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makefile.b64 18.38 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
lengjianjun 提交于 2024-04-21 20:15 +08:00 . no commit message
# Makefile for Independent JPEG Group's software
# This makefile is suitable for Embarcadero C++ for Win64 (Clang-based).
# Tested with version 7.50-7.60 (2012-2021-2023),
# Embarcadero MAKE Version 5.43 (1987-2019),
# Embarcadero C++Builder 10.4-11 Version 27.0-28.0 (2021-2023).
# Thanks to Tom Wright and Ge' Weijers (original DOS) and
# Joe Slater for 32-bit modifications (needed for Borland revision 5.5).
# Read installation instructions in install.txt before saying "make",
# or use either
# make -fmakefile.b64 setup
# or
# make -fmakefile.b64 setupcopy
# before saying
# make -fmakefile.b64
# Test:
# make -fmakefile.b64 test
# Clean:
# make -fmakefile.b64 clean
# For use with C++Builder, multi Config/Platform support:
# Setup either
# make -fmakefile.b64 setup-cb
# or
# make -fmakefile.b64 setupcopy-cb
# Test:
# make -fmakefile.b64 test-32
# make -fmakefile.b64 test-64
# The name of your C compiler:
CC= bcc64
# You may need to adjust these cc options:
CFLAGS= -O2 -Wall
# Generally, we recommend defining any configuration symbols in jconfig.h,
# NOT via -D switches here.
# Link-time cc options:
LDFLAGS= -Qunused-arguments
# -Qunused-arguments Don't emit warning for unused driver arguments
# Put here the object file name for the correct system-dependent memory
# manager file.
# SYSDEPMEMLIB must list the same files with "+" signs for the librarian.
SYSDEPMEM= jmemnobs.o
SYSDEPMEMLIB= +jmemnobs.o
# End of configurable options.
# source files: JPEG library proper
LIBSOURCES= jaricom.c jcapimin.c jcapistd.c jcarith.c jccoefct.c jccolor.c \
jcdctmgr.c jchuff.c jcinit.c jcmainct.c jcmarker.c jcmaster.c \
jcomapi.c jcparam.c jcprepct.c jcsample.c jctrans.c jdapimin.c \
jdapistd.c jdarith.c jdatadst.c jdatasrc.c jdcoefct.c jdcolor.c \
jddctmgr.c jdhuff.c jdinput.c jdmainct.c jdmarker.c jdmaster.c \
jdmerge.c jdpostct.c jdsample.c jdtrans.c jerror.c jfdctflt.c \
jfdctfst.c jfdctint.c jidctflt.c jidctfst.c jidctint.c jquant1.c \
jquant2.c jutils.c jmemmgr.c
# memmgr back ends: compile only one of these into a working library
SYSDEPSOURCES= jmemansi.c jmemname.c jmemnobs.c jmemdos.c jmemmac.c
# source files: cjpeg/djpeg/jpegtran applications, also rdjpgcom/wrjpgcom
APPSOURCES= cjpeg.c djpeg.c jpegtran.c rdjpgcom.c wrjpgcom.c cdjpeg.c \
rdcolmap.c rdswitch.c transupp.c rdppm.c wrppm.c rdgif.c wrgif.c \
rdtarga.c wrtarga.c rdbmp.c wrbmp.c rdrle.c wrrle.c
# files included by source files
INCLUDES= jdct.h jerror.h jinclude.h jmemsys.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h \
jpeglib.h jversion.h cdjpeg.h cderror.h transupp.h
# documentation, test, and support files
DOCS= README install.txt usage.txt cjpeg.1 djpeg.1 jpegtran.1 rdjpgcom.1 \
wrjpgcom.1 wizard.txt example.c libjpeg.txt structure.txt \
coderules.txt filelist.txt cdaltui.txt change.log
MKFILES= configure Makefile.in makefile.ansi makefile.unix makefile.xc \
makefile.bcc makefile.b32 makefile.c32 makefile.d32 makefile.x32 \
makefile.b64 makefile.mc6 makefile.dj makefile.wat makefile.vc \
makefile.vs makejdsw.vc6 makeadsw.vc6 makejdep.vc6 makejdsp.vc6 \
makejmak.vc6 makecdep.vc6 makecdsp.vc6 makecmak.vc6 makeddep.vc6 \
makeddsp.vc6 makedmak.vc6 maketdep.vc6 maketdsp.vc6 maketmak.vc6 \
makerdep.vc6 makerdsp.vc6 makermak.vc6 makewdep.vc6 makewdsp.vc6 \
makewmak.vc6 makejsln.v16 makeasln.v16 makejvcx.v16 makejfil.v16 \
makecvcx.v16 makecfil.v16 makedvcx.v16 makedfil.v16 maketvcx.v16 \
maketfil.v16 makervcx.v16 makerfil.v16 makewvcx.v16 makewfil.v16 \
makajpeg.bcb makcjpeg.bcb makdjpeg.bcb makljpeg.bcb makrjpeg.bcb \
maktjpeg.bcb makwjpeg.bcb makcjpeg.st makdjpeg.st makljpeg.st \
maktjpeg.st makeproj.mac makefile.manx makefile.sas makefile.mms \
makefile.vms makvms.opt
CONFIGFILES= jconfig.cfg jconfig.xc jconfig.bcc jconfig.mc6 jconfig.dj \
jconfig.wat jconfig.vc jconfig.mac jconfig.st jconfig.manx \
jconfig.sas jconfig.vms
CONFIGUREFILES= config.guess config.sub install-sh ltmain.sh depcomp \
missing ar-lib
OTHERFILES= jconfig.txt ckconfig.c jmemdosa.asm libjpeg.map libjpeg.pc.in \
cjpegalt.c djpegalt.c
TESTFILES= testorig.jpg testimg.ppm testimg.gif testimg.bmp testimg.jpg \
testprog.jpg testimgp.jpg
# library object files common to compression and decompression
COMOBJECTS= jaricom.o jcomapi.o jutils.o jerror.o jmemmgr.o $(SYSDEPMEM)
# compression library object files
CLIBOBJECTS= jcapimin.o jcapistd.o jcarith.o jctrans.o jcparam.o \
jdatadst.o jcinit.o jcmaster.o jcmarker.o jcmainct.o jcprepct.o \
jccoefct.o jccolor.o jcsample.o jchuff.o jcdctmgr.o jfdctfst.o \
jfdctflt.o jfdctint.o
# decompression library object files
DLIBOBJECTS= jdapimin.o jdapistd.o jdarith.o jdtrans.o jdatasrc.o \
jdmaster.o jdinput.o jdmarker.o jdhuff.o jdmainct.o \
jdcoefct.o jdpostct.o jddctmgr.o jidctfst.o jidctflt.o \
jidctint.o jdsample.o jdcolor.o jquant1.o jquant2.o jdmerge.o
# These objectfiles are included in libjpeg.lib
# object files for sample applications (excluding library files)
COBJECTS= cjpeg.o rdppm.o rdgif.o rdtarga.o rdrle.o rdbmp.o rdswitch.o \
DOBJECTS= djpeg.o wrppm.o wrgif.o wrtarga.o wrrle.o wrbmp.o rdcolmap.o \
TROBJECTS= jpegtran.o rdswitch.o cdjpeg.o transupp.o
all: libjpeg.lib cjpeg.exe djpeg.exe jpegtran.exe rdjpgcom.exe wrjpgcom.exe
libjpeg.lib: $(LIBOBJECTS)
if exist libjpeg.lib del libjpeg.lib
tlib64 libjpeg.lib /E /C @&&|
+jcapimin.o +jcapistd.o +jcarith.o +jctrans.o +jcparam.o &
+jdatadst.o +jcinit.o +jcmaster.o +jcmarker.o +jcmainct.o &
+jcprepct.o +jccoefct.o +jccolor.o +jcsample.o +jchuff.o &
+jcdctmgr.o +jfdctfst.o +jfdctflt.o +jfdctint.o +jdapimin.o &
+jdapistd.o +jdarith.o +jdtrans.o +jdatasrc.o +jdmaster.o &
+jdinput.o +jdmarker.o +jdhuff.o +jdmainct.o +jdcoefct.o &
+jdpostct.o +jddctmgr.o +jidctfst.o +jidctflt.o +jidctint.o &
+jdsample.o +jdcolor.o +jquant1.o +jquant2.o +jdmerge.o &
+jaricom.o +jcomapi.o +jutils.o +jerror.o +jmemmgr.o &
cjpeg.exe: $(COBJECTS) libjpeg.lib
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o cjpeg.exe $(COBJECTS) libjpeg.lib
djpeg.exe: $(DOBJECTS) libjpeg.lib
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o djpeg.exe $(DOBJECTS) libjpeg.lib
jpegtran.exe: $(TROBJECTS) libjpeg.lib
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o jpegtran.exe $(TROBJECTS) libjpeg.lib
rdjpgcom.exe: rdjpgcom.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) rdjpgcom.c
wrjpgcom.exe: wrjpgcom.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) wrjpgcom.c
# This "{}" syntax allows Borland Make to "batch" source files.
# In this way, each run of the compiler can build many modules.
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c{ $<}
jconfig.h: jconfig.txt
@echo. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
@echo. " "
@echo. " You must prepare a system-dependent jconfig.h file. "
@echo. " Please read the installation directions in install.txt, "
@echo. " or use either "
@echo. " make -fmakefile.b64 setup "
@echo. " or "
@echo. " make -fmakefile.b64 setupcopy "
@echo. " before saying "
@echo. " make -fmakefile.b64 "
@echo. " "
@echo. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
exit 1
if exist rdjpgcom.o del rdjpgcom.o
if exist wrjpgcom.o del wrjpgcom.o
del libjpeg.lib
del cjpeg.exe
del djpeg.exe
del jpegtran.exe
del rdjpgcom.exe
del wrjpgcom.exe
if exist cjpeg.tds del cjpeg.tds
if exist djpeg.tds del djpeg.tds
if exist jpegtran.tds del jpegtran.tds
if exist rdjpgcom.tds del rdjpgcom.tds
if exist wrjpgcom.tds del wrjpgcom.tds
if exist testout* del testout*
if not exist jconfig.h ren jconfig.vc jconfig.h
copy /y jconfig.vc jconfig.h
if not exist jconfig.h ren jconfig.vc jconfig.h
ren makajpeg.bcb apps.groupproj
ren makljpeg.bcb jpeg.cbproj
ren makcjpeg.bcb cjpeg.cbproj
ren makdjpeg.bcb djpeg.cbproj
ren maktjpeg.bcb jpegtran.cbproj
ren makrjpeg.bcb rdjpgcom.cbproj
ren makwjpeg.bcb wrjpgcom.cbproj
copy /y jconfig.vc jconfig.h
copy /y makajpeg.bcb apps.groupproj
copy /y makljpeg.bcb jpeg.cbproj
copy /y makcjpeg.bcb cjpeg.cbproj
copy /y makdjpeg.bcb djpeg.cbproj
copy /y maktjpeg.bcb jpegtran.cbproj
copy /y makrjpeg.bcb rdjpgcom.cbproj
copy /y makwjpeg.bcb wrjpgcom.cbproj
test: cjpeg.exe djpeg.exe jpegtran.exe
if exist testout* del testout*
djpeg -dct int -ppm -outfile testout.ppm testorig.jpg
djpeg -dct int -gif -outfile testout.gif testorig.jpg
djpeg -dct int -bmp -colors 256 -outfile testout.bmp testorig.jpg
cjpeg -dct int -outfile testout.jpg testimg.ppm
djpeg -dct int -ppm -outfile testoutp.ppm testprog.jpg
cjpeg -dct int -progressive -opt -outfile testoutp.jpg testimg.ppm
jpegtran -outfile testoutt.jpg testprog.jpg
echo n > n.tmp
comp testimg.ppm testout.ppm < n.tmp
comp testimg.gif testout.gif < n.tmp
comp testimg.bmp testout.bmp < n.tmp
comp testimg.jpg testout.jpg < n.tmp
comp testimg.ppm testoutp.ppm < n.tmp
comp testimgp.jpg testoutp.jpg < n.tmp
comp testorig.jpg testoutt.jpg < n.tmp
del n.tmp
if exist .\Release\testout* del .\Release\testout*
.\Release\Win32\djpeg -dct int -ppm -outfile .\Release\testout.ppm testorig.jpg
.\Release\Win32\djpeg -dct int -gif -outfile .\Release\testout.gif testorig.jpg
.\Release\Win32\djpeg -dct int -bmp -colors 256 -outfile .\Release\testout.bmp testorig.jpg
.\Release\Win32\cjpeg -dct int -outfile .\Release\testout.jpg testimg.ppm
.\Release\Win32\djpeg -dct int -ppm -outfile .\Release\testoutp.ppm testprog.jpg
.\Release\Win32\cjpeg -dct int -progressive -opt -outfile .\Release\testoutp.jpg testimg.ppm
.\Release\Win32\jpegtran -outfile .\Release\testoutt.jpg testprog.jpg
echo n > n.tmp
comp testimg.ppm .\Release\testout.ppm < n.tmp
comp testimg.gif .\Release\testout.gif < n.tmp
comp testimg.bmp .\Release\testout.bmp < n.tmp
comp testimg.jpg .\Release\testout.jpg < n.tmp
comp testimg.ppm .\Release\testoutp.ppm < n.tmp
comp testimgp.jpg .\Release\testoutp.jpg < n.tmp
comp testorig.jpg .\Release\testoutt.jpg < n.tmp
del n.tmp
if exist .\Release\testout* del .\Release\testout*
.\Release\Win64\djpeg -dct int -ppm -outfile .\Release\testout.ppm testorig.jpg
.\Release\Win64\djpeg -dct int -gif -outfile .\Release\testout.gif testorig.jpg
.\Release\Win64\djpeg -dct int -bmp -colors 256 -outfile .\Release\testout.bmp testorig.jpg
.\Release\Win64\cjpeg -dct int -outfile .\Release\testout.jpg testimg.ppm
.\Release\Win64\djpeg -dct int -ppm -outfile .\Release\testoutp.ppm testprog.jpg
.\Release\Win64\cjpeg -dct int -progressive -opt -outfile .\Release\testoutp.jpg testimg.ppm
.\Release\Win64\jpegtran -outfile .\Release\testoutt.jpg testprog.jpg
echo n > n.tmp
comp testimg.ppm .\Release\testout.ppm < n.tmp
comp testimg.gif .\Release\testout.gif < n.tmp
comp testimg.bmp .\Release\testout.bmp < n.tmp
comp testimg.jpg .\Release\testout.jpg < n.tmp
comp testimg.ppm .\Release\testoutp.ppm < n.tmp
comp testimgp.jpg .\Release\testoutp.jpg < n.tmp
comp testorig.jpg .\Release\testoutt.jpg < n.tmp
del n.tmp
jaricom.o: jaricom.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcapimin.o: jcapimin.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcapistd.o: jcapistd.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcarith.o: jcarith.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jccoefct.o: jccoefct.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jccolor.o: jccolor.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcdctmgr.o: jcdctmgr.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jdct.h
jchuff.o: jchuff.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcinit.o: jcinit.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcmainct.o: jcmainct.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcmarker.o: jcmarker.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcmaster.o: jcmaster.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcomapi.o: jcomapi.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcparam.o: jcparam.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcprepct.o: jcprepct.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcsample.o: jcsample.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jctrans.o: jctrans.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdapimin.o: jdapimin.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdapistd.o: jdapistd.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdarith.o: jdarith.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdatadst.o: jdatadst.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h
jdatasrc.o: jdatasrc.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h
jdcoefct.o: jdcoefct.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdcolor.o: jdcolor.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jddctmgr.o: jddctmgr.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jdct.h
jdhuff.o: jdhuff.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdinput.o: jdinput.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdmainct.o: jdmainct.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdmarker.o: jdmarker.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdmaster.o: jdmaster.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdmerge.o: jdmerge.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdpostct.o: jdpostct.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdsample.o: jdsample.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdtrans.o: jdtrans.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jerror.o: jerror.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jversion.h jerror.h
jfdctflt.o: jfdctflt.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jdct.h
jfdctfst.o: jfdctfst.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jdct.h
jfdctint.o: jfdctint.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jdct.h
jidctflt.o: jidctflt.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jdct.h
jidctfst.o: jidctfst.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jdct.h
jidctint.o: jidctint.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jdct.h
jquant1.o: jquant1.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jquant2.o: jquant2.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jutils.o: jutils.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jmemmgr.o: jmemmgr.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jmemsys.h
jmemansi.o: jmemansi.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jmemsys.h
jmemname.o: jmemname.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jmemsys.h
jmemnobs.o: jmemnobs.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jmemsys.h
jmemdos.o: jmemdos.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jmemsys.h
jmemmac.o: jmemmac.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jmemsys.h
cjpeg.o: cjpeg.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h jversion.h
djpeg.o: djpeg.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h jversion.h
jpegtran.o: jpegtran.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h transupp.h jversion.h
rdjpgcom.o: rdjpgcom.c jinclude.h jconfig.h
wrjpgcom.o: wrjpgcom.c jinclude.h jconfig.h
cdjpeg.o: cdjpeg.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
rdcolmap.o: rdcolmap.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
rdswitch.o: rdswitch.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
transupp.o: transupp.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h transupp.h
rdppm.o: rdppm.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
wrppm.o: wrppm.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
rdgif.o: rdgif.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
wrgif.o: wrgif.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
rdtarga.o: rdtarga.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
wrtarga.o: wrtarga.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
rdbmp.o: rdbmp.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
wrbmp.o: wrbmp.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
rdrle.o: rdrle.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
wrrle.o: wrrle.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:lengjianjun/ijg.git
