把 JSON 结构数据转换成对应的 Protocol Buffer 字节流
C++ 20 高级编程第一章案例 Rust 转译版本,源代码:https://gitee.com/luke-cpp-practice/employee-record-system-cpp-ver
Abseil Common Libraries (C++)
CUnit is a Unit testing framework for C.
Rust 程序设计语言(2021 edition 施工中)
The Rust Programming Language
Help documentation for Obsidian.
《Designing Data-Intensive Application》DDIA中文翻译
Protoscope is a simple, human-editable language for representing and emitting the Protobuf wire format.
libupnp: Build UPnP-compliant control points, devices, and bridges on several operating systems.
nanomsg-next-generation -- light-weight brokerless messaging
The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
LDNS is a DNS library that facilitates DNS tool programming