同步操作将从 王东祥/HongYuDSC 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
//zend by QQ:1527200768 鸿宇科技 禁止倒卖 一经发现停止任何服务
define('IN_ECS', true);
define('INIT_NO_USERS', true);
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/init.php';
if ((DEBUG_MODE & 2) != 2) {
$smarty->caching = true;
require ROOT_PATH . '/includes/lib_area.php';
$charset = (empty($_GET['charset']) ? EC_CHARSET : $_GET['charset']);
$type = (empty($_GET['type']) ? '' : 'collection');
if (strtolower($charset) == 'gb2312') {
$charset = 'gbk';
header('content-type: application/x-javascript; charset=' . ($charset == 'UTF8' ? 'utf-8' : $charset));
$cache_id = sprintf('%X', crc32($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']));
$tpl = ROOT_PATH . DATA_DIR . '/goods_script.html';
if (!$smarty->is_cached($tpl, $cache_id)) {
$time = gmtime();
$sql = '';
if ($type == '') {
$sitename = (!empty($_GET['sitename']) ? $_GET['sitename'] : '');
$_from = (!empty($_GET['charset']) && ($_GET['charset'] != 'UTF8') ? urlencode(ecs_iconv('UTF-8', 'GBK', $sitename)) : urlencode(@$sitename));
$goods_url = $ecs->url() . 'affiche.php?ad_id=-1&from=' . $_from . '&goods_id=';
$sql = 'SELECT goods_id, goods_name, market_price, goods_thumb, RAND() AS rnd, ' . 'IF(is_promote = 1 AND \'' . $time . '\' >= promote_start_date AND ' . '\'' . $time . '\' <= promote_end_date, promote_price, shop_price) AS goods_price ' . 'FROM ' . $ecs->table('goods') . ' AS g ' . 'WHERE is_delete = \'0\' AND is_on_sale = \'1\' AND is_alone_sale = \'1\' ';
if (!empty($_GET['cat_id'])) {
$sql .= ' AND ' . get_children(intval($_GET['cat_id']));
if (!empty($_GET['brand_id'])) {
$sql .= ' AND brand_id = \'' . intval($_GET['brand_id']) . '\'';
if (!empty($_GET['intro_type'])) {
$_GET['intro_type'] = trim($_GET['intro_type']);
if (($_GET['intro_type'] == 'is_best') || ($_GET['intro_type'] == 'is_new') || ($_GET['intro_type'] == 'is_hot') || ($_GET['intro_type'] == 'is_promote') || ($_GET['intro_type'] == 'is_random')) {
if ($_GET['intro_type'] == 'is_random') {
$sql .= ' ORDER BY rnd';
else {
if ($_GET['intro_type'] == 'is_promote') {
$sql .= ' AND promote_start_date <= \'' . $time . '\' AND promote_end_date >= \'' . $time . '\'';
$sql .= ' AND ' . $_GET['intro_type'] . ' = 1 ORDER BY add_time DESC';
else if ($type == 'collection') {
$uid = (int) $_GET['u'];
$goods_url = $ecs->url() . 'goods.php?u=' . $uid . '&id=';
$sql = 'SELECT g.goods_id, g.goods_name, g.market_price, g.goods_thumb, IF(g.is_promote = 1 AND \'' . $time . '\' >= g.promote_start_date AND ' . '\'' . $time . '\' <= g.promote_end_date, g.promote_price, g.shop_price) AS goods_price FROM ' . $ecs->table('goods') . ' g LEFT JOIN ' . $ecs->table('collect_goods') . ' c ON g.goods_id = c.goods_id ' . ' WHERE c.user_id = \'' . $uid . '\'';
$sql .= ' LIMIT ' . (!empty($_GET['goods_num']) ? intval($_GET['goods_num']) : 10);
$res = $db->query($sql);
$goods_list = array();
while ($goods = $db->fetchRow($res)) {
$goods['goods_price'] = price_format($goods['goods_price']);
if ($charset != EC_CHARSET) {
if (EC_CHARSET == 'gbk') {
$tmp_goods_name = htmlentities($goods['goods_name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'gb2312');
else {
$tmp_goods_name = htmlentities($goods['goods_name'], ENT_QUOTES, EC_CHARSET);
$goods['goods_name'] = ecs_iconv(EC_CHARSET, $charset, $tmp_goods_name);
$goods['goods_price'] = ecs_iconv(EC_CHARSET, $charset, $goods['goods_price']);
$goods['goods_name'] = 0 < $GLOBALS['_CFG']['goods_name_length'] ? sub_str($goods['goods_name'], $GLOBALS['_CFG']['goods_name_length']) : $goods['goods_name'];
$goods['goods_thumb'] = get_image_path($goods['goods_id'], $goods['goods_thumb'], true);
$goods_list[] = $goods;
$arrange = (empty($_GET['arrange']) || !in_array($_GET['arrange'], array('h', 'v')) ? 'h' : $_GET['arrange']);
$goods_num = (!empty($_GET['goods_num']) ? intval($_GET['goods_num']) : 10);
$rows_num = (!empty($_GET['rows_num']) ? intval($_GET['rows_num']) : '1');
if ($arrange == 'h') {
$goods_items = array_chunk($goods_list, $rows_num);
else {
$columns_num = ceil($goods_num / $rows_num);
$goods_items = array_chunk($goods_list, $columns_num);
$smarty->assign('goods_list', $goods_items);
$need_image = (empty($_GET['need_image']) || ($_GET['need_image'] == 'true') ? 1 : 0);
$smarty->assign('need_image', $need_image);
$smarty->assign('thumb_width', intval($_CFG['thumb_width']));
$smarty->assign('thumb_height', intval($_CFG['thumb_height']));
$smarty->assign('url', $ecs->url());
$smarty->assign('goods_url', $goods_url);
$output = $smarty->fetch($tpl, $cache_id);
$output = str_replace("\r", '', $output);
$output = str_replace("\n", '', $output);
echo 'document.write(\'' . $output . '\');';
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