state.State{ErrType: "INFO", ErrDesc: "Failover limit reached. Switching to manual mode", ErrFrom: "MON"})
conf.Interactive = true
} else if conf.FailTime > 0 && rem%10 == 0 {
logprintf("WARN : Failover time limit enforced. Next failover available in %d seconds", rem)
} else {
logprintf("WARN : Constraint is blocking for failover")
} else if master.State == stateFailed && master.FailCount < conf.MaxFail {
logprintf("WARN : Waiting more prove of master death")
} else {
logprintf("WARN : Unknown master when checking failover")
func newTbChan() chan termbox.Event {
termboxChan := make(chan termbox.Event)
go func() {
for {
termboxChan <- termbox.PollEvent()
return termboxChan
// Check that mandatory flags have correct values. This is not part of the state machine and mandatory flags
// must lead to Fatal errors if initialized with wrong values.
func repmgrFlagCheck() {
if conf.LogFile != "" {
var err error
logPtr, err = os.OpenFile(conf.LogFile, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE, 0644)
if err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR: Error opening logfile, disabling for the rest of the session.")
conf.LogFile = ""
// if slaves option has been supplied, split into a slice.
if conf.Hosts != "" {
hostList = strings.Split(conf.Hosts, ",")
} else {
log.Fatal("ERROR: No hosts list specified.")
// validate users
if conf.User == "" {
log.Fatal("ERROR: No master user/pair specified.")
dbUser, dbPass = misc.SplitPair(conf.User)
if conf.RplUser == "" {
log.Fatal("ERROR: No replication user/pair specified.")
rplUser, rplPass = misc.SplitPair(conf.RplUser)
// If there's an existing encryption key, decrypt the passwords
k, err := readKey()
if err != nil {
log.Println("INFO : No existing password encryption scheme:", err)
} else {
p := crypto.Password{Key: k}
p.CipherText = dbPass
dbPass = p.PlainText
p.CipherText = rplPass
rplPass = p.PlainText
if conf.IgnoreSrv != "" {
ignoreList = strings.Split(conf.IgnoreSrv, ",")
// Check if preferred master is included in Host List
pfa := strings.Split(conf.PrefMaster, ",")
if len(pfa) > 1 {
log.Fatal("ERROR: prefmaster option takes exactly one argument")
ret := func() bool {
for _, v := range hostList {
if v == conf.PrefMaster {
return true
return false
if ret() == false && conf.PrefMaster != "" {
log.Fatal("ERROR: Preferred master is not included in the hosts option")
func toggleInteractive() {
if conf.Interactive == true {
conf.Interactive = false
logprintf("INFO : Failover monitor switched to automatic mode")
} else {
conf.Interactive = true
logprintf("INFO : Failover monitor switched to manual mode")
func getActiveStatus() {
for _, sv := range servers {
err := dbhelper.SetStatusActiveHeartbeat(sv.Conn, runUUID, "A")
if err == nil {
runStatus = "A"
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:mattu/replication-manager.git
