同步操作将从 王东祥/HongYuDSC 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
//zend by QQ:1527200768 鸿宇科技 禁止倒卖 一经发现停止任何服务
define('IN_ECS', true);
if (!(function_exists('htmlspecialchars_decode')))
function htmlspecialchars_decode($string, $quote_style = ENT_COMPAT)
return strtr($string, array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS, $quote_style)));
if (empty($_GET['encode']))
$string = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/lib_base.php';
$string = stripslashes_deep($string);
$string['search_encode_time'] = time();
$string = str_replace('+', '%2b', base64_encode(serialize($string)));
header('Location: wholesale_search.php?encode=' . $string . "\n");
$string = base64_decode(trim($_GET['encode']));
if ($string !== false)
$string = unserialize($string);
if ($string !== false)
if (!(empty($string['search_encode_time'])))
if (($string['search_encode_time'] + 2) < time())
define('INGORE_VISIT_STATS', true);
define('INGORE_VISIT_STATS', true);
$string = array();
$string = array();
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/init.php';
$_REQUEST = array_merge($_REQUEST, addslashes_deep($string));
$_REQUEST['act'] = (!(empty($_REQUEST['act'])) ? trim($_REQUEST['act']) : '');
$_REQUEST['keywords'] = (!(empty($_REQUEST['keywords'])) ? strip_tags(htmlspecialchars(trim($_REQUEST['keywords']))) : '');
$_REQUEST['keywords'] = (!(empty($_REQUEST['keywords'])) ? addslashes_deep(trim($_REQUEST['keywords'])) : '');
$_REQUEST['category'] = (!(empty($_REQUEST['category'])) ? intval($_REQUEST['category']) : 0);
$_REQUEST['goods_type'] = (!(empty($_REQUEST['goods_type'])) ? intval($_REQUEST['goods_type']) : 0);
$action = '';
if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'form'))
$adv_value['keywords'] = htmlspecialchars(stripcslashes($_REQUEST['keywords']));
$adv_value['category'] = $_REQUEST['category'];
$attributes = get_seachable_attributes($_REQUEST['goods_type']);
foreach ($attributes['attr'] as $key => $val )
if (!(empty($_REQUEST['attr'][$val['id']])))
if ($val['type'] == 2)
$attributes['attr'][$key]['value']['from'] = (!(empty($_REQUEST['attr'][$val['id']]['from'])) ? htmlspecialchars(stripcslashes(trim($_REQUEST['attr'][$val['id']]['from']))) : '');
$attributes['attr'][$key]['value']['to'] = (!(empty($_REQUEST['attr'][$val['id']]['to'])) ? htmlspecialchars(stripcslashes(trim($_REQUEST['attr'][$val['id']]['to']))) : '');
$attributes['attr'][$key]['value'] = (!(empty($_REQUEST['attr'][$val['id']])) ? htmlspecialchars(stripcslashes(trim($_REQUEST['attr'][$val['id']]))) : '');
$smarty->assign('adv_val', $adv_value);
$smarty->assign('goods_type_list', $attributes['cate']);
$smarty->assign('goods_attributes', $attributes['attr']);
$smarty->assign('goods_type_selected', $_REQUEST['goods_type']);
$smarty->assign('cat_list', cat_list(0, $adv_value['category'], true, 2, false));
$smarty->assign('action', 'form');
$smarty->assign('use_storage', $_CFG['use_storage']);
$action = 'form';
$keywords = '';
$tag_where = '';
if (!(empty($_REQUEST['keywords'])))
$scws_res = scws($_REQUEST['keywords']);
$arr = explode(',', $scws_res);
$goods_ids = array();
foreach ($arr as $key => $val )
if ((0 < $key) && ($key < count($arr)) && (1 < count($arr)))
$keywords .= $operator;
$val = mysql_like_quote(trim($val));
$keywords .= ' AND w.goods_name LIKE \'%' . $val . '%\' OR w.goods_price LIKE \'%' . $val . '%\' ';
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT goods_id FROM ' . $ecs->table('tag') . ' WHERE tag_words LIKE \'%' . $val . '%\' ';
$res = $db->query($sql);
while ($row = $db->FetchRow($res))
$goods_ids[] = $row['goods_id'];
$db->autoReplace($ecs->table('keywords'), array('date' => local_date('Y-m-d'), 'searchengine' => 'ecshop', 'keyword' => addslashes(str_replace('%', '', $val)), 'count' => 1), array('count' => 1));
$goods_ids = array_unique($goods_ids);
$tag_where = implode(',', $goods_ids);
if (!(empty($tag_where)))
$tag_where = 'OR g.goods_id ' . db_create_in($tag_where);
$category = (!(empty($_REQUEST['category'])) ? intval($_REQUEST['category']) : 0);
$categories = (0 < $category ? ' AND ' . get_children($category) : '');
$default_display_type = ($_CFG['show_order_type'] == '0' ? 'list' : ($_CFG['show_order_type'] == '1' ? 'grid' : 'text'));
$default_sort_order_method = ($_CFG['sort_order_method'] == '0' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC');
$default_sort_order_type = ($_CFG['sort_order_type'] == '0' ? 'goods_id' : ($_CFG['sort_order_type'] == '1' ? 'shop_price' : 'last_update'));
$sort = (isset($_REQUEST['sort']) && in_array(trim(strtolower($_REQUEST['sort'])), array('goods_id', 'shop_price', 'last_update')) ? trim($_REQUEST['sort']) : $default_sort_order_type);
$order = (isset($_REQUEST['order']) && in_array(trim(strtoupper($_REQUEST['order'])), array('ASC', 'DESC')) ? trim($_REQUEST['order']) : $default_sort_order_method);
$display = (isset($_REQUEST['display']) && in_array(trim(strtolower($_REQUEST['display'])), array('list', 'grid', 'text')) ? trim($_REQUEST['display']) : (isset($_SESSION['display_search']) ? $_SESSION['display_search'] : $default_display_type));
$_SESSION['display_search'] = $display;
$page = (!(empty($_REQUEST['page'])) && (0 < intval($_REQUEST['page'])) ? intval($_REQUEST['page']) : 1);
$size = (!(empty($_CFG['page_size'])) && (0 < intval($_CFG['page_size'])) ? intval($_CFG['page_size']) : 10);
$intromode = '';
if (empty($ur_here))
$ur_here = $_LANG['search_goods'];
$attr_in = '';
$attr_num = 0;
$attr_url = '';
$attr_arg = array();
if (!(empty($_REQUEST['attr'])))
$sql = 'SELECT goods_id, COUNT(*) AS num FROM ' . $ecs->table('goods_attr') . ' WHERE 0 ';
foreach ($_REQUEST['attr'] as $key => $val )
if (is_not_null($val) && is_numeric($key))
$sql .= ' OR (1 ';
if (is_array($val))
$sql .= ' AND attr_id = \'' . $key . '\'';
if (!(empty($val['from'])))
$sql .= (is_numeric($val['from']) ? ' AND attr_value >= ' . floatval($val['from']) : ' AND attr_value >= \'' . $val['from'] . '\'');
$attr_arg['attr[' . $key . '][from]'] = $val['from'];
$attr_url .= '&attr[' . $key . '][from]=' . $val['from'];
if (!(empty($val['to'])))
$sql .= (is_numeric($val['to']) ? ' AND attr_value <= ' . floatval($val['to']) : ' AND attr_value <= \'' . $val['to'] . '\'');
$attr_arg['attr[' . $key . '][to]'] = $val['to'];
$attr_url .= '&attr[' . $key . '][to]=' . $val['to'];
$sql .= (isset($_REQUEST['pickout']) ? ' AND attr_id = \'' . $key . '\' AND attr_value = \'' . $val . '\' ' : ' AND attr_id = \'' . $key . '\' AND attr_value LIKE \'%' . mysql_like_quote($val) . '%\' ');
$attr_url .= '&attr[' . $key . ']=' . $val;
$attr_arg['attr[' . $key . ']'] = $val;
$sql .= ')';
if (0 < $attr_num)
$sql .= ' GROUP BY goods_id HAVING num = \'' . $attr_num . '\'';
$row = $db->getCol($sql);
if (count($row))
$attr_in = ' AND ' . db_create_in($row, 'g.goods_id');
$attr_in = ' AND 0 ';
else if (isset($_REQUEST['pickout']))
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(goods_id) FROM ' . $ecs->table('goods_attr');
$col = $db->getCol($sql);
if (!(empty($col)))
$attr_in = ' AND ' . db_create_in($col, 'g.goods_id');
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $ecs->table('wholesale') . ' AS w ' . 'WHERE w.enabled = 1 AND w.review_status = 3 ' . $attr_in . ' ' . $categories . $keywords . $tag_where;
$count = $db->getOne($sql);
$max_page = (0 < $count ? ceil($count / $size) : 1);
if ($max_page < $page)
$page = $max_page;
$sql = 'SELECT w.*, g.goods_thumb, g.goods_img, MIN(wvp.volume_number) AS volume_number, wvp.volume_price ' . 'FROM ' . $ecs->table('wholesale') . ' AS w ' . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . ' AS g ON w.goods_id = g.goods_id ' . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('wholesale_volume_price') . ' AS wvp ON wvp.goods_id = g.goods_id ' . 'WHERE w.enabled = 1 AND w.review_status = 3 ' . $attr_in . ' ' . $categories . $keywords . $tag_where . ' GROUP BY w.goods_id ORDER BY w.goods_id DESC ';
$res = $db->SelectLimit($sql, $size, ($page - 1) * $size);
$arr = array();
while ($row = $db->FetchRow($res))
$watermark_img = '';
if ($watermark_img != '')
$arr[$row['goods_id']]['watermark_img'] = $watermark_img;
$arr[$row['goods_id']]['goods_id'] = $row['goods_id'];
if ($display == 'grid')
$arr[$row['goods_id']]['goods_name'] = (0 < $GLOBALS['_CFG']['goods_name_length'] ? sub_str($row['goods_name'], $GLOBALS['_CFG']['goods_name_length']) : $row['goods_name']);
$arr[$row['goods_id']]['goods_name'] = $row['goods_name'];
$arr[$row['goods_id']]['goods_extend'] = get_wholesale_extend($row['goods_id']);
$arr[$row]['goods_price'] = $row['goods_price'];
$arr[$row]['goods_sale'] = get_sale($row['goods_id']);
$arr[$row]['moq'] = $row['moq'];
$arr[$row]['volume_number'] = $row['volume_number'];
$arr[$row]['volume_price'] = $row['volume_price'];
$arr[$row['goods_id']]['rz_shopName'] = get_shop_name($row['user_id'], 1);
$build_uri = array('urid' => $row['user_id'], 'append' => $row['rz_shopName']);
$domain_url = get_seller_domain_url($row['user_id'], $build_uri);
$arr[$row['goods_id']]['store_url'] = $domain_url['domain_name'];
$arr[$row['goods_id']]['goods_name'] = $row['goods_name'];
$arr[$row['goods_id']]['goods_price'] = $row['goods_price'];
$arr[$row['goods_id']]['moq'] = $row['moq'];//jmwl
$arr[$row['goods_id']]['volume_number'] = $row['volume_number'];
$arr[$row['goods_id']]['volume_price'] = $row['volume_price'];
$arr[$row['goods_id']]['goods_sale'] = get_sale($row['goods_id']);
$arr[$row['goods_id']]['price_model'] = $row['price_model'];
$arr[$row['goods_id']]['promote_price'] = (0 < $promote_price ? price_format($promote_price) : '');
$arr[$row['goods_id']]['goods_thumb'] = get_image_path($row['goods_id'], $row['goods_thumb'], true);
$arr[$row['goods_id']]['goods_img'] = get_image_path($row['goods_id'], $row['goods_img']);
$arr[$row['goods_id']]['url'] = build_uri('wholesale_goods', array('aid' => $row['act_id']), $row['goods_name']);
if ($display == 'grid')
if ((count($arr) % 2) != 0)
$arr[] = array();
$business_cate = get_business_category_tree();
$smarty->assign('business_cate', $business_cate);
$smarty->assign('goods_list', $arr);
$smarty->assign('category', $category);
$smarty->assign('keywords', htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['keywords'])));
$smarty->assign('search_keywords', stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($_REQUEST['keywords'])));
$url_format = 'wholesale_search.php?category=' . $category . '&keywords=' . urlencode(stripslashes($_REQUEST['keywords'])) . '&action=' . $action . '&goods_type=' . $_REQUEST['goods_type'] . '&sc_ds=' . $_REQUEST['sc_ds'];
if (!(empty($intromode)))
$url_format .= '&intro=' . $intromode;
if (isset($_REQUEST['pickout']))
$url_format .= '&pickout=1';
$url_format .= '&sort=' . $sort;
$url_format .= $attr_url . '&order=' . $order . '&page=';
$pager['search'] = array('keywords' => stripslashes(urlencode($_REQUEST['keywords'])), 'category' => $category, 'sort' => $sort, 'order' => $order, 'action' => $action, 'goods_type' => $_REQUEST['goods_type']);
$pager['search'] = array_merge($pager['search'], $attr_arg);
$pager = get_pager('search.php', $pager['search'], $count, $page, $size);
$pager['display'] = $display;
$smarty->assign('url_format', $url_format);
$smarty->assign('pager', $pager);
$position = assign_ur_here(0, $ur_here . ($_REQUEST['keywords'] ? '_' . $_REQUEST['keywords'] : ''));
$smarty->assign('page_title', $position['title']);
$smarty->assign('ur_here', $position['ur_here']);
$smarty->assign('intromode', $intromode);
$smarty->assign('categories', get_categories_tree());
$smarty->assign('helps', get_shop_help());
$smarty->assign('promotion_info', get_promotion_info());
function is_not_null($value)
if (is_array($value))
return !(empty($value['from'])) || !(empty($value['to']));
return !(empty($value));
function get_seachable_attributes($cat_id = 0)
$attributes = array( 'cate' => array(), 'attr' => array() );
$sql = 'SELECT t.cat_id, cat_name FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_type') . ' AS t, ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('attribute') . ' AS a' . ' WHERE t.cat_id = a.cat_id AND t.enabled = 1 AND a.attr_index > 0 ';
$cat = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);
if (!(empty($cat)))
foreach ($cat as $val )
$attributes['cate'][$val['cat_id']] = $val['cat_name'];
$where = (0 < $cat_id ? ' AND a.cat_id = ' . $cat_id : ' AND a.cat_id = ' . $cat[0]['cat_id']);
$sql = 'SELECT attr_id, attr_name, attr_input_type, attr_type, attr_values, attr_index, sort_order ' . ' FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('attribute') . ' AS a ' . ' WHERE a.attr_index > 0 ' . $where . ' ORDER BY cat_id, sort_order ASC';
$res = $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql);
while ($row = $GLOBALS['db']->FetchRow($res))
if (($row['attr_index'] == 1) && ($row['attr_input_type'] == 1))
$row['attr_values'] = str_replace("\r", '', $row['attr_values']);
$options = explode("\n", $row['attr_values']);
$attr_value = array();
foreach ($options as $opt )
$attr_value[$opt] = $opt;
$attributes['attr'][] = array('id' => $row['attr_id'], 'attr' => $row['attr_name'], 'options' => $attr_value, 'type' => 3);
$attributes['attr'][] = array('id' => $row['attr_id'], 'attr' => $row['attr_name'], 'type' => $row['attr_index']);
return $attributes;
function get_wholesale_volume_price($goods_id = 0, $goods_number = 0)
$sql = ' SELECT price_model, goods_price FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('wholesale') . ' WHERE goods_id = \'' . $goods_id . '\' ';
$res = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql);
if ($res['price_model'])
$sql = ' SELECT volume_number, volume_price FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('wholesale_volume_price') . ' WHERE goods_id = \'' . $goods_id . '\' ORDER BY volume_number ASC ';
$res['volume_price'] = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);
foreach ($res['volume_price'] as $key => $val )
if ($key < (count($res['volume_price']) - 1))
$range_number = $res['volume_price'][$key + 1]['volume_number'] - 1;
$res['volume_price'][$key]['range_number'] = $range_number;
if ($val['volume_number'] <= $goods_number)
$res['volume_price'][$key]['is_reached'] = 1;
if (isset($res['volume_price'][$key - 1]['is_reached']))
unset($res['volume_price'][$key - 1]['is_reached']);
return $res['volume_price'];
function get_sale($goods_id = 0)
$sql = 'SELECT SUM(og.goods_number) FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('wholesale_order_info') . ' AS oi ' . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('wholesale_order_goods') . ' AS og ON og.order_id = oi.order_id ' . ' WHERE oi.main_order_id > 0 AND oi.is_delete = 0 AND oi.main_order_id > 0 AND og.goods_id=\'' . $goods_id . '\'';
$count = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql);
return $count;
function get_wholesale_extend($goods_id)
$extend_sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('wholesale_extend') . ' WHERE goods_id = \'' . $goods_id . '\'';
return $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($extend_sql);
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。