Providing resource loading, parsing, and reading capabilities | 提供资源加载、解析、读取的能力
Appspawn module for spawning application processes | 应用孵化模块
JS UI framework | JS UI开发框架
Providing resource loading, parsing, and reading capabilities | 提供资源加载、解析、读取的能力
Storing declaration files for JavaScript APIs | JavaScript API 公共仓,存放 d.ts 声明文件
Providing resource loading, parsing, and reading capabilities | 提供资源加载、解析、读取的能力
Background task manager service | 后台任务管理服务
ability_runtime | 元能力框架
Ability management framework | 元能力框架
Application compatibility test suite | acts应用兼容性测试套
We provide a series of app samples to help you quickly get familiar with the APIs and app development process of the OpenHarmony SDKs. | 为帮助开发者快速熟悉OpenHarmony SDK所提供的API和应用开发流程,我们提供了一系列的应用示例
Providing system resources such as fonts | 字体等系统资源
Global resource manager framework | 全球化资源管理框架
ability_base | 元能力基础部件
Bundle management framework | 包管理框架