

hjx_gitff 暂无简介

所有 个人的 我参与的
Forks 暂停/关闭的

    hjx_gitff/docs forked from openEuler/docs

    To build and enrich documentation for openEuler project.

    hjx_gitff/nvwa_2 forked from src-openEuler/nvwa

    A daemon process for kernel online update

    hjx_gitff/nvwa_1 forked from src-openEuler/nvwa

    A daemon process for kernel online update

    hjx_gitff/nvwa forked from src-openEuler/nvwa

    A daemon process for kernel online update

    hjx_gitff/community forked from openEuler/community

    Community governance is listed in the repository.

    hjx_gitff/criu forked from src-openEuler/criu

    A tool of Checkpoint/Restore in User-space

    hjx_gitff/kernel forked from openEuler/kernel

    openEuler 是一个开源、免费的Linux发行版,将通过开放的社区形式与全球的开发者共同构建一个开放、多元和架构包容的软件生态体系。同时,openEuler也是一个创新的平台,鼓励任何人在该平台上提出新想法、开拓新思路、实践新方案。
