

林守宝 暂无简介

所有 个人的 我参与的
Forks 暂停/关闭的

    林守宝/poissonsearch-py_src forked from src-openEuler/poissonsearch-py

    Official Python client for Elasticsearch.The original name is elasticsearch-py, and the name is changed to poissonsearch-py for self-maintenance.

    林守宝/QA forked from openEuler/QA

    QA repo provides rules about how QA team runs and how contributors to this project, also includes test cases and framework

    林守宝/release-management forked from openEuler/release-management

    release management including key features, release plan, development and branch plan, release scope and notes

    林守宝/community_1 forked from openEuler/community

    The Community repo is to store all the information about openEuler Community, inclouding governance, SIGs(project teams), Communications and etc.

    林守宝/poissonsearch-py forked from openEuler/poissonsearch-py

    Official Python client for Elasticsearch.The original name is elasticsearch-py, and the name is changed to poissonsearch-py for self-maintenance.

    林守宝/community forked from openEuler/community

    The Community repo is to store all the information about openEuler Community, inclouding governance, SIGs(project teams), Communications and etc.

    林守宝/python-docx forked from src-openEuler/python-docx

    The docx module creates, reads and writes Microsoft Office Word 2007 docx files
