Euler deconvolution
A Python program to perform Euler deconvolution on gridded data.
This code is released from the paper:
Reliable Euler deconvolution estimates throughout the
vertical derivatives of the total-field anomaly
The program is under the conditions terms in the file README.txt
authors: Felipe F. Melo and Valeria C.F. Barbosa, 2019
email: [email protected], [email protected]
import numpy as np
def fft_pad_data(data, mode='edge'):
Pad data and compute the coeficients in Fourier domain
The data is padded until reach the length of the next higher power
of two and the values of the pad are the values of the edge
* data: 2d-array
the input data set - gridded
* fpdat: 2d-array
the coefficients of the data in Fourier domain
* mask: 2d-array
Location of padding points -
{True: data points.
False: padded points.}
n_points = int(2 ** (np.ceil(np.log(np.max(data.shape)) / np.log(2))))
nx, ny = data.shape
padx = (n_points - nx) // 2
pady = (n_points - ny) // 2
padded_data = np.pad(data, ((padx, padx), (pady, pady)), mode)
mask = np.zeros_like(padded_data, dtype=bool)
mask[padx:padx + nx, pady:pady + ny] = True
fpdat = np.fft.fft2(padded_data)
return fpdat, mask
def ifft_unpad_data(data_p, mask, shape_dat):
Computes the inverse Fourier Transform of a padded array and mask
the data to the original shape.
* data_p: 2d-array
Array with the padded data.
* mask: 2d-array
Location of padding points -
{True: Points to be kept .
False: Points to be removed.}
* shape_dat: tube = (ny, nx)
The number of data points in each direction before padding.
* data: 2d-array
The unpadded data in space-domain.
ifft_data = np.real(np.fft.ifft2(data_p))
data = ifft_data[mask]
return np.reshape(data, shape_dat)
def fft_wavenumbers(x, y, shape, padshape):
Computes the wavenumbers 2d-arrays
* x,y: 2d-array
grid of the coordinates.
* shape: tuple = (ny, nx)
the number of data points in each direction before padding.
* padshape: tuple = (ny, nx)
the number of data points in each direction after padding.
* u,v: 2d-array
wavenumbers in each direction
nx, ny = shape
dx = (x.max() - x.min()) / (nx - 1)
u = 2 * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(padshape[0], dx)
dy = (y.max() - y.min()) / (ny - 1)
v = 2 * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(padshape[1], dy)
return np.meshgrid(v, u)[::-1]
def deriv(data, area):
Compute the first derivative of a potential field
in Fourier domain in the x, y and z directions.
* data: 2d-array
the input data set - gridded
* shape : tuple = (nx, ny)
the shape of the grid
* area : list
the area of the input data - [south, north, west, east]
* derivx, derivy, derivz : 2D-array
derivatives in x-, y- and z-directions
shape = data.shape
anom_FFT, mask = fft_pad_data(data)
nx, ny = shape
xa, xb, ya, yb = area
xs = np.linspace(xa, xb, nx)
ys = np.linspace(ya, yb, ny)
Y, X = np.meshgrid(ys, xs)
u, v = fft_wavenumbers(X, Y, data.shape, anom_FFT.shape)
derivx_ft = anom_FFT * (u * 1j)
derivy_ft = anom_FFT * (v * 1j)
derivz_ft = anom_FFT * np.sqrt(u ** 2 + v ** 2)
derivx = ifft_unpad_data(derivx_ft, mask, data.shape)
derivy = ifft_unpad_data(derivy_ft, mask, data.shape)
derivz = ifft_unpad_data(derivz_ft, mask, data.shape)
return derivx, derivy, derivz
def moving_window(data, dx, dy, dz, xi, yi, zi, windowSize):
Moving data window that selects the data, derivatives and coordinates
for solve the system of Euler deconvolution.
For a 2d-array, the window runs from left to right and up to down
The window moves 1 step for iteration
* data : 2d-array
the input data set - gridded
* dx, dy, dz : 2d-array
derivatives in x-, y- and z-directions
* xi, yi, zi : 2d-array
grid of coordinates in x-, y- and z-directions
* windowSize : tuple (x,y)
size of the window - equal in both directions
* data : 2d-array
windowed input data set
* dx, dy, dz : 2d-array
windowed derivatives in x-, y- and z-directions
* xi, yi, zi : 2d-array
windowed grid of coordinates in x-, y- and z-directions
for y in range(0, data.shape[0]):
for x in range(0, data.shape[1]):
# yield the current window
yield (x, y, data[y:y + windowSize[1], x:x + windowSize[0]],
dx[y:y + windowSize[1], x:x + windowSize[0]],
dy[y:y + windowSize[1], x:x + windowSize[0]],
dz[y:y + windowSize[1], x:x + windowSize[0]],
xi[y:y + windowSize[1], x:x + windowSize[0]],
yi[y:y + windowSize[1], x:x + windowSize[0]],
zi[y:y + windowSize[1], x:x + windowSize[0]])
def euler_deconv(data, xi, yi, zi, shape, area, SI, windowSize, filt):
Euler deconvolution - solves the system of equations
for each moving data window
* data : 1d-array
the input data set
* xi, yi, zi : 1d-array
grid of coordinates in x-, y- and z-directions
* shape : tuple = (nx, ny)
the shape of the grid
* area : list
the area of the input data - [south, north, west, east]
* SI : int
structural index - 0, 1, 2 or 3
* windowSize : tuple (dx,dy)
size of the window - equal in both directions
* filt : float
percentage of the solutions that will be keep
* classic_est : 2d-array
x, y, z and base-level best estimates kept after select a percentage
* classic : 2d-array
x, y, z, base-level and standard deviation of all estimates
# data=data.reshape(shape)
dx, dy, dz = deriv(data, area)
# xi=xi.reshape(shape)
# yi=yi.reshape(shape)
# zi=zi.reshape(shape)
delta = windowSize // 2
estx = np.zeros_like(data)
esty = np.zeros_like(data)
estz = np.zeros_like(data)
estb = np.zeros_like(data)
stdzmat = np.zeros_like(data)
# run the moving data window and perform the computations
for (east, south, windata, windx, windy, windz, winx, winy, winz) in \
moving_window(data, dx, dy, dz, xi, yi, zi, (windowSize, windowSize)):
# to keep the same size of the window throughout the grid
if windata.shape[0] != windowSize or windata.shape[1] != windowSize:
# system of equations on Euler deconvolution
A = np.zeros((windowSize * windowSize, 4))
A[:, 0] = windx.ravel()
A[:, 1] = windy.ravel()
A[:, 2] = windz.ravel()
A[:, 3] = SI * np.ones_like(winx.ravel())
vety = np.zeros((windowSize * windowSize, 1))
vety = windx.ravel() * winx.ravel() + windy.ravel() * winy.ravel() + \
windz.ravel() * winz.ravel() + SI * windata.ravel()
# compute the estimates
ATA = np.linalg.inv(np.dot(A.T, A))
ATy = np.dot(A.T, vety)
p = np.dot(ATA, ATy)
# standard deviation of z derivative (for populations population)
stdz = np.sqrt(np.sum(abs(A[:, 2] - A[:, 2].mean()) ** 2) / (len(A[:, 2]) - 1.))
estx[south + windowSize // 2][east + windowSize // 2] = p[0]
esty[south + windowSize // 2][east + windowSize // 2] = p[1]
estz[south + windowSize // 2][east + windowSize // 2] = p[2]
estb[south + windowSize // 2][east + windowSize // 2] = p[3]
stdzmat[south + windowSize // 2][east + windowSize // 2] = stdz
# get rid of zeros in the border
estx = estx[delta:-delta, delta:-delta]
esty = esty[delta:-delta, delta:-delta]
estz = estz[delta:-delta, delta:-delta]
estb = estb[delta:-delta, delta:-delta]
stdzmat = stdzmat[delta:-delta, delta:-delta]
xi = xi[delta:-delta, delta:-delta]
yi = yi[delta:-delta, delta:-delta]
# group the solutions for the classic plot
classic = np.stack((estx.ravel(), esty.ravel(), estz.ravel(), estb.ravel(),
stdzmat.ravel()), axis=-1)
# sort the solutions according to the std of df/dz and filter a percentage
classic_est = np.array(sorted(classic, key=lambda l: l[-1], reverse=True)) \
[:int(len(classic) * filt), :-1]
return classic_est
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