OpenNJet主要集成了分布式服务 telemetry 模块:分布式服务追踪模块:;服务内部模块间追踪,用于跟踪应用程序的性能和交付路径。
最近更新: 9天前OpenNJet 实现了NGINX 云原生功能增强、安全加固和代码重构,利用动态加载机制可以实现不同的产品形态,如Web服务器、流媒体服务器、负载均衡、代理(Proxy)、应用中间件、API网关、消息队列等产品形态等等。
最近更新: 9天前OpenNJet Application Engine is based on Nginx, it provides dynamic configuration without reload, has enhancements for cloud native environment, can be used as ingress controller, sidecar or API gateway.
最近更新: 4个月前The Community repo is to store all the information about openEuler Community, inclouding governance, SIGs(project teams), Communications and etc.
最近更新: 1年多前