同步操作将从 航耍耍/mql4 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
#property copyright ""
#property link ""
#include <stderror.mqh>
#include <stdlib.mqh>
extern string EAName = "OM_2WAY_v3.6a";
extern int MagicNumberBuy = 123456789;
extern int MagicNumberSell = 987654321;
extern string s1 = ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>";
extern bool OnScreenInfo = true; // Show info on chart
extern bool ShowClock = false; // Show time on chart
extern bool DrawAveragePrice = false; // Draw average price line
extern bool DualTrade = false; // Allow buy and sell
extern bool NewTradeBuy = true; // Allow buys
extern bool NewTradeSell = true; // Allow sells
extern string s4 = ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>";
extern string s5 = ">>> Pips Settings";
extern bool CheckNewBar = true; // on new bar
extern int MaxTrades = 30; // Max number of open orders
extern double PipStep = 25.0; // Step between pips
extern double PipStepExponent = 1.0; // Exponent
extern int StaticTakeProfit = 15; // Fixed Take Profit
extern string s6 = ">>> Close order settings";
extern double ProfitPersent = 30; // Percent to close(10...50) // percent to close
extern double SecondProfitPersent = 50; // Percent to close previous last order
extern string s8 = ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>";
extern string s9 = ">>> Calculating lot size";
extern double StartLot = 0.01; // Initial lot size
extern double LotIncrement = 0.01; // Increment lot to add
extern double MaxLot = 30; // Maximum lot size
extern bool UseAutoLot = false; // Use Auto-lot ... % deposit
extern double AutoLot = 0.5; // Percent - calculate lot size from equity
extern double AutoLotIncrement = 0.3; // Percent of lot to add
extern string s10 = ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>";
extern string s11 = ">>> Enter opposite MA";
extern int iMA_Period = 700;
extern int iMA_OpenDistance = 60;
int i = 0;
int TimePrev = 0;
int vDigits;
int OrderSended = 0;
int TotalBuyOrders = 0, TotalSellOrders = 0;
int Lpos, Lpos1, Cpos;
double Spread;
double mPipStep;
double vPoint;
double PriceTarget, AveragePrice, LastBuyPrice, LastSellPrice;
double BuySummLot,SellSummLot,TotalProfitBuy,TotalProfitSell;
double BLot, SLot;
double Cprofit, Lprofit, Lprofit1, PrcCL;
string LastOrderComment = "";
string BComment, SComment;
int init()
vPoint = Point;
vDigits = Digits;
TimePrev = Time[0];
Spread = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD),vDigits)*vPoint;
// 5 digit broker
int DcD = 1;
if((vDigits == 5)||(vDigits == 3)) DcD = 10;
PipStep *= DcD;
StaticTakeProfit *= DcD;
iMA_OpenDistance *= DcD;
if(OnScreenInfo) DrawInfo();
int deinit()
int start()
// clock
if(ShowClock) ShowCurrentTime();
// info
if(OnScreenInfo) DrawInfo();
// checking new bar
if(TimePrev == Time[0] && CheckNewBar == true) return(0);
// New buy orders
TotalBuyOrders = CountOfOrders(MagicNumberBuy);
if(TotalBuyOrders > 0 && TotalBuyOrders < MaxTrades)
OrderSended = -1;
LastBuyPrice = FindLastOrderParameter(MagicNumberBuy, "price");
if(LastBuyPrice - Ask >= GetPipstepForStep(TotalBuyOrders + 1) * vPoint)
BLot = GetLotForStep(MagicNumberBuy, TotalBuyOrders);
BComment = StringSubstr(LastOrderComment, 0, StringFind(LastOrderComment, "|", 0)) + "|";
OrderSended = SendMarketOrder(OP_BUY, BLot, 0, 0, MagicNumberBuy, BComment);
// New sell orders
TotalSellOrders = CountOfOrders(MagicNumberSell);
if(TotalSellOrders > 0 && TotalSellOrders < MaxTrades)
OrderSended = -1;
LastSellPrice = FindLastOrderParameter(MagicNumberSell, "price");
if (Bid - LastSellPrice >= GetPipstepForStep(TotalSellOrders + 1) * vPoint)
SLot = GetLotForStep(MagicNumberSell, TotalSellOrders);
SComment = StringSubstr(LastOrderComment, 0, StringFind(LastOrderComment, "|", 0)) + "|";
OrderSended = SendMarketOrder(OP_SELL, SLot, 0, 0, MagicNumberSell, SComment);
//Move Take Profit
//Check new bar...first orders of the series only according to new bars
if (TimePrev == Time[0]) return(0);
TimePrev = Time[0];
int TradeSignal = GetSignal();
// New buy series ...
if (TotalBuyOrders == 0 && NewTradeBuy && TradeSignal > 0 && (DualTrade == true || TotalSellOrders == 0))
SendMarketOrder(OP_BUY, GetStartLot(), StaticTakeProfit, 0, MagicNumberBuy, TimeCurrent() + "|");
// New sell series ...
if (TotalSellOrders == 0 && NewTradeSell && TradeSignal < 0 && (DualTrade == true || TotalBuyOrders == 0))
SendMarketOrder(OP_SELL, GetStartLot(), StaticTakeProfit, 0, MagicNumberSell, TimeCurrent() + "|");
void CheckTakeProfit()
TotalBuyOrders = CountOfOrders(MagicNumberBuy);
PriceTarget = 0;
AveragePrice = 0;
if(TotalBuyOrders > 0)
PriceTarget = FindFirstOrderParameter(MagicNumberBuy, "price") + StaticTakeProfit*vPoint;
AveragePrice = CalculateAveragePrice(MagicNumberBuy);
for (i = 0; i < OrdersTotal(); i++)
if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumberBuy)
if (NormalizeDouble(OrderTakeProfit(),vDigits) != NormalizeDouble(PriceTarget,vDigits)) ModifyTakeProfit(PriceTarget);
if(DrawAveragePrice == true)
if(AveragePrice == 0)
if(ObjectFind("BuyZeroLevel") != -1) ObjectDelete("BuyZeroLevel");
if(ObjectFind("BuyAveragePrice") != -1) ObjectDelete("BuyAveragePrice");
if(ObjectFind("BuyZeroLevel") == -1)
ObjectCreate("BuyZeroLevel",OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, AveragePrice);
ObjectSet("BuyZeroLevel", OBJPROP_COLOR, Blue);
else ObjectSet("BuyZeroLevel", OBJPROP_PRICE1, AveragePrice);
if(ObjectFind("BuyAveragePrice") == -1)
ObjectCreate("BuyAveragePrice",OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, AveragePrice + StaticTakeProfit*vPoint);
ObjectSet("BuyAveragePrice", OBJPROP_COLOR, Blue);
ObjectSet("BuyAveragePrice", OBJPROP_STYLE, DRAW_LINE);
else ObjectSet("BuyAveragePrice", OBJPROP_PRICE1, AveragePrice + StaticTakeProfit*vPoint);
PriceTarget = 0;
AveragePrice = 0;
TotalSellOrders = CountOfOrders(MagicNumberSell);
if(TotalSellOrders > 0)
PriceTarget = FindFirstOrderParameter(MagicNumberSell, "price") - StaticTakeProfit*vPoint;
AveragePrice = CalculateAveragePrice(MagicNumberSell);
for (i = 0; i < OrdersTotal(); i++)
if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumberSell)
if (NormalizeDouble(OrderTakeProfit(),vDigits) != NormalizeDouble(PriceTarget,vDigits)) ModifyTakeProfit(PriceTarget);
if(DrawAveragePrice == true)
if(AveragePrice == 0)
if(ObjectFind("SellZeroLevel") != -1) ObjectDelete("SellZeroLevel");
if(ObjectFind("SellAveragePrice") != -1) ObjectDelete("SellAveragePrice");
if(ObjectFind("SellZeroLevel") == -1)
ObjectCreate("SellZeroLevel",OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, AveragePrice);
ObjectSet("SellZeroLevel", OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);
ObjectSet("SellZeroLevel", OBJPROP_STYLE, DRAW_SECTION);
else ObjectSet("SellZeroLevel", OBJPROP_PRICE1, AveragePrice);
if(ObjectFind("SellAveragePrice") == -1)
ObjectCreate("SellAveragePrice",OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, AveragePrice - StaticTakeProfit*vPoint);
ObjectSet("SellAveragePrice", OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);
ObjectSet("SellAveragePrice", OBJPROP_STYLE, DRAW_LINE);
else ObjectSet("SellAveragePrice", OBJPROP_PRICE1, AveragePrice - StaticTakeProfit*vPoint);
double CalculateAveragePrice(int mNumber)
double AveragePrice = 0;
double Count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < OrdersTotal(); i++)
if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == mNumber)
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_SELL)
AveragePrice += OrderOpenPrice() * OrderLots();
Count += OrderLots();
if(AveragePrice > 0 && Count > 0)
return( NormalizeDouble(AveragePrice / Count, vDigits));
int GetSignal()
int Signal = 0;
double iMA_Signal = iMA(Symbol(), 0, iMA_Period, 0, MODE_SMMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
int Ma_Bid_Diff = MathAbs(iMA_Signal - Bid)/vPoint;
if(Ma_Bid_Diff > iMA_OpenDistance && Bid > iMA_Signal) Signal = -1;
if(Ma_Bid_Diff > iMA_OpenDistance && Bid < iMA_Signal) Signal = 1;
int CountOfOrders(int mNumber)
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < OrdersTotal(); i++)
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if ((OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) && (OrderMagicNumber() == mNumber))
if ((OrderType() == OP_SELL) || (OrderType() == OP_BUY))
double GetLotForStep(int mNumber, int OrdCount)
double CurrLot = 0;
double LastOrderLot = FindLastOrderParameter(mNumber, "lot");
if(UseAutoLot == true)
if(LastOrderLot != 0) CurrLot = NormalizeDouble(LastOrderLot + NormalizeDouble(AccountEquity() * AutoLotIncrement/10000, 2)*OrdCount, 2);
if(LastOrderLot != 0) CurrLot = NormalizeDouble(LastOrderLot + LotIncrement*OrdCount, 2);
if(CurrLot > MaxLot) CurrLot = MaxLot;
if(CurrLot < StartLot) CurrLot = StartLot;
if(CurrLot == 0) CurrLot = StartLot;
double GetStartLot()
double FirstLot = 0;
if(UseAutoLot == true)
FirstLot = NormalizeDouble(AccountEquity() * AutoLot/10000, 2);
FirstLot = StartLot;
if(FirstLot > MaxLot) FirstLot = MaxLot;
if(FirstLot < StartLot) FirstLot = StartLot;
double GetPipstepForStep(int CurrStep)
double CurrPipstep = NormalizeDouble(PipStep * MathPow(PipStepExponent,CurrStep), 0);
double FindFirstOrderParameter(int mNumber, string ParamName)
int mOrderTicket = 0;
double mOrderPrice = 0;
double mOrderLot = 0;
double mOrderProfit = 0;
int PrevTicket = 0;
int CurrTicket = 0;
for (i = OrdersTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == mNumber)
CurrTicket = OrderTicket();
if (CurrTicket < PrevTicket || PrevTicket == 0)
PrevTicket = CurrTicket;
mOrderPrice = OrderOpenPrice();
mOrderTicket = OrderTicket();
mOrderLot = OrderLots();
mOrderProfit = OrderProfit() + OrderSwap() + OrderCommission();
if(ParamName == "price") return(mOrderPrice);
else if(ParamName == "ticket") return(mOrderTicket);
else if(ParamName == "lot") return(mOrderLot);
else if(ParamName == "profit") return(mOrderProfit);
double FindLastOrderParameter(int mNumber, string ParamName)
int mOrderTicket = 0;
double mOrderPrice = 0;
double mOrderLot = 0;
double mOrderProfit = 0;
int PrevTicket = 0;
int CurrTicket = 0;
for (i = OrdersTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == mNumber)
CurrTicket = OrderTicket();
if (CurrTicket > PrevTicket)
PrevTicket = CurrTicket;
mOrderPrice = OrderOpenPrice();
mOrderTicket = OrderTicket();
mOrderLot = OrderLots();
mOrderProfit = OrderProfit() + OrderSwap() + OrderCommission();
LastOrderComment = OrderComment();
if(ParamName == "price") return(mOrderPrice);
else if(ParamName == "ticket") return(mOrderTicket);
else if(ParamName == "lot") return(mOrderLot);
else if(ParamName == "profit") return(mOrderProfit);
double GetClosedProfit(int mNumber)
double ClosedProfit = 0;
for (i = OrdersHistoryTotal(); i > 0; i--)
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == mNumber)
if(StringSubstr(LastOrderComment, 0, StringFind(LastOrderComment, "|", 0)) == StringSubstr(OrderComment(), 0, StringFind(OrderComment(), "|", 0)))
ClosedProfit = ClosedProfit + OrderProfit();
bool ModifyTakeProfit(double takeprofit)
if(!OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), 0, NormalizeDouble(takeprofit,vDigits), 0, Yellow))
int Err = GetLastError();
Print("!!! Error(",Err,"): ",ErrorDescription(Err));
int SendMarketOrder(int Type, double Lots, int TP, int SL, int Magic, string Cmnt, double OpenPrice = 0, string mSymbol = "")
double Price, Take, Stop;
int Ticket, Color, Err;
int ErrorCount = 0;
if(ErrorCount > 5) return(0);
ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1;
Print("No connection with server!");
case OP_BUY:
if(mSymbol == "")
Price = NormalizeDouble(Ask, vDigits);
Price = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(mSymbol, MODE_ASK), vDigits);
Take = IIFd(TP == 0, 0, NormalizeDouble( Price + TP * vPoint, vDigits));
Stop = IIFd(SL == 0, 0, NormalizeDouble( Price - SL * vPoint, vDigits));
Color = Blue;
case OP_SELL:
if(mSymbol == "")
Price = NormalizeDouble( Bid, vDigits);
Price = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(mSymbol, MODE_BID), vDigits);
Price = NormalizeDouble( Bid, Digits);
Take = IIFd(TP == 0, 0, NormalizeDouble( Price - TP * vPoint, vDigits));
Stop = IIFd(SL == 0, 0, NormalizeDouble( Price + SL * vPoint, vDigits));
Color = Red;
if(mSymbol == "")
Ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), Type, Lots, Price, 2*Spread, 0, 0, Cmnt, Magic, 0, Color); // amended code
// Ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), Type, Lots, Price, 2*Spread, Stop, Take, Cmnt, Magic, 0, Color); // original code for this line
Ticket = OrderSend(mSymbol, Type, Lots, Price, 2*Spread, Stop, Take, Cmnt, Magic, 0, Color);
if(Ticket < 0)
Err = GetLastError();
if (Err == 4 || /* SERVER_BUSY */
Err == 129 || /* INVALID_PRICE */
Err == 135 || /* PRICE_CHANGED */
Err == 137 || /* BROKER_BUSY */
Err == 138 || /* REQUOTE */
Err == 146 || /* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */
Err == 136 ) /* OFF_QUOTES */
double IIFd(bool condition, double ifTrue, double ifFalse)
if (condition) return(ifTrue); else return(ifFalse);
void DrawInfo()
BuySummLot = 0; TotalProfitBuy = 0;
if (OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && (OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumberBuy))
BuySummLot += OrderLots();
TotalProfitBuy += OrderProfit() + OrderCommission() + OrderSwap();
double ClosedBuyProfit = GetClosedProfit(MagicNumberBuy);
SellSummLot = 0; TotalProfitSell = 0;
if (OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && (OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumberSell))
SellSummLot += OrderLots();
TotalProfitSell += OrderProfit() + OrderCommission() + OrderSwap();
double ClosedSellProfit = GetClosedProfit(MagicNumberSell);
">>> BUY Orders: ",TotalBuyOrders," lots: ",BuySummLot," Profit: ",TotalProfitBuy,
"\n",">>> Profit Taken:",ClosedBuyProfit,"\n",
">>> SELL Orders: ",TotalSellOrders," lots: ",SellSummLot," Profit: ",TotalProfitSell,
"\n",">>> Profit taken :", ClosedSellProfit
void ShowCurrentTime()
int min,sec;
min = Time[0] + Period()*60 - CurTime();
sec = min%60;
min = (min - min%60)/60;
if(ObjectFind("CurrTime") != 0)
ObjectCreate("CurrTime", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0], Close[0]);
ObjectMove("CurrTime", 0, Time[0], Close[0]);
ObjectSetText("CurrTime", " <" + min + ":" + sec, 14, "Verdana", Black);
void CheckOverlapping()
TotalBuyOrders = CountOfOrders(MagicNumberBuy);
if (TotalBuyOrders >= 2)
Lpos = 0; Cpos = 0; Lprofit = 0; Cprofit = 0;
Lpos = LidingProfitOrder(MagicNumberBuy);
Cpos = CloseProfitOrder(MagicNumberBuy);
if(Lprofit > 0 && Lprofit1 <= 0)
if(Lprofit + Cprofit > 0 && (Lprofit + Cprofit)*100/Lprofit > ProfitPersent)
Lpos1 = 0;
else if(Lprofit > 0 && Lprofit1 > 0)
if(Lprofit + Lprofit1 + Cprofit > 0 && (Lprofit + Lprofit1 + Cprofit)*100/(Lprofit + Lprofit1) > SecondProfitPersent) CloseSelectOrder(MagicNumberBuy);
TotalSellOrders = CountOfOrders(MagicNumberSell);
if (TotalSellOrders >= 2)
Lpos = 0; Cpos = 0; Lprofit = 0; Cprofit = 0;
Lpos = LidingProfitOrder(MagicNumberSell);
Cpos = CloseProfitOrder(MagicNumberSell);
if(Lprofit > 0 && Lprofit1 <= 0)
if(Lprofit + Cprofit > 0 && (Lprofit + Cprofit)*100/Lprofit > ProfitPersent)
Lpos1 = 0;
if(Lprofit > 0 && Lprofit1 > 0)
if(Lprofit + Lprofit1 + Cprofit > 0 && (Lprofit + Lprofit1 + Cprofit)*100/(Lprofit + Lprofit1) > SecondProfitPersent) CloseSelectOrder(MagicNumberSell);
//======================================== Most profitable order =======================================
int LidingProfitOrder(int mNumber)
Lprofit1 = 0;
Lpos1 = 0;
int TotalOrders = CountOfOrders(mNumber);
double profit = 0;
int Pos = 0;
for (i = 0; i < OrdersTotal(); i++)
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if ((OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) && (OrderMagicNumber() == mNumber))
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL || OrderType() == OP_BUY)
profit = OrderProfit();
Pos = OrderTicket();
if (profit > 0 && profit > Lprofit) {
// Previous value
Lprofit1 = Lprofit;
Lpos1 = Lpos;
// Maximum value
Lprofit = profit;
Lpos = Pos;
return (Lpos);
//======================================== Least Profitable Order =======================================
int CloseProfitOrder(int mNumber)
double profit = 0;
int Pos = 0;
for (int trade = OrdersTotal() - 1; trade >= 0; trade--) {
if (OrderSelect(trade, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) {
if ((OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) && (OrderMagicNumber() == mNumber)){
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL || OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
profit = OrderProfit();
Pos = OrderTicket();
if (profit < 0 && profit < Cprofit) {
Cprofit = profit;
Cpos = Pos;
return (Cpos);
//========================================== Closing Orders ===============================================
int CloseSelectOrder(int mNumber)
int error = 0;
int error1 = 0;
int error2 = 0;
int Result = 0;
// ---------------------- Last Order -----------------------
while (error1 == 0)
if (i != 1 ) {
Print ("Error! Not possible to select most profitable order . Operation cancelled.");
return (0);
if ((OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) && (OrderMagicNumber() == mNumber)) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
error1 = (OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), NormalizeDouble(Bid, Digits), Spread, Blue));
if (error1 == 1) {
Print ("Leading Order closed successfully");
Sleep (500);
} else {
Print ("Error closing leading order, Repeat Operation. ");
// -----------------------------------------------------
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
error1 = (OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), NormalizeDouble(Ask, Digits), Spread, Red));
if (error1 == 1) {
Print ("Leading Order closed successfully");
Sleep (500);
} else {
Print ("Error closing leading order, Repeat Operation. ");
// ---------------------- Previous Last -----------------------
if(Lpos1 != 0)
while (error2 == 0) {
i = OrderSelect(Lpos1, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES);
if (i != 1 ) {
Print ("Error! Not possible to select previous most profitable order . Operation cancelled.");
return (0);
if ((OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) && (OrderMagicNumber() == mNumber)) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
error2 = (OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), NormalizeDouble(Bid, Digits), Spread, Blue));
if (error2 == 1) {
Print ("Previous leading order closed successfully");
Sleep (500);
} else {
Print ("Error closing previous leading order, Repeat Operation. ");
// -----------------------------------------------------
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
error2 = (OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), NormalizeDouble(Ask, Digits), Spread, Red));
if (error2 == 1) {
Print ("Previous leading order closed successfully");
Sleep (500);
} else {
Print ("Error closing previous leading order, Repeat Operation. ");
// ----------- Selected (Least profitable order ) -----------
while (error == 0) {
int i = OrderSelect(Cpos, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES);
if (i != 1 ) {
Print ("Error! Not possible to select least profitable order. Operation cancelled");
return (0);
if ((OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) && (OrderMagicNumber() == mNumber)) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
error = (OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), NormalizeDouble(Bid, Digits), Spread, Blue));
if (error == 1 ) {
Print ("Order closed successfully.");
Sleep (500);
} else {
Print ("Error during Order Close. Repeat operation. ");
// --------------------------------------------------
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
error = (OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), NormalizeDouble(Ask, Digits), Spread, Red));
if (error == 1) {
Print ("Order closed successfully.");
Sleep (500);
} else {
Print ("Error during Order Close. Repeat operation. ");
Result = 1;
return (Result);
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