hyperf admin with layuimini, Thx to hyperf/layui/layuimini . use JWT / RBAC for Auth .
Hyperf 是基于 Swoole 4.5+ 实现的高性能、高灵活性的 PHP 持久化框架,特别适用于微服务和中间件的开发
proxmox ve tools script(debian9+ can use it).Including email, samba, NFS set zfs max ram, nested virtualization ,docker , pci passthrough etc. for english user,please look the end of readme.
OceanBase is an enterprise distributed relational database with high availability, high performance, horizontal scalability and compatibility with SQL standards.
Guns基于Spring Boot2,致力于做更简洁的后台管理系统。包含系统管理,代码生成,多数据库适配,SSO单点登录,工作流,短信,邮件发送,OAuth2登录,任务调度,持续集成,docker部署等功。支持Spring Cloud Alibaba微服务。社区活跃,版本迭代快,加群免费技术支持。