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using_filters.c 19.21 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Vipin Madhavanunni 提交于 2017-06-16 11:43 . kkkk
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pcap.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/if_ether.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <linux/ip.h>
#include <linux/udp.h>
/* Defined in include/linux/ieee80211.h */
struct ieee80211_hdr {
uint16_t /*__le16*/frame_control;
uint16_t /*__le16*/duration_id;
uint8_t addr1[6];
uint8_t addr2[6];
uint8_t addr3[6];
uint16_t /*__le16*/seq_ctrl;
//uint8_t addr4[6];
}__attribute__ ((packed));
static const uint8_t u8aRadiotapHeader[] = {
0x00, 0x00, // <-- radiotap version (ignore this)
0x18, 0x00, // <-- number of bytes in our header (count the number of "0x"s)
* The next field is a bitmap of which options we are including.
* The full list of which field is which option is in ieee80211_radiotap.h,
* but I've chosen to include:
* 0x00 0x01: timestamp
* 0x00 0x02: flags
* 0x00 0x03: rate
* 0x00 0x04: channel
* 0x80 0x00: tx flags (seems silly to have this AND flags, but oh well)
0x0f, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // <-- timestamp
* This is the first set of flags, and we've set the bit corresponding to
* IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_F_FCS, meaning we want the card to add a FCS at the end
* of our buffer for us.
0x00, // <-- rate
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // <-- channel
* This is the second set of flags, specifically related to transmissions. The
* bit we've set is IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_F_TX_NOACK, which means the card won't
* wait for an ACK for this frame, and that it won't retry if it doesn't get
* one.
0x08, 0x00, };
* After an 802.11 MAC-layer header, a logical link control (LLC) header should
* be placed to tell the receiver what kind of data will follow (see IEEE 802.2
* for more information).
* For political reasons, IP wasn't allocated a global so-called SAP number,
* which means that a simple LLC header is not enough to indicate that an IP
* frame was sent. 802.2 does, however, allow EtherType types (the same kind of
* type numbers used in, you guessed it, Ethernet) through the use of the
* "Subnetwork Access Protocol", or SNAP. To use SNAP, the three bytes in the
* LLC have to be set to the magical numbers 0xAA 0xAA 0x03. The next five bytes
* are then interpreted as a SNAP header. To specify an EtherType, we need to
* set the first three of them to 0. The last two bytes can then finally be set
* to 0x0800, which is the IP EtherType.
const uint8_t ipllc[8] = { 0xaa, 0xaa, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00 };
void print_packet_info(const u_char *packet, struct pcap_pkthdr packet_header);
void my_packet_handler(u_char *args, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header,
const u_char *packet);
void pktdump(const u_char * pu8, int nLength);
//int nDelay = 100000;
#define BILLION 1000000000L
#define MSTONANOS 1000000L
char command1[50];
char command2[50];
char command3[50];
char command4[50];
char command5[50];
//int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int main() {
strcpy(command1, "echo -n \"40\" > /sys/class/gpio/unexport");
strcpy(command2, "echo -n \"40\" > /sys/class/gpio/export");
strcpy(command3, "echo -n \"out\" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio40/direction");
strcpy(command4, "echo -n \"1\" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio40/value");
strcpy(command5, "echo -n \"0\" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio40/value");
struct timespec start_time;
struct timespec end_time;
long int diffInNanos;
long int diffSec;
long int diffInNanosR;
long int diffSecR;
double diffTime;
uint8_t packno = 1;
uint8_t max_packno = 20;
// char buff[100];
/* The parts of our packet
uint8_t *rt; radiotap
struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr;
uint8_t *llc;
struct iphdr *iph;
struct udphdr *udp;
uint8_t *data;
struct timespec *ntime;
uint8_t *stime;
Other useful bits
uint8_t *buf;
size_t sz;*/
// pkt vars
char dev[] = "mon0";
pcap_t *handle;
const u_char *packet;
struct pcap_pkthdr packet_header;
char error_buffer[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
struct bpf_program filter;
char filter_exp[] =
"udp && src && dst && src port 50505 && dst port 50505";
bpf_u_int32 subnet_mask, ip;
int pktlength = 0;
if (pcap_lookupnet(dev, &ip, &subnet_mask, error_buffer) == -1) {
printf("Could not get information for device: %s\n", dev);
ip = 0;
subnet_mask = 0;
handle = pcap_open_live(dev, BUFSIZ, 1, 0, error_buffer);
if (handle == NULL) {
printf("Could not open %s - %s\n", dev, error_buffer);
return 2;
if (pcap_compile(handle, &filter, filter_exp, 0, ip) == -1) {
printf("Bad filter - %s\n", pcap_geterr(handle));
return 2;
if (pcap_setfilter(handle, &filter) == -1) {
printf("Error setting filter - %s\n", pcap_geterr(handle));
return 2;
char timestr1[30];
char timestr2[30];
char timestr3[30];
long int tempSr;
long int tempNr;
long int tempSl;
long int tempNl;
FILE *fp1;
FILE *fp2;
FILE *fp3;
int timefindr = 20;
int loop;
long int calTimeDiffS = 0;
long int calTimeDiffNowS = 0;
long int calTimeDiffN = 0;
long int calTimeDiffNowN = 0;
float calTimeRTNowMS = 0.0;
float calTimeRTMS = 0.0;
long int callTimeDiffNorg = 0;
double calTimeDiffTimeNow = 0.0;
double calTimeDiffTime = 0.0;
// Asuming NTP did a sync to second
char *cmd1 = "ssh [email protected] date +%s-%N-";
char *cmd2 = "date +%s-%N-";
char *cmd3 = "ping -c 1 | grep round-trip | cut -d'=' -f2 | cut -d'/' -f2";
char *nano1;
char *nano2;
char *sec1;
char *sec2;
printf("\n Let get the time sync diff \n");
for (loop = 1; loop <= timefindr; loop++) {
memset(&timestr1[0], 0, sizeof(timestr1));
memset(&timestr2[0], 0, sizeof(timestr2));
memset(&timestr3[0], 0, sizeof(timestr3));
if ((fp1 = popen(cmd1, "r")) == NULL) {
printf("Error opening pipe! for 1\n");
return -1;
if ((fp2 = popen(cmd2, "r")) == NULL) {
printf("Error opening pipe! for 2\n");
return -1;
if ((fp3 = popen(cmd3, "r")) == NULL) {
printf("Error opening pipe! for 3\n");
return -1;
while (fgets(timestr1, 50, fp1) != NULL) {
sec1 = strtok(timestr1, "-");
tempSr = atol(sec1);
nano1 = strtok(NULL, "-");
tempNr = atol(nano1);
printf("Time OUTPUT remote: %s %s\n", sec1,nano1);
printf("Time OUTPUT remote: %ld %ld\n", tempSr,tempNr);
while (fgets(timestr2, 50, fp2) != NULL) {
sec2 = strtok(timestr2, "-");
tempSl = atol(sec2);
nano2 = strtok(NULL, "-");
tempNl = atol(nano2);
printf("Time OUTPUT local: %s %s\n", sec2,nano2);
printf("Time OUTPUT local: %ld %ld\n", tempSl,tempNl);
while (fgets(timestr3, 50, fp3) != NULL) {
calTimeRTNowMS = atof(timestr3);
printf("Time OUTPUT Round Trip: %s\n", timestr3);
printf("Time OUTPUT Round Trip: %f\n", calTimeRTNowMS);
// rtime - ltime
calTimeDiffTimeNow = ((tempSr + (tempNr/BILLION)) - (tempSl + (tempNl/BILLION)));
if (tempNr >= tempNl && tempSr >= tempSl) {
calTimeDiffNowS = (tempSr - tempSl);
calTimeDiffNowN = (tempNr - tempNl);
} else if (tempNr < tempNl && tempSr == tempSl) {
calTimeDiffNowS = 0;
calTimeDiffNowN = ((BILLION - tempNr) + tempNl);
} else if (tempSr < tempSl) {
calTimeDiffNowS = (tempSr - tempSl);
if (tempNr < tempNl)
calTimeDiffNowN = ((BILLION - tempNr) + tempNl)*-1;
else if (tempNr >= tempNl)
calTimeDiffNowN = (tempNr - tempNl)*-1;
} else {
// 1 sec ... somthing wrong
calTimeDiffNowS = 1;
calTimeDiffNowN = 0;
printf("Current diff %ld %ld and RT %f\n",calTimeDiffNowS, calTimeDiffNowN, calTimeRTNowMS);
if(loop >= 2) {
//calTimeDiffTime = (( calTimeDiffTime * ((loop -1)/loop)) + ( calTimeDiffTimeNow/loop));
calTimeDiffTime = (( calTimeDiffTime * ((loop -1)/loop)) + (( calTimeDiffTimeNow- (calTimeRTNowMS/1000))/loop));
calTimeRTMS = (( calTimeRTMS * ((loop -1)/loop)) + ( calTimeRTNowMS/loop));
printf("Current Avrage diff %lf and RT %f\n",calTimeDiffTime,calTimeRTMS);
} else {
calTimeDiffTime = calTimeDiffTimeNow;
calTimeRTMS = calTimeRTNowMS;
/* printf("Current diff %ld %ld and RT %f\n",calTimeDiffNowS, calTimeDiffNowN, calTimeRTNowMS);
if(loop >= 2) {
calTimeDiffS = (( calTimeDiffS * ((loop -1)/loop)) + ( calTimeDiffNowS/loop));
calTimeDiffN = (( calTimeDiffN * ((loop -1)/loop)) + ( calTimeDiffNowN/loop));
callTimeDiffNorg = (( calTimeDiffN * ((loop -1)/loop)) + (( calTimeDiffNowN - (calTimeRTNowMS * MSTONANOS))/loop));
calTimeRTMS = (( calTimeRTMS * ((loop -1)/loop)) + ( calTimeRTNowMS/loop));
printf("Current Avrage diff %ld %ld - %ld and RT %f\n",calTimeDiffS, calTimeDiffN,,calTimeRTMS);
} else {
calTimeDiffS = calTimeDiffNowS;
calTimeDiffN = calTimeDiffNowN;
calTimeRTMS = calTimeRTNowMS;
//callTimeDiffNorg = calTimeDiffN - (calTimeRTMS * MSTONANOS);
if (pclose(fp1)) {
printf("Command not found or exited with error status 1\n");
return -1;
if (pclose(fp2)) {
printf("Command not found or exited with error status 2\n");
return -1;
if (pclose(fp3)) {
printf("Command not found or exited with error status 3\n");
return -1;
printf("Last Avrage diff %ld %ld and RT %f\n",calTimeDiffS, calTimeDiffN,calTimeRTMS);
printf("Last Avrage diff %ld %ld Taken \n",calTimeDiffS, callTimeDiffNorg);*/
printf("Last Avrage diff %lf Taken and %f RT\n",calTimeDiffTime, calTimeRTMS);
printf("\nLets start ....\n");
while (1) {
// pcap_next() or pcap_loop() to get packets from device now
// Only packets over port 80 will be returned.
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start_time);
//printf("Waiting for packet %ld.%ld \n",start_time.tv_sec, start_time.tv_nsec);
packet = pcap_next(handle, &packet_header);
if (packet == NULL) {
printf("No packet found.\n");
} else {
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &end_time);
if (end_time.tv_nsec >= start_time.tv_nsec
&& end_time.tv_sec >= start_time.tv_sec) {
diffSec = (end_time.tv_sec - start_time.tv_sec);
diffInNanos = (end_time.tv_nsec - start_time.tv_nsec);
} else if (start_time.tv_nsec > end_time.tv_nsec
&& end_time.tv_sec >= start_time.tv_sec) {
diffSec = (end_time.tv_sec - start_time.tv_sec);
diffInNanos =
((BILLION - start_time.tv_nsec) + end_time.tv_nsec);
} else {
// 1 sec ... somthing wrong
diffSec = 1;
diffInNanos = 0;
diffTime = (end_time.tv_sec + (end_time.tv_nsec/BILLION)) - calTimeDiffTime ;
diffSecR = end_time.tv_sec - calTimeDiffS;
diffInNanosR = end_time.tv_nsec - callTimeDiffNorg;
/* Total buffer size (note the 0 bytes of data and the 4 bytes of FCS
sz = sizeof(u8aRadiotapHeader) + sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr)
+ sizeof(ipllc) + sizeof(struct iphdr)
+ sizeof(struct udphdr) + 0sizeof(uint8_t)
+ sizeof(struct timespec) + 100 data + 4 FCS ;
// String time bufer
buf = (uint8_t *) malloc(sz);
// let copy the packet
memcpy(buf, packet, sz);
Put our pointers in the right place
rt = (uint8_t *) buf;
hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *) (rt + sizeof(u8aRadiotapHeader));
llc = (uint8_t *) (hdr + 1);
iph = (struct iphdr *) (llc + sizeof(ipllc));
udp = (struct udphdr *) (iph + 1);
// packet number
data = (uint8_t *) (udp + 1);
// Epoch time
ntime = (struct timespec *) (data + 1);
// Date and Time in string
stime = (uint8_t *) (ntime + 1);*/
//strftime(buff, sizeof buff, "%D %T", gmtime(&end_time.tv_sec));
//printf("Got a packet [%d] at %s.%09ld with %ld ns \n\n",packno, buff,end_time.tv_nsec, diffInNanos);
/* printf("Got a packet [%d] at %ld sec %ld nano sec "
"(with %ld.%ld nano sec) \n", packno, end_time.tv_sec,
end_time.tv_nsec, diffSec, diffInNanos);*/
/* printf("Got a packet [%d] at %ld sec %ld nano sec "
"(with %ld.%ld nano sec) \n", packno, diffSecR,
diffInNanosR, diffSec, diffInNanos);*/
/* printf("Got a packet [%d] at %ld.%ld sec "
"(with %ld.%ld nano sec) \n", packno, diffSecR,
diffInNanosR, diffSec, diffInNanos);*/
printf("Got a packet [%d] at %lf sec "
"(with %ld.%ld nano sec) \n", packno, diffTime,
diffSec, diffInNanos);
pktlength = packet_header.len;
printf("Lenght of packet %d\n", pktlength);
pktdump(packet, pktlength);
//print_packet_info(packet, packet_header);
if (packno >= max_packno) {
printf("\n Let finish ....\n");
return 0;
int snapshot_length = 1024;
int total_packet_count = 200;
u_char *my_arguments = NULL;
pcap_loop(handle, total_packet_count, my_packet_handler, my_arguments);
printf("\n Let finish ....\n");
return 0;
void pktdump(const u_char * pu8, int nLength) {
char sz[256], szBuf[512], szChar[17], *buf; //, fFirst = 1;
unsigned char baaLast[2][16];
unsigned int n, nPos = 0, nStart = 0, nLine = 0; //, nSameCount = 0;
buf = szBuf;
szChar[0] = '\0';
for (n = 0; n < nLength; n++) {
baaLast[(nLine & 1) ^ 1][n & 0xf] = pu8[n];
if ((pu8[n] < 32) || (pu8[n] >= 0x7f))
szChar[n & 0xf] = '.';
szChar[n & 0xf] = pu8[n];
szChar[(n & 0xf) + 1] = '\0';
nPos += sprintf(&sz[nPos], "%02X ", baaLast[(nLine & 1) ^ 1][n & 0xf]);
if ((n & 15) != 15)
// if ((memcmp(baaLast[0], baaLast[1], 16) == 0) && (!fFirst)) {
// nSameCount++;
// } else {
// if (nSameCount)
// buf += sprintf(buf, "(repeated %d times)\n",
// nSameCount);
buf += sprintf(buf, "%04x: %s %s\n", nStart, sz, szChar);
//nSameCount = 0;
printf("%s", szBuf);
buf = szBuf;
// }
nPos = 0;
nStart = n + 1;
//fFirst = 0;
sz[0] = '\0';
szChar[0] = '\0';
//if (nSameCount)
// buf += sprintf(buf, "(repeated %d times)\n", nSameCount);
buf += sprintf(buf, "%04x: %s", nStart, sz);
if (n & 0xf) {
*buf++ = ' ';
while (n & 0xf) {
buf += sprintf(buf, " ");
buf += sprintf(buf, "%s\n", szChar);
printf("%s", szBuf);
void print_packet_info(const u_char *packet, struct pcap_pkthdr packet_header) {
u_char *pointer;
int address_length;
"Time recieved: %s\n",
ctime((const time_t*)&packet_header.ts.tv_sec)
printf("Packet length %d\n", packet_header.len);
printf("Packet capture length: %d\n", packet_header.caplen);
// What type of ethernet packet
struct ether_header *ethernet_header;
ethernet_header = (struct ether_header *) packet;
if (ntohs(ethernet_header->ether_type) == ETHERTYPE_IP) {
"Ethernet type hex:%x dec:%d is an IP packet.\n",
} else if (ntohs (ethernet_header->ether_type) == ETHERTYPE_ARP) {
"Ethernet type hex:%x dec:%d is an ARP packet.\n",
} else {
printf("Other ethernet type: %x", ntohs(ethernet_header->ether_type));
// Source address
address_length = ETHER_ADDR_LEN;
pointer = ethernet_header->ether_shost;
printf("Source Address: ");
do {
(address_length == ETHER_ADDR_LEN) ? " " : ":", *pointer++
} while(--address_length > 0);
// Destination address
pointer = ethernet_header->ether_dhost;
address_length = ETHER_ADDR_LEN;
printf("Destination Address: ");
do {
(address_length == ETHER_ADDR_LEN) ? " " : ":", *pointer++
} while(--address_length > 0);
void my_packet_handler(
u_char *args,
const struct pcap_pkthdr *header,
const u_char *packet
//int nDelay = 10;
char command4[50];
char command5[50];
strcpy(command4, "echo -n \"1\" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio40/value");
strcpy(command5, "echo -n \"0\" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio40/value");
/* Finds the payload of a TCP/IP packet */
void my_packet_handler(
u_char *args,
const struct pcap_pkthdr *header,
const u_char *packet
// First, lets make sure we have an IP packet
struct ether_header *eth_header;
eth_header = (struct ether_header *) packet;
if (ntohs(eth_header->ether_type) != ETHERTYPE_IP) {
printf("Not an IP packet. Skipping...\n\n");
// The total packet length, including all headers
// and the data payload is stored in
// header->len and header->caplen. Caplen is
// the amount actually available, and len is the
// total packet length even if it is larger
// than what we currently have captured. If the snapshot
// length set with pcap_open_live() is too small, you may
// not have the whole packet.
printf("Total packet available: %d bytes\n", header->caplen);
printf("Expected packet size: %d bytes\n", header->len);
// Pointers to start point of various headers
const u_char *ip_header;
const u_char *tcp_header;
const u_char *payload;
// Header lengths in bytes
int ethernet_header_length = 14; // Doesn't change
int ip_header_length;
int tcp_header_length;
int payload_length;
// Find start of IP header
ip_header = packet + ethernet_header_length;
// The second-half of the first byte in ip_header
// contains the IP header length (IHL).
ip_header_length = ((*ip_header) & 0x0F);
// The IHL is number of 32-bit segments. Multiply
// by four to get a byte count for pointer arithmetic
ip_header_length = ip_header_length * 4;
printf("IP header length (IHL) in bytes: %d\n", ip_header_length);
// Now that we know where the IP header is, we can
// inspect the IP header for a protocol number to
// make sure it is TCP before going any further.
// Protocol is always the 10th byte of the IP header
u_char protocol = *(ip_header + 9);
if (protocol != IPPROTO_TCP) {
printf("Not a TCP packet. Skipping...\n\n");
// Add the ethernet and ip header length to the start of the packet
// to find the beginning of the TCP header
tcp_header = packet + ethernet_header_length + ip_header_length;
// TCP header length is stored in the first half
// of the 12th byte in the TCP header. Because we only want
// the value of the top half of the byte, we have to shift it
// down to the bottom half otherwise it is using the most
// significant bits instead of the least significant bits
tcp_header_length = ((*(tcp_header + 12)) & 0xF0) >> 4;
// The TCP header length stored in those 4 bits represents
// how many 32-bit words there are in the header, just like
// the IP header length. We multiply by four again to get a
// byte count.
tcp_header_length = tcp_header_length * 4;
printf("TCP header length in bytes: %d\n", tcp_header_length);
// Add up all the header sizes to find the payload offset
int total_headers_size = ethernet_header_length+ip_header_length+tcp_header_length;
printf("Size of all headers combined: %d bytes\n", total_headers_size);
payload_length = header->caplen -
(ethernet_header_length + ip_header_length + tcp_header_length);
printf("Payload size: %d bytes\n", payload_length);
payload = packet + total_headers_size;
printf("Memory address where payload begins: %p\n\n", payload);
// Print payload in ASCII
if (payload_length > 0) {
const u_char *temp_pointer = payload;
int byte_count = 0;
while (byte_count++ < payload_length) {
printf("%c", *temp_pointer);
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:kinpar_wen/packetspammer.git
