This project is DEPRECATED and it is no longer maintained! Go to the new version: https://github.com/sebastiantramontana/NeuralNetwork.Visualizer
Easy neural network visualizer winform control for .Net
In the following screenshot: Input nodes (dark green), edges connectors (orange), perceptron (dark blue) and the output layer (gray background and orange borders) were selected.
Install NeuralNetworkVisualizer from Nuget.
/******** Configure Some Preferences: ********/
//Drawing resize behavior
NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1.Preferences.AsyncRedrawOnResize = false; //default is true
//Font, Colors, etc.
NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1.Preferences.Inputs.OutputValueFormatter = new ByValueSignFormatter<TextPreference>(
() => new TextPreference { Brush = new SolidBrushPreference(Color.Red) },
() => new TextPreference { Brush = new SolidBrushPreference(Color.Gray) },
() => new TextPreference { Brush = new SolidBrushPreference(Color.Black) },
() => new TextPreference { Brush = new SolidBrushPreference(Color.Black) }
NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1.Preferences.Perceptrons.OutputValueFormatter = new ByValueSignFormatter<TextPreference>(
() => new TextPreference { Brush = new SolidBrushPreference(Color.Red) },
() => new TextPreference { Brush = new SolidBrushPreference(Color.Gray) },
() => new TextPreference { Brush = new SolidBrushPreference(Color.Black) },
() => new TextPreference { Brush = new SolidBrushPreference(Color.Black) }
NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1.Preferences.Edges.ValueFormatter = new ByValueSignFormatter<TextPreference>(
() => new TextPreference { Brush = new SolidBrushPreference(Color.Red) },
() => new TextPreference { Brush = new SolidBrushPreference(Color.Gray) },
() => new TextPreference { Brush = new SolidBrushPreference(Color.Black) },
() => new TextPreference { Brush = new SolidBrushPreference(Color.Black) }
NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1.Preferences.Edges.Connector = new CustomFormatter<Pen>((v) => v == 0.0 ? new Pen(Color.LightGray) : new Pen(Color.Black));
//Graphics quality
NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1.Preferences.Quality = RenderQuality.High; //Low, Medium, High. Medium is default
//To remove layer titles
//NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1.Preferences.Layers = null;
//** NOTE: ** Preferences setting don't redraw the control automatically. If you need to redraw the current rendered NN, call to Redraw() method after all setting
/***** Some Functionalities *****/
//Adjust zoom
NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1.Zoom = 2.0f; //1.0 is 'normal' and default, fit the whole drawing to control size
//Get the current rendered NN to save to disk or whatever
Image img = NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1.Image;
/*************** Set the NN Model *****************/
var _input = new InputLayer("Input")
Bias = new Bias("bias") { OutputValue = 1.234 }
_input.AddNode(new Input("e2") { OutputValue = 0.455 });
_input.AddNode(new Input("e3") { OutputValue = 0.78967656 });
_input.AddNode(new Input("e4") { OutputValue = 0.876545 });
var hidden = new PerceptronLayer("Hidden");
hidden.AddNode(new Perceptron("o1") { ActivationFunction = ActivationFunction.LeakyRelu, OutputValue = 2.364, SumValue = 2.364 });
hidden.AddNode(new Perceptron("o2") { ActivationFunction = ActivationFunction.Tanh, OutputValue = 0.552, SumValue = 55.44 });
hidden.AddNode(new Perceptron("o3") { ActivationFunction = ActivationFunction.Sigmoid, OutputValue = 0.876545, SumValue = 11.22 });
_input.Connect(hidden); //Connect(...) method creates nodes connections
var output = new PerceptronLayer("Output");
output.AddNode(new Perceptron("s1") { ActivationFunction = ActivationFunction.BinaryStep, OutputValue = 0.78967656, SumValue = 0.5544 });
output.AddNode(new Perceptron("s2") { ActivationFunction = ActivationFunction.Softmax, OutputValue = 0.876545, SumValue = 0.5644 });
var aleatorio = new Random(31);
foreach (var p in hidden.Nodes)
foreach (var edge in p.Edges)
edge.Weight = aleatorio.NextDouble();
foreach (var p in output.Nodes)
foreach (var edge in p.Edges)
edge.Weight = aleatorio.NextDouble();
NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1.InputLayer = _input; //Automatic rendering
//NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1.InputLayer = null; //Leave blank when needed
/*************** Make NN Elements Selectable *****************/
//The selectable elements are: Layers, Nodes (all types) and Edge connectors.
// Do a single click for single selection.
// Press **SHIFT** key when click for multiple one.
// Press **CTRL** key when click to unselect an element.
NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1.Selectable = true; //default is false
//Each selectable element has its own typed-safe "Select" event
NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1.SelectBias += NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1_SelectBias;
NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1.SelectEdge += NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1_SelectEdge;
NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1.SelectInput += NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1_SelectInput;
NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1.SelectInputLayer += NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1_SelectInputLayer;
NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1.SelectPerceptron += NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1_SelectPerceptron;
NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1.SelectPerceptronLayer += NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1_SelectPerceptronLayer;
private void NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1_SelectPerceptronLayer(object sender, SelectionEventArgs<PerceptronLayer> e)
private void NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1_SelectPerceptron(object sender, SelectionEventArgs<Perceptron> e)
private void NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1_SelectInputLayer(object sender, SelectionEventArgs<InputLayer> e)
private void NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1_SelectInput(object sender, SelectionEventArgs<Input> e)
private void NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1_SelectEdge(object sender, SelectionEventArgs<Edge> e)
private void NeuralNetworkVisualizerControl1_SelectBias(object sender, SelectionEventArgs<Bias> e)
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