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JanDitzen 提交于 2019-07-13 15:05 . Add files via upload
*! xtcd2 2.1 10Jun2019
*! author Jan Ditzen
*! see viewsource xtcd2.ado for more info.
Jan Ditzen - [email protected]
xtcd2 performs the CD test as poposed by Chudik and Pesaran (2013). Balanced as well as unbalanced panels are supported.
xtcd2 is a postestimation command, a sample has to be marked by e(sample) in advance.
xtcd2 residuals [,KDENsity name(string) rho NOESTimation]
, where residuals are saved residuals from an estimation which are tested to be cross sectional independent.
H0: cross sectional independence / weak cross sectional dependence (E(u_it u_jt) = 0)
The value of the CD statistic is saved in r(CD) and it's p-value in r(p).
KDENsity: plots a kernal density graph of the cross correlations together with some descriptive statistics.
name(name): if specified kernal density graph is saved under "name", histogram not drawn.
rho: saves the matrix with the cross correlations in r(rho).
NOESTimation: If command performed on residuals not after estimation.
Literature References:
Pesaran, M. H. 2015. Testing Weak Cross-Sectional Dependence in Large Panels.
Econometric Reviews 34(6-10): 1089-1117.
05.03.2015 Option NOESTimation added
09.03.2015 Error in r(rho) corrected.
20.01.2016 Mata matrices are being dropped now
06.03.2016 Mata function RHO added
23.06.2016 Error in e(sample) fixed.
09.01.2017 Error in histogram fixed
03.03.2017 kdensity instead of histogram
10.03.2017 Changed output of CD and p-value
01.06.2017 Added version function.
31.10.2017 Cross sectional into cross-sectional renamed
05.06.2019 Added check which command used before
10.06.2019 Uses xtset2 to detect type of panel rather than xtset.
cap program drop xtcd2
program define xtcd2, rclass
syntax [varlist(default=none max=1)] [if] [, KDENsity name(string) rho NOESTimation VERsion]
version 10
if "`version'" != "" {
di in gr "Version 1.21"
*ereturn clear
ereturn local version 1.21
tempvar id_n time_new
display "Pesaran (2015) test for weak cross-sectional dependence."
if "`if'" != "" {
qui keep `if'
** Check which estimation command
if "`noestimation'" == "" & "`varlist'" == "" {
*** xtdcce2
if regexm("`e(cmd)'","xtdcce2") == 1 {
local restype residuals
disp in smcl "Residuals calculated using {it: predict, residuals} from {it:xtdcce2}."
else if regexm("`e(cmd)'","xtreg") == 1 {
local restype e
disp in smcl "Residuals calculated using {it: predict, e} from {it:`e(cmd)'}."
else {
local restype residuals
disp in smcl "Residuals calculated using {it: predict, residuals}."
**Check if estimation
if "`noestimation'" == "" {
** Drop observations not in estimation
if "`varlist'" == "" {
tempname varlist
predict `varlist' , `restype'
qui keep if e(sample) & `varlist' != .
else if "`noestimation'" != "" {
*display "No Postestimation - missing values of variable `varlist' dropped." , _continue
qui keep if `varlist' != .
**Test if sample exists
qui sum `varlist'
if "`r(N)'" == "0" {
display in red "Error: no sample set"
** Determine N, T and type of panel
qui tsset
local id "`r(panelvar)'"
local timevar "`r(timevar)'"
local balanced "`r(balanced)'"
sort `id' `timevar'
egen `id_n' = group(`id')
egen `time_new' = group(`timevar')
if "`balanced'" != "strongly balanced" {
local balanced = 0
**Fill Panel such that panel has entries for any year and id
tsfill, full
display "Unbalanced panel detected, test adjusted."
if "`balanced'" == "strongly balanced" {
local balanced = 1
cap qui xtset2
if _rc != 0 {
noi disp "Please install xtset2 from xtdcce2 package."
noi disp "Panel information might be incorrect."
sum `id_n'
local N = r(max)
sum `time_new'
local T = r(max)
else {
local T = r(Tmax)
local N = r(N_g)
qui putmata r= `varlist' , replace
mata: r = colshape(r,`T')'
mata: RHO = xtcd2_make_rho(r,`N',`T',`balanced')
mata: CD = sqrt(2/(`N'*(`N'-1)))*sum(RHO) // equation 62 and 69 in Chudik, Pesaran (2013) - note: the sqrt(T) from 62 is missing and moved to calculations above
mata: st_numscalar("CD", CD)
scalar p_value = 2*(1-normal(abs(CD)))
disp ""
display "H0: errors are weakly cross-sectional dependent." ,
return scalar p = p_value
return scalar CD = CD
display _col(9) "CD = " _col(14) in gr %-9.3f CD
display _col(4) "p-value = " _col(14) in gr %-9.3f p_value
if "`kdensity'" == "kdensity" {
mata: rho_all = colshape(RHO,1) / sqrt(2*`T')
drop _all
getmata rho_all, replace
qui sum rho_all, detail
foreach s in mean min max p25 p50 p75 {
local s`s' : di %9.3f `r(`s')'
local s`s' = trim("`s`s''")
local sN: di %9.0f `r(N)'
local sN = trim("`sN'")
local cd: di %9.3f CD
local cd = trim("`cd'")
local pval: di %9.3f p_value
local pval = trim("`pval'")
if "`name'" != "" {
local graphname name(`name' , replace) nodraw
qui kdensity rho_all, xtitle({&rho}{sub:ij}) title(Cross-Sectional Correlations) `graphname' ///
note("{bf:Statistics:} CD = `cd', p-value: `pval'" "Obs: `sN', Mean: `smean'" "Min: `smin', Max: `smax'" "Percentiles:" "25%: `sp25' , 50%: `sp50', 75:% `sp75'")
if "`rho'" == "rho" {
mata: RHO_output = RHO / sqrt(2*`T')
mata: st_matrix("rho",RHO_output)
return matrix rho = rho
foreach s in r i j sumij sqsumi_2 sqsumj_2 RHO nonmissing T_nonmissing RHO_output CD {
capture mata mata drop `s'
capture mata mata drop xtcd2_make_rho()
function xtcd2_make_rho (real matrix r,
real scalar N,
real scalar T,
real scalar balanced )
RHO = J(N,N,.)
maxi = N - 1
for (i=1; i<=maxi; i++) {
minj = i + 1
for (j = minj; j<=N; j++) {
if (i<j) {
if (balanced == 1) {
ri = r[,i]
rj = r[,j]
//ri = r[i,]'
//rj = r[j,]'
sumij = ri'rj
sqsumi_2 = sqrt(ri'ri)
sqsumj_2 = sqrt(rj'rj)
//from p. 34 of Chudik, Pesaran (2013), sqrt added to use same CD equation at the end for balanced and unbalanced data
RHO[i,j] =sumij /(sqsumi_2*sqsumj_2)*sqrt(T)
if (balanced == 0) {
// Create dummy vector which contains nonmissings
nonmissing = rownonmissing(r[,i]):*rownonmissing(r[,j])
T_nonmissing = sum(nonmissing)
// Clean Data, i.e. correct missing values into zeros
ri = editmissing(r[,i],0)
rj = editmissing(r[,j],0)
ub_i = ri'*nonmissing / T_nonmissing
ub_j = rj'*nonmissing / T_nonmissing
u_i = ri :- ub_i
u_j = rj :- ub_j
// from p. 42 of Chudik, Pesaran (2013) - note: sqrt(T) is added here!
RHO[i,j] =u_i'*u_j /(sqrt(u_i'*u_i)*sqrt(u_j'*u_j))*sqrt(T_nonmissing)
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:huangleiabcde/xtdcce2.git
