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vrpn_Tracker.h 21.82 KB
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#ifndef vrpn_TRACKER_H
#define vrpn_TRACKER_H
#include <stdio.h> // for NULL, FILE
// NOTE: a vrpn tracker must call user callbacks with tracker data (pos and
// ori info) which represent the transformation xfSourceFromSensor.
// This means that the pos info is the position of the origin of
// the sensor coord sys in the source coord sys space, and the
// quat represents the orientation of the sensor relative to the
// source space (ie, its value rotates the source's axes so that
// they coincide with the sensor's)
// Positions from all trackers in VRPN are reported in meters.
// Velocities are reported in meters/second.
// Accelerations are reported in meters/second/second.
// These are all reported in three-element double arrays
// in the order (X=0, Y=1, Z=2).
// They are translated into this format from the native format for each device.
// Orientations from all trackers in VRPN are reported in quaternions
// (see Quatlib for more info) in four-element double arrays
// in the order (X=0, Y=1, Z=2, W=3).
// They are translated into this format from the native format for each device.
// to use time synched tracking, just pass in a sync connection to the
// client and the server
#include "vrpn_BaseClass.h" // for vrpn_Callback_List, etc
#include "vrpn_Configure.h" // for VRPN_CALLBACK, VRPN_API, etc
#include "vrpn_Connection.h"
#include "vrpn_Shared.h" // for timeval
#include "vrpn_Types.h" // for vrpn_float64, vrpn_int32, etc
class VRPN_API vrpn_RedundantTransmission;
// tracker status flags
const int vrpn_TRACKER_SYNCING = (3);
const int vrpn_TRACKER_AWAITING_STATION = (2);
const int vrpn_TRACKER_REPORT_READY = (1);
const int vrpn_TRACKER_PARTIAL = (0);
const int vrpn_TRACKER_RESETTING = (-1);
const int vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL = (-2);
// index for the change_list that should be called for all sensors.
// Not an in-range index.
const int vrpn_ALL_SENSORS = -1;
typedef vrpn_float64 vrpn_Tracker_Pos[3];
typedef vrpn_float64 vrpn_Tracker_Quat[4];
class VRPN_API vrpn_Tracker : public vrpn_BaseClass {
// vrpn_Tracker.cfg, in the "local" directory, is the default config file
// . You can specify a different config file in the constructor. When
// you do this, you must also specify a vrpn_Connection. Pass in NULL
// if you don't have one. This awkwardness is because C++ requires that
// only the rightmost arguments can use the default values, and that the
// order of arguments must match the base class :(
vrpn_Tracker(const char *name, vrpn_Connection *c = NULL,
const char *tracker_cfg_file_name = NULL);
virtual ~vrpn_Tracker(void);
int read_config_file(FILE *config_file, const char *tracker_name);
void print_latest_report(void);
// a tracker server should call the following to register the
// default xform and workspace request handlers
int register_server_handlers(void);
void get_local_t2r(vrpn_float64 *vec, vrpn_float64 *quat);
void get_local_u2s(vrpn_int32 sensor, vrpn_float64 *vec,
vrpn_float64 *quat);
static int VRPN_CALLBACK
handle_t2r_request(void *userdata, vrpn_HANDLERPARAM p);
static int VRPN_CALLBACK
handle_u2s_request(void *userdata, vrpn_HANDLERPARAM p);
static int VRPN_CALLBACK
handle_workspace_request(void *userdata, vrpn_HANDLERPARAM p);
// static int VRPN_CALLBACK handle_update_rate_request (void *,
vrpn_int32 position_m_id; // ID of tracker position message
vrpn_int32 velocity_m_id; // ID of tracker velocity message
vrpn_int32 accel_m_id; // ID of tracker acceleration message
vrpn_int32 tracker2room_m_id; // ID of tracker tracker2room message
vrpn_int32 unit2sensor_m_id; // ID of tracker unit2sensor message
vrpn_int32 request_t2r_m_id; // ID of tracker2room request message
vrpn_int32 request_u2s_m_id; // ID of unit2sensor request message
vrpn_int32 request_workspace_m_id; // ID of workspace request message
vrpn_int32 workspace_m_id; // ID of workspace message
vrpn_int32 update_rate_id; // ID of update rate message
vrpn_int32 connection_dropped_m_id; // ID of connection dropped message
vrpn_int32 reset_origin_m_id; // ID of reset origin message
// Description of the next report to go out
vrpn_int32 d_sensor; // Current sensor
vrpn_float64 pos[3], d_quat[4]; // Current pose, (x,y,z), (qx,qy,qz,qw)
vrpn_float64 vel[3], vel_quat[4]; // Cur velocity and dQuat/vel_quat_dt
vrpn_float64 vel_quat_dt; // delta time (in secs) for vel_quat
vrpn_float64 acc[3], acc_quat[4]; // Cur accel and d2Quat/acc_quat_dt2
vrpn_float64 acc_quat_dt; // delta time (in secs) for acc_quat
struct timeval timestamp; // Current timestamp
vrpn_int32 frame_count; // Current framecount
// The timestamp that the last report was received (Used by the Liberty
// Driver)
// Other trackers use timestamp as the watchdog, however due to variable USB
// latency the Liberty driver uses the device timestamp and not the computer
// clock
// at the time the report was received. This however can drift
// from the computer time, and hence it can cause a reset when things are
// working fine
struct timeval watchdog_timestamp;
vrpn_float64 tracker2room[3], tracker2room_quat[4]; // Current t2r xform
vrpn_int32 num_sensors;
// Arrays of values, one per sensor. Includes function to ensure there are
// enough there for a specified number of sensors.
vrpn_Tracker_Pos *unit2sensor;
vrpn_Tracker_Quat *unit2sensor_quat; // Current u2s xforms
unsigned num_unit2sensors;
bool ensure_enough_unit2sensors(unsigned num);
// bounding box for the tracker workspace (in tracker space)
// these are the points with (x,y,z) minimum and maximum
// note: we assume the bounding box edges are aligned with the tracker
// coordinate system
vrpn_float64 workspace_min[3], workspace_max[3];
int status; // What are we doing?
virtual int register_types(void); //< Called by BaseClass init()
virtual int encode_to(char *buf); // Encodes the position report
// Not all trackers will call the velocity and acceleration packers
virtual int encode_vel_to(char *buf); // Encodes the velocity report
virtual int encode_acc_to(char *buf); // Encodes the acceleration report
virtual int encode_tracker2room_to(char *buf); // Encodes the tracker2room
virtual int encode_unit2sensor_to(char *buf); // and unit2sensor xforms
virtual int encode_workspace_to(char *buf); // Encodes workspace info
class VRPN_API vrpn_Tracker_Serial : public vrpn_Tracker {
vrpn_Tracker_Serial(const char *name, vrpn_Connection *c,
const char *port = "/dev/ttyS1", long baud = 38400);
virtual ~vrpn_Tracker_Serial();
char portname[VRPN_TRACKER_BUF_SIZE];
long baudrate;
int serial_fd;
unsigned char buffer[VRPN_TRACKER_BUF_SIZE]; // Characters read in from the
// tracker so far
vrpn_uint32 bufcount; // How many characters in the buffer?
/// Gets a report if one is available, returns 0 if not, 1 if complete
/// report.
virtual int get_report(void) = 0;
// Sends the report that was just read.
virtual void send_report(void);
/// Reset the tracker.
virtual void reset(void) = 0;
/// Uses the get_report, send_report, and reset routines to implement a
/// server
virtual void mainloop();
// This driver uses the VRPN-preferred LibUSB-1.0 to control the device.
#if defined(VRPN_USE_LIBUSB_1_0)
struct libusb_device_handle; // IWYU pragma: keep
struct libusb_context; // IWYU pragma: keep
class VRPN_API vrpn_Tracker_USB : public vrpn_Tracker {
vrpn_Tracker_USB(const char *name, vrpn_Connection *c, vrpn_uint16 vendor,
vrpn_uint16 product, long baud = 115200);
virtual ~vrpn_Tracker_USB();
struct libusb_device_handle *_device_handle; // Handle for the USB device
struct libusb_context *_context; // LibUSB context used for this device
vrpn_uint16 _vendor; // Vendor ID for usb device
vrpn_uint16 _product; // Product ID for usb device
long _baudrate;
vrpn_uint8 buffer[VRPN_TRACKER_USB_BUF_SIZE]; // Characters read in from the
// tracker
vrpn_uint32 bufcount; // How many characters in the buffer?
/// Gets reports if some are available, returns 0 if not, 1 if complete
/// report(s).
virtual int get_report(void) = 0;
// Sends the report that was just read.
virtual void send_report(void);
/// Reset the tracker.
virtual void reset(void) = 0;
/// Uses the get_report, send_report, and reset routines to implement a
/// server
virtual void mainloop();
// End of VRPN_USE_LIBUSB_1_0
// This is an example of a tracker server. It basically reports the
// position at the origin with zero velocity and acceleration over and
// over again at the rate requested. It is here mostly as an example of
// how to build a tracker server, and also serves as a test object for
// client codes and VRPN builds.
class VRPN_API vrpn_Tracker_NULL : public vrpn_Tracker {
vrpn_Tracker_NULL(const char *name, vrpn_Connection *c,
vrpn_int32 sensors = 1, vrpn_float64 Hz = 1.0);
virtual void mainloop();
void setRedundantTransmission(vrpn_RedundantTransmission *);
vrpn_float64 update_rate;
vrpn_RedundantTransmission *d_redundancy;
// This is an example of a tracker server. It stays at the
// origina and spins around the specified axis at the
// specified rate of rotation, reporting orientation and
// orientation velocity at the specified
// rate. It was designed to help test the smoothness of
// rendering for VR systems by providing a ground-truth
// smoothly-rotating tracker source.
class VRPN_API vrpn_Tracker_Spin : public vrpn_Tracker {
vrpn_Tracker_Spin(const char *name, vrpn_Connection *c,
vrpn_int32 sensors = 1, vrpn_float64 reportRateHz = 1.0,
vrpn_float64 axisX = 0, vrpn_float64 axisY = 0,
vrpn_float64 axisZ = 1, vrpn_float64 spinRateHz = 0.5);
virtual void mainloop();
vrpn_float64 update_rate;
vrpn_float64 x, y, z, spin_rate_Hz;
struct timeval start;
// This is a tracker server that can be used by an application that
// just wants to generate tracker reports but does not really have
// a tracker device to drive. Similar to the vrpn_Analog_Server, it
// provides a quick and easy way for an application to report things.
// The application creates an object of this class, specifying the
// number of sensors and the connection that is to be used. It then
// reports poses (position + quat), pose velocities, and pose
// accelerations as desired using the provided functions. The
// mainloop() function needs to be called periodically even when
// there is nothing to report.
class VRPN_API vrpn_Tracker_Server : public vrpn_Tracker {
vrpn_Tracker_Server(const char *name, vrpn_Connection *c,
vrpn_int32 sensors = 1);
/// This function should be called each time through app mainloop.
virtual void mainloop();
/// These functions should be called to report changes in state, once per
/// sensor.
virtual int report_pose(
const int sensor, const struct timeval t,
const vrpn_float64 position[3], const vrpn_float64 quaternion[4],
const vrpn_uint32 class_of_service = vrpn_CONNECTION_LOW_LATENCY);
virtual int report_pose_velocity(
const int sensor, const struct timeval t,
const vrpn_float64 position[3], const vrpn_float64 quaternion[4],
const vrpn_float64 interval,
const vrpn_uint32 class_of_service = vrpn_CONNECTION_LOW_LATENCY);
virtual int report_pose_acceleration(
const int sensor, const struct timeval t,
const vrpn_float64 position[3], const vrpn_float64 quaternion[4],
const vrpn_float64 interval,
const vrpn_uint32 class_of_service = vrpn_CONNECTION_LOW_LATENCY);
// ************** Users deal with the following *************
// User routine to handle a tracker position update. This is called when
// the tracker callback is called (when a message from its counterpart
// across the connection arrives).
typedef struct _vrpn_TRACKERCB {
struct timeval msg_time; // Time of the report
vrpn_int32 sensor; // Which sensor is reporting
vrpn_float64 pos[3]; // Position of the sensor
vrpn_float64 quat[4]; // Orientation of the sensor
void *userdata, const vrpn_TRACKERCB info);
// User routine to handle a tracker velocity update. This is called when
// the tracker callback is called (when a message from its counterpart
// across the connetion arrives).
typedef struct _vrpn_TRACKERVELCB {
struct timeval msg_time; // Time of the report
vrpn_int32 sensor; // Which sensor is reporting
vrpn_float64 vel[3]; // Velocity of the sensor
vrpn_float64 vel_quat[4]; // Rotation of the sensor per vel_quat_dt
vrpn_float64 vel_quat_dt; // delta time (in secs) for vel_quat
void *userdata, const vrpn_TRACKERVELCB info);
// User routine to handle a tracker acceleration update. This is called when
// the tracker callback is called (when a message from its counterpart
// across the connetion arrives).
typedef struct _vrpn_TRACKERACCCB {
struct timeval msg_time; // Time of the report
vrpn_int32 sensor; // Which sensor is reporting
vrpn_float64 acc[3]; // Acceleration of the sensor
vrpn_float64 acc_quat[4]; // Change in vel_quat of the sensor per acc_quat_dt
vrpn_float64 acc_quat_dt; // delta time (in secs) for acc_quat
void *userdata, const vrpn_TRACKERACCCB info);
// User routine to handle a tracker room2tracker xform update. This is called
// when the tracker callback is called (when a message from its counterpart
// across the connection arrives).
typedef struct _vrpn_TRACKERTRACKER2ROOMCB {
struct timeval msg_time; // Time of the report
vrpn_float64 tracker2room[3]; // position offset
vrpn_float64 tracker2room_quat[4]; // orientation offset
void *userdata, const vrpn_TRACKERTRACKER2ROOMCB info);
typedef struct _vrpn_TRACKERUNIT2SENSORCB {
struct timeval msg_time; // Time of the report
vrpn_int32 sensor; // Which sensor this is for
vrpn_float64 unit2sensor[3]; // position offset
vrpn_float64 unit2sensor_quat[4]; // orientation offset
void *userdata, const vrpn_TRACKERUNIT2SENSORCB info);
typedef struct _vrpn_TRACKERWORKSPACECB {
struct timeval msg_time; // Time of the report
vrpn_float64 workspace_min[3]; // minimum corner of box (tracker CS)
vrpn_float64 workspace_max[3]; // maximum corner of box (tracker CS)
void *userdata, const vrpn_TRACKERWORKSPACECB info);
// Structure to hold all of the callback lists for one sensor
// (also used for the "all sensors" sensor).
class vrpn_Tracker_Sensor_Callbacks {
vrpn_Callback_List<vrpn_TRACKERCB> d_change;
vrpn_Callback_List<vrpn_TRACKERVELCB> d_velchange;
vrpn_Callback_List<vrpn_TRACKERACCCB> d_accchange;
vrpn_Callback_List<vrpn_TRACKERUNIT2SENSORCB> d_unit2sensorchange;
// This class requires deep copies.
void operator=(const vrpn_Tracker_Sensor_Callbacks &from)
d_change = from.d_change;
d_velchange = from.d_velchange;
d_accchange = from.d_accchange;
d_unit2sensorchange = from.d_unit2sensorchange;
// Open a tracker that is on the other end of a connection
// and handle updates from it. This is the type of tracker that user code will
// deal with.
class VRPN_API vrpn_Tracker_Remote : public vrpn_Tracker {
// The name of the tracker to connect to, including connection name,
// for example "[email protected]". If you already
// have the connection open, you can specify it as the second parameter.
// This allows both servers and clients in the same thread, for example.
// If it is not specified, then the connection will be looked up based
// on the name passed in.
vrpn_Tracker_Remote(const char *name, vrpn_Connection *c = NULL);
// unregister all of the handlers registered with the connection
virtual ~vrpn_Tracker_Remote(void);
// request room from tracker xforms
int request_t2r_xform(void);
// request all available sensor from unit xforms
int request_u2s_xform(void);
// request workspace bounding box
int request_workspace(void);
// set rate of p/v/a updates from the tracker
int set_update_rate(vrpn_float64 samplesPerSecond);
// reset origin to current tracker location (e.g. - to reinitialize
// a PHANToM in its reset position)
int reset_origin(void);
// This routine calls the mainloop of the connection it's on
virtual void mainloop();
// **** to register handlers for sensor-specific messages: ****
// Default is to register them for all sensors.
// (un)Register a callback handler to handle a position change
virtual int register_change_handler(void *userdata,
vrpn_int32 sensor = vrpn_ALL_SENSORS);
virtual int unregister_change_handler(void *userdata,
vrpn_int32 sensor = vrpn_ALL_SENSORS);
// (un)Register a callback handler to handle a velocity change
virtual int register_change_handler(void *userdata,
vrpn_int32 sensor = vrpn_ALL_SENSORS);
virtual int unregister_change_handler(void *userdata,
vrpn_int32 sensor = vrpn_ALL_SENSORS);
// (un)Register a callback handler to handle an acceleration change
virtual int register_change_handler(void *userdata,
vrpn_int32 sensor = vrpn_ALL_SENSORS);
virtual int unregister_change_handler(void *userdata,
vrpn_int32 sensor = vrpn_ALL_SENSORS);
// (un)Register a callback handler to handle a unit2sensor change
virtual int
register_change_handler(void *userdata,
vrpn_int32 sensor = vrpn_ALL_SENSORS);
virtual int
unregister_change_handler(void *userdata,
vrpn_int32 sensor = vrpn_ALL_SENSORS);
// **** to get workspace information ****
// (un)Register a callback handler to handle a workspace change
virtual int
register_change_handler(void *userdata,
return d_workspacechange_list.register_handler(userdata, handler);
virtual int
unregister_change_handler(void *userdata,
return d_workspacechange_list.unregister_handler(userdata, handler);
// (un)Register a callback handler to handle a tracker2room change
virtual int
register_change_handler(void *userdata,
return d_tracker2roomchange_list.register_handler(userdata, handler);
virtual int
unregister_change_handler(void *userdata,
return d_tracker2roomchange_list.unregister_handler(userdata, handler);
// Callbacks with one per sensor (plus one for "all")
vrpn_Tracker_Sensor_Callbacks all_sensor_callbacks;
vrpn_Tracker_Sensor_Callbacks *sensor_callbacks;
unsigned num_sensor_callbacks;
bool ensure_enough_sensor_callbacks(unsigned num);
// Callbacks that are one per tracker
vrpn_Callback_List<vrpn_TRACKERTRACKER2ROOMCB> d_tracker2roomchange_list;
vrpn_Callback_List<vrpn_TRACKERWORKSPACECB> d_workspacechange_list;
static int VRPN_CALLBACK
handle_change_message(void *userdata, vrpn_HANDLERPARAM p);
static int VRPN_CALLBACK
handle_vel_change_message(void *userdata, vrpn_HANDLERPARAM p);
static int VRPN_CALLBACK
handle_acc_change_message(void *userdata, vrpn_HANDLERPARAM p);
static int VRPN_CALLBACK
handle_tracker2room_change_message(void *userdata, vrpn_HANDLERPARAM p);
static int VRPN_CALLBACK
handle_unit2sensor_change_message(void *userdata, vrpn_HANDLERPARAM p);
static int VRPN_CALLBACK
handle_workspace_change_message(void *userdata, vrpn_HANDLERPARAM p);
// End of vrpn_TRACKER_H
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:jari/vrpn.git
