同步操作将从 王晓鹏/fsm 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
// Simple FSM/HFSM class
// - rlyeh [2011..2015], zlib/libpng licensed.
// [ref] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite-state_machine
// [todo] GOAP? behavior trees?
// [todo] counters
// [note] common actions are 'init', 'quit', 'push', 'back' (integers)
// - init and quit are called everytime a state is created or destroyed.
// - push and back are called everytime a state is paused or resumed. Ie, when pushing and popping the stack tree.
// [note] on child states (tree of fsm's):
// - actions are handled to the most inner active state in the decision tree
// - unhandled actions are delegated to the parent state handler until handled or discarded by root state
#pragma once
#define FSM_VERSION "1.0.0" /* (2015/11/29) Code revisited to use fourcc integers (much faster); clean ups suggested by Chang Qian
#define FSM_VERSION "0.0.0" // (2014/02/15) Initial version */
#include <algorithm>
#include <deque>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace fsm
template<typename T>
inline std::string to_string( const T &t ) {
std::stringstream ss;
return ss << t ? ss.str() : std::string();
inline std::string to_string( const std::string &t ) {
return t;
typedef std::vector<std::string> args;
typedef std::function< void( const fsm::args &args ) > call;
struct state {
int name;
fsm::args args;
state( const int &name = 'null' ) : name(name)
state operator()() const {
state self = *this;
self.args = {};
return self;
template<typename T0>
state operator()( const T0 &t0 ) const {
state self = *this;
self.args = { fsm::to_string(t0) };
return self;
template<typename T0, typename T1>
state operator()( const T0 &t0, const T1 &t1 ) const {
state self = *this;
self.args = { fsm::to_string(t0), fsm::to_string(t1) };
return self;
operator int () const {
return name;
bool operator<( const state &other ) const {
return name < other.name;
bool operator==( const state &other ) const {
return name == other.name;
template<typename ostream>
inline friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &out, const state &t ) {
if( t.name >= 256 ) {
out << char((t.name >> 24) & 0xff);
out << char((t.name >> 16) & 0xff);
out << char((t.name >> 8) & 0xff);
out << char((t.name >> 0) & 0xff);
} else {
out << t.name;
out << "(";
std::string sep;
for(auto &arg : t.args ) {
out << sep << arg;
sep = ',';
out << ")";
return out;
typedef state trigger;
struct transition {
fsm::state previous, trigger, current;
template<typename ostream>
inline friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &out, const transition &t ) {
out << t.previous << " -> " << t.trigger << " -> " << t.current;
return out;
class stack {
stack( const fsm::state &start = 'null' ) : deque(1) {
deque[0] = start;
call( deque.back(), 'init' );
stack( int start ) : stack( fsm::state(start) )
~stack() {
// ensure state destructors are called (w/ 'quit')
while( size() ) {
// pause current state (w/ 'push') and create a new active child (w/ 'init')
void push( const fsm::state &state ) {
if( deque.size() && deque.back() == state ) {
// queue
call( deque.back(), 'push' );
deque.push_back( state );
call( deque.back(), 'init' );
// terminate current state and return to parent (if any)
void pop() {
if( deque.size() ) {
call( deque.back(), 'quit' );
if( deque.size() ) {
call( deque.back(), 'back' );
// set current active state
void set( const fsm::state &state ) {
if( deque.size() ) {
replace( deque.back(), state );
} else {
// number of children (stack)
size_t size() const {
return deque.size();
// info
// [] classic behaviour: "hello"[5] = undefined, "hello"[-1] = undefined
// [] extended behaviour: "hello"[5] = h, "hello"[-1] = o, "hello"[-2] = l
fsm::state get_state( signed pos = -1 ) const {
signed size = (signed)(deque.size());
return size ? *( deque.begin() + (pos >= 0 ? pos % size : size - 1 + ((pos+1) % size) ) ) : fsm::state();
fsm::transition get_log( signed pos = -1 ) const {
signed size = (signed)(log.size());
return size ? *( log.begin() + (pos >= 0 ? pos % size : size - 1 + ((pos+1) % size) ) ) : fsm::transition();
std::string get_trigger() const {
std::stringstream ss;
return ss << current_trigger, ss.str();
bool is_state( const fsm::state &state ) const {
return deque.empty() ? false : ( deque.back() == state );
/* (idle)___(trigger)__/''(hold)''''(release)''\__
bool is_idle() const { return transition.previous == transition.current; }
bool is_triggered() const { return transition.previous == transition.current; }
bool is_hold() const { return transition.previous == transition.current; }
bool is_released() const { return transition.previous == transition.current; } */
// setup
fsm::call &on( const fsm::state &from, const fsm::state &to ) {
return callbacks[ bistate(from,to) ];
// generic call
bool call( const fsm::state &from, const fsm::state &to ) const {
std::map< bistate, fsm::call >::const_iterator found = callbacks.find(bistate(from,to));
if( found != callbacks.end() ) {
log.push_back( { from, current_trigger, to } );
if( log.size() > 50 ) {
found->second( to.args );
return true;
return false;
// user commands
bool command( const fsm::state &trigger ) {
size_t size = this->size();
if( !size ) {
return false;
current_trigger = fsm::state();
std::deque< states::reverse_iterator > aborted;
for( auto it = deque.rbegin(); it != deque.rend(); ++it ) {
fsm::state &self = *it;
if( !call(self,trigger) ) {
for( auto it = aborted.begin(), end = aborted.end(); it != end; ++it ) {
call(**it, 'quit');
current_trigger = trigger;
return true;
return false;
template<typename T>
bool command( const fsm::state &trigger, const T &arg1 ) {
return command( trigger(arg1) );
template<typename T, typename U>
bool command( const fsm::state &trigger, const T &arg1, const U &arg2 ) {
return command( trigger(arg1, arg2) );
// debug
template<typename ostream>
ostream &debug( ostream &out ) {
int total = log.size();
out << "status {" << std::endl;
std::string sep = "\t";
for( states::const_reverse_iterator it = deque.rbegin(), end = deque.rend(); it != end; ++it ) {
out << sep << *it;
sep = " -> ";
out << std::endl;
out << "} log (" << total << " entries) {" << std::endl;
for( int i = 0 ; i < total; ++i ) {
out << "\t" << log[i] << std::endl;
out << "}" << std::endl;
return out;
// aliases
bool operator()( const fsm::state &trigger ) {
return command( trigger );
template<typename T>
bool operator()( const fsm::state &trigger, const T &arg1 ) {
return command( trigger(arg1) );
template<typename T, typename U>
bool operator()( const fsm::state &trigger, const T &arg1, const U &arg2 ) {
return command( trigger(arg1, arg2) );
template<typename ostream>
inline friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &out, const stack &t ) {
return t.debug( out ), out;
void replace( fsm::state ¤t, const fsm::state &next ) {
call( current, 'quit' );
current = next;
call( current, 'init' );
typedef std::pair<int, int> bistate;
std::map< bistate, fsm::call > callbacks;
mutable std::deque< fsm::transition > log;
std::deque< fsm::state > deque;
fsm::state current_trigger;
typedef std::deque< fsm::state > states;
// basic fsm, CD player sample
#include <iostream>
// custom states (gerunds) and actions (infinitives)
enum {
struct cd_player {
// implementation variables
bool has_cd;
// implementation conditions / guards
bool good_disk_format() { return true; }
// implementation actions
void open_tray() { std::cout << "opening tray" << std::endl; }
void close_tray() { std::cout << "closing tray" << std::endl; }
void get_cd_info() { std::cout << "retrieving CD info" << std::endl; }
void start_playback( const std::string &track ) { std::cout << "playing track #" << track << std::endl; }
// the core
fsm::stack fsm;
cd_player() : has_cd(false)
// define fsm transitions: on(state,trigger) -> do lambda
fsm.on(opening,close) = [&]( const fsm::args &args ) {
if( !has_cd ) {
fsm.set( closing );
} else {
fsm.set( waiting );
fsm.on(opening,insert) = [&]( const fsm::args &args ) {
has_cd = true;
fsm.set( opening );
fsm.on(opening,eject) = [&]( const fsm::args &args ) {
has_cd = false;
fsm.set( opening );
fsm.on(closing,open) = [&]( const fsm::args &args ) {
fsm.set( opening );
fsm.on(waiting,play) = [&]( const fsm::args &args ) {
if( !good_disk_format() ) {
fsm.set( waiting );
} else {
start_playback( args[0] );
fsm.set( playing );
fsm.on(waiting,open) = [&]( const fsm::args &args ) {
fsm.set( opening );
fsm.on(playing,open) = [&]( const fsm::args &args ) {
fsm.set( opening );
fsm.on(playing,stop) = [&]( const fsm::args &args ) {
fsm.set( waiting );
// set initial fsm state
// usage
int main() {
cd_player cd;
for(;;) {
std::cout << "[" << cd.fsm.get_state() << "] ";
std::cout << "(o)pen lid/(c)lose lid, (i)nsert cd/(e)ject cd, (p)lay/(s)top cd? ";
char cmd;
std::cin >> cmd;
switch( cmd ) {
case 'p': cd.fsm.command(play,1+rand()%10); break;
case 'o': cd.fsm.command(open); break;
case 'c': cd.fsm.command(close); break;
case 's': cd.fsm.command(stop); break;
case 'i': cd.fsm.command(insert); break;
case 'e': cd.fsm.command(eject); break;
default : std::cout << "what?" << std::endl;
// basic hfsm sample
#include <iostream>
// custom states (gerunds) and actions (infinitives)
enum {
walking = 'WALK',
defending = 'DEFN',
tick = 'tick',
struct ant_t {
fsm::stack fsm;
int health, distance, flow;
ant_t() : health(0), distance(0), flow(1) {
// define fsm transitions: on(state,trigger) -> do lambda
fsm.on(walking, 'init') = [&]( const fsm::args &args ) {
std::cout << "initializing" << std::endl;
fsm.on(walking, 'quit') = [&]( const fsm::args &args ) {
std::cout << "exiting" << std::endl;
fsm.on(walking, 'push') = [&]( const fsm::args &args ) {
std::cout << "pushing current task." << std::endl;
fsm.on(walking, 'back') = [&]( const fsm::args &args ) {
std::cout << "back from another task. remaining distance: " << distance << std::endl;
fsm.on(walking, tick) = [&]( const fsm::args &args ) {
std::cout << "\r" << "\\|/-"[ distance % 4 ] << " walking " << (flow > 0 ? "-->" : "<--") << " ";
distance += flow;
if( 1000 == distance ) {
std::cout << "at food!" << std::endl;
flow = -flow;
if( -1000 == distance ) {
std::cout << "at home!" << std::endl;
flow = -flow;
fsm.on(defending, 'init') = [&]( const fsm::args &args ) {
health = 1000;
std::cout << "somebody is attacking me! he has " << health << " health points" << std::endl;
fsm.on(defending, tick) = [&]( const fsm::args &args ) {
std::cout << "\r" << "\\|/-$"[ health % 4 ] << " health: (" << health << ") ";
if( health < 0 ) {
std::cout << std::endl;
// set initial fsm state
fsm.set( walking );
int main() {
ant_t ant;
for(int i = 0; i < 12000; ++i) {
if( 0 == rand() % 10000 ) {
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