To generate Visual Studio files in vs2015 directory, run: premake5 vs2015
I'm using premake5 alpha9 from http://premake.github.io/download.html#v5
(premake4 won't work, it doesn't support VS 2013+)
Note about nasm: when providing "-I foo/bar/" flag to nasm.exe, it must be
"foo/bar/" and not just "foo/bar".
Reference for warnings:
4018 - signed/unsigned mismatch
4057 - function X differs in indirection to slightly different base types
4100 - unreferenced formal parameter
4127 - conditional expression is constant
4131 - uses old-style declarator
4189 - local variable is initialized but not referenced
4204 - non-standard extension: non-constant aggregate initializer
4206 - non-standard extension: translation unit is empty
4244 - 64bit, conversion with possible loss of data
4267 - 64bit, conversion with possible loss of data
4302 - 64bit, type caset truncation
4311 - 64bit, type cast pointer truncation
4312 - 64bit, conversion to X of greater size
4324 - 64bit, structure was padded
4458 - declaraion of X hides class member
4530 - exception mismatch
4702 - unreachable code
4706 - assignment within conditional expression
4800 - forcing value to bool (performance warning)
4819 - The file contains a character that cannot be represented in the current code page
4838 - conversion from X to Y requires a narrowing conversion
4996 - POSIX name deprecated
28125 - function X must be called in try/except (InitializeCriticalSection)
28252 - Inconsistent annotaion
28253 - Inconsistent annotaion
workspace "SumatraPDF"
configurations { "Debug", "Release", "ReleasePrefast" }
platforms { "x32", "x64" }
startproject "SumatraPDF"
filter "platforms:x32"
architecture "x86"
toolset "v140_xp"
buildoptions { "/arch:IA32" } -- disable the default /arch:SSE2 for 32-bit builds
filter "action:vs2013"
toolset "v120_xp"
filter {}
filter "platforms:x64"
architecture "x86_64"
toolset "v140_xp"
filter "action:vs2013"
toolset "v120_xp"
filter {}
disablewarnings { "4127", "4324", "4458", "4800" }
warnings "Extra"
location "this_is_invalid_location"
filter "action:vs2015"
location "vs2015"
filter {}
filter "action:vs2013"
location "vs2013"
filter {}
filter "action:gmake"
location "gmake"
filter {}
filter {"platforms:x32", "configurations:Release"}
targetdir "rel"
filter {"platforms:x32", "configurations:ReleasePrefast"}
targetdir "relPrefast"
filter {"platforms:x32", "configurations:Debug"}
targetdir "dbg"
filter {"platforms:x64", "configurations:Release"}
targetdir "rel64"
filter {"platforms:x64", "configurations:ReleasePrefast"}
targetdir "relPrefast64"
filter {"platforms:x64", "configurations:Debug"}
targetdir "dbg64"
filter {}
objdir "%{cfg.targetdir}/obj"
-- https://github.com/premake/premake-core/wiki/flags
flags {
-- "Unicode", TODO: breaks libdjuv?
filter {"configurations:not ReleasePrefast"}
flags { "FatalWarnings" }
filter {}
exceptionhandling "Off"
rtti "Off"
defines { "WIN32", "_WIN32", "_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS", "WINVER=0x0501", "_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501" }
defines { "_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0" }
filter "configurations:Debug"
defines { "DEBUG" }
filter "configurations:Release*"
defines { "NDEBUG" }
flags {
optimize "On"
filter "configurations:ReleasePrefast"
toolset "v140" -- xp toolset doesn't have prefast
-- TODO: somehow /analyze- is default which creates warning about
-- over-ride from cl.exe. Don't know how to disable the warning
buildoptions { "/analyze" }
disablewarnings { "28125", "28252", "28253" }
filter {}
project "zlib"
kind "StaticLib"
language "C"
disablewarnings { "4131", "4244", "4996" }
project "libdjvu"
kind "StaticLib"
characterset ("MBCS")
language "C++"
-- TODO: try /D USE_EXCEPTION_EMULATION to see if it reduces the size
-- and disables the exceptions warnings
disablewarnings { "4100", "4189", "4244", "4267", "4302", "4311", "4312" }
disablewarnings { "4456", "4457", "4459", "4530", "4611", "4701", "4702", "4703", "4706" }
includedirs { "ext/libjpeg-turbo" }
project "unarrlib"
kind "StaticLib"
language "C"
-- TODO: for bzip2, need BZ_NO_STDIO and BZ_DEBUG=0
-- TODO: for lzma, need _7ZIP_PPMD_SUPPPORT
-- TODO: most of these warnings are due to bzip2 and lzma
disablewarnings { "4100", "4244", "4267", "4456", "4457", "4996" }
includedirs { "ext/zlib", "ext/bzip2", "ext/lzma/C" }
project "jbig2dec"
kind "StaticLib"
language "C"
defines { "HAVE_STRING_H=1", "JBIG_NO_MEMENTO" }
disablewarnings { "4018", "4100", "4244", "4267", "4701" }
includedirs { "ext/jbig2dec" }
project "openjpeg"
kind "StaticLib"
language "C"
disablewarnings { "4100", "4244", "4819" }
includedirs { "ext/openjpeg" }
project "libwebp"
kind "StaticLib"
language "C"
disablewarnings { "4204", "4244", "4057" }
includedirs { "ext/libwebp" }
project "libjpeg-turbo"
kind "StaticLib"
language "C"
disablewarnings { "4018", "4100", "4244", "4245" }
includedirs { "ext/libjpeg-turbo", "ext/libjpeg-turbo/simd" }
-- nasm.exe -I .\ext\libjpeg-turbo\simd\
-- -I .\ext\libjpeg-turbo\win\ -f win32
-- -o .\obj-rel\jpegturbo\jsimdcpu.obj
-- .\ext\libjpeg-turbo\simd\jsimdcpu.asm
filter {'files:**.asm', 'platforms:x32'}
buildmessage '%{file.relpath}'
buildoutputs { '%{cfg.objdir}/%{file.basename}.obj' }
buildcommands {
'..\\bin\\nasm.exe -f win32 -I ../ext/libjpeg-turbo/simd/ -I ../ext/libjpeg-turbo/win/ -o "%{cfg.objdir}/%{file.basename}.obj" "%{file.relpath}"'
filter {}
filter {'files:**.asm', 'platforms:x64'}
buildmessage '%{file.relpath}'
buildoutputs { '%{cfg.objdir}/%{file.basename}.obj' }
buildcommands {
'..\\bin\\nasm.exe -f win64 -D__x86_64__ -DWIN64 -DMSVC -I ../ext/libjpeg-turbo/simd/ -I ../ext/libjpeg-turbo/win/ -o "%{cfg.objdir}/%{file.basename}.obj" "%{file.relpath}"'
filter {}
project "freetype"
kind "StaticLib"
language "C"
disablewarnings { "4018", "4996" }
includedirs { "ext/freetype2/config" }
includedirs { "ext/freetype2/include" }
project "chm"
kind "StaticLib"
language "C"
defines { "UNICODE", "_UNICODE", "PPC_BSTR"}
disablewarnings { "4018", "4057", "4189", "4244", "4267", "4295", "4701", "4706", "4996" }
files { "ext/CHMLib/src/chm_lib.c", "ext/CHMLib/src/lzx.c" }
project "engines"
kind "StaticLib"
language "C++"
disablewarnings { "4018", "4057", "4189", "4244", "4267", "4295", "4819" }
disablewarnings { "4701", "4706", "4838" }
includedirs { "src/utils", "src/wingui", "src/mui" }
includedirs { "ext/synctex", "ext/libdjvu", "ext/CHMLib/src", "ext/zlib", "mupdf/include" }
links { "chm" }
project "mupdf"
kind "StaticLib"
language "C"
defines { "NOCJKFONT", "SHARE_JPEG" }
disablewarnings { "4244", "4267", }
includedirs {
"mupdf/include", "mupdf/generated", "ext/zlib",
"ext/freetype2/config", "ext/freetype2/include",
"ext/jbig2dec", "ext/libjpeg-turbo", "ext/openjpeg"
-- .\ext\..\bin\nasm.exe -I .\mupdf\ -f win32 -o .\obj-rel\mupdf\font_base14.obj
-- .\mupdf\font_base14.asm
filter {'files:**.asm', 'platforms:x32'}
buildmessage 'Compiling %{file.relpath}'
buildoutputs { '%{cfg.objdir}/%{file.basename}.obj' }
buildcommands {
'..\\bin\\nasm.exe -f win32 -I ../mupdf/ -o "%{cfg.objdir}/%{file.basename}.obj" "%{file.relpath}"'
filter {}
filter {'files:**.asm', 'platforms:x64'}
buildmessage 'Compiling %{file.relpath}'
buildoutputs { '%{cfg.objdir}/%{file.basename}.obj' }
buildcommands {
'..\\bin\\nasm.exe -f win64 -DWIN64 -I ../mupdf/ -o "%{cfg.objdir}/%{file.basename}.obj" "%{file.relpath}"'
filter {}
links { "zlib", "freetype", "libjpeg-turbo", "jbig2dec", "openjpeg" }
dependson "buildcmap"
project "libmupdf"
kind "SharedLib"
language "C"
disablewarnings { "4206" }
-- premake has logic in vs2010_vcxproj.lua that only sets PlatformToolset
-- if there is a c/c++ file, so we add a no-op cpp file to force This logic
files { "src/libmupdf.rc", "tools/premake/no_op_for_premake.cpp" }
implibname "libmupdf"
-- TODO: is thre a better way to do it?
-- TODO: only for windows
linkoptions { "/DEF:..\\src\\libmupdf.def" }
links { "mupdf", "libdjvu", "unarrlib", "libwebp" }
links {
"advapi32", "kernel32", "user32", "gdi32", "comdlg32",
"shell32", "windowscodecs", "comctl32", "msimg32",
"winspool", "wininet", "urlmon", "gdiplus", "ole32",
"oleAut32", "shlwapi", "version", "crypt32"
project "synctex"
kind "StaticLib"
language "C"
disablewarnings { "4100", "4244", "4267", "4702", "4706" }
includedirs { "ext/zlib", "ext/synctex" }
project "utils"
kind "StaticLib"
language "C++"
-- QITABENT in shlwapi.h has incorrect definition and causes 4838
disablewarnings { "4838" }
includedirs { "src/utils", "src/wingui", "src/mui", "ext/zlib", "ext/lzma/C" }
includedirs { "ext/libwebp", "ext/unarr", "mupdf/include" }
project "mui"
kind "StaticLib"
language "C++"
includedirs { "src/utils", "src/wingui", "src/mui" }
project "uia"
kind "StaticLib"
language "C++"
disablewarnings { "4302", "4311", "4838" }
includedirs { "src", "src/utils" }
project "sumatra"
kind "StaticLib"
language "C++"
-- TODO: 4838 only in settingsstructs.h(642)
disablewarnings { "4838" }
includedirs { "src", "src/utils", "src/wingui", "src/mui", "ext/synctex" }
---- executables
project "efi"
kind "ConsoleApp"
language "C++"
disablewarnings { "4091", "4577" }
includedirs { "src/utils" }
project "mutool"
kind "ConsoleApp"
language "C"
disablewarnings { "4100", "4267" }
includedirs { "ext/zlib", "ext/lzma/C", "ext/unarr", "mupdf/include" }
links { "mupdf" }
links { "windowscodecs" }
entrypoint "wmainCRTStartup"
project "mudraw"
kind "ConsoleApp"
language "C"
disablewarnings { "4100", "4267" }
includedirs { "ext/zlib", "ext/lzma/C", "ext/unarr", "mupdf/include" }
links { "mupdf" }
links { "windowscodecs" }
linkoptions { "/ENTRY:\"wmainCRTStartup\"" }
entrypoint "wmainCRTStartup"
project "cmapdump"
kind "ConsoleApp"
language "C"
-- force 32build so that we can compile 64-bit Sumatra even on 32bit machines
-- that couldn't run 64-bit cmapdump
architecture "x86"
disablewarnings { "4100", "4267" }
includedirs { "mupdf/include" }
files { "mupdf/scripts/cmapdump.c" }
-- unfortunate we need buildcmap re-direction but we can do
-- dependson { "cmapdump" } in "mupdf" as it'll break mupdf project
project "buildcmap"
kind "ConsoleApp"
language "C"
-- premake has logic in vs2010_vcxproj.lua that only sets PlatformToolset
-- if there is a c/c++ file, so we add a no-op cpp file to force This logic
files { "tools/premake/no_op_console.c" }
dependson { "cmapdump" }
postbuildcommands { "{COPY} %{cfg.targetdir}\\cmapdump.exe ..\\bin" }
postbuildcommands { "cd .. & call scripts\\gen_mupdf_generated.bat bin\\cmapdump.exe"}
project "enginedump"
kind "ConsoleApp"
language "C++"
includedirs { "src", "src/utils", "src/mui", "mupdf/include" }
links { "engines", "utils", "mupdf", "unarrlib", "libwebp", "libdjvu" }
links {
"comctl32", "gdiplus", "msimg32", "shlwapi",
"version", "windowscodecs"
project "unarr"
kind "ConsoleApp"
language "C"
disablewarnings { "4100" }
files { "ext/unarr/main.c" }
links { "unarrlib", "zlib" }
project "test_util"
kind "ConsoleApp"
language "C++"
disablewarnings { "4838" }
defines { "NO_LIBMUPDF" }
includedirs { "src/utils" }
links { "gdiplus", "comctl32", "shlwapi", "Version" }
project "signfile"
kind "ConsoleApp"
language "C++"
includedirs { "src/utils", "mupdf/include"}
files { "src/tools/signfile.cpp" }
links { "utils", "mupdf" }
links { "crypt32", "shlwapi" }
project "plugin-test"
kind "WindowedApp"
language "C++"
flags { "WinMain" }
includedirs { "src/utils" }
files { "src/tools/plugin-test.cpp" }
links { "utils", "mupdf" }
links { "shlwapi" }
project "MakeLZSA"
kind "ConsoleApp"
language "C++"
files { "src/tools/MakeLzSA.cpp" }
includedirs { "src/utils", "ext/zlib", "ext/lzma/C", "ext/unarr" }
links { "unarrlib", "utils", "zlib" }
links { "shlwapi" }
project "PdfFilter"
kind "SharedLib"
language "C++"
disablewarnings { "4838" }
filter {"configurations:Debug"}
filter {}
includedirs { "src", "src/utils", "src/wingui", "src/mui", "mupdf/include" }
links { "utils", "libmupdf" }
links { "comctl32", "gdiplus", "shlwapi", "version" }
project "PdfPreview"
kind "SharedLib"
language "C++"
disablewarnings { "4838" }
includedirs {
"src", "src/utils", "src/wingui", "src/mui", "mupdf/include",
"ext/libdjvu", "ext/CHMLib/src", "ext/zlib"
filter {"configurations:Debug"}
defines {
filter {}
-- TODO: "chm" should only be for Debug config but doing links { "chm" }
-- in the filter breaks linking by setting LinkLibraryDependencies to false
links { "utils", "libmupdf", "chm" }
links { "comctl32", "gdiplus", "msimg32", "shlwapi", "version" }
project "SumatraPDF"
kind "WindowedApp"
language "C++"
flags { "NoManifest", "WinMain" }
includedirs { "src", "src/utils", "src/wingui", "src/mui" }
files {
links {
"engines", "libdjvu", "libwebp", "mui", "mupdf", "sumatra", "synctex",
"uia", "unarrlib", "utils"
links {
"comctl32", "gdiplus", "msimg32", "shlwapi", "urlmon",
"version", "windowscodecs", "wininet"
project "SumatraPDF-no-MUPDF"
kind "WindowedApp"
language "C++"
flags { "NoManifest", "WinMain" }
includedirs { "src", "src/utils", "src/wingui", "src/mui", "mupdf/include" }
files { "src/MuPDF_Exports.cpp" }
links {
"synctex", "sumatra", "libmupdf", "utils", "mui", "engines",
"uia", "unarrlib", "libwebp"
links {
"comctl32", "gdiplus", "msimg32", "shlwapi", "urlmon",
"version", "windowscodecs", "wininet"
project "Uninstaller"
kind "WindowedApp"
language "C++"
flags { "NoManifest", "WinMain" }
disablewarnings { "4018", "4244", "4264", "4838", "4702", "4706" }
includedirs { "src", "src/utils", "ext/zlib", "ext/unarr", "ext/lzma/C" }
links { "utils", "zlib", "unarrlib" }
links {
"comctl32", "gdiplus", "msimg32", "shlwapi", "urlmon",
"version", "windowscodecs", "wininet"
-- faster to compile than Installer
project "InstallerNoData"
kind "WindowedApp"
language "C++"
flags { "NoManifest", "WinMain" }
disablewarnings {
"4018", "4100", "4131", "4244", "4267", "4302", "4311", "4312", "4456",
"4457", "4838", "4702", "4706", "4996"
includedirs { "src", "src/utils", "ext/zlib", "ext/unarr", "ext/lzma/C", "ext/bzip2" }
links {
"comctl32", "gdiplus", "msimg32", "shlwapi", "urlmon",
"version", "windowscodecs", "wininet"
project "Installer"
kind "WindowedApp"
language "C++"
flags { "NoManifest", "WinMain" }
resdefines { "INSTALL_PAYLOAD_ZIP=.\\%{cfg.targetdir}\\InstallerData.dat" }
disablewarnings {
"4018", "4100", "4131", "4244", "4267", "4302", "4311",
"4312", "4456", "4457", "4838", "4702", "4706", "4996"
includedirs { "src", "src/utils", "ext/zlib", "ext/unarr", "ext/lzma/C", "ext/bzip2" }
links {
"comctl32", "gdiplus", "msimg32", "shlwapi", "urlmon",
"version", "windowscodecs", "wininet"
dependson { "MakeLZSA", "SumatraPDF-no-MUPDF", "PdfFilter", "PdfPreview", "Uninstaller" }
-- Note: to allow 64-bit builds on 32-bit machine, always use 32-bit MakeLZSA.exe
-- TODO: checkin MakeLZSA.exe to bin and use that because this might still fail
-- if we didn't build 32-bit build first
prebuildcommands { "cd %{cfg.targetdir} & ..\\rel\\MakeLZSA.exe InstallerData.dat SumatraPDF-no-MUPDF.exe:SumatraPDF.exe libmupdf.dll:libmupdf.dll PdfFilter.dll:PdfFilter.dll PdfPreview.dll:PdfPreview.dll Uninstaller.exe:uninstall.exe ..\\mupdf\\resources\\fonts\\droid\\DroidSansFallback.ttf:DroidSansFallback.ttf" }
-- dummy project that builds all other projects
project "all"
kind "ConsoleApp"
language "C"
-- premake has logic in vs2010_vcxproj.lua that only sets PlatformToolset
-- if there is a c/c++ file, so we add a no-op cpp file to force This logic
files { "tools/premake/no_op_console.c" }
dependson {
"PdfPreview", "PdfFilter", "SumatraPDF", "SumatraPDF-no-MUPDF",
"test_util", "cmapdump", "signfile", "plugin-test", "MakeLZSA",
"mutool", "mudraw", "Uninstaller", "enginedump", "efi", "unarr"
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。