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vrpn_Tracker_Filter.C 25.00 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Internal Includes
#include "vrpn_Tracker_Filter.h"
#include "vrpn_SendTextMessageStreamProxy.h" // for operator<<, etc
// Library/third-party includes
// - none
// Standard includes
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream> // for operator<<, basic_ostream, etc
#include <string> // for char_traits, basic_string, etc
#include <stddef.h> // for size_t
#include <stdio.h> // for fprintf, NULL, stderr
#include <string.h> // for memset
#include <math.h>
void VRPN_CALLBACK vrpn_Tracker_FilterOneEuro::handle_tracker_update(void *userdata, const vrpn_TRACKERCB info)
// Get pointer to the object we're dealing with.
vrpn_Tracker_FilterOneEuro *me = static_cast<vrpn_Tracker_FilterOneEuro *>(userdata);
// See if this sensor is within our range. If not, we ignore it.
if (info.sensor >= me->d_channels) {
// Filter the position and orientation and then report the filtered value
// for this channel. Keep track of the delta-time, and update our current
// time so we get the right one next time.
double dt = vrpn_TimevalDurationSeconds(info.msg_time, me->d_last_report_times[info.sensor]);
if (dt <= 0) { dt = 1; } // Avoid divide-by-zero in case of fluke.
vrpn_float64 pos[3];
vrpn_float64 quat[4];
memcpy(pos, info.pos, sizeof(pos));
memcpy(quat, info.quat, sizeof(quat));
const vrpn_float64 *filtered = me->d_filters[info.sensor].filter(dt, pos);
q_vec_copy(me->pos, filtered);
const double *q_filtered = me->d_qfilters[info.sensor].filter(dt, quat);
q_normalize(me->d_quat, q_filtered);
me->timestamp = info.msg_time;
me->d_sensor = info.sensor;
me->d_last_report_times[info.sensor] = info.msg_time;
// Send the filtered report.
char msgbuf[512];
int len = me->encode_to(msgbuf);
if (me->d_connection->pack_message(len, me->timestamp, me->position_m_id,
me->d_sender_id, msgbuf,vrpn_CONNECTION_LOW_LATENCY)) {
fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_Tracker_FilterOneEuro: cannot write message: tossing\n");
vrpn_Tracker_FilterOneEuro::vrpn_Tracker_FilterOneEuro(const char * name, vrpn_Connection * con,
const char *listen_tracker_name,
unsigned channels, vrpn_float64 vecMinCutoff,
vrpn_float64 vecBeta, vrpn_float64 vecDerivativeCutoff,
vrpn_float64 quatMinCutoff, vrpn_float64 quatBeta,
vrpn_float64 quatDerivativeCutoff)
: vrpn_Tracker(name, con)
, d_channels(channels)
// Allocate space for the times. Fill them in with now.
d_last_report_times = new struct timeval[channels];
vrpn_gettimeofday(&timestamp, NULL);
// Allocate space for the filters.
d_filters = new vrpn_OneEuroFilterVec[channels];
d_qfilters = new vrpn_OneEuroFilterQuat[channels];
// Fill in the parameters for each filter.
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(channels); ++i) {
// Open and set up callback handler for the tracker we're listening to.
// If the name starts with the '*' character, use the server
// connection rather than making a new one.
if (listen_tracker_name[0] == '*') {
d_listen_tracker = new vrpn_Tracker_Remote(&(listen_tracker_name[1]),
} else {
d_listen_tracker = new vrpn_Tracker_Remote(listen_tracker_name);
if (d_listen_tracker) d_listen_tracker->register_change_handler(this, handle_tracker_update);
d_listen_tracker->unregister_change_handler(this, handle_tracker_update);
delete d_listen_tracker;
if (d_qfilters) { delete [] d_qfilters; d_qfilters = NULL; }
if (d_filters) { delete [] d_filters; d_filters = NULL; }
if (d_last_report_times) { delete [] d_last_report_times; d_last_report_times = NULL; }
void vrpn_Tracker_FilterOneEuro::mainloop()
// See if we have anything new from our tracker.
// Call the server_mainloop on our unique base class.
std::string myName, vrpn_Connection *c, std::string origTrackerName,
vrpn_int32 numSensors, vrpn_float64 predictionTime, bool estimateVelocity)
: vrpn_Tracker_Server(myName.c_str(), c, numSensors)
, d_estimateVelocity(estimateVelocity)
// Do the things all tracker servers need to do.
num_sensors = numSensors;
// Set values that don't need to be set in the list above, so that we
// don't worry about out-of-order warnings from the compiler in case we
// adjust the order in the header file in the future.
d_predictionTime = predictionTime;
d_numSensors = numSensors;
// If the name of the tracker we're using starts with a '*' character,
// we use our own connection to talk with it. Otherwise, we open a remote
// tracker with the specified name.
try {
if (origTrackerName[0] == '*') {
d_origTracker = new vrpn_Tracker_Remote(&(origTrackerName.c_str()[1]), c);
} else {
d_origTracker = new vrpn_Tracker_Remote(origTrackerName.c_str());
} catch (...) {
d_origTracker = NULL;
// Initialize the rotational state of each sensor. There has not bee
// an orientation report, so we set its time to 0.
// Set up callback handlers for the pose and pose velocity messages,
// from which we will extract the orientation and orientation velocity
// information.
for (vrpn_int32 i = 0; i < numSensors; i++) {
q_type no_rotation = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
RotationState rs;
q_copy(rs.d_rotationAmount, no_rotation);
rs.d_rotationInterval = 1;
rs.d_receivedAngularVelocityReport = false;
rs.d_lastReportTime.tv_sec = 0;
rs.d_lastReportTime.tv_usec = 0;
// Register handler for all sensors, so we'll be told the ID
d_origTracker->register_change_handler(this, handle_tracker_report);
d_origTracker->register_change_handler(this, handle_tracker_velocity_report);
void vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::mainloop()
// Call the generic server mainloop routine, since this is a server
delete d_origTracker;
void vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::sendNewPrediction(vrpn_int32 sensor)
// Figure out which rotation state we're supposed to use.
if (sensor >= d_numSensors) {
<< "sendNewPrediction: Asked for sensor " << sensor
<< " but I only have " << d_numSensors
<< "sensors. Discarding.";
vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::RotationState &state =
// If we haven't had a tracker report yet, nothing to send.
if (state.d_lastReportTime.tv_sec == 0) {
// If we don't have permission to estimate velocity and haven't gotten it
// either, then we just pass along the report.
if (!state.d_receivedAngularVelocityReport && !d_estimateVelocity) {
report_pose(sensor, state.d_lastReportTime, state.d_lastPosition,
// Estimate the future orientation based on the current angular velocity
// estimate and the last reported orientation. Predict it into the future
// the amount we've been asked to.
// Start with the previous orientation.
q_type newOrientation;
q_copy(newOrientation, state.d_lastOrientation);
// Rotate it by the amount to rotate once for every integral multiple
// of the rotation time we've been asked to go.
double remaining = d_predictionTime;
while (remaining > state.d_rotationInterval) {
q_mult(newOrientation, state.d_rotationAmount, newOrientation);
remaining -= state.d_rotationInterval;
// Then rotate it by the remaining fractional amount.
double fractionTime = remaining / state.d_rotationInterval;
q_type identity = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
q_type fractionRotation;
q_slerp(fractionRotation, identity, state.d_rotationAmount, fractionTime);
q_mult(newOrientation, fractionRotation, newOrientation);
// Find out the future time for which we will be predicting by adding the
// prediction interval to our last report time.
struct timeval future_time;
struct timeval delta;
delta.tv_sec = static_cast<unsigned long>(d_predictionTime);
double remainder = d_predictionTime - delta.tv_sec;
delta.tv_usec = static_cast<unsigned long>(remainder * 1e6);
future_time = vrpn_TimevalSum(delta, state.d_lastReportTime);
// Pack our predicted tracker report for this future time.
// Use the position portion of the report unaltered.
if (0 != report_pose(sensor, future_time, state.d_lastPosition, newOrientation)) {
fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::sendNewPrediction(): Can't report pose\n");
void vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::handle_tracker_report(void *userdata,
const vrpn_TRACKERCB info)
// Find the pointer to the class that registered the callback and get a
// reference to the RotationState we're supposed to be using.
vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation *me =
static_cast<vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation *>(userdata);
if (info.sensor >= me->d_numSensors) {
<< "Received tracker message from sensor " << info.sensor
<< " but I only have " << me->d_numSensors
<< "sensors. Discarding.";
vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::RotationState &state =
if (!state.d_receivedAngularVelocityReport && me->d_estimateVelocity) {
// If we have not received any velocity reports, then we estimate
// the angular velocity using the last report (if any). The new
// combined rotation T3 = T2 * T1, where T2 is the difference in
// rotation between the last time (T1) and now (T3). We want to
// solve for T2 (so we can keep applying it going forward). We
// find it by right-multiuplying both sides of the equation by
// T1i (inverse of T1): T3 * T1i = T2.
if (state.d_lastReportTime.tv_sec != 0) {
q_type inverted;
q_invert(inverted, state.d_lastOrientation);
q_mult(state.d_rotationAmount, info.quat, inverted);
state.d_rotationInterval = vrpn_TimevalDurationSeconds(
info.msg_time, state.d_lastReportTime);
// If we get a zero or negative rotation interval, we're
// not going to be able to handle it, so we set things back
// to no rotation over a unit-time interval.
if (state.d_rotationInterval < 0) {
state.d_rotationInterval = 1;
q_make(state.d_rotationAmount, 0, 0, 0, 1);
// Keep track of the position, orientation and time for the next report
q_vec_copy(state.d_lastPosition, info.pos);
q_copy(state.d_lastOrientation, info.quat);
state.d_lastReportTime = info.msg_time;
// We have new data, so we send a new prediction.
void vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::handle_tracker_velocity_report(void *userdata,
const vrpn_TRACKERVELCB info)
// Find the pointer to the class that registered the callback and get a
// reference to the RotationState we're supposed to be using.
vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation *me =
static_cast<vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation *>(userdata);
if (info.sensor >= me->d_numSensors) {
<< "Received velocity message from sensor " << info.sensor
<< " but I only have " << me->d_numSensors
<< "sensors. Discarding.";
vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::RotationState &state =
// Store the rotational information and indicate that we have gotten
// a report of the tracker velocity.
state.d_receivedAngularVelocityReport = true;
q_copy(state.d_rotationAmount, info.vel_quat);
state.d_rotationInterval = info.vel_quat_dt;
// We have new data, so we send a new prediction.
// Pass through the velocity estimate.
me->report_pose_velocity(info.sensor, info.msg_time, info.vel,
info.vel_quat, info.vel_quat_dt);
// Things related to the test() function go below here.
typedef struct {
struct timeval time;
vrpn_int32 sensor;
q_vec_type pos;
q_type quat;
static POSE_INFO poseResponse;
typedef struct {
struct timeval time;
vrpn_int32 sensor;
q_vec_type pos;
q_type quat;
double quat_dt;
static VEL_INFO velResponse;
// Checks whether two floating-point values are close enough
static bool isClose(double a, double b)
return fabs(a - b) < 1e-6;
// Fills in the POSE_INFO structure that is passed in with the data it
// receives.
static void VRPN_CALLBACK handle_test_tracker_report(void *userdata,
const vrpn_TRACKERCB info)
POSE_INFO *pi = static_cast<POSE_INFO *>(userdata);
pi->time = info.msg_time;
pi->sensor = info.sensor;
q_vec_copy(pi->pos, info.pos);
q_copy(pi->quat, info.quat);
// Fills in the VEL_INFO structure that is passed in with the data it
// receives.
static void VRPN_CALLBACK handle_test_tracker_velocity_report(void *userdata,
const vrpn_TRACKERVELCB info)
VEL_INFO *vi = static_cast<VEL_INFO *>(userdata);
vi->time = info.msg_time;
vi->sensor = info.sensor;
q_vec_copy(vi->pos, info.vel);
q_copy(vi->quat, info.vel_quat);
vi->quat_dt = info.vel_quat_dt;
int vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::test(void)
// Construct a loopback connection to be used by all of our objects.
vrpn_Connection *c = vrpn_create_server_connection("loopback:");
// Create a tracker server to be the initator and a dead-reckoning
// rotation tracker to use it as a base; have it predict 1 second
// into the future.
// Create a remote tracker to listen to t1 and set up its callbacks for
// position and velocity reports. They will fill in the static structures
// listed above with whatever values they receive.
vrpn_Tracker_Server *t0, *t1;
vrpn_Tracker_Remote *tr;
try {
t0 = new vrpn_Tracker_Server("Tracker0", c, 2);
t1 = new vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation("Tracker1", c, "*Tracker0", 2, 1);
tr = new vrpn_Tracker_Remote("Tracker1", c);
} catch (...) {
std::cerr << "vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::test: Out of memory" << std::endl;
return 100;
tr->register_change_handler(&poseResponse, handle_test_tracker_report);
tr->register_change_handler(&velResponse, handle_test_tracker_velocity_report);
// Set up the values in the pose and velocity responses with incorrect values
// so that things will fail if the class does not perform as expected.
q_vec_set(poseResponse.pos, 1, 1, 1);
q_make(poseResponse.quat, 0, 0, 1, 0);
poseResponse.time.tv_sec = 0;
poseResponse.time.tv_usec = 0;
poseResponse.sensor = -1;
// Send a pose report from sensors 0 and 1 on the original tracker that places
// them at (1,1,1) and with the identity rotation. We should get a response for
// each of them so we should end up with the sensor-1 response matching what we
// sent, with no change in position or orientation.
q_vec_type pos = { 1, 1, 1 };
q_type quat = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
struct timeval firstSent;
vrpn_gettimeofday(&firstSent, NULL);
t0->report_pose(0, firstSent, pos, quat);
t0->report_pose(1, firstSent, pos, quat);
if ( (poseResponse.time.tv_sec != firstSent.tv_sec + 1)
|| (poseResponse.sensor != 1)
|| (q_vec_distance(poseResponse.pos, pos) > 1e-10)
|| (poseResponse.quat[Q_W] != 1)
std::cerr << "vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::test(): Got unexpected"
<< " initial response: pos (" << poseResponse.pos[Q_X] << ", "
<< poseResponse.pos[Q_Y] << ", " << poseResponse.pos[Q_Z] << "), quat ("
<< poseResponse.quat[Q_X] << ", " << poseResponse.quat[Q_Y] << ", "
<< poseResponse.quat[Q_Z] << ", " << poseResponse.quat[Q_W] << ")"
<< " from sensor " << poseResponse.sensor
<< " at time " << poseResponse.time.tv_sec << ":" << poseResponse.time.tv_usec
<< std::endl;
delete tr;
delete t1;
delete t0;
return 1;
// Send a second tracker report for sensor 0 coming 0.4 seconds later that has
// translated to position (2,1,1) and rotated by 0.4 * 90 degrees around Z.
// This should cause a prediction for one second later than this new pose
// message that has rotated by very close to 1.4 * 90 degrees.
q_vec_type pos2 = { 2, 1, 1 };
q_type quat2;
double angle2 = 0.4 * 90 * VRPN_PI / 180.0;
q_from_axis_angle(quat2, 0, 0, 1, angle2);
struct timeval p4Second = { 0, 400000 };
struct timeval firstPlusP4 = vrpn_TimevalSum(firstSent, p4Second);
t0->report_pose(0, firstPlusP4, pos2, quat2);
double x, y, z, angle;
q_to_axis_angle(&x, &y, &z, &angle, poseResponse.quat);
if ((poseResponse.time.tv_sec != firstPlusP4.tv_sec + 1)
|| (poseResponse.sensor != 0)
|| (q_vec_distance(poseResponse.pos, pos2) > 1e-10)
|| !isClose(x, 0) || !isClose(y, 0) || !isClose(z, 1)
|| !isClose(angle, 1.4 * 90 * VRPN_PI / 180.0)
std::cerr << "vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::test(): Got unexpected"
<< " predicted pose response: pos (" << poseResponse.pos[Q_X] << ", "
<< poseResponse.pos[Q_Y] << ", " << poseResponse.pos[Q_Z] << "), quat ("
<< poseResponse.quat[Q_X] << ", " << poseResponse.quat[Q_Y] << ", "
<< poseResponse.quat[Q_Z] << ", " << poseResponse.quat[Q_W] << ")"
<< " from sensor " << poseResponse.sensor
<< std::endl;
delete tr;
delete t1;
delete t0;
return 2;
// Send a velocity report for sensor 1 that has has translation by (1,0,0)
// and rotating by 0.4 * 90 degrees per 0.4 of a second around Z.
// This should cause a prediction for one second later than the first
// report that has rotated by very close to 90 degrees. The translation
// should be ignored, so the position should be the original position.
q_vec_type vel = { 0, 0, 0 };
t0->report_pose_velocity(1, firstPlusP4, vel, quat2, 0.4);
q_to_axis_angle(&x, &y, &z, &angle, poseResponse.quat);
if ((poseResponse.time.tv_sec != firstSent.tv_sec + 1)
|| (poseResponse.sensor != 1)
|| (q_vec_distance(poseResponse.pos, pos) > 1e-10)
|| !isClose(x, 0) || !isClose(y, 0) || !isClose(z, 1)
|| !isClose(angle, 90 * VRPN_PI / 180.0)
std::cerr << "vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::test(): Got unexpected"
<< " predicted velocity response: pos (" << poseResponse.pos[Q_X] << ", "
<< poseResponse.pos[Q_Y] << ", " << poseResponse.pos[Q_Z] << "), quat ("
<< poseResponse.quat[Q_X] << ", " << poseResponse.quat[Q_Y] << ", "
<< poseResponse.quat[Q_Z] << ", " << poseResponse.quat[Q_W] << ")"
<< " from sensor " << poseResponse.sensor
<< std::endl;
delete tr;
delete t1;
delete t0;
return 3;
// To test the behavior of the prediction code when we're moving around more
// than one axis, and when we're starting from a non-identity orientation,
// set sensor 1 to be rotated 180 degrees around X. Then send a velocity
// report that will produce a rotation of 180 degrees around Z. The result
// should match a prediction of 180 degrees around Y (plus or minus 180, plus
// or minus Y axis are all equivalent).
struct timeval oneSecond = { 1, 0 };
struct timeval firstPlusOne = vrpn_TimevalSum(firstSent, oneSecond);
q_type quat3;
q_from_axis_angle(quat3, 1, 0, 0, VRPN_PI);
t0->report_pose(1, firstPlusOne, pos, quat3);
q_type quat4;
q_from_axis_angle(quat4, 0, 0, 1, VRPN_PI);
t0->report_pose_velocity(1, firstPlusOne, vel, quat4, 1.0);
q_to_axis_angle(&x, &y, &z, &angle, poseResponse.quat);
if ((poseResponse.time.tv_sec != firstPlusOne.tv_sec + 1)
|| (poseResponse.sensor != 1)
|| (q_vec_distance(poseResponse.pos, pos) > 1e-10)
|| !isClose(x, 0) || !isClose(fabs(y), 1) || !isClose(z, 0)
|| !isClose(fabs(angle), VRPN_PI)
std::cerr << "vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::test(): Got unexpected"
<< " predicted pose + velocity response: pos (" << poseResponse.pos[Q_X] << ", "
<< poseResponse.pos[Q_Y] << ", " << poseResponse.pos[Q_Z] << "), quat ("
<< poseResponse.quat[Q_X] << ", " << poseResponse.quat[Q_Y] << ", "
<< poseResponse.quat[Q_Z] << ", " << poseResponse.quat[Q_W] << ")"
<< " from sensor " << poseResponse.sensor
<< std::endl;
delete tr;
delete t1;
delete t0;
return 4;
// To test the behavior of the prediction code when we're moving around more
// than one axis, and when we're starting from a non-identity orientation,
// set sensor 0 to start out at identity. Then in one second it will be
// rotated 180 degrees around X. Then in another second it will be rotated
// additionally by 90 degrees around Z; the prediction should be another
// 90 degrees around Z, which should turn out to compose to +/-180 degrees
// around +/- Y, as in the velocity case above.
// To make this work, we send a sequence of three poses, one second apart,
// starting at the original time. We do this on sensor 0, which has never
// had a velocity report, so that it will be using the pose-only prediction.
struct timeval firstPlusTwo = vrpn_TimevalSum(firstPlusOne, oneSecond);
q_from_axis_angle(quat3, 1, 0, 0, VRPN_PI);
t0->report_pose(0, firstSent, pos, quat);
t0->report_pose(0, firstPlusOne, pos, quat3);
q_from_axis_angle(quat4, 0, 0, 1, VRPN_PI / 2);
q_type quat5;
q_mult(quat5, quat4, quat3);
t0->report_pose(0, firstPlusTwo, pos, quat5);
q_to_axis_angle(&x, &y, &z, &angle, poseResponse.quat);
if ((poseResponse.time.tv_sec != firstPlusTwo.tv_sec + 1)
|| (poseResponse.sensor != 0)
|| (q_vec_distance(poseResponse.pos, pos) > 1e-10)
|| !isClose(x, 0) || !isClose(fabs(y), 1.0) || !isClose(z, 0)
|| !isClose(fabs(angle), VRPN_PI)
std::cerr << "vrpn_Tracker_DeadReckoning_Rotation::test(): Got unexpected"
<< " predicted pose + pose response: pos (" << poseResponse.pos[Q_X] << ", "
<< poseResponse.pos[Q_Y] << ", " << poseResponse.pos[Q_Z] << "), quat ("
<< poseResponse.quat[Q_X] << ", " << poseResponse.quat[Q_Y] << ", "
<< poseResponse.quat[Q_Z] << ", " << poseResponse.quat[Q_W] << ")"
<< " from sensor " << poseResponse.sensor
<< "; axis = (" << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << "), angle = "
<< angle
<< std::endl;
delete tr;
delete t1;
delete t0;
return 5;
// Done; delete our objects and return 0 to indicate that
// everything worked.
delete tr;
delete t1;
delete t0;
return 0;
马建仓 AI 助手
