#include "common.h"
#include "sysdef.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "main.h"
//#include "hzk.h"
//#include "main.h"
extern GATE_PEAK GatePeak;
extern GATE_PARA AGatePara; /*8*/
extern GATE_PARA BGatePara; /*8*/
extern GATE_MAX GateMax; //门内出现的最高波
extern SYSTEM_STATUS SystemStatus; /*4*/
extern CHANNEL_STATUS ChannelStatus; /*4*/
extern CHANNEL_PARAMETER ChannelPara; /*15*2*/
extern FAT fat;
extern CURVE_AMEND stCurveAmend;
extern WELD_PARA stWeldPara;
extern unsigned short c_FWBaseLine ; //全波基线
extern unsigned short c_RFBaseLine ; //射频基线
extern u_short dac_line[];
extern ADJUST_TIME AdjustTime;
extern u_char *dactable;
///extern u_int FixGain ;
extern int extend;
extern int HoriOffsetScreen ; //所有写在屏幕上的内容,水平方向开始点
extern int VertOffsetScreen ; //所有写在屏幕上的内容,水平方向开始点
extern DAC Dac;
extern const u_int KEY_DIGITAB[];
extern const u_char MadeDate[21];//制造日前
extern const u_char _version[30];//版本号
extern const u_char AmpMaxCom_Table[] ;
extern const u_char PowerTable[] ;
extern const u_int _RANGEVALUE[];
extern u_short GainTable[] ;
extern const u_short c_gaintable[][121] ;
extern const short sin_tab[] ;
extern const short cos_tab[] ;
extern int g_nDenoise;
extern const u_int c_crPara[];
extern u_char crPara[];
extern const u_short _ParaMenu_CE2[];
int curr_cr;
void InvertBytes(u_int XPos, u_int YPos, u_int bytes) /*反白显示几个字节的区域*/
if( bytes > 0 )
MInvertWindow( XPos, YPos, (XPos+ C_ECHAR_HDOT * bytes)-1, YPos + C_ECHAR_VDOT -1) ;
void InvertWords(u_int XPos, u_int YPos, u_int words) /*反白显示几个字的区域*/
if( words > 0 )
MInvertWindow( XPos, YPos, (XPos+ C_CCHAR_HDOT * words) - 1, YPos + C_CCHAR_VDOT - 1) ;
int CharStr2Number( char str[],int number)//number:个数
int i;
int retvalue = 0;
int sign;
int temp;
if( str[0] == '-')
sign = -1;
i = 1;
sign = 1;
i = 0;
for( ; i < number ; i++)
temp = str[i] - 0x30;
if( temp > 9 || temp < 0)continue;
retvalue *= 10;
retvalue += temp;
return retvalue;
int ShortStr2Number( short str[],int number)
int i;
int retvalue = 0;
int sign;
int temp;
if( str[0] == '-')
sign = -1;
i = 1;
sign = 1;
i = 0;
for( ; i < number ; i++)
temp = str[i] - 0x30;
if( temp > 9 || temp < 0)continue;
retvalue *= 10;
retvalue += temp;
return retvalue;
u_int Bcd2Hex(u_int val)
u_int temp1 = val % 16 ;
u_int temp2 = 1;
while(val > 0)
val = val / 16 ;
temp2 *= 10;
temp1 += (val % 16) * temp2; //取当前最低位
return temp1;
u_int Hex2Bcd(u_int val)
u_int temp1 = (val % 10) ;
u_int temp2 = 1;
while(val > 0)
val = val/10 ;
temp2 *= 16;
temp1 += (val % 10) * temp2; //取当前最低位
return temp1;
u_int GetNumberLen(u_int number) /*得到数的位数*/
u_int len=0; /*位数 */
number /= 10;
}while (number);
return len;
void Swap(void *x,void *y) /*两数交换*/
void *temp;
temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
void ExpendTime(int time) /*消耗时间,以10ms为单位*/
u_int PreElapsedTime;
if(time > 0)time = (time-1)*10; /*消耗时间单位为10ms*/
else time = 0;
PreElapsedTime = GetElapsedTime() + time;
while(1) /*消耗10ms时间*/
if( GetElapsedTime() > PreElapsedTime )break;
PreElapsedTime /= 2;
PreElapsedTime *= 2;
void BuzzerOn(u_int time) /*蜂鸣0.1 * time 秒,如果参数time=0则转换当前蜂鸣状态*/
u_int PreElapsedTime = GetElapsedTime() + 10 * time;
if( time >= 0 )
SwitchBuzzerOn(1) ;
#if C_DEVLIB == 3 || C_DEVLIB == 23 || C_DEVLIB == 24
//; SwitchAlarmOn(1);
while(1) /*消耗10ms时间*/
if( GetElapsedTime() > PreElapsedTime )break;
PreElapsedTime /= 2;
PreElapsedTime *= 2;
#if C_DEVLIB == 3 || C_DEVLIB == 23 || C_DEVLIB == 24
//; SwitchAlarmOn(0);
SwitchBuzzerOn(0) ; //如果参数time=0则转换当前蜂鸣状态
u_int TestSameKeyTime(u_int Prekeycode,u_int PreElapsedTime,u_int MaxTime)
u_int samekeytime;
int offset = C_OFF_STORE;
if(Prekeycode != C_KEYCODMAX)
MaxTime += PreElapsedTime; //
samekeytime = GetElapsedTime();
if(Prekeycode != MGetKeyCode(0) )break;
MaxTime *=2;
MaxTime /=2; //两行消耗时间
}while ( samekeytime <= MaxTime );
samekeytime -= PreElapsedTime; //同一按键时长
MCopyProtectedMemory( (void*)offset, &samekeytime,4, PM_COPY_WRITE);
{ //得到前次调用的返回值
MCopyProtectedMemory(&samekeytime, (void*)offset, 4, PM_COPY_READ);
return samekeytime;
u_int GetSameKeyTime(void)
int offset ;
int samekeytime = 0;
offset = C_OFF_STORE + 21; //同一键值连续按键次数
MCopyProtectedMemory( &samekeytime,(void*)offset, 1, PM_COPY_READ);
return samekeytime;
u_int GetNoKeyTime(void) //得到到从前次按键到目前止的时长,单位s
int offset ;
int keyintime=0;
offset = C_OFF_STORE + 22; //22-25 有新按键时,距开机时的时长单位ms
MCopyProtectedMemory( &keyintime,(void*)offset, 4, PM_COPY_READ);
keyintime = (GetElapsedTime() - keyintime)/1000;
return keyintime;
u_int CheckDate(u_int year,u_int month,u_int date) //检查年、月、日是否符合
{ //检查年、月、日是否符合规则,返回值0符合,非0不符合,1:year,2:month,4:date
u_int ret_year = 0 , ret_month = 0 ,ret_date = 0 ;
if( year > 9999)ret_year = 1; //年不超过四位数
if( month < 1 || month > 12 )ret_month = 2;
if( date < 1 || date > 31 ) ret_date = 4;
if( month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11 )
if( date > 30 )ret_date = 4; //小月
else if(month == 2)
if( year%4 > 0)
if( date > 28 )ret_date = 4; //非润月
if( year % 100 == 0 && year % 400 != 0)
if( date > 28 )ret_date = 4; //非润月
if( date > 29 )ret_date = 4; //润月
return ret_year + ret_month + ret_date;
void MPush(int mint) //压栈
int offset;
int sPoint; //栈指针
offset = C_OFF_STACK ;
MCopyProtectedMemory(&sPoint, (void*)offset, C_SIZE_INT, PM_COPY_READ);
MCopyProtectedMemory((void*)offset, &sPoint, C_SIZE_INT, PM_COPY_WRITE);
offset = C_OFF_STACK + 10 + (sPoint - 1)* C_SIZE_INT;
MCopyProtectedMemory((void*)offset, &mint, C_SIZE_INT, PM_COPY_WRITE);
int MPop(int mode) //出栈
int offset;
int sPoint; //栈指针
int mint;
offset = C_OFF_STACK ;
MCopyProtectedMemory(&sPoint, (void*)offset, C_SIZE_INT, PM_COPY_READ);
if(mode == 0 || sPoint < 0)sPoint = 0;
MCopyProtectedMemory((void*)offset, &sPoint, C_SIZE_INT, PM_COPY_WRITE);
offset = C_OFF_STACK + 10 + sPoint * C_SIZE_INT;
MCopyProtectedMemory(&mint, (void*)offset, C_SIZE_INT, PM_COPY_READ);
return mint;
int test_fft(void)
return true;
void FFT(short dataI[],short w[],int mode) //通过转换后dataI中的所有数据转到dataR中
/*short xx;
short L,i,j,k,b,p;
short TR,TI;
short dataR[C_MAX_DOT_NUMBER];
for( i = 0; i < C_MAX_DOT_NUMBER; i++)
for(xx = 0,j = 0; j < C_MAX_BIT; j++)
xx = ( xx << 1) + ( (i >> j) & 0x01 ) ;
dataR[xx] = dataI[i]; //通过转换后dataI中的所有数据转到dataR中
dataI[i] = 0;
// w[i] = 0;
for(L = 0;L < C_MAX_BIT;L++)
{ //for(1)
b = 1;
b = ( b << L); // b= 2^(L)
for(j = 0;j < b; j++) // for (2)
p = 1;
i = C_MAX_BIT - L - 1;
p = ( p << i) * j *1; //p=pow(2,7-L)*j;
for( k = j ; k < C_MAX_DOT_NUMBER; k += 2*b) // for (3)
TR = dataR[k]; TI = dataI[k];
TBR_COS = dataR[k+b] * cos_tab[p]/10000;
TBR_SIN = dataR[k+b] * sin_tab[p]/10000;
TBI_COS = dataI[k+b] * cos_tab[p]/10000;
TBI_SIN = dataI[k+b] * sin_tab[p]/10000;
dataR[k] = TR + TBR_COS + TBI_SIN;
dataI[k] = TI - TBR_SIN + TBI_COS;
dataR[k+b] = TR - TBR_COS - TBI_SIN;
dataI[k+b] = TI + TBR_SIN - TBI_COS;
} // END for (3)
} // END for (2)
} // END for (1)
/// DrawCurver( w,0,280);
b = 0;
p = 1;
p = ( p << (C_MAX_BIT - 1) );
if(C_MAX_DOT_NUMBER/4 > 280)k = 280;
else k = C_MAX_DOT_NUMBER/4;
for(i = 0; i <= k; i++)
w[i] = (short)( 0.5 + 100*sqrt( dataR[i] * dataR[i] + dataI[i] * dataI[i] )/p );
if(b < w[i])b = w[i];
;;for( i = 0 ; i < 14; i++)w[i] /= 4;
/// w[0]=w[0]/2;
for(i = 0; i <= k; i++)
w[i] = w[i] * 190/b;
for(i = mode; i > 0; i--)
if(b > 140)b = 140;
w[2*b] = w[b];
for(j = b -1 ; j >= 0; j--)
w[2*j] = w[j];
w[2*j+1] = (w[2*j]+w[2*j+2])/2;
DrawCurver( w,0,280);*/
u_int Random()
/*u_int randvalue;
u_int x,y,len;
x = GetElapsedTime();
y = GetElapsedTime() * GetElapsedTime() + 1;
x = ( ( x + 1) * GetElapsedTime() ) % 308 + 1;
y = ( x * ( x + y ) * GetElapsedTime() ) % 240 + 1;
MCopyProtectedMemory( &len, (void*)( (x * y )%1000), sizeof(int), PM_COPY_READ);
len = ( x * y + len ) % 32 +1;
randvalue = ( ( MGetPixels( x, y, len) + x * y )* x + x * y * len ) /117 * 19 ;//+ rand();
return randvalue;*/
return 1;
float Mexpf(float ex, u_int len)//指数函数,得到e^ex,位数不大于len×8
float retvalue ;
int nMax = 1;
float fMax = 0.0;
if( len <= 1 )
len = 1;
//fMax = 5.541263545; //ln(255);
fMax = 4.844187086;//ln(127)
else if( len == 2)
len = 2;
//fMax = 11.09033963; //ln(65535)
fMax = 10.39717719; //ln(32767
else if( len > 2 && len <= 4)
len = 4;
//fMax = 22.18067926;
fMax = 10.39717719*2;
else if( len > 4)
len = 8;
//fMax = 22.18067926*2; //
fMax = 10.39717719*4;
if( ex > fMax)ex = fMax;
nMax = ( nMax << ( len * 8 ) ) - 1;
retvalue = expf(ex);
//if( retvalue > fMax )retvalue = fMax;
return retvalue;
float MexpfA(float ex)//指数函数,得到e^ex,位数不大于len×8
float retvalue ;
float fMax ;
fMax = 10.39717719; //ln(32767
if( ex > fMax)ex = fMax;
retvalue = expf(ex);
return retvalue;
int Mabsi( int x)
x = ( x >= 0)? x : 0 - x;
return x;
float Mabsf( float x)
x = ( x >= 0)? x : 0 - x;
return x;
double Mabsd( double x)
x = ( x >= 0)? x : 0 - x;
return x;
short Mabss( short x)
x = ( x >= 0)? x : 0 - x;
return x;
char Mabsc( char x)
x = ( x <= 0)? 0 - x : x;
return x;
u_int BitLoad(u_int des/*包含数据的变量*/, u_int bits/*字节数*/, u_int cx/*开始的位置*/)
u_int bx;
bx = 1;
bx = ( bx << bits ) - 1;
return ( (des >> cx) & bx );
u_int BitSave(u_int des/*将要包含待存数据的变量*/, u_int bits/*字节数*/, u_int cx/*开始的位置*/,u_int var/*待存的变量*/)
u_int bx , dx;
bx = 1;
bx = ( bx << bits ) - 1;
dx = var & bx;
bx = ~( bx << cx );
return ( ( des & bx ) + ( dx << cx ) );
u_int MLoadStartTime(void)//分钟
return SystemStatus.nStartElapsedTime/65536;
void MSaveStartTime(int time)
SystemStatus.nStartElapsedTime = ( SystemStatus.nStartElapsedTime & 0x0000ffff ) + (time << 16);
u_int MLoadCurrentTime(void)//分钟
return SystemStatus.nStartElapsedTime/65536 + SystemStatus.nStartElapsedTime%65536;
u_int MLoadSystemElapsedTime( int mode)
u_int nElapsedTime;
switch( mode )
nElapsedTime = SystemStatus.nElapsedTime;
nElapsedTime = SystemStatus.nElapsedTime/1000;
// nElapsedTime = SystemStatus.nElapsedTime/(1000*60);
// break;
nElapsedTime = SystemStatus.nStartElapsedTime % 65536;
return nElapsedTime;
// u_int nElapsedTime; //开机时长,以毫秒为单位
// u_int nStartElapsedTime; //高16位开机时间,低16位开机时长,以分为单位
void MSaveSystemElapsedTime( u_int nElapsedTime ,int mode)
switch( mode )
SystemStatus.nElapsedTime = nElapsedTime;
SystemStatus.nElapsedTime = nElapsedTime*1000;
// SystemStatus.nElapsedTime = nElapsedTime*(1000*60);
// SystemStatus.nStartElapsedTime = ( SystemStatus.nStartElapsedTime & 0xffff0000 ) + (nElapsedTime % 65536);
// break;
SystemStatus.nStartElapsedTime = ( SystemStatus.nStartElapsedTime & 0xffff0000 ) + (nElapsedTime % 65536);
//mode = 0年,1月,2,日,3周几,4小时,5分钟,6秒,
//-1年月日, -2:2000年后第几日,-3第几周,-4今年第几日,-5第几周,-6今天开始后多少分钟,-7今天开始后多少秒
u_int MGetSystemTime(int mode)
TIME_CLOCK TimeClock,tcm;
u_int date, year, month, day, hour, minute, second;
u_int time1,time2;
u_int retvalue = 0;
time1 = GetElapsedTime()/(1000*60);
time2 = C_OFF_BATTERY + 10;
MCopyProtectedMemory( &tcm, (void*)time2, 8, PM_COPY_READ);
if( time1 > 1 && ( time1 != MLoadSystemElapsedTime(C_TIME_MINUTE) || (mode == 6 || mode == 7) ) )
TimeClock.date = tcm.date;
TimeClock.day = tcm.day;
TimeClock.month = tcm.month;
TimeClock.yearh = tcm.yearh;
TimeClock.yearl = tcm.yearl;
MCopyProtectedMemory( (void*)time2, &TimeClock, 8, PM_COPY_WRITE);
MCopyProtectedMemory( &TimeClock, (void*)time2, 8, PM_COPY_READ);
hour = Bcd2Hex(TimeClock.hour & 0x3f)%24;
minute = Bcd2Hex(TimeClock.minute & 0x7f)%60;
second = Bcd2Hex(TimeClock.second & 0x7f)%60;
year = Bcd2Hex( TimeClock.yearh &0x3f) * 100 + Bcd2Hex(TimeClock.yearl) ;
month = Bcd2Hex(TimeClock.month & 0x1f )%13;
date = Bcd2Hex(TimeClock.date & 0x3f )%32; /* 日期 BCD码转换成十六进制 */
day = Bcd2Hex(TimeClock.day & 0x3f)%8;
if( month == 0) month = 1;
if( day == 0 ) day = 1;
//time1 = ( year * 256 + month) *256 + date;
time1 = date2int(&TimeClock);
time2 = ( hour * 256 + minute ) * 256 + second;
switch( mode )
case 0://年
retvalue = year;
case 1://月
retvalue = month;
case 2://日
retvalue = date;
case 3://周几
retvalue = day;
case 4://小时,
retvalue = hour;
case 5://分钟,
retvalue = minute;
case 6://秒
retvalue = second;
case 7://时分秒
retvalue = time2;
case 8://时分
retvalue = time2;
case -1://年月日
retvalue = time1;
case -2://2000年后第几日,
retvalue = MGetYearDateCount(2000,year) + MGetCurrentYearTimeCount(time1,time2,2);
case -3://2000年后第几周,
retvalue = ( MGetYearDateCount(2000,year) + MGetCurrentYearTimeCount(time1,time2,2) )/7;
case -4://今年第几日,
case -5://今年第几周
retvalue = MGetCurrentYearTimeCount(time1,time2,2)/7;
case -6://-5今天开始后多少分钟
retvalue = hour * 60 + minute;
case -7://今天开始后多少秒
retvalue = (hour * 60 + minute) * 60;
return retvalue;
//得到当前时间距当年1月1日0点的差距,mode = 2,日,3周,4小时,5分钟,6秒
u_int MGetCurrentYearTimeCount(int date, int time,int mode)
u_int retvalue = 0;
u_int year ;//年
u_int month;//月
u_int day;//日
u_int hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0;
day = ( (date%65536)%256 )%32;
month = ( (date%65536)/256 )%13 ;
year = date/65536;
if( day == 0 )day = 1;
if( month == 0 ) month = 1;
hour = ( ( time/65536 )%256 ) % 24;
minute = ( ( time%65536 )/256 ) % 60;
minute = ( ( time%65536 )%256 ) % 60;
switch( month )
case 12:
day += 30;
case 11:
day += 31;
case 10:
day += 30;
case 9:
day += 31;
case 8:
day += 31;
case 7:
day += 30;
case 6:
day += 31;
case 5:
day += 30;
case 4:
day += 31;
case 3:
if( ( year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0) || ( year % 400 == 0) )day += 29;
else day += 28;
case 2:
day += 31;
case 1:
switch( mode )
case 2://日
retvalue = day;
case 3://周几
retvalue = day/7;
case 4://小时,
retvalue = day*24+hour;
case 5://分钟,
retvalue = (day*24+hour)*60+minute;
case 6://秒
retvalue = ( (day*24+hour)*60+minute )* 60 + second;
return retvalue;
u_int MGetYearDateCount( int year1, int year2)//得到年year1到年year2之间的天数,比如2003至2004有365天
u_int retvalue = 0;
int i;
for( i = year1 ; i < year2; i++)
if( ( i%4 == 0 && i%100 != 0) || ( i % 400 == 0) )
retvalue += 366;
retvalue += 365;
return retvalue;
u_int MGet2kDays(int mode)
u_int days;
if( mode == 0 )days = SystemStatus.days;
u_int date, year, month;
date = TimeClock.date;
year = TimeClock.yearh * 100 + TimeClock.yearl;
month = TimeClock.month%13;
days = MGetYearDateCount(2000,year);
days += MGetCurrentYearTimeCount( ( year * 256 + month) *256 + date, 0, 2);//得到今日到当年1月1日的天数
return days;
void MSet2kDays(u_int days)//设置得到到2000年的天数;
SystemStatus.days = days;
u_int MLoadChannelStatus( int mode)//取通道状态中的某个变量,mode=0-n,按字母顺序从上到下
case C_CS_BLOCK:
return ChannelStatus.block;
return ChannelStatus.Compensate_ContactLiquid;
return ChannelStatus.locomotive;
return ChannelStatus.number;
return ChannelStatus.object;
return ChannelStatus.option;
return ChannelStatus.status;
case C_CS_SYS:
return ChannelStatus.sys;
return 0;
void MSaveChannelStatus( int mode, u_int para)
case C_CS_BLOCK:
ChannelStatus.block = para;
ChannelStatus.Compensate_ContactLiquid = para;
ChannelStatus.locomotive = para;
ChannelStatus.number = para;
ChannelStatus.object = para;
ChannelStatus.option = para;
ChannelStatus.status = para;
case C_CS_SYS:
ChannelStatus.sys = para;
u_int MGetDenoise()
return SystemStatus.denoise;
void MSetDenoise(u_int denoise,int mode/*mode = 0\1\2*/)
denoise %= 4;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
SystemStatus.denoise = denoise;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
u_int MGetRepeatRate()
return SystemStatus.repeat;
void MSetRepeatRate(u_int repeat,int mode/*mode = 0\1\2*/)
// repeat = (repeat/100)*100;
if( repeat < 10)repeat = 10;
if( repeat > 1000)repeat = 1000;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
SystemStatus.repeat = repeat;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
u_int MGetPulseWidth()
return SystemStatus.pulsewidth;
void MSetPulseWidth(u_int pulsewidth,int mode/*mode = 0\1\2*/)
pulsewidth %= 2;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
SystemStatus.pulsewidth = pulsewidth;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
u_int MGetBandMode(void) /*返回所用频带宽度:2.5\5.0\10\wide */
u_int Ax = ChannelStatus.sys;
Ax = Ax >> 30;
Ax = Ax & 3;
return Ax;
return BitLoad( ChannelStatus.sys, 2, 30)%4;
void MSetBandMode(u_int iBand,int mode/*mode = 0\1\2*/)
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 30; //移位
dx = iBand & 0x03;
bx = 0x3;
ax = dx << cx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx ); //=0011,1111,1111,1111,1111,1111,1111,1111
bx = ChannelStatus.sys & bx;
ChannelStatus.sys = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
SetAmplifierBand(dx + AMP_BAND_NARROW_1);
// */
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
ChannelStatus.sys = BitSave( ChannelStatus.sys, 2, 30, iBand%4);
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
#if C_DEVLIB != 3
SetAmplifierBand( iBand%4 + AMP_BAND_NARROW_1);
u_int MGetEchoMode(void) /*返回所用检波方式:全波\正半波\负半波\射频 */
return BitLoad( ChannelStatus.sys, 2, 28);
//u_int Ax = ChannelStatus.sys;
//Ax = Ax >> 28;
//Ax = Ax & 3;
//return Ax;
void MSetEchoMode(u_int Wave,int mode/*mode = 0\1\2*/)
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 28; //移位
dx = Wave & 0x03;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0x3;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = ChannelStatus.sys & bx;
ChannelStatus.sys = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
SetEchoMode(dx + FULL_WAVE) ;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
ChannelStatus.sys = BitSave( ChannelStatus.sys, 2, 28, Wave%4);
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
#if C_DEVLIB == 4
SetEchoMode( MGetChannel(), Wave%4 + FULL_WAVE ) ;
#elif C_DEVLIB == 3
if( Wave == 0 )SetEchoMode( FULL_WAVE ) ;
else SetEchoMode( RF_WAVE ) ;
SetEchoMode( Wave%4 + FULL_WAVE ) ;
#if C_DEVLIB == 23 || C_DEVLIB == 24
if( Wave%4 == 3)SetEchoBaseLine( c_RFBaseLine);
else SetEchoBaseLine( c_FWBaseLine);
u_int MGetDampMode(void) /*返回所用探头阻尼:50Q\400Q */
return BitLoad( ChannelStatus.sys, 1, 26);
u_int Ax = ChannelStatus.sys;
Ax = Ax >> 26;
Ax = Ax & 1;//目前只有两种
return Ax;
void MSetDampMode(u_int iDamp,int mode/*mode = 0\1\2*/)
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 26; //移位
dx = iDamp & 0x01;//目前只有两种
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0x3;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = ChannelStatus.sys & bx;
ChannelStatus.sys = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
SetProbeDamping(dx + LOW_DAMPING) ;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
ChannelStatus.sys = BitSave( ChannelStatus.sys, 1, 26, iDamp%2);
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
#if C_DEVLIB == 4
SetProbeDamping( MGetChannel(), (iDamp+1)%2 + LOW_DAMPING) ;
SetProbeDamping( (iDamp+1)%2 + LOW_DAMPING) ;
u_int MGetPulseMode(void) /*返回所用发射电压:200V\400V */
u_int Ax = ChannelStatus.sys;
Ax = Ax >> 24;
Ax = Ax & 0x03;//目前只有两种
return Ax;
void MSetPulseMode(u_int Pulse,int mode/*mode = 0\1\2*/)
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 24; //移位
#if C_DEVLIB == 23 || C_DEVLIB == 24
dx = Pulse & 0x03;//目前只有4种
dx = Pulse & 0x01;//目前只有两种
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0x3;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = ChannelStatus.sys & bx;
ChannelStatus.sys = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
#if C_DEVLIB == 23 || C_DEVLIB == 24
if( dx == 3)dx = 4;
SetTransmitterVoltage(dx + LOW_PULSE) ;
#elif C_DEVLIB != 3
SetTransmitterVoltage(dx + LOW_PULSE) ;
if( dx > 0)SetTransmitterVoltage(HIGH_PULSE) ;
else SetTransmitterVoltage(LOW_PULSE) ;
u_int MGetProbeMode(void) /*返回值为当前探头模式1\2\3\4=直\斜\双晶*/
u_int Ax = ChannelStatus.sys;
Ax = Ax >> 12;
Ax = Ax & 0x7;//目前只有两位
return Ax;
void MSetProbeMode(u_int iProbe,int mode/*mode = 0\1\2*/) /*设置探头模式*/
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 12; //移位
dx = iProbe & 0x07;//
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0x7;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = ChannelStatus.sys & bx;
ChannelStatus.sys = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
u_int MGetStdMode(void) /*返回所用标准 */
u_int Ax = ChannelStatus.sys;
Ax = Ax >> 8;
Ax = Ax & 0xf;
return Ax;
void MSetStdMode(u_int iStd,int mode/*mode = 0*/)
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 8; //移位
dx = iStd & 0x0f;//
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0xf;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = ChannelStatus.sys & bx;
ChannelStatus.sys = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
u_int MGetFunctionMode(u_int type)
u_int ax = ChannelStatus.sys;
ax = ( ax >> type );
ax = ax & 1;
return ax;
void MSetFunctionMode(u_int func,u_int type) //设置type所指功能的状态
u_int ax = func%2; //偶数为关,奇数为开
u_int bx = 0xfffffffe;
int i;
if( type == C_FUNCTION_ALL && func == 0)
ChannelStatus.sys &= 0xffffff00;//最后8位为0
ax = ( ax << type );
for(i = 0; i < type; i++)
bx = ( bx << 1);
ChannelStatus.sys &= bx;
ChannelStatus.sys += ax;
if( type == C_ECHOMAX_MEMORY || type == C_ECHO_ENVELOPE )
switch (type)
// if( MGetFunctionMode(type) == 1)
// MSetFunctionMode(0,C_ECHOMAX_MEMORY);
// ActivateEchoEnvelope( MGetFunctionMode(C_ECHO_ENVELOPE)*2-1 ) ;
case C_ECHOMAX_MEMORY: //峰值记忆
// if( MGetFunctionMode(type) == 1)
// MSetFunctionMode(0,C_ECHO_ENVELOPE);
case C_DAC_GATE:
if( func == 1 )
if( MGetTestStatus(C_TEST_DAC) == 0 && MGetTestStatus(C_TEST_AVG) == 0 ) //返回测试状态<0=未测>=0已测,
// else MSetFunctionMode(0,C_DEPTH_COMPENSATE);
#if ( C_DEVLIB == 1 || C_DEVLIB == 2 || C_DEVLIB == 23 || C_DEVLIB == 24)
if( func != 1 )
for(i = 0; i < 280; i++)
dactable[i] = 160;
if( func == 1 )
if( MGetTestStatus(C_TEST_DAC) == 0 && MGetTestStatus(C_TEST_AVG) == 0 ) //返回测试状态<0=未测>=0已测,
u_int MGetLocomotive(int mode) //得到机车对象mode=0电力/内燃,1具体型号,2可选机车,3可选机车总数,4轮箍/车轴
void MSetLocomotive(int mode,u_int type)//设置机车类型,mode=0电力/内燃,1具体型号,2可选择的具体型号,4轮箍/车轴
u_int MGetWeldInfo( int mode)//0焊缝类型,1探测面
u_int retvalue;
if( mode == 0)
retvalue = 0;
else if( mode == 1)
return revalue;
u_int MGetDacMode(void) /*返回所用当量标准:母线\判废\定量\评定 */
int Ax = ChannelStatus.option;
Ax = (Ax >> 28);
Ax = ( Ax & 0x0f ) % 7;
return Ax;
void MSetDacMode(u_int iDac,int mode/*mode = 0*/)
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 28; //移位
dx = (iDac%7) & 0x0f;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0xf;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = ChannelStatus.option & bx;
ChannelStatus.option = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
u_int MGetAvgMode(void) /*返回所用当量显示:dB值\孔径 */
int Ax = ChannelStatus.option;
Ax = (Ax >> 26);
Ax = ( Ax & 0x03 ) ;
return Ax;
void MSetAvgMode(u_int iAvg,int mode/*mode = 0*/)
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 26; //移位
dx = iAvg & 0x03;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0x3;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = ChannelStatus.option & bx;
ChannelStatus.option = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
int MGetEquivalentMode(void) //当量显示方式,<0波高,DAC:1母线2RL3SL4EL5-7,AVG:10dB值11孔径
int mode;
if(MGetTestStatus(C_TEST_DAC) == 1) mode = MGetDacMode()+1;
else if( MGetTestStatus(C_TEST_AVG) == 1)mode = MGetAvgMode()+10;//MGetAvgMode()=0dB,1孔径
else mode = -1;
return mode;
int MGetScaleMode(void) /*返回值为当前标度0\1\2=垂直\水平\距离*/
int Ax = ChannelStatus.option; /*标度:垂直\水平\距离2位 d3d2*/
Ax = (Ax >> 24);
Ax = Ax & 3;
return Ax;
void MSetScaleMode(int scale,int mode/*mode = 0*/)
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 24; //移位
dx = (scale%3) & 0x03;
if(MGetAngle(0) == 0 && dx == 1)dx++;//直探头无水平标度
if(MGetAngle(0) == 90 && dx == 2)dx--;//直探头无水平标度
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0x3;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = ChannelStatus.option & bx;
ChannelStatus.option = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
int MGetParaLock(int mode,int type) //返回参量锁定状定0未锁1锁定,mode=1出提示
int Ax = ChannelStatus.option;
type %= ( C_LOCK_ALL + 1);
Ax = (Ax >> (16+type) );//d23-d16参量锁
Ax = Ax & 0x1;
if(mode == 1 && Ax == 1)DisplayPrompt(7);
return Ax;
void MSetParaLock(int status, int type) //返回参量锁定状定0未锁1锁定,
u_int ax, bx, cx;
int i;
if( C_DEVTYPE == 4|| C_DEVTYPE == 20 || C_DEVTYPE == 5)
status = 0;
status = status%2; //偶数为关,奇数为开
type %= ( C_LOCK_ALL + 1);
bx = 0x1;
if( type < C_LOCK_ALL)
cx = type+16; //移位//d23-d16参量锁
ax = status << cx;
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = ChannelStatus.option & bx;
ChannelStatus.option = ax + bx;
for( i = 0; i < C_LOCK_ALL; i++)MSetParaLock(status,i);
int MGetBGateMode()
return ( (ChannelStatus.option >> 4 ) & 0x1 );
void MSetBGateMode(int bgate,int mode) //设置B门,bgate=0失波1进波
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 4; //移位
dx = bgate & 0x01;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0x1;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = ChannelStatus.option & bx;
ChannelStatus.option = ax + bx;
int MGetParaStep(u_int paraindex) //得到待调节参量步长
int step = 0;
// u_int bx;
switch (paraindex)
step = ( ChannelStatus.option >> 14 )&0x3 ;
if(step == 1)step = 10;
else if(step == 2) step = 20;
else if(step == 3)step = 60;
else step = 1;
case C_COMPGAIN: //d7d6
step = ( ChannelStatus.option >> 12 )&0x3 ;
if(step == 1)step = 1;
else if(step == 2) step = 20;
else if(step == 3)step = 60;
else step = 0;
case C_RANGE: //d5
step = ( ChannelStatus.option >> 11 ) & 0x1;
case C_DELAY:
step = ( ChannelStatus.option >> 10 ) & 0x1;
case C_SPEED:
step = ( ChannelStatus.option >> 9 ) & 0x1;
return step;
int ParaStepChange(u_int paraindex) //设置待调节参量步长
int step = 0;
int bx,cx;
switch (paraindex)
cx = 14; bx = 0x3;
step = ( ( ( ChannelStatus.option >> cx ) & bx ) + 1 ) &bx ;
ChannelStatus.option = ( ChannelStatus.option & ( ~( bx << cx ) ) ) + ( step << cx );
if(step == 1)step = 10;
else if(step == 2) step = 20;
else if(step == 3)step = 60;
else step = 1;
case C_COMPGAIN: //d7d6
cx = 12; bx = 0x3;
step = ( ( ( ChannelStatus.option >> cx ) & bx ) + 1 )&bx ;
ChannelStatus.option = ( ChannelStatus.option & ( ~( bx << cx ) ) ) + ( step << cx );
if(step == 1)step = 1;
else if(step == 2) step = 20;
else if(step == 3)step = 60;
else step = 0;
case C_RANGE: //d5
cx = 11; bx = 0x1;
step = ( ( ( ChannelStatus.option >> cx ) & bx ) + 1 ) & bx;
ChannelStatus.option = ( ChannelStatus.option & ( ~( bx << cx ) ) ) + ( step << cx );
case C_DELAY:
cx = 10; bx = 0x1;
step = ( ( ( ChannelStatus.option >> cx ) & bx ) + 1 ) & bx;
ChannelStatus.option = ( ChannelStatus.option & ( ~( bx << cx ) ) ) + ( step << cx );
case C_SPEED:
cx = 9; bx = 0x1;
step = ( ( ( ChannelStatus.option >> cx ) & bx ) + 1 ) & bx;
ChannelStatus.option = ( ChannelStatus.option & ( ~( bx << cx ) ) ) + ( step << cx );
//BuzzerOn(1) ; /*峰鸣0.1 * 1 秒*/
return step;
int MGetParaSort(int index) //待调节参量名(门A/门B),系统增益/补偿增益
int retvalue = 0;
switch (index)
case C_COMPGAIN: //d7
retvalue = ( ChannelStatus.option >> 8 ) & 0x1; //0系统1补偿
retvalue = ( ChannelStatus.option >> 5 ) & 0x07;
if(retvalue ==3 )retvalue = 0;
else if(retvalue ==7 )retvalue = 4;
return retvalue;
int MSetParaSort(int status,int index) //待调节参量名(门A/门B),系统增益/补偿增益
u_int ax,bx,cx;
switch (index)
case C_COMPGAIN: //d7d6
cx = 8;
bx = 0x1;
ax = ( (status & bx) << cx);
ChannelStatus.option = ( ChannelStatus.option & ( ~( bx << cx ) ) ) + ax;
cx = 5;
bx = 0x7;
ax = ( (status & bx) << cx);
ChannelStatus.option = ( ( ~( bx << cx ) ) & ChannelStatus.option ) + ax;
return 1;
int MGetCurveNumber(void) //得到曲线的数目
u_int number;
number = ( ( ChannelStatus.option & 0x07) % 7 );//不超过6根
return number;
void MSetCurveNumber(int number)//设置曲线的数目
ChannelStatus.option &= 0xfffffff8; //d2-d0=0
ChannelStatus.option += (number % 8);
int MGetBlock(void)//得到试块类型
return ( ChannelStatus.block & 0x1f );
void MSetBlock(int block)//设置试块类型
ChannelStatus.block &= 0xe0;//d4-d0=0
ChannelStatus.block += ( block & 0x1f);
int MGetEquivalentDays(int mode)//测试天数,mode = 0仪器性能,1零点/K/dac/avg,2灵敏度
int ax = 0, bx = 0 ,cx = 0;
switch( mode)
case 0:
bx = 0xff;
cx = 24;
case 1:
bx = 0x3f;
cx = 18;
case 2:
bx = 0xf;
cx = 14;
ax = ( (ChannelStatus.status >> cx) & bx );
//ax = ( ax > 0)? ax : -1;
return ax;
// u_int status; //d31-d24仪器性能测试天数,d23d22测试项目:零点声速/K值/DAC\AVG,D21-d16探头测试天数(零点、K值、DAC),
void MSetEquivalentDays(int mode,int days)//测试天数,mode = 0仪器性能,1零点/K/dac/avg,2灵敏度
int ax = 0, bx = 0 ,cx = 0,dx = 0;
if(days == 0)days = 0x7fff; //如果是0天,就设为最大
switch( mode)
case 0://仪器性能
bx = 0xff;
cx = 24;
days = ( days > C_TESTDAYSMAX_0)? C_TESTDAYSMAX_0:days;
case 1:
bx = 0x3f;
cx = 18;
days = ( days > C_TESTDAYSMAX_1)? C_TESTDAYSMAX_1:days;
case 2:
bx = 0xf;
cx = 14;
days = ( days > C_TESTDAYSMAX_2)? C_TESTDAYSMAX_2:days;
dx = days & bx;//目前只有两种
ax = dx << cx;
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = ChannelStatus.status & bx;
ChannelStatus.status = ax + bx;
int MGetAmpStdMax(void)
return 2*( ( (ChannelStatus.status >> 7 ) & 0x7f )%100 );
void MSetAmpStdMax(int amp)//设置自动调节时标准波高
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 7; //移位
bx = 0x7f;
dx = ( amp & bx )%100;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = ChannelStatus.status & bx;
ChannelStatus.status = ax + bx;
int MGetTestStatus(u_int index) //返回测试状态0=未测1=已测,
int ax;
index = index % C_TEST_MAX;
ax = ( ChannelStatus.status >>index )&0x1;
return ax;
void MSetTestStatus(u_int index,int status) //设置测试状态
int ax, bx, cx;
status &= 1;
if( index == C_TEST_ALL && status == 0)
bx = 0x7f;
bx = ~bx;
bx = ChannelStatus.status & bx;
ChannelStatus.status = bx;
if( index == C_MAKE_DACAVG)
int Zero = 0;
int offset = C_OFF_DAC + 21*C_SIZE_INT;
MCopyProtectedMemory((void*)offset,&Zero, 1*C_SIZE_INT, PM_COPY_WRITE);
cx = index%C_TEST_MAX;
bx = 0x1;
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = ChannelStatus.status & bx;
ax = status << cx;
ChannelStatus.status = ax + bx;
void MGetGatePeakBuffer()
int offset = C_OFF_STORE + 40; //前次读回波参数时的时间
int pretime,curtime;
if( MGetAcquisitionEnable() != 1 )return ;
MCopyProtectedMemory( &pretime, (void*)offset, C_SIZE_INT, PM_COPY_READ);
curtime = GetElapsedTime();//当前读波形参数据开机时间长度
if(Mabsi(curtime - pretime) > 10 )//最短10ms才读一次
MCopyProtectedMemory( (void*)offset, &curtime, C_SIZE_INT, PM_COPY_WRITE);
GATE_PEAK* pGatePeak;
// MSetAcquisitionEnable(0,C_SETMODE_SET);
// MSetAcquisitionEnable(1,C_SETMODE_SET);
pGatePeak = GetGatePeakBuffer();
if( MGetProbeMode() == C_P_TRANSMISSION)
GatePeak.Gate1PeakSampPoints = pGatePeak->Gate1PeakSampPoints<<1;
GatePeak.Gate2PeakSampPoints = pGatePeak->Gate2PeakSampPoints<<1;
GatePeak.Gate1PeakSampPoints = pGatePeak->Gate1PeakSampPoints;
GatePeak.Gate2PeakSampPoints = pGatePeak->Gate2PeakSampPoints;
GatePeak.Gate1PeakPos = pGatePeak->Gate1PeakPos ;
if( g_nDenoise > 0)
GatePeak.Gate1PeakAmp = AdjustTime.amp = ( AdjustTime.amp + pGatePeak->Gate1PeakAmp )>>1 ;
GatePeak.Gate1PeakAmp = pGatePeak->Gate1PeakAmp ;
AdjustTime.amp_total = GatePeak.Gate1PeakAmp;
AdjustTime.time = 1;
GatePeak.Gate2PeakPos = pGatePeak->Gate2PeakPos ;
if( g_nDenoise > 0)
GatePeak.Gate2PeakAmp = AdjustTime.amp2 = ( AdjustTime.amp2 + pGatePeak->Gate1PeakAmp )>>1 ;
GatePeak.Gate2PeakAmp = pGatePeak->Gate2PeakAmp ;
AdjustTime.amp_total2 = GatePeak.Gate2PeakAmp;
AdjustTime.time2 = 1;
GatePeak.Gate1PeakAmp = AdjustTime.amp = AdjustTime.amp_total /AdjustTime.time;
GatePeak.Gate2PeakAmp = AdjustTime.amp2 = AdjustTime.amp_total2 /AdjustTime.time2;
if( AdjustTime.time > 100)AdjustTime.amp_total = AdjustTime.time = 0;
if( AdjustTime.time2 > 100)AdjustTime.amp_total2 = AdjustTime.time2 = 0;
int MGetGateParaMax(int gatetype)
{ //得到门内历史最高回波的传输时间、水平点、距离、波高,gatetype = 0:A门,=1:B门,
short gateamp = MGetAmpMax(gatetype);
int retvalue = C_FALSE;
MGetGatePeakBuffer() ; //允许采样才能得到门内参数
gateamp = GatePeak.Gate1PeakAmp;
if(gateamp > GateMax.Amp )
short pos,start,end;
char *sampbuffer = GetSampleBuffer();
GateMax.Amp = gateamp;
GateMax.Time = GatePeak.Gate1PeakSampPoints ;//MGetAmpTime(gatetype);
pos = start = MGetGatePara(gatetype,0);
end = start + MGetGatePara(gatetype,1);
for( ; start < end; start++)
if( *( sampbuffer + start ) > *( sampbuffer + pos ) )pos = start;
GateMax.Pos = pos;//MGetAmpPos(gatetype);
GateMax.Dist = GateMax.Time * MGetSpeed() /(C_SAMPLE_FREQ) ;//MGetAmpDist(gatetype);
retvalue = C_TRUE;
return retvalue;
void MSetGateParaInit(void) //设初值
GateMax.Amp = 0;
GateMax.Time = 0;
GateMax.Pos = 0;
GateMax.Dist = 0;
int MGetAmpMax(int gatetype) /*得到指定门(0=A or 1=B)内回波高度,*/
int gateamp = 0;
//if(gatetype > 1)gatetype = 0;
//if(MGetAcquisitionEnable() == 1 )
MGetGatePeakBuffer() ; //允许采样才能得到门内参数
/* get the pointer to kernel structure GATE_PEAK, don't modify! */
if(gatetype == 0 )
//if ((MGetTestStatus(C_TEST_DAC) == 1 || MGetTestStatus(C_TEST_AVG) == 1) && MGetFunctionMode(C_DAC_GATE) == 1 )
gateamp = MGetAmpPos1(gatetype,11);//波高
//else gateamp = GatePeak.Gate1PeakAmp;
else if(gatetype == 1 )
gateamp = MGetAmpPos1(gatetype,11);//波高
else if(gatetype > 1)
gateamp = MGetAmpPos1(0,11);//波高
///gateamp = GatePeak.Gate1PeakAmp;
#if C_DEVLIB == 23 || C_DEVLIB == 24
if( MGetEchoMode() == C_RF_WAVE)
gateamp = (gateamp-28)*2;
if( MGetEchoMode() == C_RF_WAVE)
gateamp -= 128;
gateamp *= 2;
#if C_AMPCOMP == 1
if( Mabsi(gateamp) < 64*2 && Mabsi(gateamp) > 1)
u_short gain = MGetBaseGain() + MGetSurfGain() + MGetCompGain();
gain /=128;
if(gateamp > 0)gateamp += AmpMaxCom_Table[ gain * 8 + gateamp/16];
else gateamp -= AmpMaxCom_Table[ gain * 8 + Mabsi(gateamp)/16];
int amp1 = gateamp;
gateamp = MGetAmpPos1(1,11);//波高
#if C_DEVLIB == 23 || C_DEVLIB == 24
if( MGetEchoMode() == C_RF_WAVE)
gateamp = (gateamp-28)*2;
if( MGetEchoMode() == C_RF_WAVE)
gateamp -= 128;
gateamp *= 2;
#if C_AMPCOMP == 1
if( Mabsi(gateamp) < 64*2 && Mabsi(gateamp) > 1)
u_short gain = MGetBaseGain() + MGetSurfGain() + MGetCompGain();
gain /=128;
if(gateamp > 0)gateamp += AmpMaxCom_Table[ gain * 8 + gateamp/16];
else gateamp -= AmpMaxCom_Table[ gain * 8 + Mabsi(gateamp)/16];
return (amp1 * 256 + gateamp);
#if C_DEVLIB == 23 || C_DEVLIB == 24
if( MGetEchoMode() == C_RF_WAVE)
gateamp = (gateamp-28)*2;
if( MGetEchoMode() == C_RF_WAVE)
gateamp -= 128;
gateamp *= 2;
//Write_Number( 100,30,Mabsi(gateamp),4,0,0);
#if C_AMPCOMP == 1
if( Mabsi(gateamp) < 64*2 && Mabsi(gateamp) > 1)
u_short gain = MGetBaseGain() + MGetSurfGain() + MGetCompGain();
gain /=128;
// Write_Number(10,30,gateamp,4,0,0);
// Write_Number( 10, 40, gain * 8 + gateamp/16,4,0,0);
// Write_Number( 10, 50, AmpMaxCom_Table[ gain * 8 + gateamp/16],4,0,0);
if(gateamp > 0)gateamp += AmpMaxCom_Table[ gain * 8 + gateamp/16];
else gateamp -= AmpMaxCom_Table[ gain * 8 + Mabsi(gateamp)/16];
// Write_Number(10,60,gateamp,4,0,0);
//else gateamp = GateMax.Amp;
return gateamp;
int MGetAmpPos(int gatetype) /*得到指定门(A or B)内回波水平点数,*/
if(gatetype > 1)return -1;
int pos = 0;
/// if ((MGetTestStatus(C_TEST_DAC) == 1 || MGetTestStatus(C_TEST_AVG) == 1) && MGetFunctionMode(C_DAC_GATE) == 1 && gatetype == 0)
pos = MGetAmpPos1(gatetype,1);//
// else//*/
return pos;
int MGetAmpPos1(int gatetype,int mode) /*得到指定门内回波mode=0开始/1最高/2结束3/前端门相交/4后端门相交的点数,*/
if(gatetype > 1)return -1;
short pos = 0;
short start,end;
u_char amp1,amp2;
u_char * sampbuffer;
MGetGatePeakBuffer() ; //允许采样才能得到门内参数
//; MSetAcquisitionEnable(0,C_SETMODE_SETSAVE);
sampbuffer = GetSampleBuffer();
amp1 = amp2 = 0;
pos = start = MGetGatePara(gatetype,0);
end = start + MGetGatePara(gatetype,1);
for( ; start < end; start++)
if( *( sampbuffer + start ) > *( sampbuffer + pos ) )pos = start;
if ((MGetTestStatus(C_TEST_DAC) == 1 || MGetTestStatus(C_TEST_AVG) == 1) && MGetFunctionMode(C_DAC_GATE) == 1 && gatetype == 0)
short db1,db2;
int offset;
GatePeak.Gate1PeakPos = pos ;
start = pos+1;
end = MGetGatePara(gatetype,0) + MGetGatePara(gatetype,1);
amp2 = 0;
db2 = 0;
for( ; start < end; start++)
for( ; ( amp1 >= amp2 || amp1 < 10) && start < end;start++)
amp1 = amp2;
amp2 = sampbuffer[start];
for( ; start < end; start++)
amp1 = amp2;
amp2 = sampbuffer[start];
if( amp1 > amp2 )break;
offset = 2*start + C_OFF_DACGATE;
MCopyProtectedMemory( &db1, (void*)offset, C_SIZE_SHORT, PM_COPY_READ);
if( amp1 > db1 )//高于dac门
if( (amp1 - db1)*pos > db2*start )
pos = start;
db2 = amp1 - db1;
if( GatePeak.Gate1PeakPos != pos )
GatePeak.Gate1PeakSampPoints = (int)( (double)( ( (double)pos+0.5) * MGetRange(3) * (C_SAMPLE_FREQ) )/ (double)( MGetSpeed() * C_COORWIDTH ) + 0.5);
GatePeak.Gate1PeakPos = pos ;
amp1 = *( sampbuffer + pos );
GatePeak.Gate1PeakAmp = amp1;
else MGetGatePeakBuffer() ; //允许采样才能得到门内参数
switch( mode )
case 0://整个波形的最前端
end = pos-1;
amp2 = *(sampbuffer + end );
start = MGetGatePara(gatetype,0);
for( ; end > start; end--)
amp1 = amp2;
amp2 = *(sampbuffer + end );
if( amp1 < amp2 || amp2 == 0)break;
pos = end+1;
case 1://整个波形的最高点
case 2://整个波形的最后端
start = pos+1;
amp2 = *(sampbuffer + start );
end = MGetGatePara(gatetype,0) + MGetGatePara(gatetype,1);
for( ; start < end ; start++)
amp1 = amp2;
amp2 = *(sampbuffer + start );
if( amp1 < amp2 || amp2 == 0)break;
pos = start - 1;
case 3://整个波形前端与门相交的点
end = pos-1;
start = MGetGatePara(gatetype,0);
amp1 = MGetGatePara(gatetype,2);//门高
for( ; end > start; end--)
amp2 = *(sampbuffer + end );
if( amp1 > amp2 )break;
pos = end+1;
case 4://整个波形后端与门相交的点
start = pos+1;
end = MGetGatePara(gatetype,0) + MGetGatePara(gatetype,1);
amp1 = MGetGatePara(gatetype,2);//门高
for( ; start < end ; start++)
amp2 = *(sampbuffer + start );
if( amp1 > amp2)break;
pos = start - 1;
case 5://整个波形一半的点
if( *(sampbuffer + pos + 1) > *(sampbuffer + pos - 1) )pos++;
case 10://时间
if( MGetEchoMode() != C_RF_WAVE)
if( gatetype == 0)
pos = GatePeak.Gate1PeakSampPoints;
else pos = GatePeak.Gate2PeakSampPoints;
int offset = C_OFF_TEMP+42;
int Range;
MCopyProtectedMemory( &Range, (void*)offset, C_SIZE_INT, PM_COPY_WRITE);
pos = 2*pos * Range/C_COORWIDTH;
case 11://波高
if( gatetype == 0)
amp1 = GatePeak.Gate1PeakAmp;
else amp1 = GatePeak.Gate2PeakAmp;
if( MGetSystemMode() == 0 && MGetFunctionMode(C_DEPTH_COMPENSATE))
amp1 = amp1 * dactable[0] / dactable[pos] ;
pos = amp1;
//; MSetAcquisitionEnable(1,C_SETMODE_SETSAVE);
return pos;
int MGetAmpTime(int gatetype) /*得到指定门(A or B)内回波传输时间,*/
if(gatetype > 1)return -1;
int AmpTime = 0;
MGetGatePeakBuffer() ; //允许采样才能得到门内参数
if( MGetEchoMode() != C_RF_WAVE)
if(gatetype == 0 )AmpTime = GatePeak.Gate1PeakSampPoints ;
else if(gatetype == 1 )AmpTime = GatePeak.Gate2PeakSampPoints ;
AmpTime = MGetAmpPos1( gatetype, 1);
AmpTime = (int)( (double)(AmpTime * MGetRange(3)/C_COORWIDTH ) * (C_SAMPLE_FREQ) / (double)MGetSpeed() ) ;;
if ((MGetTestStatus(C_TEST_DAC) == 1 || MGetTestStatus(C_TEST_AVG) == 1) && MGetFunctionMode(C_DAC_GATE) == 1 && gatetype == 0)
AmpTime = MGetAmpPos1(gatetype,10);//时间
if( MGetReadForeland() > 0 && MGetAmpMax(gatetype) >= MGetGatePara(gatetype,2))
AmpTime = MGetAmpPos1( gatetype, 3);//整个波形前端与门相交的点
AmpTime = ( AmpTime * MGetRange(3)/C_COORWIDTH ) * (C_SAMPLE_FREQ) / MGetSpeed() ;
if( MGetProbeMode() == C_P_TRANSMISSION )//穿透
// AmpTime <<= 2;
return AmpTime;
int Amp2db(int pos,int amp) //根据回波位置和波高得到dB值
u_short dac_db[C_COORWIDTH];
int offset;
offset = C_OFF_DACDB;
MCopyProtectedMemory( dac_db, (void*)offset, C_COORWIDTH*C_SIZE_SHORT, PM_COPY_READ);
int db;
db = MGetBaseGain() + MGetCompGain();
db += (int)( 200 * ( log10(255) - log10(amp) ) ); //需化为128%=255时的增益值
//return (db - dac_db[pos]);
if( MGetFunctionMode(C_DEPTH_COMPENSATE) == 1 )
return ( dac_db[0] - db );
else return (dac_db[pos]- db);
int MGetAmpDist(int gatetype)
if( gatetype == -1) return ( GatePeak.Gate1PeakSampPoints * MGetSpeed() /(C_SAMPLE_FREQ) );
else if( gatetype == -2) return ( GatePeak.Gate2PeakSampPoints * MGetSpeed() /(C_SAMPLE_FREQ) );
else if( gatetype >=0 && gatetype < 2) return MGetAmpTime(gatetype) * MGetSpeed() /(C_SAMPLE_FREQ) ;
else return -1;
int MGetAmpDist1(int gatetype)
double dist;
if( gatetype == -1) dist = ( MGetAmpTime(0) * MGetSpeed() /(double)(C_SAMPLE_FREQ) );
else if( gatetype == -2) dist = ( MGetAmpTime(1) * MGetSpeed() /(double)(C_SAMPLE_FREQ) );
else if( gatetype >=0 && gatetype < 2) dist = MGetAmpTime(gatetype) * MGetSpeed() /(double)(C_SAMPLE_FREQ) ;
else return -1;
dist += MGetDelay(3);
gatetype = (int)( dist + 0.5);
if( (gatetype)%5 < 1);
else if( (gatetype+2)%5 < 2)gatetype++;
else if( gatetype > 1)gatetype--;
return gatetype;
u_int MLoadSystemStatus( int mode)//取系统状态中的某个变量,mode=0-n,按字母顺序从上到下
case 0:
return SystemStatus.days;
case 1:
return SystemStatus.nElapsedTime;
case 2:
return SystemStatus.nStartElapsedTime;
case 3:
return SystemStatus.option;
case 4:
return SystemStatus.sys;
return 0;
void MSaveSystemStatus( int mode, u_int para)
case 0:
SystemStatus.days = para;
case 1:
SystemStatus.nElapsedTime = para;
case 2:
SystemStatus.nStartElapsedTime = para;
case 3:
SystemStatus.option = para;
case 4:
SystemStatus.sys = para;
u_int MGetPrinterMode(void) /*返回值为当前打印机类型1\2\3\4=LQ\HP\EPSON C/P*/
u_int ax = SystemStatus.sys; /**/
ax = ax >> 29;
ax = ax & 7;//目前只有3种
return ax;
void MSetPrinterMode(u_int iPrinter,int mode/*mode = 0*/) /*设置当前打印机类型*/
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 29; //移位
dx = iPrinter & 0x07;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0x7;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.sys;
SystemStatus.sys = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
u_int MGetInputMode(void) /*返回值为当前输入法类型1\2\3\4\5=数字\大写\小写\拼音\区位*/
u_int ax = SystemStatus.sys; /**/
ax = ax >> 26;
ax = ax & 7;
return ax;
void MSetInputMode(u_int iInput,int mode/*mode = 0*/) /*设置当前输入法类型*/
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 26; //移位
dx = iInput & 0x07;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0x7;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.sys;
SystemStatus.sys = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
u_int MGetSystemMode(void) /*返回值为当前系统状态0\1=正常\调节*/
u_int ax = SystemStatus.sys; /**/
ax = ax >> 25;
ax = ax & 1;
return ax;
void MSetSystemMode(u_int iSystem ,int mode/*mode = 0*/) /*设置当前系统状态*/
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 25; //移位
dx = iSystem & 0x01;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0x1;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.sys;
SystemStatus.sys = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
EnableDataAcquisition(dx,1) ;
if (dx==1)
EnableDataAcquisition(dx,1) ;
while (IfDataAcquisitionActivated() == 0)
u_int MGetAcquisitionEnable(void) /*是否允许采样d5*/
u_int ax = SystemStatus.sys; /**/
ax = ax >> 24;
ax = ax & 1;
return ax;
void MSetAcquisitionEnable(u_int acquisition,int mode/*mode = 0\1\2*/)
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 24; //移位
dx = acquisition & 0x01;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0x1;
//;if( MGetAcquisitionEnable() == dx)return;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.sys;
SystemStatus.sys = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
EnableDataAcquisition(dx,1) ;
if (dx==1)
EnableDataAcquisition(dx,1) ;
while (IfDataAcquisitionActivated() == 0)
#if C_DEVLIB == 1 || C_DEVLIB == 2 || C_DEVLIB == 23 || C_DEVLIB == 24
if( dx && MGetFunctionMode(C_DEPTH_COMPENSATE) )MActivateDac( MGetFunctionMode(C_DEPTH_COMPENSATE) );
else if( !dx && MGetFunctionMode(C_DEPTH_COMPENSATE) )MActivateDac( 0 ) ;
void MSetAcquisition(u_int mode) /*设置采样与否,0不采样1采样*/
mode %= 2;
//if( MGetAcquisitionEnable() != mode)
MSetAcquisitionEnable(mode,C_SETMODE_SETSAVE/*mode = 0\1\2*/);
//if( MGetHardEchoShow() != mode)
MSetHardEchoShow(mode,C_SETMODE_SETSAVE/*mode = 0\1\2*/);
u_int MGetHardEchoShow(void)//显示硬件波形
u_int ax = SystemStatus.sys; /**/
ax = ax >> 23;
ax = ax & 1;
return ax;
void MSetHardEchoShow(u_int show, int mode)
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 23; //移位
dx = show & 0x01;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0x1;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
// if( MGetHardEchoShow() == dx)return ;
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.sys;
SystemStatus.sys = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
EnableEchoDisplay(dx,0) ;
u_int MGetSoftEchoShow(void)//显示软件波形
u_int ax = SystemStatus.sys; /**/
ax = ax >> 22;
ax = ax & 1;
return ax;
void MSetSoftEchoShow(u_int show , int mode)
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 22; //移位
dx = show & 0x01;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0x3;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.sys;
SystemStatus.sys = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
u_int MGetCursorEnable(void)//是否允许有光标
u_int ax = SystemStatus.sys; /**/
ax = ax >> 21;
ax = ax & 1;
return ax;
void MSetCursorEnable(u_int cursor,int mode)
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 21; //移位
dx = cursor & 0x01;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0x1;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.sys;
SystemStatus.sys = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
u_int MGetCursorShow(void)//是否显示光标
u_int ax = SystemStatus.sys; /**/
ax = ax >> 20;
ax = ax & 1;
return ax;
void MSetCursorShow(u_int cursor,int mode)
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 20; //移位
dx = cursor & 0x01;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0x1;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.sys;
SystemStatus.sys = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
u_int MGetChannel(void) /*返回奉来当前通道号*/
u_int ax = SystemStatus.sys; /**/
ax = ax >> 12;
ax = ax & 0xff;
if (ax >= C_CHMAX )ax = 0;
return ax;
int MSetChannel(int channel,int mode/*mode = 0*/)
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 12; //移位
dx = channel% C_CHMAX;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0xff;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.sys;
SystemStatus.sys = ax + bx;
return C_TRUE;
u_int MGetSoundAlarm(int mode)//mode = 0按键,1报警
u_int ax = SystemStatus.sys; /**/
if( mode == 0)ax = ax >> 11;
else if( mode == 1)ax = ax >> 10;
ax = ax & 1;
return ax;
void MSetSoundAlarm( int mode, int alarm )//mode = 0按键,1报警
u_int ax = 0, bx = 0 ,cx = 0,dx = 0;
if( mode == 0)cx = 11;
else if( mode == 1)cx = 10;
dx = alarm & 0x01;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0x1;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.sys;
SystemStatus.sys = ax + bx;
u_int MGetScreenBrightness(void) /*返回值为当前屏幕亮度*/
//u_int ax = SystemStatus.sys; /**/
//ax = ax >> 8;
//ax = ax & 0x3;
//return ax;
return BitLoad(SystemStatus.sys, 2 , 8);
void MSetScreenBrightness(u_int iBrightness,int mode/*mode = 0\1\2*/) /**/
//u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
//cx = 8;
//dx = iBrightness & 0x03;
//ax = dx << cx;
//bx = 0x3;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
//bx = ~( bx << cx );
//bx = bx & SystemStatus.sys;
//SystemStatus.sys = ax + bx;
SystemStatus.sys = BitSave(SystemStatus.sys, 2, 8, iBrightness%4);
if( mode == C_SETMODE_SET || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
int MGetInputEnable(int type)
u_int ax = SystemStatus.sys; /**/
type = ( type - 1)%C_MAX_INPUTMODE;
ax = ax >> (0+ type-1);
ax = ax & 0x1;
return ax;
void MSetInputEnable(int bEnable,int type)//设置某种输入法是否可选
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
type %= ( C_INPUT_ALL + 1);
cx = 0 + type ;
dx = bEnable & 0x01;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0x1;
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.sys;
SystemStatus.sys = ax + bx;
int MGetSaveMode(void) //存储模式0单1连续
u_int ax = SystemStatus.option; /**/
ax = ax >>31;
ax = ax & 0x1;
return ax;
int MSetSaveMode(int style,int mode)
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 31;
dx = style & 0x01;
ax = dx << cx;
if( ax == 1)
int offset = C_OFF_STORE + 34; //已自动存储个数
int autosavenum = 0;
MCopyProtectedMemory( (void*)offset, &autosavenum, C_SIZE_INT, PM_COPY_WRITE);
MSetSaveStatus( 0,C_SETMODE_SETSAVE); //只要设置存储模式,则此清零
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = 0x1;
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.option;
SystemStatus.option = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
return 1;
int MGetSaveStatus(void) //存储状态0不在存,1正在存
u_int ax = SystemStatus.option; /**/
ax = ax >>30;
ax = ax & 0x1;
return ax;
int MSetSaveStatus(int status,int mode)
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 30;
dx = status & 0x01;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0x1;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.option;
SystemStatus.option = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
return 1;
int MGetSaveTime(void) //得到连续存间隔时间
u_int ax = SystemStatus.option; /**/
ax = ax >>22;
ax = ax & 0xff;
ax %= 250;
return ax;
int MSetSaveTime(int time,int mode)
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 22;
dx = (time%251) & 0xff;
ax = dx << cx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = 0xff;
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.option;
SystemStatus.option = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
return 1;
int MGetSaveFrequency()
u_int ax = SystemStatus.option; /**/
ax = ax >>21;
ax = ax & 0x1;
return ax;
void MSetSaveFrequency(int bSave, int mode)//存储频谱
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 21;
bx = 0x1;
dx = (bSave%2) & bx;
ax = dx << cx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.option;
SystemStatus.option = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
int MGetCraft() //得到工艺号
u_int ax = SystemStatus.option; /*5位*/
ax = ax >>16;
ax = ax & 0x1f;
return ax;
void MSetCraft(int craft,int mode)
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 16;
bx = 0x1f;
dx = (craft%16) & bx;
ax = dx << cx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.option;
SystemStatus.option = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
u_int MGetColorMode(void)//是否显示光标
u_int ax = SystemStatus.option; /**/
ax = ax >> 14;
ax = ax & 3;
return ax;
void MSetColorMode(u_int item,int mode)
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 14; //移位
dx = item & 0x03;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = 0x3;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.option;
SystemStatus.option = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
int MGetDacShowMode(void)
u_int ax = SystemStatus.option; /**/
ax = ax >>13;
ax = ax & 0x1;
return ax;
void MSetDacShowMode(int show,int mode)
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 13;
bx = 0x1;
dx = (show%2) & bx;
ax = dx << cx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE)
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.option;
SystemStatus.option = ax + bx;
if (mode == C_SETMODE_SETSAVE || mode == C_SETMODE_SET)
int MGetKeyLock()
u_int ax = SystemStatus.option; /**/
ax = ax >>12;
ax = ax & 0x1;
return ax;
void MSetKeyLock(int lock,int mode)//键盘锁,1锁,0开
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 12;
bx = 0x1;
dx = (lock%2) & bx;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.option;
SystemStatus.option = ax + bx;
int MGetAmp2Gate( int gatetype)
u_int ax = SystemStatus.option; /**/
gatetype = gatetype%2;
ax = ax >>(10+gatetype);
ax = ax & 0x1;
return ax;
void MSetAmp2Gate( int gatetype,int gate)//门内回波是否高于门高
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
gatetype = gatetype%2;
gate = gate%2;
cx = 10+gatetype;
bx = 0x1;
dx = (gate%2) & bx;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.option;
SystemStatus.option = ax + bx;
int MGetGateEchoColor( int gatetype)
u_int ax = SystemStatus.option; /**/
gatetype = gatetype%2;
ax = ax >>(8+gatetype);
ax = ax & 0x1;
return ax;
void MSetGateEchoColor( int gatetype,int gate)//门内回波颜色是否要变
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
gatetype = gatetype%2;
cx = 8+gatetype;
bx = 0x1;
dx = (gate%2) & bx;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.option;
SystemStatus.option = ax + bx;
int MGetReadForeland( )
u_int ax = SystemStatus.option; /**/
ax = ax >>7;
ax = ax & 0x1;
return ax;
void MSetReadForeland( int read)//是否前沿读数
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 7;
bx = 0x1;
dx = (read%2) & bx;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.option;
SystemStatus.option = ax + bx;
int MGetUnitType(void)// 得到计量单位
u_int ax = SystemStatus.option; /**/
ax = ax >>6;
ax = ax & 0x1;
return ax;
void MSetUnitType(int unit)// 得到计量单位
u_int ax, bx, cx, dx;
cx = 6;
bx = 0x1;
dx = (unit%2) & bx;
ax = dx << cx;
bx = ~( bx << cx );
bx = bx & SystemStatus.option;
SystemStatus.option = ax + bx;
/* transfer data to/from/within the system protected memory,
the address of the protected memory start from 0,
copymode must be in {PM_COPY_READ, PM_COPY_WRITE, PM_COPY_MOVE} ,
it's better to check the return value to see if succeeded(>0) or failed(0)
int MCopyProtectedMemory(void* memdes, void* memsrc, u_int bytesize, u_int copymode) ;
int ChannelParaStore(void) /*通道参数存到保护区*/
int retvalue;
int Channel = MGetChannel();
int offset;
int nCurrentUser = GetCurrentUser();
offset = C_OFF_CHANNEL + C_LEN_CHNPARA * C_CHMAX * nCurrentUser + C_LEN_CHNPARA * Channel;
retvalue = MCopyProtectedMemory((void*)offset, &ChannelStatus,C_LEN_CHSTATUS, PM_COPY_WRITE);
offset += C_LEN_CHSTATUS;
retvalue = MCopyProtectedMemory((void*)offset, &ChannelPara, C_LEN_CHPARA, PM_COPY_WRITE);
offset += C_LEN_CHPARA;
retvalue = MCopyProtectedMemory((void*)offset, &AGatePara, C_LEN_GATEPARA, PM_COPY_WRITE);
offset += C_LEN_GATEPARA;
retvalue = MCopyProtectedMemory((void*)offset, &BGatePara, C_LEN_GATEPARA, PM_COPY_WRITE);
offset += C_LEN_GATEPARA;
retvalue = MCopyProtectedMemory((void*)offset, &Dac, C_LEN_DAC, PM_COPY_WRITE);
offset += C_LEN_DAC;
retvalue &= MCopyProtectedMemory( (void*)offset, &stWeldPara, C_LEN_WELD, PM_COPY_WRITE);
return retvalue;
int ChannelParaRestore(void) /*通道参数从保护区取*/
int retvalue;
int Channel = MGetChannel();
int offset ;
int nCurrentUser = GetCurrentUser();
offset = C_OFF_CHANNEL + C_LEN_CHNPARA * C_CHMAX * nCurrentUser + C_LEN_CHNPARA * Channel;
retvalue = MCopyProtectedMemory(&ChannelStatus, (void*)offset, C_LEN_CHSTATUS, PM_COPY_READ);
offset += C_LEN_CHSTATUS;
retvalue = MCopyProtectedMemory(&ChannelPara, (void*)offset, C_LEN_CHPARA, PM_COPY_READ);
offset += C_LEN_CHPARA;
retvalue = MCopyProtectedMemory(&AGatePara, (void*)offset, C_LEN_GATEPARA, PM_COPY_READ);
offset += C_LEN_GATEPARA;
retvalue = MCopyProtectedMemory(&BGatePara, (void*)offset, C_LEN_GATEPARA, PM_COPY_READ);
offset += C_LEN_GATEPARA;
retvalue = MCopyProtectedMemory( &Dac, (void*)offset, C_LEN_DAC, PM_COPY_READ);
offset += C_LEN_DAC;
retvalue &= MCopyProtectedMemory( &stWeldPara, (void*)offset,C_LEN_WELD, PM_COPY_READ);
stCurveAmend.Angle = MGetAngle(0);
stCurveAmend.Diameter = MGetDiameter();
stCurveAmend.Thick = MGetThick();
if( stCurveAmend.Thick < 20)MSetFunctionMode(0,C_CURVER_AMEND);
return retvalue;
int SystemParaStore(void) /*系统参数存到保护区*/
int retvalue = 0;
int offset;
int nCurrentUser = GetCurrentUser();
offset = C_OFF_SYSTEM + C_LEN_SYSPARA * nCurrentUser;
retvalue = MCopyProtectedMemory( (void*)offset, &SystemStatus, C_LEN_SYSPARA, PM_COPY_WRITE);
return retvalue;
int SystemParaRestore(void) /*系统参数从保护区取*/
int retvalue = 0;
int offset;
int nCurrentUser = GetCurrentUser();
offset = C_OFF_SYSTEM + C_LEN_SYSPARA * nCurrentUser;
retvalue = MCopyProtectedMemory( &SystemStatus, (void*)offset,C_LEN_SYSPARA, PM_COPY_READ);
// MSetChannel(Channel,0);
return retvalue;
int AllParaStore(void)
int retvalue;
int offset ;
offset = C_OFF_BACKUP;
retvalue = MCopyProtectedMemory((void*)offset, &ChannelStatus,C_LEN_CHSTATUS, PM_COPY_WRITE);
offset += C_LEN_CHSTATUS;
retvalue &= MCopyProtectedMemory((void*)offset, &ChannelPara, C_LEN_CHPARA, PM_COPY_WRITE);
offset += C_LEN_CHPARA;
retvalue &= MCopyProtectedMemory((void*)offset, &AGatePara, C_LEN_GATEPARA, PM_COPY_WRITE);
offset += C_LEN_GATEPARA;
retvalue &= MCopyProtectedMemory((void*)offset, &BGatePara, C_LEN_GATEPARA, PM_COPY_WRITE);
offset += C_LEN_GATEPARA;
retvalue &= MCopyProtectedMemory((void*)offset, &Dac, C_LEN_DAC, PM_COPY_WRITE);
offset += C_LEN_DAC;
retvalue &= MCopyProtectedMemory( (void*)offset, &SystemStatus, C_LEN_SYSPARA, PM_COPY_WRITE);
return retvalue;
int AllParaRestore(void)//全部参量备份和恢复
int retvalue;
int offset ;
offset = C_OFF_BACKUP;
retvalue = MCopyProtectedMemory(&ChannelStatus, (void*)offset, C_LEN_CHSTATUS, PM_COPY_READ);
offset += C_LEN_CHSTATUS;
retvalue &= MCopyProtectedMemory(&ChannelPara, (void*)offset, C_LEN_CHPARA, PM_COPY_READ);
offset += C_LEN_CHPARA;
retvalue &= MCopyProtectedMemory(&AGatePara, (void*)offset, C_LEN_GATEPARA, PM_COPY_READ);
offset += C_LEN_GATEPARA;
retvalue &= MCopyProtectedMemory(&BGatePara, (void*)offset, C_LEN_GATEPARA, PM_COPY_READ);
offset += C_LEN_GATEPARA;
retvalue &= MCopyProtectedMemory( &Dac, (void*)offset, C_LEN_DAC, PM_COPY_READ);
offset += C_LEN_DAC;
retvalue &= MCopyProtectedMemory( &SystemStatus, (void*)offset,C_LEN_SYSPARA, PM_COPY_READ);
return retvalue;
#include "print.c"
#include "input.c"
#include "keyio.c"
#include "function.c"
#include "para.c"
#include "user.c"
void DebugInfo(int num)//C_DEBUG == 1时,在(10,30)显示数字
#if C_DEBUG == 1
#if C_DEVLIB == 4
void SwitchBuzzerOn(u_int bEnable) {}
u_char* GetDacBuffer() {u_int off = 0 ;return (void *)off;}
/* activate/deactivate DAC funtion , bOn != 0 -> activate else deactivate */
void ActivateDac(int bOn) {}
/* peak amplitude dac adjusting */
void DacGatePeak() {}
void UpdateEchoColor() {}
void EnableEchoDisplay(int bEnable) {}
void NotExtendEchoDisplay(u_int notext) {}
u_int SerialPortByteOut(u_int dout) {return 0;}
u_int SerialPortByteIn() {return 0;}
/* noise reduction , level: 0->no, 1->2 average, 2->4 average, 3->8 average */
void DeNoise(u_int level) {}
#elif C_DEVLIB == 23 || C_DEVLIB == 24
u_int SerialPortByteOut(u_int dout) {return 0;}
u_int SerialPortByteIn() {return 0;}
#if C_DEVLIB == 24
void SetDisplayMode(u_int mode_xor){}
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