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SCM_Function.R 8.05 KB
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Yujiao Li 提交于 2016-04-04 04:20 . Added files via upload
# script SCM_Function.R
# the purpose of this script is to simulate the Synthetic Control Method
# first version: 160331
# this version: 160402
# last change by: Yujiao Li
#--- Funcion: rw.sim() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# rw.sim() generate the random walk
# Random Walk model: Y_t = tau * (Y_t-1) + et
# @timeLength: the length of time series
# @seed: the random seed
rw.sim <- function(timeLength, seed, tau) {
n <- timeLength
e <- rnorm(n)
y <- c()
y[1] <- e[1]
for (i in 2:n) {
y[i] <- tau *y[i - 1] + e[i]
# test
# rw.sim(timeLength = 10,tau=0.5,seed = 2)
# sapply(c(1,2,3), rw.sim, tau=1, timeLength=10)
#--- Funcion: dataRW.sim() -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# dataRW.sim() generate the controlUnits with the model of Random Walk
# Model: Zt = Z0 + Yt,
# Z0 is the common fixed random walk for each Zt,
# Yt is random walk varied by different seed ,
# return: Zt
# @controlNumber: the number of control units
# @timeLength: the length of time period
dataRW.sim <- function(controlNumber, timeLength,
tau, omiga, seed.control) {
seed.control.series <- sample(1:100000 , controlNumber )
Z0 <- rw.sim(seed = seed.control, tau = tau, timeLength = timeLength)
Yt <- sapply(seed.control.series , rw.sim, timeLength = timeLength, tau = tau)
Zt <- apply(Yt, 2, function(x) {
omiga * Z0 + (1 - omiga) * x
data <- data.frame(Zt)
round(data, digits = 4)
rownames(data) <- paste("Time", 1:timeLength , sep = "_")
colnames(data) <- paste("ControlUnit", 1:controlNumber ,sep = "_")
dataRW <- dataRW.sim( controlNumber = 5, timeLength = 10, tau = 0.5, omiga = 0.3, seed.control = 1 )
#--- Funcion: y.obs() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# y.obs() generate post-intervention observation given the pre-intervention data
# Model: Y_t = (Y_t-1 + e_t) * (1+alpha) ,
# alpha is the assumed caused effect from intervention
# return: y.obs
# @ y.hat: the equally weighted average of other control units
# @ intervention_Time : which time point is the intervention time
# @ alpha : the caused effect
# @ seed.post : random walk for the post-intervention observations
y.obs <- function(y.hat, intervention_Time, alpha, seed.treat) {
t.int <- intervention_Time
y.observation <- c()
# (1)==> ( y[1], y[2], ..., y[t] ) ------------#
# before the intervention, y.hat==y.observation
y.observation[1:t.int] <- y.hat[1:t.int]
# after the intervention, y.hat[t] = (y.hat[t-1] + e ) + alpha
# alpha is the effect from intervention
# the following random walk also needs te be set the seed for reproducible research
l <- length(y.hat)
ee <- rnorm(l - t.int)
# (2)==> y[t+1] -----------------------------------#
# y.observation : only 1 year after the intervetion
y.observation[t.int + 1] <- (y.hat[t.int] + ee[1]) * (1 + alpha)
# (3)==> (y[t+2], y[t+3], y[t+4], ....) -------------#
# y.observation : several years after the intervetion
for (j in (t.int + 2):l) {
y.observation[j] <- y.observation[j - 1] + ee[j - t.int]
# dataRW <-dataRW.sim(controlNumber = 5, timeLength = 10, omiga = 0.3, seed.control=0)
# y.Hat <- apply(dataRW, 1, mean)
# y.obs(y.hat=y.Hat , intervention_Time=5, alpha=1, seed.treat=100)
#--- Funcion: data.scm() -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# data.scm() (1)generate the dataframe which is simulated random walk
# (2)calculate the difference: alpha = y.Hat - y.Obs
# (2.1) y.Hat ==> Synthetic value (weighted average) and
# (2.2) y.Obs ==> True value (follow its own time series value)
# return: (1) data.scm as a dataframe
# (2) alpha.post_1 ==> After the intervention, what is the alpha of the following ONE year
# (3) alpha.post_n ==> After the intervention, what is the AVERAGE of alpha from the following SEVERAL years
data.scm <- function(timeLength , intervention_Time , controlNumber,
tau, omiga , alpha,
seed.treat,seed.control) {
# 1. simulate the data
data <- dataRW.sim(controlNumber = controlNumber, timeLength = timeLength ,
tau = tau, omiga = omiga, seed.control = seed.control)
y.Hat <- apply(data, 1, mean)
y.Obs <- y.obs(y.hat = y.Hat, intervention_Time = intervention_Time,
alpha = alpha, seed.treat = seed.treat )
# 2. alpha calculation
a.start <- intervention_Time + 1
a.end <- timeLength
alpha.post_1 <- y.Hat[a.start] - y.Obs[a.start]
alpha.post_n <- mean(y.Hat[a.start:a.end] - y.Obs[a.start:a.end])
names(alpha.post_1) = "alpha.one"
names(alpha.post_n) = "alpha.mean"
# 3. Merge as the dataframe
data.scm.frame <- data.frame("Time" = 1:timeLength, data, "Treat.Hat" = y.Hat, "Treat.Obs" = y.Obs)
return(list("data.scm" = data.scm.frame,
"alpha.post_1" = alpha.post_1,
"alpha.post_n" = alpha.post_n) )
# test
# data.scm.test <- data.scm(
# timeLength = 30,
# intervention_Time = 20,
# controlNumber = 10,
# tau = 0.5,
# omiga = 0.7,
# alpha = 2,
# seed.treat = 10,
# seed.control = 2 )
#--- Funcion: plot.scm() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# plot.scm() generate the plot of how the control units and treated unit varied
# return: plot
plot.scm <- function(data.scm, intervention_Time){
data.plot <- gather(data.scm, Unit, Value,-Time)
plot <- ggplot(data.plot, aes(x = Time, y = Value, colour = Unit,group = Unit)) +
geom_line(lwd = 1, alpha = 0.4,linetype = 1) +
data = data.plot[data.plot$Unit == "Treat.Obs",],
aes(x = Time, y = Value), colour = "red",
lwd = 1.5, linetype = 1 ) +
data = data.plot[data.plot$Unit == "Treat.Hat",],
aes(x = Time, y = Value), colour = "black",
lwd = 1.5,linetype = 1 ) +
data = data.plot[data.plot$Unit == "Treat.Obs",],
aes(x = Time, y = Value), colour = "black",size = 3 ) +
data = data.plot[data.plot$Unit == "Treat.Hat",],
aes(x = Time, y = Value), colour = "black",size = 3 ) +
geom_vline(xintercept = intervention_Time,linetype = "longdash") +
ggtitle("Synthetic Control Method\nSimulation") +
"text", label = paste0("Intervention \n = ",intervention_Time),
x = intervention_Time, y = (0.05 + min(data.plot$Value)),
size = 4, colour = "red") +
theme(legend.position = "none")
# data.plot.test <- data.scm.test$data.scm
# plot.scm(data.plot.test, intervention_Time=10)
# TEST (All)
# data.scm.test <- data.scm(
# timeLength = 30,
# intervention_Time = 15,
# controlNumber = 10,
# tau = 0.5,
# omiga = 0.7,
# alpha = 2,
# seed.treat = 100,
# seed.control = 2 )
# data.scm.test
# data.plot.test <- data.scm.test$data.scm
# plot.scm(data.plot.test, intervention_Time = 15)
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:hayeszhou/SytheticControlMethod.git
