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vrpn_Tracker_LibertyHS.C 29.89 KB
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// vrpn_Tracker_LibertyHS.C
// This file contains the class header for a High Speed Polhemus Liberty
// Latus Tracker.
// This file is based on the vrpn_Tracker_Liberty.C file, with modifications made
// to allow it to operate a Liberty Latus instead. It has been tested on Linux.
#include <ctype.h> // for isprint
#include <stdio.h> // for fprintf, stderr, sprintf, etc
#include <stdlib.h> // for atoi
#include <string.h> // for strlen, strtok
#include "quat.h" // for Q_W, Q_X, Q_Y, Q_Z
#include "vrpn_BaseClass.h" // for ::vrpn_TEXT_WARNING, etc
#include "vrpn_Connection.h" // for vrpn_Connection
#include "vrpn_Shared.h" // for vrpn_SleepMsecs, timeval, etc
#include "vrpn_Tracker.h" // for vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL, etc
#include "vrpn_Tracker_LibertyHS.h"
#include "vrpn_MessageMacros.h" // for VRPN_MSG_INFO, VRPN_MSG_WARNING, VRPN_MSG_ERROR
#if defined(VRPN_USE_LIBUSB_1_0)
#include <libusb.h> // for libusb_bulk_transfer, etc
static const bool VRPN_LIBERTYHS_METRIC_UNITS = true;
static const bool VRPN_LIBERTYHS_DEBUG = false; // General Debug Messages
static const bool VRPN_LIBERTYHS_DEBUGA = false; // Only errors
vrpn_Tracker_LibertyHS::vrpn_Tracker_LibertyHS(const char *name, vrpn_Connection *c,
long baud, int enable_filtering, int numstations,
int receptoridx, const char *additional_reset_commands, int whoamilen) :
num_stations(numstations>vrpn_LIBERTYHS_MAX_STATIONS ? vrpn_LIBERTYHS_MAX_STATIONS : numstations),
whoami_len(whoamilen>vrpn_LIBERTYHS_MAX_WHOAMI_LEN ? vrpn_LIBERTYHS_MAX_WHOAMI_LEN : whoamilen),
read_len(0), sync_index(-1)
if (additional_reset_commands == NULL) {
add_reset_cmd[0] = '\0';
} else {
vrpn_strcpy(add_reset_cmd, additional_reset_commands);
if (VRPN_LIBERTYHS_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"[DEBUG] Constructed LibertyHS Object\n");
fprintf(stderr," interrupting continuous print output mode\n");
char pollCommand = 'P';
vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0); // Sleep for a second to let it respond
/** This routine augments the basic sensor-output setting function of the LibertyHS
. It sets the device for position + quaternion + any of
the extended fields. It puts a space at the end so that we can check to make
sure we have complete good records for each report.
Returns 0 on success and -1 on failure.
int vrpn_Tracker_LibertyHS::set_sensor_output_format(int sensor)
// Set output format for the station to be position and quaternion.
// This command is a capitol 'o' followed by '*' to format all sensors
// if sensor equals -1 or by the number of one specific station,
// then comma-separated values (2 for xyz, 7 for quat, 8 for timestamp,
// 0 for space) that indicate data sets, followed by character 13 (octal 15).
// Note that the sensor number has to be bumped to map to station number.
char outstring[64];
if (sensor == -1)
sprintf(outstring, "O*,2,7,8,9,0\015");
sprintf(outstring, "O%d,2,7,8,9,0\015", sensor+1);
int len = strlen(outstring);
int ret;
if (VRPN_LIBERTYHS_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"[DEBUG]: %s \n",outstring);
if ( (ret = write_usb_data(outstring,len)) != len) {
#ifdef libusb_strerror
fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_Tracker_LibertyHS::libusb_bulk_transfer(): Could not send: %s\n",
fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_Tracker_LibertyHS::libusb_bulk_transfer(): Could not send: code %d\n",
status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
return -1;
vrpn_SleepMsecs(50); // Sleep for a bit to let command run
return 0;
/** This routine augments the standard LibertyHS report (3 initial characters +
3*4 for position + 4*4 for quaternions) to include the timestamp for the given sensor.
It returns the number of characters total to expect for a report for the
given sensor.
int vrpn_Tracker_LibertyHS::report_length(int sensor)
int len;
len = 9; // Basic report: Header information (8) + space at the end (1)
len += 3*4; // Four bytes/float, 3 floats for position
len += 4*4; // Four bytes/float, 4 floats for quaternion
len += 4; // Timestamp
len += 4; // Framecount
return len;
int vrpn_Tracker_LibertyHS::write_usb_data(void* data, int len)
int sent_len = 0;
int ret = libusb_bulk_transfer(_device_handle, LIBERTYHS_WRITE_EP | LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT,
(vrpn_uint8*)data, len, &sent_len, 50);
if (ret != 0)
fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_Tracker_LibertyHS::write_usb_data(): LIBUSB ERROR '%i'\n",ret);
return sent_len;
int vrpn_Tracker_LibertyHS::read_usb_data(void* data, int maxlen, unsigned int timeout)
int read_len = 0;
int ret = libusb_bulk_transfer(_device_handle, LIBERTYHS_READ_EP | LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN,
(vrpn_uint8*)data, maxlen, &read_len, timeout);
fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_Tracker_LibertyHS::read_usb_data() READ %i chars: ___",read_len);
for (int i = 0; i < read_len; i++) {
if (isprint(((unsigned char*)data)[i])) {
fprintf(stderr,"%c",((unsigned char*)data)[i]);
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"[0x%02X]",((unsigned char*)data)[i]);
fprintf(stderr,"___ ");
if (ret != 0) fprintf(stderr," LIBUSB ERROR: code #'%i'\n",ret); else fprintf(stderr,"\n");
// Success: return number of read bytes
return read_len;
void vrpn_Tracker_LibertyHS::flush_usb_data()
int len;
vrpn_uint8 buf[VRPN_TRACKER_USB_BUF_SIZE];
// Flush usb data as long as they are available on usb port
do {
len = read_usb_data(buf, VRPN_TRACKER_USB_BUF_SIZE);
} while(len);
// This routine will reset the tracker and set it to generate the types
// of reports we want.
void vrpn_Tracker_LibertyHS::reset()
int i,resetLen,ret;
char reset[10];
char errmsg[512];
char outstring1[64],outstring2[64],outstring3[64],outstring4[64];
// This section deals with resetting the tracker to its default state.
// Multiple attempts are made to reset, getting more aggressive each
// time. This section completes when the tracker reports a valid status
// message after the reset has completed.
// Send the tracker a string that should reset it. The first time we
// try this, just do the normal 'c' command to put it into polled mode.
// after a few tries with this, use the '^Y' reset. Later, try to reset
// to the factory defaults. Then toggle the extended mode.
// Then put in a carriage return to try and break it out of
// a query mode if it is in one. These additions are cumulative: by the
// end, we're doing them all.
if (VRPN_LIBERTYHS_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"[DEBUG] Beginning Reset");
resetLen = 0;
num_resets++; // We're trying another reset
if (num_resets > 0) { // Try to get it out of a query loop if its in one
reset[resetLen++] = 'F';
reset[resetLen++] = '0';
reset[resetLen++] = (char) (13); // Return key -> get ready
if (num_resets > 2) {
reset[resetLen++] = (char) (25); // Ctrl + Y -> reset the tracker
reset[resetLen++] = (char) (13); // Return Key
reset[resetLen++] = 'P'; // Put it into polled (not continuous) mode
sprintf(errmsg, "Resetting the tracker (attempt %d)", num_resets);
for (i = 0; i < resetLen; i++) {
if (write_usb_data(&reset[i],1) == 1) {
vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*2); // Wait after each character to give it time to respond
} else {
perror("Liberty: Failed writing to tracker");
status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
if (num_resets > 2) {
vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*20); // Sleep to let the reset happen, if we're doing ^Y
// Get rid of the characters left over from before the reset
// Make sure that the tracker has stopped sending characters
unsigned char scrap[80];
if ( (ret = read_usb_data((void*)scrap, 80)) != 0) {
sprintf(errmsg,"Got >=%d characters after reset",ret);
for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) {
if (isprint(scrap[i])) {
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
flush_usb_data(); // Flush what's left
// Asking for tracker status. ^V (WhoAmI) is used. It retruns 288 bytes
char statusCommand[2];
statusCommand[0]=(char)(22); // ^V
statusCommand[1]=(char)(13); // Return Key
if (write_usb_data(&statusCommand[0],2) == 2) {
vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0); // Sleep for a second to let it respond
} else {
perror(" LibertyHS write failed (WhoAmI command)");
status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
// Read Status
unsigned char statusmsg[vrpn_LIBERTYHS_MAX_WHOAMI_LEN+1];
// Attempt to read whoami_len characters.
if ( (ret = read_usb_data((void*)statusmsg, whoami_len)) != whoami_len) {
fprintf(stderr," Got %d of %d characters for status\n",ret, whoami_len);
if ( (statusmsg[0]!='0') ) {
int i;
if (ret != -1) {
statusmsg[ret] = '\0'; // Null-terminate the string
fprintf(stderr, " LibertyHS: status is (");
for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) {
if (isprint(statusmsg[i])) {
} else {
VRPN_MSG_ERROR("Bad status report from LibertyHS, retrying reset");
} else {
VRPN_MSG_WARNING("LibertyHS gives status (this is good)");
num_resets = 0; // Success, use simple reset next time
// Now that the tracker has given a valid status report, set all of
// the parameters the way we want them.
// Set output format for each of the possible stations.
if (set_sensor_output_format()) {
// Enable filtering if the constructor parameter said to.
// Set filtering for both position (X command) and orientation (Y command)
// to the values that are recommended as a "jumping off point" in the
// LibertyHS manual.
if (do_filter) {
if (VRPN_LIBERTYHS_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"[DEBUG]: Enabling filtering\n");
if (write_usb_data(const_cast<char*>("X0.2,0.2,0.8,0.8\015"), 17) == 17) {
vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*1); // Sleep for a second to let it respond
} else {
perror(" LibertyHS write position filter failed");
status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
if (write_usb_data(const_cast<char*>("Y0.2,0.2,0.8,0.8\015"), 17) == 17) {
vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*1); // Sleep for a second to let it respond
} else {
perror(" LibertyHS write orientation filter failed");
status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
} else {
if (VRPN_LIBERTYHS_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"[DEBUG]: Disabling filtering\n");
if (write_usb_data(const_cast<char*>("X0,1,0,0\015"), 9) == 9) {
vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*1); // Sleep for a second to let it respond
} else {
perror(" LibertyHS write position filter failed");
status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
if (write_usb_data(const_cast<char*>("Y0,1,0,0\015"), 9) == 9) {
vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*1); // Sleep for a second to let it respond
} else {
perror(" LibertyHS write orientation filter failed");
status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
// Send the additional reset commands, if any, to the tracker.
// These commands come in lines, with character \015 ending each
// line. If a line start with an asterisk (*), treat it as a pause
// command, with the number of seconds to wait coming right after
// the asterisk. Otherwise, the line is sent directly to the tracker.
// Wait a while for them to take effect, then clear the input
// buffer.
if (strlen(add_reset_cmd) > 0) {
char *next_line;
char add_cmd_copy[sizeof(add_reset_cmd)];
char string_to_send[sizeof(add_reset_cmd)];
int seconds_to_wait, count;
printf(" LibertyHS writing extended reset commands...\n");
// Make a copy of the additional reset string, since it is consumed
vrpn_strcpy(add_cmd_copy, add_reset_cmd);
// Pass through the string, testing each line to see if it is
// a sleep command or a line to send to the tracker. Continue until
// there are no more line delimiters ('\015'). Be sure to write the
// \015 to the end of the string sent to the tracker.
// Note that strok() puts a NULL character in place of the delimiter.
next_line = strtok(add_cmd_copy, "\015");
count = 0;
while (next_line != NULL) {
if (next_line[0] == '*') { // This is a "sleep" line, see how long
seconds_to_wait = atoi(&next_line[1]);
fprintf(stderr," ...sleeping %d seconds\n",seconds_to_wait);
} else { // This is a command line, send it
sprintf(string_to_send, "%s\015", next_line);
fprintf(stderr," ...sending command: %s\n", string_to_send);
next_line = strtok(next_line+strlen(next_line)+1, "\015");
// Sleep a little while to let this finish, then clear the input buffer
// Disable USB BUFFERING mode
// (disbale output buffering before USB transmission to the host)
sprintf(outstring1, "@B0\r");
if (write_usb_data(outstring1, strlen(outstring1)) == (int)strlen(outstring1)) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n Tracker USB buffering mode disabled\n");
// Set METRIC units
sprintf(outstring2, "U1\r");
if (write_usb_data(outstring2, strlen(outstring2)) == (int)strlen(outstring2)) {
fprintf(stderr, " LibertyHS set to metric units\n");
fprintf(stderr, " LibertyHS set to English units\n");
// Set data format to BINARY mode
sprintf(outstring3, "F1\r");
if (write_usb_data(outstring3, strlen(outstring3)) == (int)strlen(outstring3)) {
fprintf(stderr, " LibertyHS set to binary mode\n\n");
// Launch detected markers
if (launch_markers() != num_stations) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nCould not launch the %i requested markers\n", num_stations);
status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "\nAll %i markers are ready!\n", num_stations);
// Set tracker to CONTINUOUS mode
sprintf(outstring4, "C\r");
if (write_usb_data(outstring4, strlen(outstring4)) != (int)strlen(outstring4)) {
perror(" LibertyHS write failed");
status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "\n LibertyHS set to continuous mode\n\n");
// If we are using the LibertyHS timestamps, clear the timer on the device and
// store the time when we cleared it. Send the reset command and
// store the time that we sent it.
char clear_timestamp_cmd[] = "Q0\r";
if (write_usb_data(clear_timestamp_cmd,
strlen(clear_timestamp_cmd)) != (int)strlen(clear_timestamp_cmd)) {
VRPN_MSG_ERROR("Cannot send command to clear timestamp");
status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
// Record the time as the base time from the tracker.
vrpn_gettimeofday(&liberty_zerotime, NULL);
// Done with reset.
vrpn_gettimeofday(&watchdog_timestamp, NULL); // Set watchdog now
VRPN_MSG_WARNING("Reset Completed (this is good)");
status = vrpn_TRACKER_SYNCING; // We're trying for a new reading
// This function will try to read and send as many reports as there are
// sensors (i.e. num_stations).
// It reads characters until it has a full report, then put that report
// into the time, sensor, pos and quat fields so that it can
// be sent the next time through the loop. The time stored is that of
// the first character received as part of the report. Reports start with
// the header "0xy", where x is the station number and y is either the
// space character or else one of the characters "A-F". Characters "A-F"
// indicate weak signals and so forth, but in practice it is much harder
// to deal with them than to ignore them (they don't indicate hard error
// conditions). The report follows, 4 bytes per word in little-endian byte
// order; each word is an IEEE floating-point binary value. The first three
// are position in X,Y and Z. The next four are the unit quaternion in the
// order W, X,Y,Z. Then there is an ASCII space character at the end.
// If we get a report that is not valid, we assume that we have lost a
// character or something and re-synchronize with the LibertyHS by waiting
// until the start-of-report character ('0') comes around again.
// The routine that calls this one makes sure we get a full reading often
// enough (ie, it is responsible for doing the watchdog timing to make sure
// the tracker hasn't simply stopped sending characters).
int vrpn_Tracker_LibertyHS::get_report(void)
char errmsg[512]; // Error message to send to VRPN
unsigned char *bufptr; // Points into buffer at the current value to read
// Each report starts with the ASCII 'LU' characters. If we're synching,
// read available bytes and check if we find the 'LU' characters.
for (int i = 0; i < num_stations; i++)
// Read new data from USB buffer if we are in Syncing mode
if (status == vrpn_TRACKER_SYNCING) {
read_len = read_usb_data(buffer, VRPN_TRACKER_USB_BUF_SIZE);
if (read_len < 1) {
if (VRPN_LIBERTYHS_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"[DEBUG]: Missed First Sync Char, read_len = %i\n",read_len);
return 0;
status = vrpn_TRACKER_PARTIAL;
sync_index = 0;
else { // Partial mode (status = vrpn_TRACKER_PARTIAL)
bufcount = 0;
// Try to get the two first sync characters. If none, just return.
while (sync_index < read_len - 1) {
// If it is not 'LU', we don't want it but we
// need to look at the next one, so just keep reading the buffer
// and stay in Syncing mode until we find them.
if ((buffer[sync_index] == 'L') && (buffer[sync_index + 1] == 'U')) {
if (VRPN_LIBERTYHS_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"[DEBUG]: Getting Report - Got LU\n");
bufcount = 2;
if (VRPN_LIBERTYHS_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"[DEBUGA] While syncing: Getting Report - Not LU, Got Character %c \n",buffer[sync_index]);
// Try to get next character. If none, just return and go back to Syncing mode.
if ( static_cast<vrpn_int32>(sync_index + bufcount) >= (read_len - 1) ) {
return 0;
// Get sensor number
if (VRPN_LIBERTYHS_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"[DEBUG]: Awaiting Station - Got Station (%i) \n",buffer[sync_index + bufcount]);
d_sensor = buffer[sync_index + bufcount] - 1; // Convert ASCII 1 to sensor 0 and so on.
if ( (d_sensor < 0) || (d_sensor >= vrpn_LIBERTYHS_MAX_STATIONS) ) {
sprintf(errmsg,"Bad sensor # (%d) in record, re-syncing", d_sensor + 1);
status = vrpn_TRACKER_PARTIAL;
sync_index += bufcount;
// Figure out how long the current report should be based on the
// settings for this sensor.
REPORT_LEN = report_length(d_sensor);
// Read as many bytes of this report as we can, storing them
// in the buffer. We keep track of how many have been read so far
// and only try to read the rest. The routine that calls this one
// makes sure we get a full reading often enough (ie, it is responsible
// for doing the watchdog timing to make sure the tracker hasn't simply
// stopped sending characters).
if (read_len - sync_index < static_cast<vrpn_int32>(REPORT_LEN)) {
if (VRPN_LIBERTYHS_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"[DEBUG]: Don't have full report (%i of %i)\n",
read_len - sync_index,REPORT_LEN);
return 0;
// Full report available
bufcount = REPORT_LEN;
// We now have enough characters to make a full report. Check to make
// sure that its format matches what we expect. If it does, the next
// section will parse it. If it does not, we need to go to Partial mode
// and ignore this report. A well-formed report has the
// first characters 'LU', the next character is the ASCII station
// number, and the third character is either a space or a letter.
if (VRPN_LIBERTYHS_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"[DEBUG]: Got full report\n");
if ((buffer[sync_index] != 'L') || (buffer[sync_index + 1] != 'U')) {
if (VRPN_LIBERTYHS_DEBUGA) fprintf(stderr,"[DEBUG]: Don't have 'LU' at beginning");
VRPN_MSG_INFO("Not 'LU' in record, re-syncing");
status = vrpn_TRACKER_PARTIAL;
if (buffer[sync_index + bufcount - 1] != ' ') {
VRPN_MSG_INFO("No space character at end of report, re-syncing\n");
if (VRPN_LIBERTYHS_DEBUGA) fprintf(stderr,"[DEBUG]: Don't have space at end of report, got (%c) sensor %i\n",
buffer[sync_index + bufcount - 1], d_sensor);
status = vrpn_TRACKER_PARTIAL;
// Decode the error status and output a debug message
if (buffer[sync_index + 4] != ' ') {
// An error has been flagged
if (VRPN_LIBERTYHS_DEBUGA) fprintf(stderr,"[DEBUG]:Error Flag %i\n",buffer[sync_index + 4]);
// Decode the X,Y,Z of the position and the W,X,Y,Z of the quaternion
// (keeping in mind that we store quaternions as X,Y,Z, W).
// The reports coming from the LibertyHS are in little-endian order,
// which is the opposite of the network-standard byte order that is
// used by VRPN. Here we swap the order to big-endian so that the
// routines below can pull out the values in the correct order.
// This is slightly inefficient on machines that have little-endian
// order to start with, since it means swapping the values twice, but
// that is more than outweighed by the cleanliness gained by keeping
// all architecture-dependent code in the vrpn_Shared.C file.
// Point at the first value in the report (position of the X value)
bufptr = &buffer[sync_index + 8];
// When copying the positions, convert from inches to meters, since the
// LibertyHS reports in inches and VRPN reports in meters.
pos[0] = vrpn_unbuffer_from_little_endian<vrpn_float32>(bufptr) * convFactor;
pos[1] = vrpn_unbuffer_from_little_endian<vrpn_float32>(bufptr) * convFactor;
pos[2] = vrpn_unbuffer_from_little_endian<vrpn_float32>(bufptr) * convFactor;
// Change the order of the quaternion fields to match quatlib order
d_quat[Q_W] = vrpn_unbuffer_from_little_endian<vrpn_float32>(bufptr);
d_quat[Q_X] = vrpn_unbuffer_from_little_endian<vrpn_float32>(bufptr);
d_quat[Q_Y] = vrpn_unbuffer_from_little_endian<vrpn_float32>(bufptr);
d_quat[Q_Z] = vrpn_unbuffer_from_little_endian<vrpn_float32>(bufptr);
// Decode the time from the LibertyHS system (unsigned 32bit int), add it to the
// time we zeroed the tracker, and update the report time. Remember
// to convert the MILLIseconds from the report into MICROseconds and
// seconds.
struct timeval delta_time; // Time since the clock was reset
// Read the integer value of the time from the record.
vrpn_uint32 read_time = vrpn_unbuffer_from_little_endian<vrpn_uint32>(bufptr);
// Convert from the float in MILLIseconds to the struct timeval
delta_time.tv_sec = (long)(read_time / 1000); // Integer trunction to seconds
vrpn_uint32 read_time_milliseconds = read_time - delta_time.tv_sec * 1000; // Subtract out what we just counted
delta_time.tv_usec = (long)(read_time_milliseconds * 1000); // Convert remainder to MICROseconds
// The time that the report was generated
timestamp = vrpn_TimevalSum(liberty_zerotime, delta_time);
vrpn_gettimeofday(&watchdog_timestamp, NULL); // Set watchdog now
// The frame number corresponding to the report
frame_count = vrpn_unbuffer_from_little_endian<vrpn_uint32>(bufptr);
fprintf(stderr,"READ_TIME = %d,%d + liberty_zerotime %d,%d = TIMESTAMP %d,%d ; WATCHDOG = %d,%d\n",
(int)liberty_zerotime.tv_sec, (int)liberty_zerotime.tv_usec,
double delta = vrpn_TimevalMsecs(vrpn_TimevalDiff(watchdog_timestamp,liberty_zerotime)) - (double) read_time;
fprintf(stderr,"--> LATENCY = %6.3f msec\n",delta);
// Done with the decoding, send the report
// Check if there's still data to read in the buffer
sync_index += bufcount;
if (sync_index < read_len) {
// There might be remaining reports from other trackers in buffer.
// Go to Partial mode.
status = vrpn_TRACKER_PARTIAL;
else {
// There is no more report in buffer
#ifdef VERBOSE2
return 1;
int vrpn_Tracker_LibertyHS::test_markers()
// Define a marker map request
char mapmsg[4];
mapmsg[0] = (char) (21); // Ctrl + U -> active marker map
mapmsg[1] = '0';
mapmsg[2] = (char) (13); // Return Key
// Send a marker map command to the tracker
if (write_usb_data(&mapmsg[0], 3) == 3) {
vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*1); // Sleep for a second to let it respond
} else {
perror(" LibertyHS write failed");
return 0;
// Read binary output record
unsigned char markermap[vrpn_LIBERTYHS_MAX_MARKERMAP_LEN+1];
int ret = read_usb_data((void*)markermap, vrpn_LIBERTYHS_MAX_MARKERMAP_LEN);
fprintf(stderr," Got %d of %d bytes for marker map\n",ret,vrpn_LIBERTYHS_MAX_MARKERMAP_LEN);
return 0;
// Flush what's left
// Check marker map to identify launched markers
int marker_found = 0;
unsigned char mask = (char) (1);
for (int bit = 1; bit <= vrpn_LIBERTYHS_MAX_STATIONS; bit++) {
if (mask & markermap[10]) {
fprintf(stderr,"Tracker #%i launched\n",bit);
mask *= 2;
return marker_found;
int vrpn_Tracker_LibertyHS::launch_markers()
fprintf(stderr,"\nDetect and launch %i markers:\n\n",num_stations);
// Clear the input buffer
// Check if the markers are already launched
int marker_found = test_markers ();
if (marker_found > 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"\nWARNING: %i markers are already launched! If you want to change markers,\n",marker_found);
fprintf(stderr, " turn off the SEU (System Electronics Unit) and run this application again.\n");
return marker_found;
// Define a launch marker request
char launchmsg[4];
launchmsg[0] = 'L'; // 'Li' command line (i.e. launch new tracker near receptor i)
launchmsg[1] = (char) ((int) '0' + receptor_index);
launchmsg[2] = (char) (13); // Return Key
// Detect and launch num_stations markers
while (marker_found < num_stations) {
// Wait for the user to place a tracker for activation
fprintf(stderr,"\n--> PLACE A NEW POWERED UP MARKER UNDER RECEPTOR #%i\n ",receptor_index);
for (int i = 10; i > 0 ; i--) {
// Send a launch marker command to receptor 'receptor_index'
fprintf(stderr," sending LAUNCH MARKER command\n DON'T MOVE THE TRACKER!\n\n");
if (write_usb_data(&launchmsg[0], 3) == 3) {
vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*2); // Wait after each character to give it time to respond
} else {
perror("LibertyHS: Failed writing launch marker command to tracker");
// Check if the markers are already launched
if (test_markers () == num_stations)
marker_found = num_stations;
return marker_found;
// End of LIBUSB
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:jari/vrpn.git
