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出道之后,蔡徐坤大部分精力都投身于新歌的创作和专辑的打造。彼时,他需要随着NINE PERCENT在三个月内完成17场大型巡回见面会,因此写歌的时间必须“挤出来”用。洗澡时、做造型时、飞机上、两个行程间或吃饭的空隙,只要有手机、旋律,任何地方都是他的创作场所;偶尔待在录音室里,甚至成为他的喘息时间。去年,新京报记者见到他时正值午饭,化妆室里传来哼鸣声,“采访完的休息时间,我都可以写一段词。我还年轻,我觉得这都OK。”他曾表示。而《1》的发表同样“违背”偶像市场的规律。蔡徐坤本可以每月发一首,制造更多话题。但他认为,一首首发表并不足以让外界更全面地了解他的音乐风格,“当别人都走得很快,我反而要踏踏实实一步步走。”偶尔听到舆论质疑他没有作品,蔡徐坤也曾犹豫,要不要先发一部分出来?但内心却总有个声音说,“你可以再多做几首不同风格的作品,让大家看到最全面、最好的你,而不是急于求成地去展现自己。”
After his debut, Cai devoted most of his energy to the creation of new songs and the creation of albums.\ At that time, he needed to complete 17 large\-scale tour meetings with nine percent in three months, so the time for writing songs had to be ``squeezed out".\ When bathing, modeling, on the plane, between two itineraries or between meals, as long as there is a mobile phone and melody, anywhere is his creation place; occasionally stay in the studio, even become his breathing time.\ Last year, when the reporter of the Beijing News saw him, it was lunch time, and there was a hum in the dressing room.\ ``I can write a paragraph during the rest time after the interview.\ I'm still young.\ I think it's OK.\ " He once said.
Cai Xukun, Basketball, Dance
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