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intersection.py 8.90 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
gaoxinghua01 提交于 2021-04-21 15:44 . add file
# - * - coding: utf - 8 - *-
import numpy as np
import math as m
from data import feed_date, get_ref_param
def projection_matrix_estimation(image, world):
'Finding P Matrix using DLT via svd'
img_pts = np.asarray(image)
world_pts = np.asarray(world)
n = world_pts.shape[0]
if n < 7:
print("lack of points")
A = np.zeros((2 * n, 12))
for i in range(n):
A[i * 2, 0:4] = -1 * world_pts[i, :]
A[i * 2, 8:12] = img_pts[i, 0] * world_pts[i, :]
A[i * 2 + 1, 4:8] = -1 * world_pts[i, :]
A[i * 2 + 1, 8:12] = img_pts[i, 1] * world_pts[i, :]
U, D, V = np.linalg.svd(A)
# print("U={}, D={}, V={}".format(V.shape, D.shape, V.shape))
P = V[11, :]
P = np.reshape(P, (3, 4))
if P[2, 3] != 0:
P = P / P[2, 3]
P = P / 0.001
return P
def KRT_from_projection(P):
'QR Decomposition get KRT from P'
temp = np.linalg.inv(P[0:3, 0:3])
R, K = np.linalg.qr(temp)
R = np.linalg.inv(R)
K = np.linalg.inv(K)
K = K / K[2, 2]
# K = abs(K) # need abs
T = -1 * np.matmul(temp, P[:, 3])
return K, R, T
def r_mat(f, w, k):
Rf = np.mat([[m.cos(f), 0, -m.sin(f)],
[0, 1, 0],
[m.sin(f), 0, m.cos(f)]])
Rw = np.mat([[1, 0, 0],
[0, m.cos(w), -m.sin(w)],
[0, m.sin(w), m.cos(w)]])
Rk = np.mat([[m.cos(k), -m.sin(k), 0],
[m.sin(k), m.cos(k), 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
# z y x
R = Rk * Rf * Rw
return R
def calc_xy(world, outer, inner, error, R):
X = [wo[0] for wo in world]
Y = [wo[1] for wo in world]
Z = [wo[2] for wo in world]
Xs, Ys, Zs = outer[0], outer[1], outer[2]
fx, fy, xo, yo = inner[0], inner[1], inner[2], inner[3]
k1, k2, p1, p2 = error[0], error[1], error[2], error[3]
calc_x = [0] * len(X)
calc_y = [0] * len(Y)
Ws = np.mat([Xs, Ys, Zs])
K = np.mat([[fx, 0, xo], [0, fy, yo], [0, 0, 1]])
for i in range(len(X)):
# 世界左边 current
current = np.mat([X[i], Y[i], Z[i]])
# camera = R * current + t
xy = R * current.T + Ws.T
# 归一化
tmp_x, tmp_y = xy[0]/xy[2], xy[1]/xy[2]
r2 = tmp_x ** 2 + tmp_y ** 2
# distorted_x = tmp_x * (1 + k1 * r2 + k2 * r2 ** 2) + 2 * p1 * tmp_x * tmp_y + p2 * (r2 + 2 * tmp_x ** 2)
# distorted_y = tmp_y * (1 + k1 * r2 + k2 * r2 ** 2) + 2 * p2 * tmp_x * tmp_y + p1 * (r2 + 2 * tmp_y ** 2)
distorted_x, distorted_y = 0, 0
calc_x[i] = xo + fx * distorted_x - fx * ((R[0, 0] * (X[i] - Xs) + R[1, 0] * (Y[i] - Ys) + R[2, 0] * (Z[i] - Zs))
/ (R[0, 2] * (X[i] - Xs) + R[1, 2] * (Y[i] - Ys) + R[2, 2] * (Z[i] - Zs)))
calc_y[i] = yo + fy * distorted_y - fy * ((R[0, 1] * (X[i] - Xs) + R[1, 1] * (Y[i] - Ys) + R[2, 1] * (Z[i] - Zs))
/ (R[0, 2] * (X[i] - Xs) + R[1, 2] * (Y[i] - Ys) + R[2, 2] * (Z[i] - Zs)))
# 返回的是像素
return calc_x, calc_y
def a_parameter(image_pts, world_pts, outer, inner, error, R, param_num):
Xs, Ys, Zs = outer[0], outer[1], outer[2]
fx, fy, xo, yo = inner[0], inner[1], inner[2], inner[3]
k1, k2, p1, p2 = error[0], error[1], error[2], error[3]
w, k = outer[4], outer[5]
x, y = image_pts[0], image_pts[1]
Ws = np.mat([Xs, Ys, Zs])
parameter = np.zeros((2, param_num))
minus = np.array([[world_pts[0] - outer[0]],
[world_pts[1] - outer[1]],
[world_pts[2] - outer[2]]])
mean = R.T * np.mat(minus)
# 6个外方位元素
parameter[0][0] = (R[0, 0] * fx + R[0, 2] * (x - xo)) / mean[2]
parameter[0][1] = (R[1, 0] * fx + R[1, 2] * (x - xo)) / mean[2]
parameter[0][2] = (R[2, 0] * fx + R[2, 2] * (x - xo)) / mean[2]
parameter[1][0] = (R[0, 1] * fy + R[0, 2] * (y - yo)) / mean[2]
parameter[1][1] = (R[1, 1] * fy + R[1, 2] * (y - yo)) / mean[2]
parameter[1][2] = (R[2, 1] * fy + R[2, 2] * (y - yo)) / mean[2]
parameter[0][3] = (y - yo) * m.sin(w) - (
((x - xo) / fx) * ((x - xo) * m.cos(k) - (y - yo) * m.sin(k)) + fx * m.cos(k)) * m.cos(w)
parameter[0][4] = -fx * m.sin(k) - ((x - xo) / fx) * ((x - xo) * m.sin(k) + (y - yo) * m.cos(k))
parameter[0][5] = y - yo
parameter[1][3] = -(x - xo) * m.sin(w) - (
((y - yo) / fy) * ((x - xo) * m.cos(k) - (y - yo) * m.sin(k)) - fy * m.cos(k)) * m.cos(w)
parameter[1][4] = -fy * m.cos(k) - ((y - yo) / fy) * ((x - xo) * m.sin(k) + (y - yo) * m.cos(k))
parameter[1][5] = -(x - xo)
current = np.mat([world_pts[0], world_pts[1], world_pts[2]])
xy = R * current.T + Ws.T
tmp_x, tmp_y = xy[0] / xy[2], xy[1] / xy[2]
r2 = tmp_x ** 2 + tmp_y ** 2
# distorted_x = tmp_x * (1 + k1 * r2 + k2 * r2 ** 2) + 2 * p1 * tmp_x * tmp_y + p2 * (r2 + 2 * tmp_x ** 2)
# distorted_y = tmp_y * (1 + k1 * r2 + k2 * r2 ** 2) + 2 * p2 * tmp_x * tmp_y + p1 * (r2 + 2 * tmp_y ** 2)
distorted_x, distorted_y = 0, 0
# fx, fy, xo, yo 6 + 4
if param_num > 6:
parameter[0][6] = (image_pts[0] - xo) / fx + distorted_x
parameter[0][7] = 0
parameter[0][8] = 1
parameter[0][9] = 0
parameter[1][6] = 0
parameter[1][7] = (image_pts[1] - yo) / fy + distorted_y
parameter[1][8] = 0
parameter[1][9] = 1
# k1, k2, p1, p2 10 + 4
if param_num > 10:
parameter[0][10] = tmp_x * r2
parameter[0][11] = tmp_x * r2 * r2
parameter[0][12] = 2 * tmp_x * tmp_y
parameter[0][13] = r2 + 2 * (tmp_x ** 2)
parameter[1][10] = tmp_y * r2
parameter[1][11] = tmp_y * r2 * r2
parameter[1][12] = r2 + 2 * (tmp_y ** 2)
parameter[1][13] = 2 * tmp_x * tmp_y
return parameter
def run(image_pts, world_pts, times=10, t1=1, t2=0.01):
# 6: 迭代内外元素
# 10: 内参 14: 误差
param_num = 14
n = len(image_pts)
image, world = [], []
# 齐次坐标
for i in range(n):
tmp1 = image_pts[i]
tmp2 = world_pts[i]
P = projection_matrix_estimation(image, world)
K, R, T = KRT_from_projection(P)
# 参数赋初值
omiga = kaba = fai = 0
Xos, Yos, Zos = T[0], T[1], T[2]
fx, fy, xo, yo = K[0][0], K[1][1], K[0][2], K[1][2]
print("初始内参: fx=%f, fy=%f, xo=%f, yo=%f" % (fx, fy, xo, yo))
k1 = k2 = p1 = p2 = 0.00001
# 误差 and A矩阵
L = np.mat(np.zeros((2 * n, 1)))
A = np.mat(np.zeros((2 * n, param_num)))
d_fx = d_fy = d_xo = d_yo = 100
dx = dy = dz = do = dk = df = 100
epoch = 0
while (abs(dx) > t1) | (abs(dy) > t1) | (abs(dz) > t1) | (abs(do) > t2) | (abs(dk) > t2) | (abs(df) > t2):
error = [k1, k2, p1, p2]
outer, inner = [Xos, Yos, Zos, fai, omiga, kaba], [fx, fy, xo, yo]
R = r_mat(fai, omiga, kaba)
calc_x, calc_y = calc_xy(world_pts, outer, inner, error, R)
for i in range(n):
# 像素点误差 用像素误差太大 一定要用mm
L[2 * i] = image_pts[i][0] - calc_x[i]
L[2 * i + 1] = image_pts[i][1] - calc_y[i]
for i in range(n):
A[2 * i:2 * i + 2, :] = a_parameter(image_pts[i], world_pts[i], outer, inner, error, R, param_num)
# 计算改正数
X = (A.T * A).I * A.T * L
Xos, Yos, Zos, fai, omiga, kaba = Xos + X[0, 0], Yos + X[1, 0], Zos + X[2, 0], \
fai + X[3, 0], omiga + X[4, 0], kaba + X[5, 0]
if param_num > 6:
fx, fy, xo, yo = fx + X[6, 0], fy + X[7, 0], xo + X[8, 0], yo + X[9, 0]
d_fx, d_fy, d_xo, d_yo = X[6, 0], X[7, 0], X[8, 0], X[9, 0]
if param_num > 10:
k1, k2, p1, p2 = k1 + X[10, 0], k2 + X[11, 0], p1 + X[12, 0], p2 + X[13, 0]
# 变成角度
for i in range(3, 6):
X[i, 0] = X[i, 0] * 180 / m.pi
dx, dy, dz, do, dk, df = X[0, 0], X[1, 0], X[2, 0], X[3, 0], X[4, 0], X[5, 0]
epoch += 1
if epoch <= times:
# print(X[10:14, :])
print("第 %d 次迭代:Xs=%f,Ys=%f,Zs=%f,fai=%f,omiga=%f,kaba=%f,fx=%f,fy=%f,xo=%f,yo=%f" %
(epoch, Xos, Yos, Zos, fai * 180 / m.pi, omiga*180/m.pi, kaba*180/m.pi, fx, fy, xo, yo))
if epoch < times:
print("结果为:Xs=%f,Ys=%f,Zs=%f,fai=%f,omiga=%f,kaba=%f,fx=%f,fy=%f,xo=%f,yo=%f" %
(Xos, Yos, Zos, fai, omiga, kaba, fx, fy, xo, yo))
print("结果为:k1=%f,k2=%f,p1=%f,p2=%f" % (k1, k2, p1, p2))
# return [Xos, Yos, Zos, fai * 180 / m.pi, omiga*180/m.pi, kaba*180/m.pi], [fx, fy, xo, yo]
if __name__ == '__main__':
# 不使用科学记数法
image_pts, world_pts = feed_date()
run(image_pts, world_pts, times=10, t1=1, t2=0.05)
# get_ref_param()
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:happy_china/camera_calibration.git
