同步操作将从 连享会/readWind 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
{* *! version 0.2 17jan2018}{...}
{vieweralsosee "fastreshape" "help fastreshape"}{...}
{viewerjumpto "Syntax" "fastreshape##syntax"}{...}
{viewerjumpto "Description" "fastreshape##description"}{...}
{viewerjumpto "Options" "fastreshape##options"}{...}
{viewerjumpto "Examples" "fastreshape##examples"}{...}
{hi:fastreshape} {hline 2} Efficient implementation of reshape for big datasets
{marker syntax}{title:Syntax}
long wide
+------------+ +----------------+
| i j stub | fastreshape | i stub1 stub2 |
|------------| <---------> |----------------|
| 1 1 4.1 | | 1 4.1 4.5 |
| 1 2 4.5 | | 2 3.3 3.0 |
| 2 1 3.3 | +----------------+
| 2 2 3.0 |
To go from long to wide:
{p 8 15 2}
{cmd:fastreshape} wide {it: stub}, i(i) j(j)
To go from wide to long:
{p 8 15 2}
{cmd:fastreshape} long {it: stub}, i(i) j(j)
{synoptset 20 tabbed}{...}
{synopthdr :options}
{syntab :Main}
{synopt :{cmdab:i(varlist)}}use varlist as the ID variables {p_end}
{synopt :{cmdab:j(varname)}}long->wide: varname, existing variable {p_end}
{synopt :{cmdab: }}wide->long: varname, new variable {p_end}
{synopt :{cmdab:s:tring }}j(varname) is a string variable (default numeric){p_end}
{syntab :Advanced}
{synopt :{opt fast}}Speed up processing significantly by not sorting reshaped dataset{p_end}
{marker description}{...}
{cmd:fastreshape} is an efficient implementation of reshape suitable for large datasets. It converts panel data from wide to long form and vice versa.
{marker options}{...}
{phang}{opt i(varlist)} specifies the variables whose unique values denote a logical observation. i() is required unless using the implicit syntax (see example 2) after having already reshaped once on a given dataset.
{phang}{opt j(varname)} specifies the variable whose unique values denote a subobservation.
{phang}{opt string} specifies that j() may contain string values.
{phang}{opt fast} speeds up the processing of reshape significantly by not sorting the dataset post-reshape. By default, fastreshape will not use this option and will sort by i and j (for fastreshape long) or by i (for fastreshape wide). This sort order ensures the output of fastreshape matches that of reshape; however, it is time-consuming to enforce this sort order and unncessary for many data tasks.
{marker examples}{...}
{marker example1}{...}
{pstd}{bf:Example 1}
{pstd}Load example dataset 1.{p_end}
{phang2}. {stata webuse reshape1, clear}{p_end}
{pstd}Examine the dataset prior to reshaping.{p_end}
{phang2}. {stata list}{p_end}
{pstd}Reshape the data from wide-form to long-form.{p_end}
{phang2}. {stata fastreshape long inc ue, i(id) j(year)}{p_end}
{pstd}Examine the data after reshaping.{p_end}
{phang2}. {stata list}{p_end}
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