Managing all types of call connections | 管理各种类型的通话连接
Implementing basic call services over carrier networks | 负责运营商网络的基础通话实现
Establishing communication with RIL Adapter | 电话基础服务模块主要功能实现与RIL Adapter进行通信
Managing all types of call connections | 管理各种类型的通话连接
Provides telephony persistent data storage and DataAbility access interfaces | 负责telephony持久化数据存储,提供DataAbility访问接口
Application compatibility test suite | acts应用兼容性测试套
Common event and notification management framework | 通知和公共事件管理框架
Establishing communication with RIL Adapter | 电话基础服务模块主要功能实现与RIL Adapter进行通信
Mms system app | 系统信息应用
Application haps| 应用安装包
Providing SMS and MMS functions | 负责短彩信相关功能
Application haps| 应用安装包
Implementing basic call services over carrier networks | 负责运营商网络的基础通话实现
Establishing communication with RIL Adapter | 电话基础服务模块主要功能实现与RIL Adapter进行通信
Storing declaration files for JavaScript APIs | JavaScript API 公共仓,存放 d.ts 声明文件