#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""This script is a wrapper around the ninja binary that is pulled to
third_party as part of gclient sync. It will automatically find the ninja
binary when run inside a gclient source tree, so users can just type
"ninja" on the command line."""
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import gclient_paths
import gn_helper
def findNinjaInPath():
env_path = os.getenv("PATH")
if not env_path:
exe = "ninja"
if sys.platform in ("win32", "cygwin"):
exe += ".exe"
for bin_dir in env_path.split(os.pathsep):
if bin_dir.rstrip(os.sep).endswith("depot_tools"):
# skip depot_tools to avoid calling ninja.py infinitely.
ninja_path = os.path.join(bin_dir, exe)
if os.path.isfile(ninja_path):
return ninja_path
def checkOutdir(ninja_args):
out_dir = "."
tool = ""
for i, arg in enumerate(ninja_args):
if arg == "-t":
tool = ninja_args[i + 1]
elif arg.startswith("-t"):
tool = arg[2:]
elif arg == "-C":
out_dir = ninja_args[i + 1]
elif arg.startswith("-C"):
out_dir = arg[2:]
if tool in ["list", "commands", "inputs", "targets"]:
# These tools are just inspect ninja rules and not modify out dir.
# TODO: b/339320220 - implement these in siso
siso_marker = os.path.join(out_dir, ".siso_deps")
if os.path.exists(siso_marker):
print("depot_tools/ninja.py: %s contains Siso state file.\n"
"Use `autoninja` to choose appropriate build tool,\n"
"or run `gn clean %s` to switch from siso to ninja\n" %
(out_dir, out_dir),
if os.environ.get("AUTONINJA_BUILD_ID"):
# autoninja sets AUTONINJA_BUILD_ID
for k, v in gn_helper.args(out_dir):
if k == "use_remoteexec" and v == "true":
"depot_tools/ninja.py: detect use_remoteexec=true\n"
"Use `autoninja` to choose appropriate build tool\n",
def fallback(ninja_args):
# Try to find ninja in PATH.
ninja_path = findNinjaInPath()
if ninja_path:
return subprocess.call([ninja_path] + ninja_args)
"depot_tools/ninja.py: Could not find Ninja in the third_party of "
"the current project, nor in your PATH.\n"
"Please take one of the following actions to install Ninja:\n"
"- If your project has DEPS, add a CIPD Ninja dependency to DEPS.\n"
"- Otherwise, add Ninja to your PATH *after* depot_tools.",
return 1
def main(args):
# On Windows the ninja.bat script passes along the arguments enclosed in
# double quotes. This prevents multiple levels of parsing of the special '^'
# characters needed when compiling a single file. When this case is
# detected, we need to split the argument. This means that arguments
# containing actual spaces are not supported by ninja.bat, but that is not a
# real limitation.
if sys.platform.startswith("win") and len(args) == 2:
args = args[:1] + args[1].split()
# macOS's python sets CPATH, LIBRARY_PATH, SDKROOT implicitly.
# https://openradar.appspot.com/radar?id=5608755232243712
# Removing those environment variables to avoid affecting clang's behaviors.
if sys.platform == "darwin":
os.environ.pop("CPATH", None)
os.environ.pop("LIBRARY_PATH", None)
os.environ.pop("SDKROOT", None)
# Get gclient root + src.
primary_solution_path = gclient_paths.GetPrimarySolutionPath()
gclient_root_path = gclient_paths.FindGclientRoot(os.getcwd())
gclient_src_root_path = None
if gclient_root_path:
gclient_src_root_path = os.path.join(gclient_root_path, "src")
for base_path in set(
[primary_solution_path, gclient_root_path, gclient_src_root_path]):
if not base_path:
ninja_path = os.path.join(
"ninja" + gclient_paths.GetExeSuffix(),
if os.path.isfile(ninja_path):
return subprocess.call([ninja_path] + args[1:])
return fallback(args[1:])
if __name__ == "__main__":
except KeyboardInterrupt:
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