同步操作将从 ianaxe/vrpn 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
#include <math.h> // for floor
#include <stdio.h> // for fprintf, stderr, NULL
#include <string.h> // for strlen, memcpy
#include "vrpn_BaseClass.h" // for ::vrpn_TEXT_ERROR
#include "vrpn_Connection.h" // for vrpn_HANDLERPARAM, etc
// Include vrpn_Shared.h _first_ to avoid conflicts with sys/time.h
// and unistd.h
#include "vrpn_Shared.h" // for timeval, vrpn_unbuffer, etc
#include "vrpn_Types.h" // for vrpn_float64, vrpn_uint16
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
#include <io.h>
#include "vrpn_Poser_Tek4662.h"
//#define VERBOSE
const int vrpn_Poser_Tek4662_FAIL = -1;
const int vrpn_Poser_Tek4662_RESETTING = 0;
const int vrpn_Poser_Tek4662_SYNCING = 1;
const int vrpn_Poser_Tek4662_RUNNING = 2;
// Plotter motion constants
const double COUNTS_PER_METER = 1.0 / ( (15.0 / 4095.0) * ( 0.0254 / 1.0 ) );
const double MAX_X = 0.381; // Range of the X axis is 15 inches
const double MAX_Y = 0.254; // Range of the Y axis is 10 inches
const double VELOCITY= (1/0.06144) * (1/0.00254); // Meters per second
// Constants used as characters to communicate to the plotter
const unsigned char ESC = 27;
//const unsigned char BELL = '7';
const unsigned char DEVICE = 'A';
const unsigned char GS = 29; //< Puts the plotter into graphics mode
const unsigned char ZERO = 0;
const unsigned char ZEROES[] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
const unsigned char PLOTTER_ON[] = { ESC, DEVICE, 'E', ZERO };
const unsigned char RESET[] = { ESC, DEVICE, 'N', ZERO };
const unsigned char GIN[] = { ESC, DEVICE, 'M' };
const unsigned char MOVE_TEMPLATE[] = { GS, 0x20, 0x60, 0x60, 0x20, 0x40 };
const int DATA_RECORD_LENGTH = 7;
// Constants used to do bit manipulation
//const unsigned BITFOUR = 1 << 4;
//const unsigned BITFIVE = 1 << 5;
const unsigned LOWFIVEBITS = 0x001f;
const unsigned LOWTWOBITS = 0x0003;
// Server Code
vrpn_Poser_Tek4662::vrpn_Poser_Tek4662 (const char *name, vrpn_Connection *c,
const char *port, int baud, int bits,
vrpn_SER_PARITY parity) :
vrpn_Poser(name, c),
vrpn_Tracker(name, c),
// Make sure that we have a valid connection
if (d_connection == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_Poser_Tek4662: No connection\n");
// Check the port name;
if (port == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_Poser_Tek4662: NULL port name\n");
status = vrpn_Poser_Tek4662_FAIL;
// Open the serial port we're going to use
if ( (d_serial_fd=vrpn_open_commport(port, baud, bits, parity)) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_Poser_Tek4662: Cannot Open serial port (%s)\n", port);
status = vrpn_Poser_Tek4662_FAIL;
// Register a handler for the position change callback for this device
if (register_autodeleted_handler(req_position_m_id,
handle_change_message, this, d_sender_id)) {
fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_Poser_Server: can't register position handler\n");
d_connection = NULL;
// Register a handler for the velocity change callback for this device
if (register_autodeleted_handler(req_velocity_m_id,
handle_vel_change_message, this, d_sender_id)) {
fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_Poser_Server: can't register velocity handler\n");
d_connection = NULL;
// Set up the workspace max and min values
p_pos_min[0] = 0.0; p_pos_max[0] = MAX_X;
p_pos_min[1] = 0.0; p_pos_max[1] = MAX_Y;
p_pos_min[2] = 0.0; p_pos_max[2] = 0.0; // There is no Z axis
p_vel_min[0] = p_vel_max[0] = VELOCITY; // Meters per second
p_vel_min[1] = p_vel_max[1] = VELOCITY; // Meters per second
p_vel_min[2] = p_vel_max[2] = 0.0; // No motion in Z
p_pos_rot_min[0] = 0.0; p_pos_rot_max[0] = 0.0; // There is no rotation
p_pos_rot_min[1] = 0.0; p_pos_rot_max[1] = 0.0; // There is no rotation
p_pos_rot_min[2] = 0.0; p_pos_rot_max[2] = 0.0; // There is no rotation
p_vel_rot_min[0] = 0.0; p_vel_rot_max[0] = 0.0; // There is no rotation
p_vel_rot_min[1] = 0.0; p_vel_rot_max[1] = 0.0; // There is no rotation
p_vel_rot_min[2] = 0.0; p_vel_rot_max[2] = 0.0; // There is no rotation
// Reset the device and find out what time it is
status = vrpn_Poser_Tek4662_RESETTING;
vrpn_gettimeofday(×tamp, NULL);
// Close com port when destroyed.
if (d_serial_fd != -1) {
// This parses the pen position and location from a GIN report.
// It first verifies that the high-order tag bits match what is
// expected on all bytes (see page 2-27 of the manual). If they
// do not, it returns false; otherwise, true.
static bool interpret_GIN_bytes(const unsigned char inbuf[], bool &pen_down, float &x, float &y)
// Check the high-order tag bits to make sure they are valid.
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if ( (inbuf[i] & 0x60) != 0x20) { return false; }
if ( (inbuf[6] & 0x60) != 0x40) { return false; }
// Interpret the pen-down bit.
pen_down = (inbuf[6] & (1<<2)) != 0;
// Unpack the X and Y coordinates from the plotter report as described on
// page 2-27 of the manual. Note that in GIN mode, the plotter only uses
// the higher-order 12 bits; the lower 4 are set to zero. This means that
// we shift three bit past the right and ignore the lowest bit.
vrpn_uint16 x_int, y_int;
x_int = static_cast<unsigned short>(((inbuf[0] & LOWFIVEBITS) << 7) | ((inbuf[2] & LOWFIVEBITS) << 2) | ((inbuf[4] & LOWFIVEBITS) >> 3));
y_int = static_cast<unsigned short>(((inbuf[1] & LOWFIVEBITS) << 7) | ((inbuf[3] & LOWFIVEBITS) << 2) | ((inbuf[5] & LOWFIVEBITS) >> 3));
// Convert the position from counts to meters. This goes through inches, which is the native
// plotter unit.
x = (float)( x_int / COUNTS_PER_METER );
y = (float)( y_int / COUNTS_PER_METER );
#if 0
if (pen_down) { printf("XXX pen down\n"); } else { printf("XXX pen up\n"); }
printf("XXX At %f, %f\n", x, y);
return true;
void vrpn_Poser_Tek4662::reset()
// Wait a little and then flush the input buffer so we don't get extra reports
// from before the reset.
vrpn_flush_input_buffer( d_serial_fd );
// Send a bunch of zeroes to clear out the input buffer,
// then a "Plotter on", then a "Reset" to the plotter.
vrpn_flush_output_buffer( d_serial_fd );
vrpn_write_characters( d_serial_fd, ZEROES, sizeof(ZEROES) );
vrpn_write_characters( d_serial_fd, PLOTTER_ON, strlen((const char*)PLOTTER_ON) );
vrpn_write_characters( d_serial_fd, RESET, strlen((const char*)RESET) );
vrpn_drain_output_buffer( d_serial_fd );
// Request a position message from the plotter and then wait
// until it responds. Make sure we get a good response. If
// so, then send a Tracker message with the specified position
// and go into SYNCING mode. If not, then reset again.
vrpn_write_characters( d_serial_fd, GIN, strlen((const char*)GIN) );
vrpn_drain_output_buffer( d_serial_fd );
unsigned char inbuf[DATA_RECORD_LENGTH];
struct timeval wait_time = { 1, 0 };
int bufcount = vrpn_read_available_characters( d_serial_fd, inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), &wait_time);
if (bufcount != sizeof(inbuf)) {
fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_Poser_Tek4662::reset(): Expected %d characters, got %d\n",
static_cast<int>(sizeof(inbuf)), bufcount);
} else {
// Parse the input to find our position and store it in the tracker
// position.
float x,y;
bool pen_down;
vrpn_gettimeofday(×tamp, NULL);
if (!interpret_GIN_bytes(inbuf, pen_down, x, y)) {
send_text_message("vrpn_Poser_Tek4662: Error resetting", timestamp, vrpn_TEXT_ERROR);
} else {
send_text_message("vrpn_Poser_Tek4662: Reset correctly", timestamp, vrpn_TEXT_ERROR);
// Set and send tracker position.
pos[0] = x; pos[1] = y; pos[2] = 0;
d_quat[0] = d_quat[1] = d_quat[2] = 0; d_quat[3] = 1;
if (d_connection) {
char msgbuf[1000];
int len = vrpn_Tracker::encode_to(msgbuf);
if (d_connection->pack_message(len, timestamp,
position_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf,
fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_Poser_Tek4662: cannot write message: tossing\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_Poser_Tek4662: No valid connection\n");
// We're waiting for the first character!
d_outstanding_requests = 0;
status = vrpn_Poser_Tek4662_SYNCING;
void vrpn_Poser_Tek4662::run()
struct timeval now;
// Send new positions as needed, in coordination with the callback handler.
if ((d_outstanding_requests == 0) && d_new_location_requested) {
// Figure out the integer location corresponding to the new poser
// position requested. We've already tested to make sure that the
// position is in bounds.
vrpn_uint16 x_int, y_int;
x_int = (vrpn_uint16)floor( p_pos[0] * COUNTS_PER_METER );
y_int = (vrpn_uint16)floor( p_pos[1] * COUNTS_PER_METER );
// Send a command to the plotter to move to the new location.
// Request the new location be reported.
// The first two characters tell it to go into graph mode; the
// last five include the correct upper-two bits for each byte,
// with the rest filled in as described on page 2-26 in the manual.
unsigned char MOVE[sizeof(MOVE_TEMPLATE)];
memcpy(MOVE, MOVE_TEMPLATE, sizeof(MOVE));
// Five MSB of y into 5 LSB
MOVE[1] |= y_int >> 7;
// Two LSB of y into bits 2-3, two LSB of x into bits 0-1
MOVE[2] |= (x_int & LOWTWOBITS);
MOVE[2] |= (y_int & LOWTWOBITS) << 2;
// The rest of the Y bits (five in the middle) to LSB
MOVE[3] |= (y_int >> 2) & LOWFIVEBITS;
// High-order x bits into low-order bits
MOVE[4] |= x_int >> 7;
// Intermediate X bits into lower-order bits
MOVE[5] |= (x_int >> 2) & LOWFIVEBITS;
vrpn_write_characters(d_serial_fd, MOVE, sizeof(MOVE));
vrpn_write_characters(d_serial_fd, GIN, strlen((const char*)GIN) );
// Record the fact that we're moving so that we won't send a new
// command until the move completes.
#if 0
printf("XXX Going to %f,%f (%d, %d)\n", p_pos[0], p_pos[1], x_int, y_int);
d_new_location_requested = false;
// Listen for any new reports from the device. Recall that we can get
// partial results reported, especially with a 1200-baud or slower serial
// connection like we have on this device.
// This assumes that the plotter does not tell us where it is until
// it finishes moving there. This assumption looks valid from short
// tests.
if (status == vrpn_Poser_Tek4662_SYNCING) { // Try to get first byte
// Zero timeout, poll for any available characters
struct timeval timeout = {0, 0};
if (1 == vrpn_read_available_characters(d_serial_fd, d_inbuf, 1, &timeout)) {
d_inbufcounter = 1; //< Ignore the status byte for the following record
status = vrpn_Poser_Tek4662_RUNNING;
vrpn_gettimeofday(×tamp, NULL);
} else {
d_inbufcounter = 0;
if (status == vrpn_Poser_Tek4662_RUNNING) {
// Zero timeout, poll for any available characters
struct timeval timeout = {0, 0};
int result = vrpn_read_available_characters(d_serial_fd,
&d_inbuf[d_inbufcounter], DATA_RECORD_LENGTH-d_inbufcounter, &timeout);
if (result < 0) {
send_text_message("vrpn_Poser_Tek4662: Error reading", timestamp, vrpn_TEXT_ERROR);
status = vrpn_Poser_Tek4662_RESETTING;
} else {
d_inbufcounter += result;
if (d_inbufcounter == DATA_RECORD_LENGTH) {
d_inbufcounter = 0;
status = vrpn_Poser_Tek4662_SYNCING;
// Parse the input to find our position and store it in the tracker
// position.
float x,y;
bool pen_down;
if (!interpret_GIN_bytes(d_inbuf, pen_down, x, y)) {
send_text_message("vrpn_Poser_Tek4662: Error parsing position", timestamp, vrpn_TEXT_ERROR);
// Set and send tracker position.
pos[0] = x; pos[1] = y; pos[2] = 0;
d_quat[0] = d_quat[1] = d_quat[2] = 0; d_quat[3] = 1;
if (d_connection) {
char msgbuf[1000];
int len = vrpn_Tracker::encode_to(msgbuf);
if (d_connection->pack_message(len, timestamp,
position_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf,
fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_Poser_Tek4662: cannot write message: tossing\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_Poser_Tek4662: No valid connection\n");
// Request the position four times per second when we're outside of
// the position command. Remember to increment the number of outstanding
// requests so the position-request code keeps working. This will let
// the user move the plotter around with the joystick and have the
// tracker follow around. It will also keep sending reports so that a
// client the connects after reset will know where the plotter is fairly
// quickly.
if ((d_outstanding_requests == 0) && !d_new_location_requested) {
vrpn_gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
if (vrpn_TimevalDuration(now, timestamp) > 250000L) {
// Record the fact that we're asking so that we won't send a new
// command until the response completes.
vrpn_write_characters(d_serial_fd, GIN, strlen((const char*)GIN) );
// We need a watchdog timer to make sure that the plotter doesn't just
// die on us in the middle of a move. If we don't hear from it for 5 seconds,
// reset it.
vrpn_gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
if (vrpn_TimevalDuration(now, timestamp) > 5000000L) {
send_text_message("vrpn_Poser_Tek4662: Device timeout (resetting)", now, vrpn_TEXT_ERROR);
status = vrpn_Poser_Tek4662_RESETTING;
void vrpn_Poser_Tek4662::mainloop()
// Call the generic server mainloop routine, since this is a server
// Depending on what mode we're in, do our thing.
switch (status) {
case vrpn_Poser_Tek4662_RESETTING:
case vrpn_Poser_Tek4662_SYNCING:
case vrpn_Poser_Tek4662_RUNNING:
case vrpn_Poser_Tek4662_FAIL:
fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_Poser_Tek4662: Unknown status (%d)\n", status);
status = vrpn_Poser_Tek4662_FAIL;
int vrpn_Poser_Tek4662::handle_change_message(void* userdata,
vrpn_Poser_Tek4662* me = (vrpn_Poser_Tek4662 *)userdata;
const char* params = (p.buffer);
int i;
// Fill in the parameters to the poser from the message
if (p.payload_len != (7 * sizeof(vrpn_float64)) ) {
fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_Poser_Server: change message payload error\n");
fprintf(stderr," (got %d, expected %d)\n",
p.payload_len, static_cast<int>(7 * sizeof(vrpn_float64)) );
return -1;
me->p_timestamp = p.msg_time;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
vrpn_unbuffer(¶ms, &me->p_pos[i]);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
vrpn_unbuffer(¶ms, &me->p_quat[i]);
// Check the pose against the max and min values of the workspace
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (me->p_pos[i] < me->p_pos_min[i]) {
me->p_pos[i] = me->p_pos_min[i];
else if (me->p_pos[i] > me->p_pos_max[i]) {
me->p_pos[i] = me->p_pos_max[i];
// Set up so that run() will move the plotter to the requested location.
me->d_new_location_requested = true;
return 0;
int vrpn_Poser_Tek4662::handle_vel_change_message(void* userdata,
vrpn_Poser_Tek4662* me = (vrpn_Poser_Tek4662*)userdata;
const char* params = (p.buffer);
int i;
// Fill in the parameters to the poser from the message
if (p.payload_len != (8 * sizeof(vrpn_float64)) ) {
fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_Poser_Server: velocity message payload error\n");
fprintf(stderr," (got %d, expected %d)\n",
p.payload_len, static_cast<int>(8 * sizeof(vrpn_float64)) );
return -1;
me->p_timestamp = p.msg_time;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
vrpn_unbuffer(¶ms, &me->p_vel[i]);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
vrpn_unbuffer(¶ms, &me->p_vel_quat[i]);
vrpn_unbuffer(¶ms, &me->p_vel_quat_dt);
// Check the velocity against the max and min values of the workspace
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (me->p_vel[i] < me->p_vel_min[i]) {
me->p_vel[i] = me->p_vel_min[i];
else if (me->p_vel[i] > me->p_vel_max[i]) {
me->p_vel[i] = me->p_vel_max[i];
// No response to this message.
return 0;
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