"app": {
"signingConfigs": [
"name": "default",
"type": "HarmonyOS",
"material": {
"certpath": "/Users/jianguo/.ohos/config/default_juejin_Onc3cpo-6ZajEyhlAmpZhqiLgd8uI4AR6uUaQKWEEyQ=.cer",
"storePassword": "0000001AC48A57274F9E51182EF571CFC578731C53698EC0AEFF643F5B4FBD5936BE46E0394889F50621",
"keyAlias": "debugKey",
"keyPassword": "0000001A703F31F866FDF77C49A5E1F818E11891918E8105C24FC24E587B300347EDFC00E4E836F24FBB",
"profile": "/Users/jianguo/.ohos/config/default_juejin_Onc3cpo-6ZajEyhlAmpZhqiLgd8uI4AR6uUaQKWEEyQ=.p7b",
"signAlg": "SHA256withECDSA",
"storeFile": "/Users/jianguo/.ohos/config/default_juejin_Onc3cpo-6ZajEyhlAmpZhqiLgd8uI4AR6uUaQKWEEyQ=.p12"
"products": [
"name": "default",
"compatibleSdkVersion": "4.1.0(11)",
"runtimeOS": "HarmonyOS"
//"buildOption": {
// "packOptions": {
// /**
// * If the size of the HAP file of the atomic service's entry module
// * is equal to or greater than the mainPackageLimitSize value, packaging will fail.
// * If the HAP file is equal to or greater than 2 MB, it will fail to be released to AppGallery.
// */
// "mainPackageLimitSize": 2,
// /**
// * If the size of the HAP file of the atomic service's non-entry modules
// * is equal to or greater than the normalPackageLimitSize value, packaging will fail.
// * If the HAP file is equal to or greater than 2 MB, it will fail to be released to AppGallery.
// */
// "normalPackageLimitSize": 2
// }
"buildModeSet": [
"name": "debug",
"name": "release"
"modules": [
"name": "entry",
"srcPath": "./entry",
"targets": [
"name": "default",
"applyToProducts": [
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