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strings英文原版备份.json 107.87 KB
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coderKang 提交于 2019-10-02 22:19 . Add files via upload
"languageOption": {
"label": "English (US)",
"value": "en-us"
"menuStrings": {
"ProductName": "<%= productName %>",
"AboutProduct": "About <%= productName %>",
"VersionNumber": "Version <%= version %> (<%= bitness %>-bit)",
"ViewReleaseNotes": "View Release Notes",
"CheckingForUpdates": "Checking for updates...",
"RestartAndInstallUpdate": "Restart and Install Update",
"CheckForUpdateWithLastCheckedTime": "Check for Update <%= updateLastCheckedTime %>",
"UpdateAvailableWithVersion": "Update available (<%= updateAvailableVersion %>)",
"UpdateAvailableDownloadDeb": "Download .deb file",
"UpdateAvailableDownloadRpm": "Download .rpm file",
"UpdateAvailableDownloadTargz": "Download .tar.gz file",
"UpdateDownloadedShowFile": "Update downloaded (show file)",
"UpdateErroredAtTime": "Update Errored <%= updateErrorTime %>",
"DownloadingUpdate": "Downloading Update...",
"DownloadUpdate" : "Download Update",
"Preferences": "Preferences...",
"&Preferences": "&Preferences...",
"Services": "Services",
"Hide": "Hide GitKraken",
"HideOthers": "Hide Others",
"ShowAll": "Show All",
"Quit": "Quit GitKraken",
"E&xit": "E&xit",
"File": "File",
"&File": "&File",
"NewTab": "New Tab",
"&NewTab": "&New Tab",
"CloneRepo": "Clone Repo",
"Clo&neRepo": "Clo&ne Repo",
"InitRepo": "Init Repo",
"&InitRepo": "&Init Repo",
"OpenRepo": "Open Repo",
"&OpenRepo": "&Open Repo",
"Open&Terminal": "Open &Terminal",
"OpenTerminal": "Open Terminal",
"OpenInFileManager": "Open in File Manager",
"Edit": "Edit",
"&Edit": "&Edit",
"Undo": "Undo",
"&Undo": "&Undo",
"Redo": "Redo",
"&Redo": "&Redo",
"Cut": "Cut",
"&Cut": "&Cut",
"Copy": "Copy",
"C&opy": "C&opy",
"Paste": "Paste",
"&Paste": "&Paste",
"SelectAll": "Select All",
"Select&All": "Select &All",
"View": "View",
"&View": "&View",
"Reload": "Reload",
"&Reload": "&Reload",
"ToggleFullScreen": "Toggle Full Screen",
"Toggle&FullScreen": "Toggle &Full Screen",
"Developer": "Developer",
"SupportLogs": "Support Logs",
"RunTests": "Run Tests...",
"RunSystemTests": "Run System Tests...",
"RunTestsWithCoverage": "Run Tests with Coverage...",
"ToggleDeveloperTools": "Toggle Developer Tools",
"ToggleDeveloper&Tools": "Toggle Developer &Tools",
"ToggleReactPerfRecording": "Start/Stop React Perf Recording",
"PrintPerformanceTimingsToTerminal": "Print Performance Timings to Terminal",
"Tabs": "Tabs",
"CloseTab": "Close Tab",
"SelectNextTab": "Select Next Tab",
"SelectPreviousTab": "Select Previous Tab",
"SelectTab1": "Select Tab 1",
"SelectTab2": "Select Tab 2",
"SelectTab3": "Select Tab 3",
"SelectTab4": "Select Tab 4",
"SelectTab5": "Select Tab 5",
"SelectTab6": "Select Tab 6",
"SelectTab7": "Select Tab 7",
"SelectTab8": "Select Tab 8",
"SelectTab9": "Select Tab 9",
"Favorites": "Favorites",
"OpenFavorite1": "Open Favorite Repo 1",
"OpenFavorite2": "Open Favorite Repo 2",
"OpenFavorite3": "Open Favorite Repo 3",
"OpenFavorite4": "Open Favorite Repo 4",
"OpenFavorite5": "Open Favorite Repo 5",
"OpenFavorite6": "Open Favorite Repo 6",
"OpenFavorite7": "Open Favorite Repo 7",
"OpenFavorite8": "Open Favorite Repo 8",
"OpenFavorite9": "Open Favorite Repo 9",
"Window": "Window",
"Minimize": "Minimize",
"Zoom": "Zoom",
"Help": "Help",
"&Help": "&Help",
"ViewSupportDocs": "View Support Documentation",
"ViewErrorLogs": "View Error Logs",
"ViewPerformanceLogs": "View Performance Logs",
"SendUsFeedback": "Send Us Feedback",
"GetSupport": "Get Support",
"KeyboardShortcuts": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"OpenFuzzyFinder": "Open Fuzzy Finder",
"FollowUsOnTwitter": "Follow Us on Twitter"
"strings": {
"About-BuiltBy": "GitKraken is built by Axosoft in sunny Scottsdale, AZ",
"About-OpenSource": "It uses some fine open source projects:",
"About-Libgit2License": "GitKraken uses the libgit2 library via NodeGit under the GNU public license with a linking exception",
"About-TermsOfService": "Terms of Service",
"About-OpenSourceLicenses": "Dependent Open Source Licenses",
"About-AllRightsReserved": "All rights reserved",
"Bytes": "bytes",
"By": "{0} by ",
"QuitGitKraken": "Quit GitKraken",
"Repo-Close": "Close repository",
"Repo-Delete": "Delete repository",
"Repo-ClearFromRecentRepositories": "Clear {0} from recent repositories",
"Repo-Open": "Open repository",
"Repo-OpenInFileManager": "Open in file manager",
"Repo-OpenInTerminal": "Open in Terminal",
"Registration-ChangeEmail": "Sign into a different account",
"Registration-CheckStatus": "Check Status",
"Registration-PrivateRepoDetected": "This appears to be a private repository",
"Registration-PrivateRepoDetectedContent": "The free version of GitKraken does not support opening private repositories.",
"Registration-CreateAccount": "Create a GitKraken Account",
"Registration-CreateAccountRetry": "Retry Creating Account",
"Registration-CreatingAccount": "Creating Account...",
"Registration-DontWantAccount": "I don't want to create an account right now",
"Registration-EmailDefault": "(defaults to git configs user.email)",
"Registration-EmailAddress": "Email",
"Registration-EnterEmailAddress": "Enter email address",
"Registration-EnterName": "Enter name",
"Registration-EnterpriseLoginFailedDueToNoLicense": "Your account does not have an active GitKraken Enterprise license.",
"Registration-ForgotPassword": "I forgot my password",
"Registration-GoBackToEnterpriseConfiguration": "Change the URL of the Enterprise server",
"Registration-GoingUnregistered": "You can use GitKraken for {0} days before creating or signing into an account.",
"Registration-LdapUsername": "Username",
"Registration-Name": "Name",
"Registration-NameAndEmailDefault": "(defaults to git configs user.email and user.name)",
"Registration-ServerConnectionError": "Could not connect to server.",
"Registration-SignInWithGitHub": "Sign in with GitHub",
"Registration-SuccessfullyRegistered": "Email verified!",
"Registration-HaveNotRegistered": "You have not verified your email address yet",
"Registration-iHaveReadAndAgreeToThe": "I have read and agree to the ",
"Registration-iAgree": "I Agree",
"Registration-Password": "Password",
"Registration-ConfirmPassword": "Confirm Password",
"Registration-Register": "Register",
"Registration-ResendEmail": "Send Again",
"Registration-ResendingEmail": "Sending...",
"Registration-ShowMoreOptions": "Show more options",
"Registration-Success": "An email has been sent to {0}. Please verify your email within {1} days to continue using GitKraken.",
"Registration-Failed": "Could not connect to server",
"Registration-FailedExtra": "Please try again later.",
"Registration-FailedExtraDaysLeft": "Please try again within {0} days to continue using GitKraken.",
"Registration-EULA": "End User License Agreement",
"Registration-EULAAbbreviated": "EULA",
"Registration-EULAUpdateTitle": "End User License Agreement Update",
"Registration-EULAFirstTimeMessage": "Almost there! We just need to make sure you agree to our EULA.",
"Registration-EULAUpdateMessage": "The End User License Agreement has been updated. You must agree to the new version to continue using GitKraken.",
"Registration-EULALoadFailed": "Failed To Load End User License Agreement",
"Registration-PasswordIsGood": "That's a great password!",
"Registration-PasswordStrength0": "very weak",
"Registration-PasswordStrength1": "weak",
"Registration-PasswordStrength2": "moderate",
"Registration-PasswordStrength3": "strong",
"Registration-PasswordStrength4": "luxurious",
"Registration-PasswordStrengthPrefix": "Password strength: ",
"Registration-PasswordTooShort": "Password must be at least {0} characters.",
"Registration-ProLicenseExpiredTitle": "License Expired",
"Registration-StudentLicenseExpiredTitle": "Student License Expired",
"Registration-ProLicenseExpiredBody1": "Your GitKraken license has expired. Please renew your subscription to continue using GitKraken.",
"Registration-StudentLicenseExpiredBody1-1": "Your GitKraken student license has expired. If you are still a student, you can regain your license by renewing your GitHub student pack, then restarting GitKraken.",
"Registration-StudentLicenseExpiredBody1-2": "Otherwise, please subscribe to continue using GitKraken.",
"Registration-ProLicenseExpiredBody2-1": "You are now using the free version of GitKraken. The ability to open private repos, the merge conflict editor, Profiles, and the GitHub Enterprise, GitLab Self-Managed, Bitbucket Server, and Azure DevOps integrations have been disabled.",
"Registration-ProLicenseExpiredBody2-2": "You can renew your subscription at any time from the main menu, or by visiting {0}.",
"Registration-StudentLicenseExpiredBody2-2": "You can subscribe at any time from the main menu, or by visiting {0}.",
"Registration-ProLicenseExpiredCancel": "Switch to Free Version",
"Registration-ProLicenseExpiredGoToShop": "Renew Subscription",
"Registration-StudentLicenseExpiredGoToShop": "See GitKraken plans",
"Registration-StudentLicenseExpiredRenewOnGitHub": "Renew on GitHub",
"Registration-UseGitKraken": "Use GitKraken",
"Registration-ValidateConfirmPassword": "Passwords must match.",
"Registration-ValidateField": "This field is required.",
"Registration-ValidateEmail": "Must use a valid email.",
"Registration-ValidateEULA": "You must agree to the EULA.",
"Registration-VerifyEmailTitle": "Please verify your email",
"Registration-VerifyEmailBody": "We haven't received verification from {0} yet. Please follow the link in the email sent to this address to continue using GitKraken.",
"Registration-CantFindEmail": "Can't find the email?",
"Registration-IncorrectEmail": "Incorrect account?",
"Registration-XDaysToActivate": "{0} Days to Activate",
"Registration-1DayToActivate": "1 Day to Activate",
"Registration-Login": "Sign in",
"Registration-LoggingIn": "Signing in...",
"Registration-CreateAccountTitle": "Create an Account",
"Registration-LoginTitle": "Welcome to GitKraken",
"Registration-SignInWithExistingGKAccount": "or sign in with an existing GitKraken account",
"Registration-GoToCreate": "Create one.",
"Registration-GoToLoginLeadin": "Already have an account? ",
"Registration-GoToLogin": "Sign in.",
"EnterpriseConfiguration-Title": "Configure GitKraken Enterprise",
"EnterpriseConfiguration-EnterHostname": "Please paste the URL provided on the GitKraken download page:",
"EnterpriseConfiguration-CouldNotConnect": "Could not connect to the server.",
"EnterpriseConfiguration-CouldNotParseURL": "Could not parse the given URL.",
"EnterpriseExpirationWarning-NDays": "License expires in {0} days",
"EnterpriseExpirationWarning-Tomorrow": "License expires in 1 day!",
"EnterpriseExpirationWarning-Today": "License expires in less than a day!",
"Standalone-LicenseConfigurationTitle": "Enterprise License",
"Standalone-LicenseInfoForActive": "Licensed to {0} for {1} users",
"Standalone-LicenseInfoForActiveExpiresSoon": "Licensed to {0} for {1} users. Expires in {2} days",
"Standalone-LicenseInfoExpiresTomorrow": "Licensed to {0} for {1} users. Expires in {2} day",
"Standalone-LicenseInfoExpiresToday": "Licensed to {0} for {1} users. Expires today",
"Standalone-LicenseInfoExpired": "Licensed to {0} for {1} users. Expired",
"Standalone-Unlicensed": "Unlicensed",
"Standalone-LicensedTo": "Licensed To",
"Standalone-NumberOfUsers": "# of Users",
"Standalone-Expires": "Expires",
"Standalone-DateExpired": "Expired {0}",
"Standalone-GitKrakenIsUnlicensed": "This copy of GitKraken is unlicensed.",
"Standalone-SavedLicenseIsInvalid": "The license on disk is invalid.",
"Standalone-AddAValidLicense": "Add a valid license file to continue.",
"Standalone-AddALicense": "Add a license file to continue.",
"Standalone-UpdateLicense": "Update License",
"Standalone-AddLicense": "Add License",
"Standalone-UpdatedLicenseWasExpired": "The license file you selected is expired.",
"Standalone-UpdatedLicenseFailedToUpdate": "Something went wrong when we tried to use the selected license.",
"Standalone-UpdatedLicenseWasInvalid": "The license file you selected was invalid.",
"Standalone-UpdatedLicenseWasNotFound": "The license file you chose was not found.",
"Standalone-BrowserForLicense": "Browse for GitKraken License",
"Standalone-BadSelectedLicense": "Update License Failed",
"Standalone-LicenseSuccessfullyUpdated": "License Successfully Updated",
"AnnotatedTag": "Annotated Tag",
"Apply": "Apply",
"Author": "Author",
"Branch": "Branch",
"branch": "branch",
"Close": "Close",
"Commit": "Commit",
"Create": "Create",
"AuthoredLabel": "authored",
"CoauthorsLabel": "Co-authors:",
"CommitterLabel": "committed",
"CommitLabel": "commit:",
"ParentLabel": "parent:",
"CheckingOutBranch": "Checking out branch",
"ConnectingWithEllipsis": "Connecting...",
"DateAuthored": "Author Date",
"DiscardAllChanges": "Discard all changes",
"Filter": "filter",
"GeneratingWithEllipsis": "Generating...",
"LoadingDiffWithEllipsis": "Loading diff...",
"LoadingWithEllipsis": "Loading...",
"Local": "Local",
"Optional": "(optional)",
"Parent": "Parent",
"Parents": "Parents",
"Pop": "Pop",
"ParentRepo": "Parent Repo",
"Pull": "Pull",
"Push": "Push",
"Redo": "Redo",
"Repo": "Repo",
"Repository": "Repository",
"repository": "repository",
"Save": "Save",
"DontSave": "Don't Save",
"ToggleHideLabel": "Hide",
"ToggleSoloLabel": "Solo",
"ShowAll": "Show All",
"SoloBranch": "Solo this branch",
"UnsoloAll": "Stop Soloing",
"SuccessWithBang": "Success!",
"Stage": "Stage",
"Staged": "Staged",
"Stash": "Stash",
"Tag": "Tag",
"Undo": "Undo",
"Uninitialized": "Uninitialized",
"Unstage": "Unstage",
"Unstaged": "Unstaged",
"UpstreamBranch": "Upstream branch",
"ViewAllRepositories": "View all repositories",
"ViewReleaseNotes": "View Release Notes",
"WorkInProgressAbbr": "WIP",
"WorkInProgressOnBranchAbbr": "WIP on {0}",
"Zoom": "Zoom",
"IndividualLicense": "INDIVIDUAL",
"Pro": "PRO",
"FreeUserLicense": "FREE",
"Enterprise": "ENTERPRISE",
"Standalone": "ENTERPRISE",
"IndividualLicenseCamelCase": "Individual",
"ProCamelCase": "Pro",
"FreeUserLicenseCamelCase": "Free",
"FreeBadgeTooltip": "Licensed for use on open source projects. Click to see plans.",
"Stash-ApplyWithUncommittedChangesPrompt": "You have uncommitted changes. Are you sure you want to apply the stash on top of your changes?",
"StashMessage-Amend": "Auto stash before amend of \"{0}\"",
"StashMessage-Checkout": "Auto stash before checking out \"{0}\"",
"StashMessage-CherryPick": "Auto stash before cherrypick of \"{0}\"",
"StashMessage-Merge": "Auto stash before merge of \"{0}\" and \"{1}\"",
"StashMessage-Rebase": "Auto stash before rebase of \"{0}\"",
"StashMessage-Revert": "Auto stash before revert of \"{0}\"",
"Ignore": "Ignore",
"IgnoreFile": "Ignore '{0}'",
"IgnoreNFiles": "Ignore {0} files",
"AllFilesWithSameExtension": "All files with the extension '{0}'",
"AllFilesInFolder": "All files in '{0}/'",
"IgnoreAllFilesInFolder": "Ignore all files in '{0}/'",
"File-AlreadyExists": "File '{0}' already exists",
"File-Blame": "File Blame",
"File-CanOnlyEditText": "Only text files can be edited",
"File-CouldNotOpenInEditor": "Could not open file in editor",
"File-CouldNotCreate": "Could not create file",
"File-CouldNotCreateOutOfRepo": "Cannot create a file outside of the repository!",
"File-CouldNotDelete": "Could not delete file",
"File-Create": "Create File",
"File-Created": "Created '{0}'",
"File-Delete": "Delete file",
"File-DeleteInWorkDir": "Delete file in working directory",
"File-Deleted": "Deleted '{0}'",
"File-DoesNotExist": "File does not exist",
"File-ConfirmDeletePath": "Are you sure you want to delete '{0}'?",
"File-Open": "Open file",
"File-Edit": "Edit file",
"File-OpenInDefaultProgram": "Open file in default program",
"File-OpenWithName": "Open {0}",
"File-Reset": "Discard changes",
"File-ShowFolderContents": "Open folder",
"File-ShowFolderContentsMac": "Open in Finder",
"File-ShowInFolder": "Show in folder",
"File-ShowInFolderMac": "Show in Finder",
"File-ShowInFolderMacWithName": "Show {0} in Finder",
"File-ShowInFolderWithName": "Show {0} in folder",
"File-StatusAdded": "ADDED",
"File-StatusDeleted": "DELETED",
"File-StatusRenamed": "RENAMED",
"File-StatusRenamedFrom": "from",
"File-StatusRenamedTo": "to",
"File-UnstageAndRemove": "Unstage and delete file",
"Folder-NewFile": "Create a file in this folder",
"Folder-MarkConflictedFilesAsResolved": "Mark all resolved",
"Folder-Open": "Open folder",
"Folder-ResetAll": "Reset folder",
"Folder-StageAll": "Stage folder",
"Folder-UnstageAll": "Unstage folder",
"Folder-DiscardAllChanges": "Discard all changes in folder",
"FileHistory": "File History",
"FileHistory-AuthorInfo": "Authored by {0} on {1}",
"FileHistory-CannotLinkToGraph": "This commit is not visible on the graph",
"FileHistory-CommitShaCopied": "Commit Sha copied!",
"FileHistory-DiffView": "Diff View",
"FileHistory-End": "End of History",
"FileHistory-FileView": "File View",
"FileHistory-LinkToGraph": "View {0} on graph",
"FileHistory-BlameButtonLabel": "Blame",
"FileHistory-ShowBlame": "Show blame details",
"FileHistory-UnknownAuthorName": "Unknown",
"FuzzyFinder-DefaultPlaceHolder": "Search for commands and actions (e.g., Open Repo)",
"FuzzyFinder-BlamePlaceholder": "Search for a file to view who did what (i.e. its blame)",
"FuzzyFinder-CheckoutPlaceholder": "Search for a branch to checkout",
"FuzzyFinder-CloseTab": "Close Tab",
"FuzzyFinder-CreateAnnotatedTag": "Create Annotated Tag",
"FuzzyFinder-CreateBranch": "Create Branch",
"FuzzyFinder-CreateFilePlaceholder": "Enter a new file name",
"FuzzyFinder-CreateTag": "Create Tag",
"FuzzyFinder-DeleteFilePlaceholder": "Search for a file to delete",
"FuzzyFinder-EditFilePlaceholder": "Search for a file to edit",
"FuzzyFinder-DevPlaceholder": "Order Chipotle",
"FuzzyFinder-HistoryPlaceholder": "Search for a file to view its history / blame",
"FuzzyFinder-OpenFilePlaceholder": "Search for a file to open",
"FuzzyFinder-OpenRepoPlaceholder": "Search for a repository to open",
"FuzzyFinder-RenameBranch": "Rename Branch",
"FuzzyFinder-SearchCommitsPlaceholder": "Search commits by message, sha, or author",
"FuzzyFinder-SwitchProfilePlaceholder": "Search for a profile to switch to",
"FuzzyFinder-ViewFilePlaceholder": "Search for a file to view",
"FuzzyFinder-BlameFilePrefix": "Blame",
"FuzzyFinder-CheckoutRefPrefix": "Checkout",
"FuzzyFinder-ConfigureGitFlow": "Configure Git Flow",
"FuzzyFinder-ConfigureGpgSigning": "Configure GPG Signing",
"FuzzyFinder-ConfigureLfs": "Configure LFS",
"FuzzyFinder-CreateFileKeywords": "create new file",
"FuzzyFinder-CreateFilePrefix": "Create File",
"FuzzyFinder-DeleteFilePrefix": "Delete File",
"FuzzyFinder-EditFilePrefix": "Edit File",
"FuzzyFinder-StartPullRequest": "Start Pull Request",
"FuzzyFinder-StartPullRequestKeywords": "New Create Pull Request",
"FuzzyFinder-DevPrefix": "Dev",
"FuzzyFinder-DiscardAllKeywords": "reset hard all",
"FuzzyFinder-FileHistoryPrefix": "History",
"FuzzyFinder-GitFlowPrefix": "Git Flow: ",
"FuzzyFinder-InitRepoKeywords": "initialize",
"FuzzyFinder-JoinTheLightOrDarkSide": "Join the {0} side",
"FuzzyFinder-JoinTheLightSlashDarkSide": "Join the Dark/Light side",
"FuzzyFinder-OpenGitFlowPanel": "Git Flow",
"FuzzyFinder-OpenFile": "Open File",
"FuzzyFinder-OpenFileInExternalCompareTool": "Open in External Diff/Merge Tool",
"FuzzyFinder-OpenRepoPrefix": "Open Repo",
"FuzzyFinder-OpenInFileManagerKeywords": "folder explorer finder",
"FuzzyFinder-OpenInTerminalKeywords": "command line console",
"FuzzyFinder-RefPrefix": "Branch: ",
"FuzzyFinder-RepoPrefix": "Repo Management: ",
"FuzzyFinder-SearchCommits": "Search Commits",
"FuzzyFinder-Settings": "Settings",
"FuzzyFinder-SettingsKeywords": "preferences options",
"FuzzyFinder-StashPrefix": "Stash: ",
"FuzzyFinder-SwitchProfile": "Switch to Profile",
"FuzzyFinder-ToggleSyntaxHighlighting": "Toggle Syntax Highlighting",
"FuzzyFinder-ToggleTheme": "Toggle Theme",
"FuzzyFinder-ToggleToolbarLabels": "Toggle Toolbar Labels",
"FuzzyFinder-ViewFile": "View File",
"FuzzyFinder-ViewErrorLogs": "View Error Logs",
"FuzzyFinder-ViewPerformanceLogs": "View Performance Logs",
"FuzzyFinder-ViewReleaseNotes": "View Release Notes",
"FuzzyFinder-ViewReleaseNotesKeywords": "patch notes changelog",
"FuzzyFinder-ViewWorkingDirectoryChanges": "View Working Directory Changes",
"FuzzyFinder-ViewWorkingDirectoryChangesKeywords": "changes wip workdir working",
"CommitSearch-Placeholder": "find commit",
"CommitSearch-ResultsText": "{0} of {1}",
"CommitSearch-NoResults": "0 results",
"GitHook-ExitCode": "Exit Code: {0}",
"GitHook-OpenFailureLogModal": "View Hook Output",
"GitHook-HookFailed": "{0} Failed",
"GitHook-OpenLogExternally": "Open in External Application",
"GitHook-PermissionDenied": "{0} isn't executable!",
"GitHook-PrePushDidNotRun": "Pre-push hook did not run",
"GitHook-PrePushDidNotRunReason": "{0} does not exist on {1}",
"GitHook-Output": "output",
"GitHook-NeedsCredentials": "A Git Hook needs your credentials",
"System-OperationCancelled": "Operation was cancelled by the user",
"LeftPanel-CheckedOut": "Checked out",
"LeftPanel-ClearFilter": "Clear filter",
"LeftPanel-Collapse": "Collapse Panel",
"LeftPanel-FilterCommits": "Filter ({0} + {1} + f)",
"LeftPanel-Filtering": "Filtering",
"LeftPanel-Expand": "Expand Panel",
"LeftPanel-Hide": "Hide in the graph",
"LeftPanel-Show": "Show in the graph",
"LeftPanel-StopSoloing": "Stop soloing this branch",
"TextOperation-Cut": "Cut",
"TextOperation-Copy": "Copy",
"TextOperation-CopyFileContentsToClipboard": "Copy file contents to clipboard",
"TextOperation-CopySuccess": "Copied!",
"TextOperation-Paste": "Paste",
"TextOperation-Delete": "Delete",
"TextOperation-SelectAll": "Select All",
"ResizePanel": "Resize Panel",
"FastForwardBranchToBranch": "Fast forward branch {0} to branch {1}",
"FileMayStillHaveConflicts": "Conflicts may still exist in this file",
"MergedBranchToRef": "Merge branch '{0}' into {1}",
"MergedRemoteBranchToRef": "Merge remote-tracking branch '{0}' into {1}",
"MergedTagToRef": "Merge tag '{0}' into {1}",
"MergedBranchToMaster": "Merge branch '{0}'",
"MergedRemoteBranchToMaster": "Merge remote-tracking branch '{0}'",
"MergedTagToMaster": "Merge tag '{0}'",
"MergeConflictMessageSingular": "A file conflict was found when attempting to merge into {0}",
"MergeConflictMessagePlural": "{0} file conflicts were found when attempting to merge into {1}",
"MergingIntoNamed": "Merging into {0}",
"ExternalDiffTool": "external diff tool",
"ExternalMergeTool": "external merge tool",
"OpenInDiffTool": "Open in diff tool",
"OpenInMergeTool": "Open in merge tool",
"OpenIn": "Open in {0}",
"MarkAllResolved": "Mark all resolved",
"MarkNResolved": "Mark {0} resolved",
"MarkAsConflicted": "Mark conflicted",
"MarkAsResolved": "Mark resolved",
"MarkNConflicted": "Mark {0} conflicted",
"UnsupportedRebaseMessage": "An external application is performing a rebase on this repository",
"ViewAuthenticationSettings": "View settings",
"ViewDiffToolSettings": "View diff tool settings",
"ViewMergeToolSettings": "View merge tool settings",
"ViewShPathSettings": "View Settings",
"ViewTerminalSettings": "View terminal settings",
"DiscardSelectedLines": "Discard selected lines",
"DiscardThisHunk": "Discard Hunk",
"DiscardThisLine": "Discard this line",
"DiscardNChanges": "Discard {0} files",
"RefCreatedMessage": "{0}: {1} created @ {2}",
"StageAllChanges": "Stage all changes",
"StageNChanges": "Stage {0} files",
"StageSelectedLines": "Stage selected lines",
"StageThisFile": "Stage File",
"StageThisChange": "Stage this change",
"StageThisHunk": "Stage Hunk",
"StageThisLine": "Stage this line",
"UnstageAllChanges": "Unstage all changes",
"UnstageNChanges": "Unstage {0} files",
"UnstageSelectedLines": "Unstage selected lines",
"UnstageThisFile": "Unstage File",
"UnstageThisChange": "Unstage this change",
"UnstageThisHunk": "Unstage Hunk",
"UnstageThisLine": "Unstage this line",
"StageFilemodeChange": "Stage filemode change",
"UnstageFilemodeChange": "Unstage filemode change",
"WindowsFilemodeChangeWarning" : "Filemode changes may have been made for the index outside of GitKraken.",
"WindowsFilemodeChangeWarningConfigEnabled" : "You have filemode changes enabled in your git config! In Windows, the files in the working directory appear to have -x, so filemode changes show up here.",
"OKButtonLabel": "OK",
"CancelButtonLabel": "Cancel",
"YesButtonLabel": "Yes",
"NoButtonLabel": "No",
"ExitButtonLabel": "Exit",
"ExitPreferencesButtonLabel": "Exit Preferences",
"PreviousButtonLabel": "Previous",
"NextButtonLabel": "Next",
"BrowseButtonLabel": "Browse",
"SubmitButtonLabel": "Submit",
"GenerateButtonLabel": "Generate",
"SendMessageButtonLabel": "Send",
"LogInButtonLabel": "Log In",
"FinishSetupButtonLabel": "Finish",
"OpenNowButtonLabel": "Open Now",
"InitializeButtonLabel": "Initialize",
"DeleteButtonLabel": "Delete",
"DeleteAndCommitLabel": "Delete & Commit",
"DiscardUnstagedChangesButtonLabel": "Discard Unstaged Changes",
"UnstageAndRemoveButtonLabel": "Unstage & Delete",
"ResetAllButtonLabel": "Reset All",
"ResetFileButtonLabel": "Reset File",
"ResetFilesButtonLabel": "Reset Files",
"SaveAncesor": "Save Ancestor",
"SaveFileButtonLabel": "Save File",
"CommitAndMergeButtonLabel": "Commit and Merge",
"DropCommitButtonLabel": "Drop commit",
"DropCommitsButtonLabel": "Drop commits",
"AbortCherrypickButtonLabel": "Abort Cherrypick",
"AbortMergeButtonLabel": "Abort Merge",
"StartRebaseButtonLabel": "Yes, Start Rebase",
"ContinueRebaseButtonLabel": "Continue Rebase",
"AbortRebaseButtonLabel": "Abort Rebase",
"CommitRevertLabel": "Commit Revert",
"SkipCommitButtonLabel": "Skip Commit",
"CommitButtonLabelStageFiles": "Stage files/changes to commit",
"CommitButtonLabelAddMessage": "Type a message to commit",
"CommitButtonLabelPlural": "Commit changes to {0} files",
"CommitButtonLabelSingular": "Commit changes to 1 file",
"ForcePushButtonLabel": "Force Push",
"ProvideFeedbackButtonLabel": "Feedback",
"LinuxUpdate-AvailableStatus": "Update available ({0})",
"LinuxUpdate-DownloadDebUpdateButtonLabel": ".deb",
"LinuxUpdate-DownloadRpmUpdateButtonLabel": ".rpm",
"LinuxUpdate-DownloadTarGzUpdateButtonLabel": ".tar.gz",
"LinuxUpdate-Downloaded": "Completed downloading {0}",
"LinuxUpdate-Downloading": "Downloading {0}...",
"LinuxUpdate-ShowDownloadedUpdateButtonLabel": "Update Downloaded (Show File)",
"LinuxUpdate-SomethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong when downloading the update",
"AutoUpdate-RestartGitKrakenAndInstallUpdateButtonLabel": "Update Ready (Restart GitKraken)",
"AmendPreviousCommitButtonLabel": "Amend Previous Commit",
"AmendOrRewordPreviousCommitMessageButtonLabel": "Update Message",
"AmendPreviousCommitMessageTip": "Click to amend your commit message",
"RewordCommitMessageTooltip": "Click to reword your commit message",
"RewordCommitMessageHelperText": "Rewording this commit message will cause {0} commits to be rebased.",
"RewordInputTitle":"Reword commit message",
"CancelAmendPreviousCommitMessageButtonLabel": "Cancel Amend",
"CancelRewordPreviousCommitMessageButtonLabel": "Cancel Reword",
"RefreshTokenLabel": "Refresh Token",
"OptIntoAnalyticsButtonLabel": "Send Analytics Data to GitKraken",
"OptIntoAnalyticsCancelButtonLabel": "Don't Send Data",
"RetryWithoutOAuthLabel": "Retry without OAuth",
"UpgradeGitKrakenButtonLabel": "Upgrade GitKraken",
"UpgradeToProButtonLabel": "Upgrade to GitKraken Pro",
"UseFreeButtonLabel": "Continue using GitKraken Free",
"SeePlansButtonLabel": "See GitKraken Plans",
"StartTrialButtonLabel": "GitKraken Pro Free Trial",
"TrialStatus": "{0} of GitKraken Pro Remaining - Upgrade Now",
"Version6LegacyTrialStatus": "{0} of GitKraken Individual Remaining - Upgrade Now",
"RemoveButtonLabel": "Remove",
"Option-None": "<None>",
"Option-UseMergeTool": "<Use Merge Tool>",
"GitFlowButtonTooltip": "Git Flow",
"UndoValidButtonTooltip": "Undo {0}",
"RedoValidButtonTooltip": "Redo {0}",
"UndoCannotButtonTooltip": "Cannot undo",
"RedoCannotButtonTooltip": "Cannot redo",
"UndoInvalidButtonTooltip": "Cannot undo {0}. Only commit (with a parent), checkout, and some discard operations are currently supported.",
"RedoInvalidButtonTooltip": "No recent undo found to redo",
"RefreshButtonTooltip": "Refresh",
"SetAsDefaultOptionTooltip": "Set as default",
"DefaultOptionTooltip": "Default",
"PushButtonTooltip": "Push",
"PullOptionsMessage": "Select a default pull/fetch operation to execute when clicking this button",
"PullOptions-FetchAll": "Fetch All",
"PullOptions-Merge": "Pull (fast-forward if possible)",
"PullOptions-FastForwardOnly": "Pull (fast-forward only)",
"PullOptions-NoFastForward": "Pull (no fast-forward)",
"PullOptions-Rebase": "Pull (rebase)",
"BranchButtonTooltip": "Branch",
"StashButtonTooltip": "Stash",
"ApplyStashButtonTooltip": "Apply Stash",
"PopStashButtonTooltip": "Pop Stash",
"OrderChipotleButtonTooltip": "Chipotle Thursday",
"SearchCommitsTooltip": "Search Commits ({0} + f)",
"Rebasing-CommitLabel": "Rebasing commit {0} out of {1}",
"Rebasing-AutoStashLabel": "Stashing uncommitted changes",
"Rebasing-PoppingAutoStashLabel": "Popping auto stashed changes",
"ReflogAction": "Action with reflog message \"{0}\"",
"ReflogActionCommit": "Commit \"{0}\"",
"ReflogActionCommitAmend": "Commit amend \"{0}\"",
"ReflogActionCheckout": "Checkout from \"{0}\" to \"{1}\"",
"ReflogActionReset": "Reset to \"{0}\"",
"ReflogActionSaveOne": "Discard \"{0}\"",
"ReflogActionSaveMany": "Discard \"{0}\" and {1} other file(s)",
"ReflogActionSaveUnknown": "Discard",
"ReflogActionDeleteBranchTracking": "Delete branch \"{0}\" tracking \"{1}\"",
"ReflogActionDeleteBranch": "Delete branch \"{0}\"",
"ReflogActionRemoveRemote": "Remove remote \"{0}\"",
"ContextMenu-AmendOrRewordCommitMessage": "Edit commit message",
"ContextMenu-AnnotateTag": "Annotate {0}",
"ContextMenu-CheckoutBranch": "Checkout {0}",
"ContextMenu-CherrypickCommit": "Cherrypick commit",
"ContextMenu-CreateAnnotatedTag": "Create annotated tag here",
"ContextMenu-CopyBranchName": "Copy branch name to clipboard",
"ContextMenu-CopyCommitId": "Copy commit id to clipboard",
"ContextMenu-CopyFilePath": "Copy file path to clipboard",
"ContextMenu-CopyTagName": "Copy tag name to clipboard",
"ContextMenu-CreateBranchHere": "Create branch here",
"ContextMenu-CreateTagHere": "Create tag here",
"ContextMenu-DeleteLocalAndRemoteBranches": "Delete {0} and {1}",
"ContextMenu-DeleteAll": "Delete all \"{0}\" branches (local && remote)",
"ContextMenu-DeleteBranch": "Delete {0}",
"ContextMenu-Delete1BranchInFolder": "Delete 1 branch in folder \"{0}\"",
"ContextMenu-DeleteNBranchesInFolder": "Delete {0} branches in folder \"{1}\"",
"ContextMenu-DeleteProjectGroup": "Remove from list",
"ContextMenu-DeleteTagXLocally": "Delete {0} locally",
"ContextMenu-DeleteTagFromRemote": "Delete tag from remote",
"ContextMenu-DeleteTagXFromRemoteY": "Delete {0} from {1}",
"ContextMenu-DeleteTagXFromAllRemotes": "Delete {0} from all remotes",
"ContextMenu-DropCommit": "Drop commit",
"ContextMenu-DropCommits": "Drop {0} commits",
"ContextMenu-GitHubActionDelete": "Delete Workflow",
"ContextMenu-GitHubActionEdit": "Edit Workflow",
"ContextMenu-MoveCommitDown": "Move commit down",
"ContextMenu-MoveCommitUp": "Move commit up",
"ContextMenu-MoveXCommitsDown": "Move {0} commits down",
"ContextMenu-MoveXCommitsUp": "Move {0} commits up",
"ContextMenu-PickCommit": "Pick commit",
"ContextMenu-RewordCommit": "Reword commit",
"ContextMenu-SquashCommit": "Squash commit",
"ContextMenu-EditRemote": "Edit {0}",
"ContextMenu-FavoriteRepository": "Favorite repository",
"ContextMenu-FetchRemote": "Fetch {0}",
"ContextMenu-EditProjectGroup": "Edit label",
"ContextMenu-FastForward": "Fast-forward {0} to {1}",
"ContextMenu-HideAllStashes": "Hide all stashes",
"ContextMenu-HideAllTags": "Hide all tags",
"ContextMenu-MergeBranchIntoBranch": "Merge {0} into {1}",
"ContextMenu-PushAndStartPullRequestToRef": "Push {0} and start a pull request to {1}",
"ContextMenu-PushAndStartPullRequest": "Push {0} and start a pull request",
"ContextMenu-PushTagToRemote": "Push tag to remote",
"ContextMenu-PushXToEllipses": "Push {0} to...",
"ContextMenu-PushXToAllRemotes": "Push {0} to all remotes",
"ContextMenu-PushXToY": "Push {0} to {1}",
"ContextMenu-RebaseBranchOntoBranch": "Rebase {0} onto {1}",
"ContextMenu-RebaseBranchOntoBranchInteractively": "Interactive Rebase {0} onto {1}",
"ContextMenu-RebaseXChildrenOfShaInteractively": "Interactive Rebase {0} children of {1}",
"ContextMenu-RemoveRemote": "Remove {0}",
"ContextMenu-RenameBranch": "Rename {0}",
"ContextMenu-ResetBranchToThisCommit": "Reset {0} to this commit",
"ContextMenu-ResetSoftWithHint": "Soft - keep all changes",
"ContextMenu-ResetMixedWithHint": "Mixed - keep working copy but reset index",
"ContextMenu-ResetHardWithHint": "Hard - discard all changes",
"ContextMenu-RevertCommit": "Revert commit",
"ContextMenu-SetUpstream": "Set Upstream",
"ContextMenu-ShowAllStashes": "Show all stashes",
"ContextMenu-ShowAllTags": "Show all tags",
"ContextMenu-StartPullRequestFromY": "Start a pull request from {0}",
"ContextMenu-StartPullRequestToX": "Start a pull request to {0}",
"ContextMenu-StartPullRequestToXFromY": "Start a pull request to {0} from {1}",
"ContextMenu-StashApply": "Apply Stash",
"ContextMenu-StashDelete": "Delete Stash",
"ContextMenu-StashPop": "Pop Stash",
"ContextMenu-SquashXCommits": "Squash {0} commits",
"ContextMenu-UnfavoriteRepository": "Unfavorite repository",
"ContextMenu-ViewServiceRemoteInBrowser": "View {0} on {1}",
"Toolbar-CloseSubmodule": "Close Submodule",
"Toolbar-CloseRepository": "Close Repository",
"BreadCrumbs-FavoritesHeader": "Favorites",
"BreadCrumbs-RecentsHeader": "Recently opened",
"Profile-AddAProfile": "Add A Profile",
"Profile-CancelDelete": "No, keep this profile",
"Profile-ChangeEmail": "Sign into a different account",
"Profile-ConfirmDeleteHeader": "Delete this profile?",
"Profile-ConfirmDelete": "Yes, delete this profile",
"Profile-CopySettingsFromCurrentProfile": "Copy settings from current profile",
"Profile-DeleteProfile": "Delete",
"Profile-Description": "GitKraken uses profiles to store your application preferences as well as git config information. The preferences you set after installing are set as your default profile. As a GitKraken Pro user, you can create additional profiles and quickly switch between for your different projects, work environments, etc.",
"Profile-EditProfile": "Edit Profile",
"Profile-ManageAccount": "Manage Account",
"Profile-ManageProfiles": "Manage Profiles",
"Profile-MyProfiles": "My Profiles",
"Profile-Preferences": "Preferences",
"Profile-ProfileName": "Profile Name",
"Profile-ReferralRewards": "Referral Rewards",
"Profile-RequiresPro": "Adding or switching profiles requires Pro, click here to upgrade",
"Profile-Unlock": "Unlock profile switching by upgrading to Pro",
"Profile-SaveChanges": "Save changes",
"Profile-SelectIcon": "Select an avatar",
"Profile-SetUpYourProfile": "Set Up Your Profile",
"Profile-StartAFreeProTrial": "Start a free Pro trial",
"Profile-SwitchProfile": "Switch Profile",
"Profile-SwitchToThisProfile": "Switch to this Profile",
"Profile-SyncChanges": "Keep my .gitconfig updated with my GitKraken Profile preferences",
"Profile-SyncChangesSub": "When checked, GitKraken will update your global .gitconfig to match GitKraken Preferences, including commit author name and email, and any GPG settings.",
"Profile-Unregistered": "Unregistered",
"Profiles": "Profiles",
"RefBar-NavigateToBranch": "Navigate to branch",
"RefBar-GroupGitFlow": "GIT FLOW",
"RefBar-GroupGitHubAction": "GITHUB ACTIONS",
"RefBar-GroupLocal": "LOCAL",
"RefBar-GroupRemote": "REMOTE",
"RefBar-GroupPullRequests": "PULL REQUESTS",
"RefBar-GroupStashes": "STASHES",
"RefBar-GroupSubmodules": "SUBMODULES",
"RefBar-GroupTags": "TAGS",
"RefBar-NAhead": "{0} ahead",
"RefBar-NBehind": "{0} behind",
"RefBar-NavigateToTag": "Navigate to tag",
"RefBar-StatusViewing": "Viewing",
"RefBar-StatusSoloing": "Soloing",
"RefBar-AddRemote": "Add a remote",
"RefBar-AddGitHubAction": "Add a GitHub Action",
"RefBar-OpenGitFlow": "Open Git Flow",
"RefBar-AddBranch": "Create a new branch",
"RefBar-AddSubmodule": "Add a new submodule",
"RefBar-AddTag": "Create a new tag",
"Refbar-BranchActions": "Branch actions",
"RefBar-TagActions": "Tag actions",
"Repo-SuccessfullyCreatedRepo": "Successfully created repo",
"PullRequest-SuccessfullyCreatePullRequest": "Successfully created pull request",
"ViewOnHostingService": "View on {0}",
"GitHubActionBar-Menu": "GitHub Action actions",
"PullRequestBar-Assignees": "Assignees",
"PullRequestBar-Reviewers": "Reviewers",
"PullRequestBar-Labels": "Labels",
"PullRequestBar-Opened": "Opened: {0}",
"PullRequestBar-Updated": "Updated: {0}",
"PullRequestBar-Yesterday": "Yesterday",
"PullRequestBar-DaysAgo": "{0} days ago",
"PullRequestBar-HourAgo": "{0} hour ago",
"PullRequestBar-HoursAgo": "{0} hours ago",
"PullRequestBar-MinuteAgo": "{0} minute ago",
"PullRequestBar-MinutesAgo": "{0} minutes ago",
"PullRequestBar-JustNow": "Just now",
"PullRequestBar-CreatePullRequest": "Create Pull Request",
"PullRequestBar-Menu": "Pull request actions",
"PullRequestBar-UnknownPullRequestHead": "Private repository (access denied)",
"PullRequestBar-ViewPullRequestInBrowser": "View pull request {0}{1} on {2}",
"PullRequestBar-ViewContinuousIntegrationResultInBrowser": "View {0}'s latest build",
"PullRequestBar-AddPullRequestRemote": "Add {0} as a remote",
"PullRequestBar-AddPullRequestRemoteAndCheckoutPRHead": "Add remote and checkout {0}",
"PullRequestPanel-AddAssignee": "Add assignee...",
"PullRequestPanel-AddAssignees": "Add assignees...",
"PullRequestPanel-AddLabels": "Add labels...",
"PullRequestPanel-AddReviewers": "Add reviewers...",
"PullRequestPanel-AddTemplate": "Add template...",
"PullRequestPanel-Assignee": "Assignee",
"PullRequestPanel-Assignees": "Assignees",
"PullRequestPanel-Branch": "Branch",
"PullRequestPanel-Description": "Description",
"PullRequestPanel-EditOnService": "Edit on {0}",
"PullRequestPanel-FromRepo": "From Repo",
"PullRequestPanel-HideFiles": "Hide Files",
"PullRequestPanel-Labels": "Labels",
"PullRequestPanel-MergeConflictDetected": "Merge conflict detected",
"PullRequestPanel-NoAssigneesFound": "No assignees found",
"PullRequestPanel-NoLabelsFound": "No labels found",
"PullRequestPanel-NoReviewersFound": "No reviewers found",
"PullRequestPanel-NoTemplatesFound": "No templates found",
"PullRequestPanel-PullRequestTitle": "Pull request title",
"PullRequestPanel-PullRequestDescription": "Pull request description",
"PullRequestPanel-Repo": "Repo",
"PullRequestPanel-Reviewers": "Reviewers",
"PullRequestPanel-ShowFiles": "Show Files",
"PullRequestPanel-Template": "Template",
"PullRequestPanel-Title": "Title",
"PullRequestPanel-ToRepo": "To Repo",
"PullRequestPanel-AzureDevopsEditPullRequestWarning": "Your pull request title and/or description will not be transferred to AzureDevops if you choose to Edit on AzureDevops",
"PullRequestPanel-GitHubEditPullRequestWarning": "Your pull request reviewers will not be transferred to GitHub if you choose to Edit on GitHub",
"PullRequestTooltip-WantsToMerge": "wants to merge",
"PullRequestTooltip-Into": "into",
"PullRequestTooltip-BuildStatus": "Build Status:",
"PullRequestTooltip-ChecksOK": "{0} / {1} checks OK",
"ContinuousIntegrationTooltip-SomeChecksFailed": "Some checks failed",
"ContinuousIntegrationTooltip-SomeChecksPending": "Some checks pending",
"ContinuousIntegrationTooltip-AllChecksPassed": "All checks passed",
"RemoteBar-Menu": "Remote actions",
"ShPath-ConfirmPath": "This repo needs sh to run GitHooks. Is {0} the path to your sh?",
"StashBar-Menu": "Stash actions",
"WorkDirMessageInput-WIPPlaceholder": "// WIP",
"CommitAllChangesShortcutTip": "Press Shift-Enter to Commit All changes",
"Timeline-1HourAgo": "1 hour ago",
"Timeline-NHoursAgo": "{0} hours ago",
"Timeline-Yesterday": "yesterday",
"Timeline-NDaysAgo": "{0} days ago",
"Timeline-1WeekAgo": "a week ago",
"Timeline-NWeeksAgo": "{0} weeks ago",
"Timeline-1MonthAgo": "a month ago",
"Timeline-NMonthsAgo": "{0} months ago",
"Timeline-1YearAgo": "a year ago",
"Timeline-NYearsAgo": "{0} years ago",
"Timeline-ArbitrarilyLongAgo": "Stop scrolling please",
"RightPanel-FilterFiles": "Filter files",
"RightPanel-MergeConflictsDetected": "Merge conflicts detected",
"RightPanel-1ChangeOn": "1 file change on",
"RightPanel-NChangesOn": "{0} file changes on",
"RightPanel-NCommitsSelected": "{0} commits selected",
"RightPanel-PinToBottom": "Pin to bottom",
"RightPanel-PinToRight": "Pin to right",
"RightPanel-RebaseConflictsDetected": "Rebase conflicts detected",
"RightPanel-UnsupportedRebase": "External rebase in progress",
"RightPanel-ViewChange": "View change",
"RightPanel-ViewChanges": "View changes",
"RightPanel-ViewConflict": "View conflict",
"RightPanel-ViewConflicts": "View conflicts",
"RightPanel-View1FileChangeInWorkingDirectory": "1 file change in working directory",
"RightPanel-ViewNFileChangesInWorkingDirectory": "{0} file changes in working directory",
"RightPanel-View1FileConflictInWorkingDirectory": "1 file conflict in working directory",
"RightPanel-ViewNFileConflictsInWorkingDirectory": "{0} file conflicts in working directory",
"RightPanel-ViewAllFiles": "View all files",
"StagingPanel-ShowMoreFiles": "Show next {0} ({1} more)",
"StagingPanel-Amend": "Amend",
"StagingPanel-UseTemplate": "Use template",
"CommitMessage-CommitMessageLabel": "Commit Message",
"CommitMessage-SummaryPlaceholder": "Summary",
"CommitMessage-DescriptionPlaceholder": "Description",
"CommitDetailPanel-AndTheWIP": "and the WIP",
"CommitDetailPanel-DiffBetweenACommitAndTheWIP": "Viewing diff between a commit and the WIP",
"CommitDetailPanel-DiffBetweenCommitsTitle": "Viewing merged diff of {0} commits",
"CommitDetailPanel-DiffBetweenTwoCommits": "Viewing diff between 2 commits",
"CommitDetailPanel-MergeConflictTitle": "Merge Conflicts",
"CommitDetailPanel-MergeTitle": "Merge",
"CommitDetailPanel-MergeMessage": "Merging {0} into {1}",
"CommitDetailPanel-UnsupportedRebaseTitle": "External Rebase Detected",
"CommitDetailPanel-UnsupportedRebaseMessage": "GitKraken has limited functionality when another application is performing a rebase",
"UncommittedFileList-StagedFilesTitleSummary": "Staged Files ({0})",
"UncommittedFileList-UnstagedFilesTitleSummary": "Unstaged Files ({0})",
"UncommittedFileList-ConflictedFilesTitleSummary": "Conflicted Files ({0})",
"UncommittedFileList-UnconflictedFilesTitleSummary": "Resolved Files ({0})",
"CommitDiffSection-NFilesAdded": "{0} added",
"CommitDiffSection-NFilesDeleted": "{0} deleted",
"CommitDiffSection-NFilesModified": "{0} modified",
"CommitDiffSection-NFilesRenamed": "{0} renamed",
"FileViewPanel-DiffView": "Diff View",
"FileViewPanel-EditInWorkDir": "Edit in working directory",
"FileViewPanel-EditThisFile": "Edit this file",
"FileViewPanel-Editable": "editable",
"FileViewPanel-FileView": "File View",
"FileViewPanel-DiffFileMode": "File Mode Changes from {0} to {1}",
"FileViewPanel-HunkView": "Hunk View",
"FileViewPanel-InlineView": "Inline View",
"FileViewPanel-NextDiff": "Next Change",
"FileViewPanel-PreviousDiff": "Previous Change",
"FileViewPanel-SplitView": "Split View",
"FileViewPanel-ToggleSplitView": "Toggle Split View",
"FileViewPanel-IgnoreWhiteSpace": "Ignore white space",
"FileViewPanel-History": "History",
"FileViewPanel-Blame": "Blame",
"PendingInteractiveRebasePanel-MoveCommitDownTooltip": "Move commit down",
"PendingInteractiveRebasePanel-MoveCommitUpTooltip": "Move commit up",
"PendingInteractiveRebasePanel-Reset": "Reset",
"PendingInteractiveRebasePanel-CancelRebase": "Cancel Rebase",
"PendingInteractiveRebasePanel-StartRebase": "Start Rebase",
"PendingInteractiveRebasePanel-UpdateMessage": "Update Message",
"PendingInteractiveRebasePanel-KeyboardShortcuts": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"FileContentsPanel-Binary": "Binary file",
"FileContentsPanel-Deleted": "File was deleted",
"FileContentsPanel-Tree": "Directory",
"FileContentsPanel-EmptyDiff": "File contents are unchanged.",
"DiffPanel-EmptyFile": "Empty file",
"FileNodeListControls-FullPath": "Path",
"FileNodeListControls-SortByNameLabel": "Sort by filename",
"FileNodeListControls-TreeView": "Tree",
"FileNodeListHeader-CollapseAll": "Collapse All",
"FileNodeListHeader-ExpandAll": "Expand All",
"FileNode-1HiddenSelection": "1 file selected",
"FileNode-NHiddenSelections": "{0} files selected",
"Merge-AutoResolved": "Merge tool automatically resolved your conflict",
"Merge-A": "A",
"Merge-B": "B",
"Merge-BinaryFile": "Binary File",
"Merge-Commit": "Commit",
"Merge-ConflictXofY": "conflict {0} of {1}",
"Merge-DontTake": "Don't take this line",
"Merge-NoAncestorFile": "No ancestor file",
"Merge-NoImage": "No image",
"Merge-Reset": "Clear Selections",
"Merge-ResetMerge": "Reset",
"Merge-SaveOutput": "Save Output",
"Merge-SaveWithConflicts": "Create conflict chunks",
"Merge-TakeAll": "Take all",
"Merge-UntakeAll": "Untake all",
"Merge-TakeLeft": "Take A",
"Merge-TakeLeftOnly": "A only",
"Merge-TakeLine": "Take this line",
"Merge-TakeRight": "Take B",
"Merge-TakeRightOnly": "B only",
"Merge-OneConflict": "(1 conflict)",
"Merge-Output": "Output",
"Merge-PremiumFeature": "Premium GitKraken Feature",
"Merge-Unknown": "Applied patch or stash",
"Merge-UpgradeLink": "Upgrade GitKraken",
"Merge-UpgradeText": "to edit file output",
"Merge-PremiumMergeDescription": "Upgrade GitKraken and further simplify merge conflict resolution with the ability to directly edit the output without ever leaving the application.",
"Merge-XConflicts": "({0} conflicts)",
"DiffImage-ShowDiffOverlay": "Diff overlay old image",
"DiffImage-ErrorLoadingImage": "Error loading image.",
"DiffImage-OldImage": "Old image",
"DiffImage-NewImage": "New image",
"RefZone-EnterBranchName": "enter branch name",
"RefZone-EnterTagName": "enter tag name",
"RefZone-LocalRefLabel": "local",
"RefZone-SubmoduleTagTip": "submodule parent reference",
"ChangeRepo-CloneRepo": "Clone",
"ChangeRepo-InitRepo": "Init",
"ChangeRepo-OpenRepo": "Open",
"CloseRepo-CloseFailed": "Close Failed",
"OpenRepo-AddProjectFolder": "Add a Projects Folder",
"OpenRepo-AddProjectFolderTooltip": "Add a folder in which you keep multiple repositories, so GitKraken can help you open them quickly",
"OpenRepo-BrowseForProjectDirectory": "Browse for project directory",
"OpenRepo-BrowseForReposButtonLabel": "Open a Repository",
"OpenRepo-BrowseForReposDialogTitle": "Select a repository to open",
"OpenRepo-Favorites": "Favorites",
"OpenRepo-FavoritesSubtext": "Drag and drop to reorder favorites and configure shortcuts",
"OpenRepo-IsOpenIndicator": "(open)",
"OpenRepo-NoReposFavorited": "No repositories have been favorited.",
"OpenRepo-NoReposFound": "GitKraken did not find any repositories.",
"OpenRepo-OpenFailed": "Open Failed",
"OpenRepo-OpeningRepo": "Opening repo",
"OpenRepo-ProjectFoldersSection": "Project Groups",
"OpenRepo-RecentlyOpened": "Recently Opened",
"OpenRepo-SearchingForRepos": "Looking for repos",
"OpenRepo-SearchBarPlaceholder": "Filter repos by name",
"CloneRepo-ArchivedRepoSuffix": "(Archived)",
"CloneRepo-CloneARepo": "Clone a Repo",
"CloneRepo-CloneDestinationPath": "Where to clone to",
"CloneRepo-ClonedRepoName": "Full path",
"CloneRepo-CloneRepoButtonLabel": "Clone the repo!",
"CloneRepo-RepoToCloneViaService": "Repository to clone",
"CloneRepo-RepoToCloneUrl": "URL",
"CloneRepo-CloneSuccess": "Successfully cloned repo '{0}'",
"CloneRepo-CloneFailed": "Clone Failed",
"CloneRepo-CloneViaUrl": "Clone with URL",
"InitRepo-CreateRepoButtonLabel": "Create Repository",
"InitRepo-CreateRepoAndCloneButtonLabel": "Create Repository and Clone",
"InitRepo-CreateRepoTarget": "Initialize in",
"InitRepo-GitIgnoreTemplate": ".gitignore Template (optional)",
"InitRepo-GitIgnoreTypeaheadPlaceholder": "Start typing to search for templates",
"InitRepo-InitLocally": "Local Only",
"InitRepo-InitARepo": "Initialize a Repo",
"InitRepo-License": "License (optional)",
"InitRepo-HostingServiceAccountLabel": "Account",
"InitRepo-HostingServiceProjectLabel": "Project",
"InitRepo-HostingServiceRepoNameLabel": "Name",
"InitRepo-HostingServiceRepoDescriptionLabel": "Description",
"InitRepo-HostingServiceAccessLabel": "Access",
"InitRepo-HostingServiceCloneAfterInitLabel": "Clone after init",
"InitRepo-NewRepoPath": "New repository path",
"InitRepo-PublicAccess": "Public",
"InitRepo-PrivateAccess": "Private",
"FileHistory-NothingFound": "Searched until {0} ({1})",
"FileHistory-ContinueLooking": "Go Deeper",
"GeneralPreferences": "General",
"GeneralPreferences-AutoFetchInterval": "Auto-Fetch Interval",
"GeneralPreferences-AutoFetchIntervalHelp": "In minutes, between 0 and 60 (0 disables auto-fetch). Fetches all visible remotes.",
"GeneralPreferences-AutoFetchIntervalWarning": "If you have many visible remotes, this may impact performance.",
"GeneralPreferences-AutoFetchIntervalWarningWithLfs": "If you have many visible remotes, this may impact performance. LFS objects will not be automatically fetched.",
"GeneralPreferences-AutoPrune": "Auto-Prune",
"GeneralPreferences-CustomTerminalCmd": "Custom Terminal Command",
"GeneralPreferences-CustomTerminalCmdHelp": "Command to run to open a new terminal window. The keyword %d will be replaced with repository path",
"GeneralPreferences-DefaultTerminal": "Default Terminal",
"GeneralPreferences-DeleteOrigAfterMerge": "Delete \".orig\" files after merging",
"GeneralPreferences-ExternalDiffTool": "External Diff Tool",
"GeneralPreferences-UseSameDiffTool": "Use Merge Tool as Diff Tool",
"GeneralPreferences-UseSameDiffToolHelp": "Use the configured merge tool for displaying diffs",
"GeneralPreferences-ExternalMergeTool": "External Merge Tool",
"GeneralPreferences-MergeToolHelp": "(Optional) Set the application to use for solving merge conflict",
"GeneralPreferences-GitConfigDefault": "Git Config Default",
"GeneralPreferences-RememberTabs": "Remember tabs",
"GeneralPreferences-OptIntoAnalytics": "Send usage data about GitKraken to Axosoft",
"GeneralPreferences-OptIntoBugReporting": "Send bug reports about GitKraken to Axosoft",
"GeneralPreferences-WindowsShPathLocation": "Path to sh.exe",
"GeneralPreferences-WindowsShPathLocationHelp": "Pointing to sh.exe is only required if you're using Git hooks.\nsh.exe can be found wherever you've installed Git for Windows,\nwhich is typically in Program Files\\Git\\bin.\nIf you can't find it, you may need to install Git for Windows.",
"GeneralPreferences-UseCustomTerminalCmd": "Use Custom Terminal Command",
"RepoSpecificPreferences": "Repo-Specific Preferences",
"GitConfig": "Git Config",
"GitConfig-Email": "Email",
"GitConfig-Name": "Name",
"GitConfig-AutoCRLF": "AutoCRLF",
"Authentication": "Authentication",
"SSHKey": "SSH Key",
"SSHConfig": "SSH Config",
"SSHConfig-GenerateNewKey": "Generate new Private/Public key",
"SSHConfig-GenerateNewKeyHelp": "This will create new keys and configure GitKraken to use them",
"SSHConfig-UseLocalSSHAgent": "Use local SSH agent",
"SSHConfig-SSHPrivateKey": "SSH Private Key",
"SSHConfig-SSHPublicKey": "SSH Public Key",
"SSHConfig-SSHKeySaveLocation": "SSH Key save location",
"Authentication-ForgetAllCredentials": "Forget all Usernames and Passwords",
"Authentication-ForgetAll": "Forget All",
"Authentication-NoCredentialsToRemove": "GitKraken has no stored credentials to remove",
"Service": "Service",
"Services": "Services",
"Services-AddAndCopy": "Add SSH key and copy to clipboard",
"Services-AddedDate": "added {0}",
"Services-AddExistingSSHKey": "Add existing SSH key",
"Services-AddToService": "Add to {0}",
"Services-BrowseForPublicSSHKey": "Browse for **Public** SSH Key",
"Services-BrowseForPrivateSSHKey": "Browse for **Private** SSH Key",
"Services-CannotDisconnectLoginService": "You can't disconnect {0} while it is being used to sign into GitKraken.",
"Services-ClearSSHKey": "Stop Using",
"Services-ComingSoon": "Coming Soon",
"Services-Connect": "Connect",
"Services-Connected": "Connected",
"Services-ConnectedWithService": "Connected with {0}",
"Services-CopySSHPublicKeyToClipboard": "Copy public key to clipboard",
"Services-CopySSHPublicKeyAndOpenWebsite": "Copy public key to clipboard and open {0}",
"Services-AuthenticationGeneral": "General",
"Services-DeleteSSHKey": "Delete Locally",
"Services-Disconnect": "Disconnect",
"Services-EditConfig": "Edit",
"Services-Reconnect": "Reconnect",
"Services-RemoveConfig": "Remove",
"Services-RemoveConfigTooltip": "Remove the connection to this server",
"Services-RemoveSSHKey": "Remove Key",
"Services-RemoveAndDeleteSSHKey": "Remove and Delete",
"Services-GenerateSSHKey": "Generate SSH Key",
"Services-GenerateAndAddSSHKey": "Generate SSH key and add to {0}",
"Services-GenerateAndCopySSHKey": "Generate SSH key and copy to clipboard",
"Services-HostDomain": "Host Domain",
"Services-HostDomainHint": "e.g., {0}.mycompany.com",
"Services-HostDomainHintAzureDevops": "e.g., dev.azure.com/mycompany",
"Services-Info": "Set up SSH and stay logged in to streamline your experience. GitKraken can even use a different SSH key for each service.",
"Services-KeyPrivate": "Private: {0}",
"Services-KeyPublic": "Public: {0}",
"Services-LeaveBlank": "We recommend leaving this field blank.",
"Services-ServiceNotConnected": "{0} is not connected",
"Services-NotConnected": "Not Connected",
"Services-AddKey": "Add key to {0}",
"Services-PersonalAccessToken": "Personal Access Token",
"Services-PersonalAccessTokenGenerate": "Generate an access token on {0}",
"Services-PersonalAccessTokenTooltip": "GitKraken can use a personal access token to connect to your enterprise server and streamline operations in-app. Click the <i class=\"zmdi zmdi-help-outline color-accent\"></i> to learn how.",
"Services-GitKrakenNeedsATokenFrom": "GitKraken needs a token from",
"Services-WithTheFollowingSettings": "with the following settings:",
"Services-GenerateATokenOn": "Generate a token on {0}",
"Services-Repo": "{0} Repo",
"Services-ServiceConnectionSuccessful": "Connected to {0}",
"Services-ServiceConnectionSuccessfulMessage": "GitKraken will help you find stuff on {0} when cloning or adding remotes. We'll also use your SSH Config to fetch and push; or you can set up a {0}-specific SSH key right here in the Services menu.",
"Services-ServiceConnectionSuccessfulWithoutRemotesMessage": "GitKraken will help you find stuff on {0} when cloning. We'll also use your SSH Config to fetch and push; or you can set up a {0}-specific SSH key right here in the Services menu.",
"Services-SSHKey": "SSH Key",
"Services-SSHKeyAdviseAdd": "This key was not found on your {0} account. GitKraken can try to add the key to {0} (recommended).",
"Services-SSHKeyAdviseInvalid": "This key was not found on your {0} account. You can configure SSH settings for GitHub below.",
"Services-SSHKeyAdviseInvalidOrAdd": "This key was not found on your {0} account. GitKraken can try to add the key to {0}, or you can configure a different key below.",
"Services-SSHKeyAdditionSuccessful": "SSH Key added to {0}!",
"Services-SSHKeyRemovalSuccessful": "SSH key removed from {0}.",
"Services-SSHKeyTitlePlaceholder": "(optional) Enter a title for your new SSH key",
"Services-SSHKeyTooltip": "Use GitKraken to add an SSH key to {0}. GitKraken will use the key when interacting with {0} SSH repositories.",
"Services-SSHKeyUnverifiable": "{0} does not allow external apps to check whether public keys are registered. If your key is not being accepted by {0}, use the button below and make sure the key has been added on {1}.",
"Services-UsingAgent": "Using your System SSH Local Agent",
"Services-UsingDefaults": "Using your Default GitKraken SSH Key",
"Services-UsingNone": "No SSH settings detected. You can add an SSH Key to {0} below.",
"Services-WaitingForAuthorization": "Waiting for Authorization...",
"Services-WaitingForAuthorizationTooltip": "Waiting for connection to be established with {0}. Click here to attempt to connect again.",
"Services-UsingQuestion": "Using {0}?",
"Services-GitHubEnterpriseUpgradeToPro": "Upgrade to GitKraken Pro and enjoy the same integrations with your GitHub Enterprise server as you do with GitHub.com",
"Services-BitbucketServerUpgradeToPro": "Upgrade to GitKraken Pro and enjoy the same integrations with your BitBucket Server installation as you do with Bitbucket.org",
"Services-GitLabSelfHostedUpgradeToPro": "Upgrade to GitKraken Pro and enjoy the same integrations with your GitLab Self-Managed as you do with GitLab.com",
"Services-AzureDevopsUpgradeToPro": "Upgrade to GitKraken Pro to start using Azure DevOps integrations",
"Services-Error-HostDomainUnreachable": "Could not reach the specified Host Domain",
"Services-Error-PersonalAccessTokenInvalid": "Invalid personal access token specified",
"Services-Error-SavePersonalAccessTokenFailed": "Connecting using personal access token failed",
"Shop-ShopTitle": "Account Management",
"Shop-OpenInBrowser": "Open in browser",
"CommitTemplate": "Commit Template",
"CommitTemplates-Description": "Description",
"CommitTemplates-Summary": "Summary",
"CommitTemplates-TitleLimitHelpText": "Using {0}/{1} characters allotted for commit summaries",
"CommitTemplates-TitleLimitExceeded": "Exceeded the character limit ({0}) for commit summaries!",
"CommitTemplates-SuccessSaveTemplate": "Commit template saved successfully",
"CommitTemplates-ErrorSaveTemplate": "Error saving commit template",
"CommitTemplates-SaveCommitTemplate": "Save commit template",
"CommitTemplates-Instructions": "Create and apply a default initial message for commits to maintain consistency in commit summaries and descriptions. For more information see the ",
"CommitTemplates-CommitTemplateDocumentation": "Git commit template documentation",
"CommitTemplates-UseTemplateForCommitMessages": "Apply this template to commit messages",
"CommitTemplates-RemoveCommentsFromCommitMessages": "Remove comments from commit messages",
"GitFlow": "Git Flow",
"GitFlow-Branches": "Branches",
"GitFlow-Prefixes": "Prefixes",
"GitFlow-Master": "Master",
"GitFlow-Develop": "Develop",
"GitFlow-Feature": "Feature",
"GitFlow-Release": "Release",
"GitFlow-Hotfix": "Hotfix",
"GitFlow-VersionTag": "Version Tag",
"GitFlow-Init": "Initialize Git Flow",
"GitFlow-Init-NoRepo": "You must have a repository open to initialize Git Flow.",
"GitFlow-Init-Success": "Git Flow has been initialized",
"GitFlow-Init-Failure": "Failed initializing Git Flow",
"GitFlow-Update": "Update Git Flow Config",
"GitFlow-UpdateWarning": "Changing these prefixes will cause any existing branches with different prefixes to be ignored by Git Flow.",
"GitFlow-Start": "Start",
"GitFlow-StartAt": "Start at:",
"GitFlow-StartFeature": "Start Feature",
"GitFlow-StartHotfix": "Start Hotfix",
"GitFlow-StartRelease": "Start Release",
"GitFlow-StartFeatureSuccess": "Started feature: '{0}'",
"GitFlow-StartHotfixSuccess": "Started hotfix: '{0}'",
"GitFlow-StartReleaseSuccess": "Started release: '{0}'",
"GitFlow-Finish": "Finish",
"GitFlow-Finish-Branch": "Finish {0}",
"GitFlow-FinishFeature": "Finish Feature",
"GitFlow-FinishFeatureSuccess": "Finished feature: '{0}'",
"GitFlow-FinishHotfix": "Finish Hotfix",
"GitFlow-FinishHotfixSuccess": "Finished hotfix: '{0}'",
"GitFlow-FinishRelease": "Finish Release",
"GitFlow-FinishReleaseSuccess": "Finished release: '{0}'",
"GitFlow-LatestDevelop": "Latest {0}",
"GitFlow-WorkingCopy": "Current branch",
"GitFlow-DeleteBranch": "Delete branch",
"GitFlow-RebaseOnDevelop": "Rebase on {0}",
"GitFlow-TagMessage": "tag message",
"GitFlow-Exit": "Exit Git Flow",
"GitFlow-CannotFinishFeatureMissingRef": "No feature to finish",
"GitFlow-CannotFinishFeatureMissingDevelop": "{0} branch is required to finish feature",
"GitFlow-CannotFinishHotfixMissingRef": "No hotfix to finish",
"GitFlow-CannotFinishHotfixMissingBoth": "{0} and {1} branch required to finish hotfix",
"GitFlow-CannotFinishHotfixMissingDevelop": "{0} branch is required to finish hotfix",
"GitFlow-CannotFinishHotfixMissingMaster": "{0} branch is required to finish hotfix",
"GitFlow-CannotFinishReleaseMissingRef": "No release to finish",
"GitFlow-CannotFinishReleaseMissingBoth": "{0} and {1} branch required to finish hotfix",
"GitFlow-CannotFinishReleaseMissingDevelop": "{0} branch is required to finish release",
"GitFlow-CannotFinishReleaseMissingMaster": "{0} branch is required to finish release",
"GitFlow-CannotStartFeatureMissingDevelop": "{0} branch is required to start feature",
"GitFlow-CannotStartHotfixMissingMaster": "{0} branch is required to start hotfix",
"GitFlow-CannotStartReleaseMissingDevelop": "{0} branch is required to start release",
"GitHubActions-WorkflowFileExists": "{0} already exists",
"GitHubActionsTemplates-DefaultCategory": "Basic templates",
"GitHubActionTemplates-BlankTemplate": "Blank workflow",
"GitHubActionsTemplates-AdditionalTemplatesCategory": "Additional templates",
"GitHubActionsTemplates-CCPPWithMake": "C/C++ with Make",
"GitHubActionTemplates-GreetFirstTimeContributors": "Greet first-time contributors",
"GitHubActionTemplates-LabelPRsBasedOnFilesChanged": "Label PRs based on files changed",
"GitHubActionTemplates-CheckForStaleIssuesAndPRs": "Check for stale issues and PRs",
"Lfs-TrackingPatternPlaceholder": "Enter a pattern (e.g., *.zip)",
"Lfs-AddTrackingPattern": "Add tracking pattern",
"Lfs-ViewGitattributes": "View .gitattributes in editor",
"Lfs-PreferencesHeader": "LFS",
"Lfs-HasNotBeenInitialized": "LFS has not been initialized on {0}",
"Lfs-InitializeLfs": "Initialize LFS",
"Lfs-InitializeLfsOnThisRepo": "Initialize LFS on this repo",
"Lfs-TrackingPatterns": "Tracking Patterns",
"Lfs-AllFilesWithSameExtension": "Track all files with the extension '{0}'",
"Lfs-AllFilesInFolder": "Track all files in '{0}/'",
"Lfs-TrackFile": "Track '{0}'",
"Lfs-Commands": "LFS Commands",
"Lfs-Push": "Push all LFS files",
"Lfs-Prune": "Prune local LFS repository",
"Lfs-Pull": "Pull all LFS files",
"Lfs-Checkout": "Checkout all LFS files",
"Lfs-Fetch": "Fetch all LFS files",
"Lfs-IsWorking": "Working...",
"Lfs-PullLfsNow": "Pull all LFS files now?",
"Lfs-InitializeWithLfs": "Initialize with LFS",
"Lfs-SettingsHeader": "LFS Settings",
"Lfs-LfsNotInstalledMessage": "This repository requires LFS but you do not have LFS installed. Modifying files that are tracked by LFS could potentially harm your repository. Please visit our support site for info on installing LFS.",
"Lfs-LfsNotProperVersionMessage": "GitKraken requires a later version of Git or LFS. Modifying files that are tracked by LFS could potentially harm your repository. Please visit our support site for info on installing LFS.",
"Lfs-ContinueWithoutLfs": "Continue without LFS",
"Lfs-VisitSupportDocs": "Visit Support Docs",
"Lfs-NewPattern": "New Pattern",
"Lfs-FetchHeader": "Fetch",
"Lfs-PullHeader": "Pull",
"Lfs-PushHeader": "Push",
"Lfs-PruneHeader": "Prune",
"Lfs-CheckoutHeader": "Checkout",
"Lfs-ErrorPull": "Error on LFS Pull",
"Lfs-ErrorFetch": "Error on LFS Fetch",
"Lfs-ErrorPush": "Error on LFS Push",
"Lfs-ErrorPrune": "Error on LFS Prune",
"Lfs-ErrorCheckout": "Error on LFS Checkout",
"Lfs-SuccessPull": "LFS pulled successfully",
"Lfs-SuccessFetch": "LFS fetched successfully",
"Lfs-SuccessPush": "LFS pushed successfully",
"Lfs-SuccessPrune": "LFS pruned successfully",
"Lfs-SuccessCheckout": "LFS checkout successful",
"Lfs-UpToDate": "LFS files are up to date",
"Lfs-NeedsYourCredentials": "LFS needs your credentials",
"Submodule": "Submodule",
"Submodule-CannotStageUncommittedSubmoduleChanges": "You have uncommitted changes on your submodule. Open the submodule to commit changes.",
"Submodule-CheckingOut": "Checking out submodule {0}",
"Submodule-CommitMessageDeleted": "Removed submodule {0}",
"Submodule-CommitMessageNew": "Added submodule {0}",
"Submodule-CommitMessageUpdated": "Updated submodule {0}",
"Submodule-CommitWithAlreadyStagedPrompt": "You already have staged changes, would you like to commit these too?",
"Submodule-CouldNotShowCurrent": "Cannot resolve merge conflicts in submodule {0} before the submodule is initialized",
"Submodule-Create": "Add Submodule",
"Submodule-Creating": "Adding Submodule",
"Submodule-DeletePrompt": "This is a destructive operation, are you sure you want to delete \"{0}\"?",
"Submodule-Deleting": "Removing Submodule",
"Submodule-Edit": "Edit Submodule",
"Submodule-Fetching": "Fetching submodule {0}",
"Submodule-FetchingRecursively": "Fetching recursive submodule {0}",
"Submodule-FormAdded": "Added",
"Submodule-FormCheckout": "Checkout",
"Submodule-FormCommit": "Commit Changes",
"Submodule-FormCurrentRevision": "Current Revision",
"Submodule-FormDefault": "Default",
"Submodule-FormMerge": "Merge",
"Submodule-FormName": "Name",
"Submodule-FormNamePath": "Name/Path",
"Submodule-FormNone": "None",
"Submodule-FormOpen": "Open this submodule",
"Submodule-FormPath": "Path",
"Submodule-FormPointerRevision": "Expected Commit",
"Submodule-FormRebase": "Rebase",
"Submodule-FormRemove": "Delete this submodule",
"Submodule-FormReset": "Discard Submodule Changes",
"Submodule-FormUpdateStrategy": "Update Strategy",
"Submodule-FormUrl": "Remote URL",
"Submodule-FormWorkdirRevision": "Checked Out Commit",
"Submodule-InitAllPrompt": "Would you like to initialize submodules for {0}?",
"Submodule-Initialize": "Initialize",
"Submodule-Initializing": "Initializing Submodules",
"Submodule-InitializingProgress": "Initializing Submodule {0} ({1})",
"Submodule-InitializingUpdate": "Updating...",
"Submodule-Menu": "Submodule actions",
"Submodule-LocalModifications": "Current uncommitted submodule changes",
"Submodule-OpenImplied": "Open submodule",
"Submodule-UseCurrent": "Use current",
"Submodule-Open": "Open submodule: {0}",
"Submodule-PathExistsPrompt": "The path {0} already exists - would you like to delete it?",
"Submodule-Status-AddedUninitialized": "Your submodule has been added but needs to be initialized.",
"Submodule-Status-AddedInitialized": "Your submodule has been added and initialized but not committed.",
"Submodule-Status-Deleted": "You have removed this submodule and need to commit the change.",
"Submodule-Status-Dirty": "There are uncommitted changes in this submodule.",
"Submodule-Status-DirtyAndOutOfSync": "This submodule has uncommitted changes and is out-of-sync with {0}.",
"Submodule-Status-InSync": "This submodule is in-sync with your repository ({0}).",
"Submodule-Status-OutOfSync": "This submodule is out-of-sync with {0}.",
"Submodule-Status-Uninitialized": "Your submodule directory has not been initialized.",
"Submodule-UnableToDiff": "Unable to diff submodule.",
"Submodule-Update": "Update {0}",
"Submodule-InitializeSpecific": "Initialize {0}",
"Submodule-DirInIndex": "Path '{0}' already exists in the index as a directory.",
"ModifySubmodule-Submit": "Edit this submodule",
"UIPreferences": "UI Preferences",
"UIPreferences-Theme": "Theme",
"UIPreferences-ShowToolbarLabels": "Show toolbar icon labels",
"UIPreferences-Spellcheck": "Enable spell checking",
"Theme-Light": "Light",
"Theme-Dark": "Dark",
"UIPreferences-NotificationLocation": "Notification Location",
"NotificationLocation-BottomLeft": "Bottom Left",
"NotificationLocation-BottomRight": "Bottom Right",
"NotificationLocation-TopLeft": "Top Left",
"NotificationLocation-TopRight": "Top Right",
"NotificationLocation-LocationUpdated": "Notification Location Updated",
"UIPreferences-Language": "Language",
"UIPreferences-UseAuthorInitialsForAvatars": "Display author initials instead of avatars",
"Gpg-Passphrase": "GPG Passphrase",
"Gpg-VerificationInfoBadsig": "Verification failed because the signature was invalid",
"Gpg-VerificationInfoErrsigPubkey": "Verification failed because the public key used to sign the commit was not found",
"Gpg-VerificationInfoExpired": "Verification failed because the key or signature was expired",
"Gpg-VerificationInfoMismatchedEmail": "Verification failed because the committer email does not match any emails associated with the key",
"Gpg-VerificationInfoRevoked": "Verification failed because the key was revoked",
"Gpg-VerificationInfoUnknown": "Verification failed for unknown reason",
"Gpg-VerificationInfoUntrusted": "Verification failed because the key was not trusted",
"Gpg-VerificationInfoValid": "Verification completed successfully",
"Gpg-VerificationKeyId": "Key ID:",
"Gpg-VerificationPrimaryUserId": "Primary User ID:",
"Gpg-VerificationTitle": "GPG Signature Details",
"Gpg-VerificationTrust": "Trust:",
"GPGPreferences": "GPG Preferences",
"GPGPreferences-CopyPublicKey": "Copy GPG Public Key",
"GPGPreferences-CurrentKey": "Signing Key",
"GPGPreferences-GpgBin": "GPG Program",
"GPGPreferences-GpgBinPathTitle": "Path to gpg",
"GPGPreferences-GpgGenerateKey": "Generate new GPG Key",
"GPGPreferences-GpgGenerateKeyHelp": "This will create a 4096 bit key with the name and email\n in your current profile that expires in 2 years.\nThis will also be set as your active signing key.",
"GPGPreferences-GpgPassphrasePlaceholder": "Passphrase (optional)",
"GPGPreferences-GpgSignCommits": "Sign Commits by Default",
"GPGPreferences-GpgSignTags": "Sign Tags by Default",
"EditorPreferences": "Editor Preferences",
"EditorPreferences-DefaultFont": "{0} (Default)",
"EditorPreferences-EOLCharacter": "End of Line Character",
"EditorPreferences-EOLCharacterLF": "LF",
"EditorPreferences-EOLCharacterCRLF": "CRLF",
"EditorPreferences-Font": "Font",
"EditorPreferences-FontSize": "Font Size",
"EditorPreferences-NoFontsFound": "No fonts found",
"EditorPreferences-ShowLineNumbers": "Show Line Numbers",
"EditorPreferences-SyntaxHighlighting": "Syntax Highlighting",
"EditorPreferences-WordWrap": "Word Wrap",
"EditorPreferences-TabSize": "Tab Size",
"ToolbarLabels-Chipotle": "Chipotle",
"ToolbarLabels-Fetch": "Fetch",
"ToolbarButton-DropdownMessage": "Select a default board to open when clicking the Glo button on this repo",
"ToolbarButton-DropdownFilterPlaceholder": "Filter boards",
"ToolbarButton-DropdownFilterNoResults": "No results",
"TabsBar-NewTabTitle": "New Tab",
"TabsBar-NewTab": "New Tab",
"TabsBar-CloseTab": "Close Tab",
"TabsBar-ReleaseNotesTitle": "Release Notes",
"ReleaseNotesTab-LoadingReleaseNotes": "Loading Release Notes",
"ProvideFeedback-SendUsFeedback": "Send us feedback",
"SendUsFeedback": "Send us feedback",
"SendUsFeedback-CantRespondToAllFeedback": "The GitKraken team looks forward to your feedback, but please note that we are not able to respond to all feedback emails.",
"SendUsFeedback-DefaultSubject": "Feedback about GitKraken ({0})",
"SendUsFeedback-EmailAddress": "Email Address",
"SendUsFeedback-EmailUsYourself": "Or, you can just email us yourself at ",
"SendUsFeedback-Feedback": "Feedback",
"SendUsFeedback-Subject": "Subject",
"ProvideFeedback-GetSupport": "Get support",
"ProvideFeedback-DefaultText": "Summary:\n\n [A brief sentence describing the issue]\n\nSteps to Reproduce:\n\n 1. [First Step]\n 2. [Second Step]\n 3. [and so on...]\n\nExpected behavior: [What you expect to happen]\n\nActual behavior: [What actually happens]",
"GetSupport": "Get support",
"GetSupport-FreeUserUpSell": "Due to the popularity of GitKraken, we are only able to provide support for GitKraken Pro.",
"GetSupport-CheckOutOur": "Check out our ",
"GetSupport-SupportSite": "Support Site",
"GetSupport-ForDocumentationAndTutorials": " for documentation and tutorials!",
"GetSupport-CantFindWhatYouNeed": "If you still can't find what you're looking for, submit a request below.",
"GetSupport-DefaultSubject": "Support Question for GitKraken ({0})",
"GetSupport-Subject": "Subject",
"GetSupport-SupportQuestion": "Support Question",
"PromptDeletedFileConflict-KeepAncestor": "Keep Base Version",
"PromptDeletedFileConflict-KeepModified": "Keep Modified Version",
"PromptDeletedFileConflict-KeepNew": "Keep New Version",
"PromptDeletedFileConflict-Message": "{0} has been modified on {1}, but deleted on {2}.",
"PromptDeletedFileConflict-NoBaseNoPairMessage": "GitKraken was unable to determine whether to keep {0}, would you like to keep it?",
"PromptDeletedFileConflict-RemoveFile": "Delete The File",
"PromptForCreds-EnterCredentialsForProxy": "Please enter your credentials for {0}: ",
"PromptForCreds-InvalidCredentialsForProxy": "Invalid credentials for {0}. Please try again: ",
"PromptForCreds-GpgPassphrase": "Enter your GPG passphrase",
"PromptForCreds-EnterSSHPassphrase": "Enter passphrase for SSH key:",
"PromptForCreds-EnterServiceSSHPassphrase": "Enter passphrase for {0} SSH key:",
"PromptForCreds-IncorrectSSHPassphrase": "Incorrect passphrase for SSH key. Try again:",
"PromptForCreds-IncorrectServiceSSHPassphrase": "Incorrect passphrase for {0} SSH key. Try again:",
"PromptForCreds-PasswordPlaceholder": "Password",
"PromptForCreds-LocksIcon": "Caps Lock Is Enabled",
"PromptForCreds-PleaseLogIn": "Please log in to continue:",
"PromptForCreds-InvalidLogin": "Invalid login. Try again:",
"PromptForCreds-UsernamePlaceholder": "Username",
"PromptForCreds-EnterUsername": "What username should we use to connect you to {0}?",
"PromptForCreds-EnterUsernameInvalid": "Username not accepted on {0}. Please try again:",
"PromptForCreds-RememberMe": "Remember me",
"PromptForMerge-SaveAncestor": "You did not pick A or B. Would you like to save your ancestor?",
"PromptForMerge-SaveMergeWithUnresolvedConflicts": "You have unresolved conflicts. How would you like to proceed?",
"PromptForRebase-ConfirmDropXCommits": "Are you sure you want to drop {0} commits?",
"PromptForRebase-ConfirmDropCommit": "Are you sure you want to drop 1 commit?",
"PromptForPush-LocalIsBehindRemote": "'{0}' is behind '{1}'. Update your branch by doing a Pull.",
"PromptForPush-ConfirmForcePush": "Force push is a destructive action and cannot be undone. Are you sure?",
"PromptForPush-OAuthInvalid": "Your OAuth token for '{0}' is invalid. Would you like to refresh your OAuth credentials or try again without OAuth?",
"PromptForTagAnnotation-Message": "Message:",
"PromptForTagAnnotation-Placeholder": "Annotation message",
"PromptForTagAnnotation-Sign": "Sign",
"PromptForRemoteDeletionConfirmation": "This is a destructive operation, are you sure you want to delete \"{0}\"?",
"PromptForDeleteRepo-Delete": "Delete repository",
"PromptForDeleteRepo-Message": "Permanently delete repository {0}?",
"PromptIgnore-Message": "Ignore '{0}'?",
"PromptIgnoreMultiple-Message": "Ignore {0} files?",
"PromptIgnore-Ignore": "Ignore",
"PromptIgnore-IgnoreAndUntrack": "Ignore and Stop Tracking",
"PromptNewBranchAtRemote-BranchNamePlaceholder": "branch name",
"PromptNewBranchAtRemote-CreateBranch": "Create Branch Here",
"PromptNewBranchAtRemote-Message": "A local '{0}' already exists.",
"PromptNewBranchAtRemote-ResetLocal": "Reset Local to Here",
"PromptForNewBranchName-InvalidBranchName": "The given branch name is not valid",
"PromptForNewBranchName-Message": "Rename '{0}' to:",
"PromptForNewBranchName-Placeholder": "new branch name",
"CommitMessage-RemoteBranchCreated": "Branch: created {0}",
"GitHubActionForm-AddWorkflow": "Create a Workflow",
"GitHubActionForm-AddGitHubWorkflowButtonLabel": "Create Workflow",
"GitHubActionForm-SearchTemplates": "search templates",
"GitHubActionForm-SelectTemplate": "Select a template",
"GitHubActionForm-WorkflowFileName": "File name",
"GitHubActionForm-WorkflowName": "Workflow name",
"RemoteForm-AddRemote": "Add Remote",
"RemoteForm-AddRemoteButtonLabel": "Add Remote",
"RemoteForm-Bitbucket": "Bitbucket.org",
"RemoteForm-BitbucketServer": "Bitbucket Server",
"RemoteForm-ConnectToService": "Connect to {0}",
"RemoteForm-EditManually": "Edit remote",
"RemoteForm-EditRemote": "Edit Remote",
"RemoteForm-GitHub": "GitHub.com",
"RemoteForm-GitHubEnterprise": "GitHub Enterprise",
"RemoteForm-GitLab": "GitLab.com",
"RemoteForm-GitLabSelfHosted": "GitLab Self-Managed",
"RemoteForm-NoMatch": "No Match",
"RemoteForm-PushURL": "Push URL",
"RemoteForm-PullURL": "Pull URL",
"RemoteForm-RemoteName": "Name",
"RemoteForm-SearchRemotes": "Search Remotes",
"RemoteForm-SearchService": "Search {0}",
"RemoteForm-SelectPlaceholder": "Select...",
"We are retrieving {0} forks associated with this repo. It may be faster to get the URL from {1}",
"We are retrieving a lot of forks associated with this repo. It may be faster to get the URL from {0}",
"RemoteForm-Url": "URL",
"RemoteForm-AzureDevops": "Azure DevOps",
"MergeConflictsPanel-1ConflictMustBeResolved": "1 conflict must be resolved before continuing",
"MergeConflictsPanel-NConflictsMustBeResolved": "{0} conflicts must be resolved before continuing",
"SetUpstreamPrompt-InvalidBranchName": "The given branch name is not valid",
"SetUpstreamPrompt-MustSelectRemote": "You have to select a remote (e.g. \"origin/<branch>\")",
"SetUpstreamPrompt-SelectRemoteBranchMessage": "What remote/branch should \"{0}\" push to and pull from?",
"ConfirmationMessage-ClonePullRequestHead": "Do you want to add \"{0}\" as a remote and checkout \"{1}\"?",
"Could not acquire a lock on .git/config because a lock already exists. Another program or action may be modifying the repository. Would you like to delete the config lock on this repo so it can be modified?",
"ConfirmationMessage-DeleteFile": "This will delete the \"{0}\". Are you sure you want to continue?",
"ConfirmationMessage-DeleteFiles": "This will delete the selected files. Are you sure you want to continue?",
"ConfirmationMessage-DeleteGitFlowRef": "This branch is required for Git Flow, are you sure you want to delete \"{0}\"?",
"ConfirmationMessage-DeleteRef": "This is a destructive operation, are you sure you want to delete \"{0}\"?",
"ConfirmationMessage-Delete1LocalBranchInFolder": "This is a destructive operation, are you sure you want to delete 1 local branch in \"{0}\"?",
"ConfirmationMessage-DeleteNLocalBranchesInFolder": "This is a destructive operation, are you sure you want to delete {0} local branches in \"{1}\"?",
"ConfirmationMessage-DeleteAllRefs": "This is a destructive operation, are you sure you want to delete \"{0}\" at this node, including remotes?",
"ConfirmationMessage-DeleteStash": "This is a destructive operation, are you sure you want to delete stash with message \"{0}\"?",
"ConfirmationMessage-DeleteTagFromRemote": "This is a destructive operation, are you sure you want to delete \"{0}\" from \"{1}\"?",
"ConfirmationMessage-DeleteTagFromAllRemotes": "Would you also like to delete tags named \"{0}\" from your remote repos?",
"ConfirmationMessage-UnstageAndRemoveFile": "This will unstage and delete \"{0}\". Are you sure you want to continue?",
"ConfirmationMessage-UnstageAndRemoveFiles": "This will unstage and delete the selected files. Are you sure you want to continue?",
"ConfirmationMessage-DiscardUnstagedChangesToFile": "This will discard unstaged changes to \"{0}\". Are you sure you want to continue?",
"ConfirmationMessage-DiscardUnstagedChangesToFiles": "This will discard unstaged changes to the selected files. Are you sure you want to continue?",
"ConfirmationMessage-ImmediatelyCommitCherryPick": "Do you want to immediately commit the cherrypicked changes?",
"ConfirmationMessage-ImmediatelyCommitRevert": "Do you want to immediately commit the reverted changes?",
"Repository '{0}' must have an initial commit to be opened. Do you want GitKraken to make a commit for you?",
"Merge conflicts detected. To proceed with the merge, you must stash any changes and checkout branch {0}. Do you want to do this now?",
"ConfirmationMessage-CreateCommitForMerge": "Do you want to immediately commit the merged changes?",
"To start the rebase, you must stash any changes and checkout branch \"{0}\". Do you want to do this now?",
"To start the rebase, you must checkout branch \"{0}\". Do you want to do this now?",
"This will discard all staged and unstaged changes, including new untracked files. Are you sure you want to discard all changes?",
"This will discard all staged and unstaged changes to \"{0}\". Are you sure you want to discard all changes to the file?",
"This will discard all staged and unstaged changes to the selected files. Are you sure you want to discard all selected changes?",
"ConfirmationMessage-PersistConflictToDisk": "Are you sure you want to save to disk?",
"UndoRedo-InformationMissing": "Undo information is missing - it has likely been garbage collected.",
"UndoRedo-RedoFailed": "Redo Failed",
"UndoRedo-RedoSuccessful": "Redo Successful",
"UndoRedo-UndoFailed": "Undo Failed",
"UndoRedo-UndoSuccessful": "Undo Successful",
"View-AutoUpdate": "Choose Installer",
"View-AutoUpdate-Downloading": "Downloading update",
"View-AutoUpdate-Downloaded": "Download completed",
"View-AutoUpdate-SomethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
"View-KeyBindings": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"View-GitHookFailureLog": "Hook Log",
"View-RepositoryManagement": "Repository Management",
"View-ToggleLeftPanel": "Toggle Left Panel",
"View-ZoomDown": "Decrease Zoom",
"View-ZoomReset": "Reset Zoom",
"View-ZoomUp": "Increase Zoom",
"NewTabView-GitKraken": "GitKraken",
"NewTabView-OpenRepo": "Open a repo",
"NewTabView-StartLocalRepo": "Start a local repo",
"NewTabView-CloneRepo": "Clone a repo",
"NewTabView-StartHostedRepo": "Start a hosted repo:",
"NewTabView-OnHostingService": "on {0}",
"NewTabView-Customize": "Customize",
"NewTabView-AdditionalResources": "Additional Resources",
"NewTabView-WatchGitKrakenIntroVideo": "Watch the GitKraken intro video",
"NewTabView-WatchGloBoardsIntroVideo": "Watch the Glo Boards intro video",
"NewTabView-JoinSlackCommunity": "Join the GitKraken Slack community",
"NewTabView-ReadGitKrakenDocumentation": "Read GitKraken Documentation",
"NewTabView-ReadGloBoardsDocumentation": "Read Glo Boards Documentation",
"NewTabView-ProvideFeedback": "Provide Feedback",
"NewTabView-GetGloBoardsAppApple": "Glo Boards for iOS",
"NewTabView-GetGloBoardsAppAndroid": "Glo Boards for Android",
"NewTabView-GetSupport": "Get Support",
"NewTabView-FavoriteRepos": "Favorite Repos",
"NewTabView-RecentRepos": "Recent Repos",
"NewTabView-ViewNOthers": "View {0} others",
"NewTabView-GloBoards": "Glo Boards",
"NewTabView-OpenGlo": "Open Glo",
"NewTabView-NewGloBoard": "New Glo Board",
"NewTabView-FavoriteBoards": "Favorite Boards",
"NewTabView-RecentBoards": "Recent Boards",
"KeyBindingFilter-Placeholder": "Filter shortcuts ({0} + F)",
"KeyBindingHeader-RepoActions": "Repo Actions",
"KeyBindingHeader-Navigation": "Navigation",
"KeyBindingHeader-FuzzyFinder": "Fuzzy Finder",
"KeyBindingHeader-UI": "UI",
"KeyBinding-or": "or",
"KeyBinding-CloseFileOrTab": "Close File/Tab",
"KeyBinding-Commit": "Commit (when in message input)",
"KeyBinding-CommitWithStage": "Stage All + Commit (when in message input)",
"KeyBinding-FocusCommitMessage": "Focus commit message",
"KeyBinding-CreateBranch": "Create Branch",
"KeyBinding-SearchCommits": "Search commits",
"KeyBinding-Fetch": "Fetch All",
"KeyBinding-FilterBranches": "Filter left panel",
"KeyBinding-FullScreen": "Toggle Full Screen",
"KeyBinding-OpenFileInExternalDiffOrMergeTool": "Open Selected File in External Diff/Merge Tool",
"Keybinding-OpenRepoInTerminal": "Open Repo in Terminal",
"KeyBinding-FuzzyFinderHistory": "Search for a file to view its history / blame",
"Keybinding-FuzzyFinderOpenRepo": "Open Repo via Fuzzy Finder",
"KeyBinding-SelectFirst": "Select First Item",
"KeyBinding-SelectLast": "Select Last Item",
"KeyBinding-SelectNext": "Select Next Item",
"KeyBinding-SelectNextTopological": "Select Next Item in Branch",
"KeyBinding-SelectPrev": "Select Previous Item",
"KeyBinding-SelectPrevTopological": "Select Previous Item in Branch",
"KeyBinding-Stage": "Stage Current File",
"KeyBinding-StageAll": "Stage All Files",
"KeyBinding-ToggleFuzzyFinder": "Toggle Fuzzy Finder",
"KeyBinding-OpenNewTab": "Open a new tab",
"KeyBinding-CloseCurrentTab": "Close the current tab",
"KeyBinding-JumpToNextTab": "Jump to the next open tab",
"KeyBinding-JumpToPreviousTab": "Jump to the previous open tab",
"KeyBinding-JumpToSpecificTab": "Jump to a specific tab",
"KeyBinding-Unstage": "Unstage Current File",
"KeyBinding-UnstageAll": "Unstage All Files",
"Notification-AlreadyUpToDate": "Already Up-to-Date",
"Notification-AnnotatedSuccessfully": "Annotated Successfully",
"Notification-BranchToBranch": "{0} into {1}",
"Notification-RefToRemote": "{0} to {1}",
"Notification-CloningToPath": "Cloning into {0}",
"Notification-CheckoutSuccessful": "Checkout Successful",
"Notification-CherrypickSuccessful": "Cherrypick Successful",
"Notification-CreatedSuccessfully": "Created Successfully",
"Notification-DeletedBranch": "Deleted: {0}",
"Notification-FeedbackSent": "Feedback Sent",
"Notification-GpgCopyPublicKeySuccessfully": "Public GPG key copied successfully",
"Notification-SupportSent": "Support Request Sent",
"Notification-GpgKeyGenSuccess": "GPG Key Created Successfully",
"Notification-Merged": "Merged",
"Notification-MergedSuccessfully": "Merged Successfully",
"Notification-PulledSuccessfully": "Pulled Successfully",
"Notification-PushedSuccessfully": "Pushed Successfully",
"Notification-RebaseSuccessful": "Rebase Successful",
"Notification-RenameSuccessful": "Rename Successful",
"Notification-RepoDeleteSuccessful": "Repository Deletion Successful",
"Notification-RevertSuccessful": "Revert Successful",
"Notification-SubmoduleCreatedSuccessful": "Submodule Created",
"Notification-SubmoduleDeletedSuccessful": "Submodule Removed",
"Notification-SSHKeyBeingUsed": "Key Added",
"Notification-ManageSSHKeysButton": "Manage SSH Keys for {0}",
"NotificationMessage-AlreadyUpToDate": "No merge necessary. Branch {1} was not moved.",
"NotificationMessage-RefToRef": "{0} to {1}",
"NotificationMessage-RepoDeleteSuccessful": "Repository {0} successfully deleted!",
"NotificationMessage-RevertWasNoop": "However, the current branch already has all changes from the reverted commit.",
"NotificationMessage-CherrypickWasNoop": "However, the current branch already has all changes from the cherrypicked commit.",
"NotificationMessage-SSHKeyBeingUsed": "GitKraken will use this key to talk to {0}. The public key has been copied to your clipboard; please make sure it is registered on your {0} account.",
"Trial-StartTrialModalTitle": "Start a Free GitKraken Pro Trial",
"Trial-StartTrialModalContent": "Start your {0}-Day GitKraken Pro trial now to get access to more features:",
"Trial-StartTrialModalSubcontent": "Learn more about GitKraken features at ",
"Trial-StartTrialModalConfirmButton": "Start my GitKraken Pro trial now",
"Trial-StartTrialModalNoThanksButton": "Not now, thanks",
"Trial-TableFeature1": "Work with privately-hosted repositories",
"Trial-TableFeature2": "A powerful merge conflict editor in-app",
"Trial-TableFeature3": "Multiple profiles for work & personal use",
"Trial-TableFeature4": "GitHub Enterprise integration",
"Trial-TableFeature5": "GitLab Self-Managed integration",
"Trial-TableFeature6": "Bitbucket Server integration",
"Trial-TableFeature7": "Azure DevOps integration",
"Trial-TrialStartedModalContent": "For the next {0} days, your Pro trial grants you access to all of GitKraken's advanced features.",
"Trial-TrialStartedModalSubcontent": "Upgrade your account at any time during the trial to avoid losing access to these features when the trial ends.",
"Trial-TrialStartedModalTitle": "Your GitKraken Pro Trial Has Started",
"Trial-AnyKindOfTrialEndedModalTitle": "Your GitKraken Trial has Ended",
"Trial-AnyKindOfTrialTrialEndedModalContinueUsingFree": "No thanks, I'll continue without {0}.",
"Trial-ProFeatures": "Pro features",
"Trial-PremiumFeatures": "premium features",
"Trial-StartXDayTrial": "Start {0}-Day Pro Trial",
"Version6LegacyTrial-ModalTitle": "Thank You for Being an Awesome GitKraken User!",
"Version6LegacyTrial-ModalContent1": "We have made some changes to the GitKraken Pricing Plans and due to these changes, we are upgrading your account to the GitKraken Individual Plan for {0} days, on us! This upgrade will give you:",
"Version6LegacyTrial-Feature1": "The ability to open private repositories",
"Version6LegacyTrial-Feature2": "Access to the Merge Conflict Editor",
"Version6LegacyTrial-ModalContent2": "You can see our pricing plan changes in this {0}.",
"Version6LegacyTrial-BlogPost": "blog post",
"Error": "Error",
"Error-AddExternalSSHKeyToServiceFailed": "Add SSH Key failed",
"Error-AmendFailed": "Amend failed",
"Error-AnnotateTagFailed": "Annotate Tag Failed",
"Error-ApplyingStashError": "Error Applying Stash",
"Error-CommitFailed": "Commit failed",
"Error-CreatingStashError": "Error Creating Stash",
"Error-BranchNameEmpty": "Must fill in branch name",
"Error-BranchNameMayNotContainSpaces": "Spaces are not allowed in branch name",
"Error-CheckoutFailed": "Checkout Failed",
"Error-CherrypickFailed": "Cherrypick Failed",
"Error-ConflictDetected": "Conflict Detected",
"Error-AddSSHKeyToServiceFailed": "SSH key connection failed",
"Error-CouldNotWriteToRepo": "Could not write the requested file(s) into the repo",
"Error-CreateRepoFailed": "Failed creating repository",
"Error-CreateRefFailed": "Failed creating ref",
"Error-CreateRemoteRepoAndCloneFailed": "Failed to create repository",
"Error-CreateRemoteRepoFailed": "Failed to create repository",
"Error-DeleteFileFailed": "Delete file at path failed: {0}.",
"Error-DeleteFailedWithName": "Delete Failed: {0}",
"Error-DeleteFailedWithNamesTagForRemote": "Delete Failed: {0} for {1}",
"Error-Diff3DoesNotExist": "Could not find diff to perform action",
"Error-Diff3UpdateFailed": "Failed to update diff",
"Error-DiscardSelectionFailed": "Discarding selection failed",
"Error-DisconnectOAuthServiceFailed": "Service disconnection failed",
"Error-RemoveSSHKeyFromServiceFailed": "SSH key disconnection failed",
"Error-FeedbackSendFailure": "Failed to send feedback",
"Error-FetchFailedWithName": "Fetch failed for '{0}'",
"Error-FetchAllPullRequestsFailed": "Fetching pull requests failed",
"Error-GenerateDiff3Failed": "Generating diff for conflict failed",
"Error-GenerateSSHKeyAndAddToServiceFailed": "SSH key creation failed",
"Error-Generic": "An Error Occurred",
"Error-GitFlowFinishFeatureFailed": "Failed to finish feature '{0}'",
"Error-GitFlowFinishHotfixFailed": "Failed to finish hotfix '{0}'",
"Error-GitFlowFinishReleaseFailed": "Failed to finish release '{0}'",
"Error-GitFlowStartFeatureFailed": "Failed to start feature '{0}'",
"Error-GitFlowStartHotfixFailed": "Failed to start hotfix '{0}'",
"Error-GitFlowStartReleaseFailed": "Failed to start release '{0}'",
"Error-GitHubNoMorePrivateRepos": "No private repositories available for this GitHub account",
"Error-GitLabMergeRequestsDisabled": "Merge requests are disabled for this repository",
"Error-GpgAnnotateFailedNotEnabled": "Cannot sign annotated tag because there is no GPG signing key configured",
"Error-GpgBadPassphrase": "Bad passphrase",
"Error-GpgCopyPublicKeyFailed": "Failed to copy public GPG key",
"Error-GpgGitConfigUpdate": "Unable to update git config",
"Error-GpgKeyGenFailed": "GPG Key Generation Failed",
"Error-GpgKeyGenMissingNameOrEmail": "Unable to generate GPG key: Profile name and email required",
"Error-GpgNoKeyConfigured": "No GPG key configured",
"Error-GpgNoPassphrase": "No GPG passphrase given",
"Error-GpgNoSmartCard": "No GPG smartcard found",
"Error-GpgNotFound": "GPG binary not found",
"Error-GpgSigningAborted": "No passphrase given",
"Error-GpgSigningFailed": "Signing failed",
"Error-GpgUnparseableSignature": "PGP Signature could not be parsed",
"Error-InotifyLimitReached": "Inotify Limit Error",
"Error-KeyAlreadyExistsOnAccount": "Key already exists on this account",
"Error-LoginRedirect": "Encountered a redirect when attempting to retrieve user data - please add ${0} to your network's whitelist",
"Error-MergeAbortFailed": "Abort Merge Failed",
"Error-MergeFailed": "Merge Failed",
"Error-NeedUpgradedPermissions": "More {0} permissions required",
"Error-OpenDiffToolFailed": "Failed to open diff tool",
"Error-OpenMergeToolFailed": "Failed to open merge tool",
"Error-OpenRepoInTerminalFailed": "Failed to open repo in terminal",
"Error-PersistMergeToDisk": "Failed to persist merge to disk",
"Error-PullFailed": "Pull Failed",
"Error-PushFailed": "Push Failed",
"Error-PushFailedWithName": "Push Failed: {0}",
"Error-PushUpdateReferenceFailed": "Push failed on {0}: {1}",
"Error-MissingAzureDevopsContributePermission": "Missing 'Contribute' permission for this remote",
"Error-MissingAzureDevopsCreateBranchPermission": "Missing 'CreateBranch' permission for this remote",
"Error-MissingAzureDevopsForcePushPermission": "Missing 'ForcePush' permission for this branch",
"Error-AzureDevops404GetRepository": "Unable to find repository {0}/{1}",
"Error-AzureDevops404GetProjects": "Unable to find projects",
"Error-BitbucketServerUnauthorized": "Bitbucket Server: {0} did not accept the Personal Access Token",
"Error-BitbucketServerForbidden": "Bitbucket Server: A request was rejected because you or your token has insufficient permissions",
"Error-BitbucketServerUnknownErrorForResource": "Bitbucket Server: Received a {1} error for {0}. Response from server: {2}",
"Error-BitbucketServerGeneric": "Bitbucket Server: {0}",
"Error-RemoteRefusedToDelete": "Push failed on {0}: remote branch cannot be deleted",
"Error-PullRequestFailed": "Failed to create pull request",
"Error-RebaseFailed": "Rebase Failed",
"Error-RebaseAutoUnstashFailed": "Popping Auto Stashed Changes Failed",
"Error-RebaseFailedFromFileLock": "Cannot modify one or more files. May be due to file permissions or the file(s) being used by another process. Unlock the file(s), abort rebase, then try again.",
"Error-RebaseAbortFailed": "Abort Rebase Failed",
"Error-RebaseAbortFailedFromFileLock": "Cannot abort rebase. May be due to file permissions or the file(s) being used by another process.",
"Error-RenameFailed": "Rename Failed",
"Error-RenameNeedsLocalBranch": "A local branch must be checked out!",
"Error-RemoveFailed": "Failed to remove files",
"Error-ResetFailed": "Reset Failed",
"Error-RepoAlreadyExists": "Repository already exists",
"Error-RepoAlreadyExistsOnAccount": "Repo already exists on this account",
"Error-RepoDeleteFailed": "Repository Deletion Failed",
"Error-RevertFailed": "Revert Failed",
"Error-SendFeedbackFailure": "Couldn't send feedback! Please try again later.",
"Error-StageFilemodeFailed": "Stage filemode failed",
"Error-StagePathsFailed": "Staging paths failed",
"Error-StageSelectionFailed": "Staging selection failed",
"Error-UnableToMergeInApp": "File needs an external merge tool to solve",
"Error-UnstageFilemodeFailed" : "Unstaging filemode changes failed",
"Error-UnstagePathsFailed": "Unstaging paths failed",
"Error-UnstageSelectionFailed": "Unstaging selection failed",
"Error-UpdateContentFailed": "Updating file contents failed",
"Error-UpdateDiffFailed": "Updating diffs failed",
"Error-UpdateHunkFailed": "Updating hunks failed",
"Error-UpdateInteractiveRebaseStepsFailed": "Updating rebase steps failed",
"Error-UnkownFetchErrorForResource": "Unknown error when trying to fetch {0}",
"ErrorFallback-ConfirmationMessage": "Your error report has been submitted. Thank you!",
"ErrorFallback-Message": "GitKraken encountered a fatal error. If you enabled bug reporting, this issue has been reported. If not, please consider sending a report.",
"ErrorFallback-ReportError": "Report Error",
"ErrorFallback-RestartLabel": "Restart",
"ErrorFallback-QuitLabel": "Quit",
"ErrorMessage-BranchNameConflictsWithDirectory": "Could not create ref \"{0}\" because its name conflicts with an existing ref",
"ErrorMessage-CannotApplyStashWhenFilesAreStaged": "Cannot apply stash while anything is staged. Stash, commit, or unstage first.",
"ErrorMessage-CannotDeleteCheckedOutBranch": "Cannot delete currently checked out branch. Switch branches first.",
"ErrorMessage-1ConflictPreventsCheckout": "1 conflict prevents checkout.\nCommit, stash, or discard your changes first.",
"ErrorMessage-NConflictsPreventCheckout": "{0} conflicts prevent checkout.\nCommit, stash, or discard your changes first.",
"ErrorMessage-ConflictsPreventStashApplication": "{0} conflicts prevent stash application.",
"ErrorMessage-DiscardSelectionFailedWithReason": "Could not discard selection for {0} for the following reason: {1}",
"ErrorMessage-InotifyLimitReached": "File watching is disabled for this repository. Please increase your inotify limit and reopen this repository.",
"ErrorMessage-InvalidSshKey": "Configured SSH key is invalid. Please confirm that it is properly associated with your Git provider.",
"ErrorMessage-SshKeyNotFound": "SSH Key not found. Please configure one first in Preferences -> Authentication",
"ErrorMessage-SshKeyNotSupported": "Configured SSH key is in an invalid format. Please ensure that your key is valid and is an RSA-type key.",
"ErrorMessage-MergeConflicts": "There are merge conflicts that need to be resolved",
"ErrorMessage-CannotOpenFileCompareToolForMultiSelectedFiles": "Multiple files are currently selected in the Commit Panel",
"ErrorMessage-CannotOpenFileCompareToolWithoutActiveFile": "No file is selected in the Commit Panel or open in the merge resolution panel",
"ErrorMessage-CannotOpenFileCompareToolForMergedDiffs": "More than two commits are currently selected in the graph",
"ErrorMessage-CannotOpenRepo": "Could not find a compatible repository at '{0}'.",
"ErrorMessage-DiffToolNotFound": "The configured diff tool was not found",
"ErrorMessage-MergeToolNotFound": "The configured merge tool was not found",
"ErrorMessage-FailedToLaunchDiffTool": "Could not find default diff tool \"{0}\" specified in git config.",
"ErrorMessage-FailedToLaunchMergeTool": "Could not find default merge tool \"{0}\" specified in git config.",
"ErrorMessage-NeedUpgradedPermissions": "GitKraken has even better integration with {0} and needs more permissions to continue.",
"ErrorMessage-NeedUpgradedPermissionsButton": "Upgrade Permissions",
"ErrorMessage-NoAncestorAvailableToWriteToDisk": "Cannot save to disk without an ancestor or solving the conflicts",
"ErrorMessage-NoDiffToolSet": "There is no diff tool configured in your settings",
"ErrorMessage-NoMergeToolSet": "There is no merge tool configured in your settings",
"ErrorMessage-PullRequestRemoteNotFoundWithNameAndHostingService": "Could not get pull requests for '{0}' on {1}. Double-check your remote urls and make sure you have permission to access that repository.",
"ErrorMessage-PushRefToRefFailed": "Failed pushing {0} to {1}",
"ErrorMessage-RateLimitExceededFor": "Rate limit exceeded for {0}",
"ErrorMessage-RateLimitReset": "You can begin making requests to {0} again {1}",
"ErrorMessage-RebaseConflicts": "There are rebase conflicts that need to be resolved",
"ErrorMessage-RemoteAccessDenied": "Access denied. Make sure you have access to do that action on that remote and try again.",
"ErrorMessage-RemoteAccessDeniedOrgWarning": "If {0} is an organization on {1}, you may need to request (or grant) GitKraken access to the organization.",
"ErrorMessage-RemoteAccessDeniedButton": "Go to {0}",
"ErrorMessage-RemoteNotFoundWithName": "Could not connect to '{0}'. Double-check your remote url, then make sure you have access to do that action on that remote and try again.",
"ErrorMessage-RemoteRefBehindRemote": "Your remote branch is out of date. Please fetch {0} before pushing.",
"ErrorMessage-RenameRefToRefFailed": "Could not rename {0} to '{1}'",
"ErrorMessage-RenameTargetAlreadyExists": "'{0}' already exists!",
"ErrorMessage-RepoDeleteFailed": "Repository {0} could not be deleted!",
"ErrorMessage-ResetFailedWithReason": "Could not reset for the following reason: {0}",
"ErrorMessage-WindowsShPathNotFound": "This repo has Git hooks. Using Git hooks on Windows requires sh.exe, but GitKraken couldn't find it.",
"ErrorMessage-StageFilemodeFailedWithReason": "Could not stage filemode for {0} for the following reason: {1}",
"ErrorMessage-StagePathsFailedWithReason": "Could not stage paths for the following reason: {0}",
"ErrorMessage-StageSelectionFailedWithReason": "Could not stage selection for {0} for the following reason: {1}",
"ErrorMessage-TerminalCommandNotConfigured": "There is no terminal configured in your settings. Would you like to configure your terminal now?",
"ErrorMessage-UnableToMergeInApp": "File conflict contains both text and binary parts. Use an external tool to handle this merge.",
"ErrorMessage-UnrecognizedAllowedTypes": "Unrecognized Allowed Types: {0}",
"ErrorMessage-UnstageFilemodeFailedWithReason": "Could not unstage filemode for {0} for the following reason: {1}",
"ErrorMessage-UnstagePathsFailedWithReason": "Could not unstage paths for the following reason: {0}",
"ErrorMessage-UnstageSelectionFailedWithReason": "Could not unstage selection for {0} for the following reason: {1}",
"ErrorMessage-UpdateDiffFailedWithReason": "Could not update diffs for the following reason: {0}",
"ErrorMessage-UpdateHunkFailedWithReason": "Could not update hunk for {0} for the following reason: {1}",
"ErrorMessage-UpstreamNotInFetchData": "{0} does not exist on {1}",
"Plugin-GenericTabLabel": "Plugin",
"Plugin-TabViewLoadFailed": "Plugin failed to open",
"FileSavePrompt-Detail": "Any unsaved changes will be discarded.",
"FileSavePrompt-Message": "Do you want to save the changes you made to {0}?",
"CheckoutError-CloseDetailPanel": "To checkout, please save your changes and try again.",
"MergeError-CloseDetailPanel": "To merge, please save your changes and try again.",
"RebaseError-CloseDetailPanel": "To rebase, please save your changes and try again.",
"RebaseAbortError-CloseDetailPanel": "To abort the rebase, please save your changes and try again.",
"RebaseContinueError-CloseDetailPanel": "To continue the rebase, please save your changes and try again.",
"CloseRepoError-CloseDetailPanel": "To close the repo, please save your changes and try again.",
"OpenRepoError-CloseDetailPanel": "To open another repo, please save your changes and try again.",
"DropStashError-CloseDetailPanel": "To drop a stash, please save your changes and try again.",
"CreateStashError-CloseDetailPanel": "To stash, please save your changes and try again.",
"ApplyStashError-CloseDetailPanel": "To apply a stash, please save your changes and try again.",
"TryUndoError-CloseDetailPanel": "To try to redo, please save your changes and try again.",
"TryRedoError-CloseDetailPanel": "To try to undo, please save your changes and try again.",
"Error-CloseDetailPanel": "Please save your changes and try again.",
"Editor-OverwriteContentsOnDiskQuestion": "The file has been modified outside of GitKraken. Do you want to overwrite the file?",
"Editor-OverwriteContentsOnDiskOrDiscardQuestion": "The file has been modified outside of GitKraken. Do you want to discard your changes, or overwrite the file?",
"Editor-OverwriteContentsOnDisk": "Save and overwrite",
"Editor-DiscardChanges": "Discard these changes",
"SaveAndStageEditorChanges-Message": "Do you want to save your changes before staging, or only stage what's already saved to the disk?",
"SaveAndStageEditorChanges-SaveAndStage": "Save and stage",
"SaveAndStageEditorChanges-StageSavedChangesOnly": "Stage saved changes only"
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:lyydhy/gitkraken-chinese.git
