同步操作将从 openEuler/openEuler-rpm-config 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
# Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Jakub Cajka <jcajka@redhat.com>,
# Jan Chaloupka <jchaloup@redhat.com>,
# Nicolas Mailhot <nim@fedoraproject.org>
# This file is distributed under the terms of GNU GPL license version 3, or
# any later version.
# This file contains macros for building projects in golang for packages
# with golang compiler or gcc-go compiler based on an architecture.
# Golang is primarly for primary architectures, gcc-go for secondary.
# This file provides only macros and must not use any other package except
# redhat-rpm-macros.
# Define arches for PA and SA
%golang_arches %{ix86} x86_64 %{arm} aarch64 ppc64le s390x riscv64
%gccgo_arches %{mips}
%go_arches %{golang_arches} %{gccgo_arches}
# Where to set GOPATH for builds
%gopath %{_datadir}/gocode
# Define go_compilers macro to signal go-compiler package is available
%go_compiler 1
# Sanitize a Go import path that can then serve as rpm package name
# Mandatory parameter: a Go import path
%gorpmname() %{lua:
local goname = rpm.expand("%1")
-- lowercase and end with '/'
goname = string.lower(goname .. "/")
-- remove eventual protocol prefix
goname = string.gsub(goname, "^http(s?)://", "")
-- remove eventual .git suffix
goname = string.gsub(goname, "%.git/*", "")
-- remove eventual git. prefix
goname = string.gsub(goname, "^git%.", "")
-- add golang prefix
goname = "golang-" .. goname
-- remove FQDN root (.com, .org, etc)
goname = string.gsub(goname, "^([^/]+)%.([^%./]+)/", "%1/")
-- special-case x.y.z number-strings as that’s an exception in our naming
-- guidelines
goname, i = string.gsub(goname, "(%d)%.(%d)", "%1:%2")
until i == 0
-- replace various separators rpm does not like with -
goname = string.gsub(goname, "[%._/%-]+", "-")
-- because of the Azure sdk
goname = string.gsub(goname, "%-for%-go%-", "-")
-- Tokenize along - separators and remove duplicates to avoid
-- golang-foo-foo-bar-foo names
local result = ""
local tokens = {}
tokens["go"] = true
for token in string.gmatch(goname, "[^%-]+") do
if not tokens[token] then
result = result .. "-" .. token
tokens[token] = true
-- reassemble the string, restore x.y.z runs, convert the vx.y.z
-- Go convention to x.y.z as prefered in rpm naming
result = string.gsub(result, "^-", "")
result = string.gsub(result, ":", ".")
-- some projects have a name that end up in a number, and *also* add release
-- numbers on top of it, keep a - prefix before version strings
result = string.gsub(result, "%-v([%.%d])", "-%1")
# Map Go information to rpm metadata. This macro will compute default spec
# variable values.
# The following spec variable MUST be set before calling the macro:
# goipath the packaged Go project import path
# The following spec variables SHOULD be set before calling the macro:
# forgeurl the project url on the forge, strongly recommended, if it can not
# be deduced from goipath; alternatively, use -u <url>
# Version if applicable, set it with Version: <version>
# tag if applicable
# commit if applicable
# The macro will attempt to compute and set the following variables if they are
# not already set by the packager:
# goname an rpm-compatible package name derived from goipath
# gosource an URL that can be used as SourceX: value
# gourl an URL that can be used as URL: value
# It will delegate processing to the forgemeta macro for:
# forgesource an URL that can be used as SourceX: value
# forgesetupargs the correct arguments to pass to %setup for this source
# used by %forgesetup and %forgeautosetup
# archivename the source archive filename, without extentions
# archiveext the source archive filename extensions, without leading dot
# archiveurl the url that can be used to download the source archive,
# without renaming
# scm the scm type, when packaging code snapshots: commits or tags
# If the macro is unable to parse your forgeurl value set at least archivename
# and archiveurl before calling it.
# Most of the computed variables are both overridable and optional. However,
# the macro WILL REDEFINE %{dist} when packaging a snapshot (commit or tag).
# The previous %{dist} value will be lost. Don’t call the macro if you don’t
# wish %{dist} to be changed.
# Optional parameters:
# -u <url> Ignore forgeurl even if it exists and use <url> instead. Note
# that the macro will still end up setting <url> as the forgeurl
# spec variable if it manages to parse it.
# -s Silently ignore problems in forgeurl, use it if it can be parsed,
# ignore it otherwise.
# -p Restore problem handling, override -s.
# -v Be verbose and print every spec variable the macro sets.
# -i Print some info about the state of spec variables the macro may use or
# set at the end of the processing.
%gometa(u:spvi) %{expand:%{lua:
local forgeurl = rpm.expand("%{?-u*}")
if (forgeurl == "") then
forgeurl = rpm.expand("%{?forgeurl}")
-- Be explicit about the spec variables we’re setting
local function explicitset(rpmvariable,value)
rpm.define(rpmvariable .. " " .. value)
if (rpm.expand("%{?-v}") ~= "") then
rpm.expand("%{echo:Setting %%{" .. rpmvariable .. "} = " .. value .. "\\n}")
-- Never ever stomp on a spec variable the packager already set
local function safeset(rpmvariable,value)
if (rpm.expand("%{?" .. rpmvariable .. "}") == "") then
-- All the Go packaging automation relies on goipath being set
local goipath = rpm.expand("%{?goipath}")
if (goipath == "") then
rpm.expand("%{error:Please set the Go import path in the “goipath” variable before calling “gometa”!}")
-- Compute and set spec variables
if (forgeurl ~= "") then
rpm.expand("%forgemeta %{?-v} %{?-i} %{?-s} %{?-p} -u " .. forgeurl .. "\\n")
safeset("gourl", forgeurl)
safeset("gourl", "https://" .. goipath)
rpm.expand("%forgemeta %{?-v} %{?-i} -s %{?-p} -u %{gourl}\\n")
if (rpm.expand("%{?forgesource}") ~= "") then
safeset("gosource", "%{forgesource}")
safeset("gosource", "%{gourl}/%{archivename}.%{archiveext}")
safeset("goname", "%gorpmname %{goipath}")
rpm.define("gosetup %forgesetup")
-- Final spec variable summary if the macro was called with -i
if (rpm.expand("%{?-i}") ~= "") then
rpm.expand("%{echo:Go-specific packaging variables}")
rpm.expand("%{echo: goipath: %{?goipath}}")
rpm.expand("%{echo: goname: %{?goname}}")
rpm.expand("%{echo: gourl: %{?gourl}}")
rpm.expand("%{echo: gosource: %{?gosource}}")
BuildRequires: compiler(go-compiler)
ExclusiveArch: %{go_arches}
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