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math3d.c 19.67 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Vasily Evseenko 提交于 2017-03-28 18:19 . Initial commit
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* With Grateful Acknowledgements to the books writen by Andre LaMothe:
* <Tricks of the 3D Game Programming Gurus-Advanced 3D Graphics and Rasterization>
* <Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus>
#include "math3d.h"
float my_cos_look[361]; // 1 extra element so we can store 0-360 inclusive
float my_sin_look[361];
float VECTOR3D_Length(VECTOR3D_PTR va) {
// computes the magnitude of a vector, slow
return ((float) sqrtf(va->x * va->x + va->y * va->y + va->z * va->z));
} // end VECTOR3D_Length
void VECTOR3D_Normalize(VECTOR3D_PTR va, VECTOR3D_PTR vn) {
// normalizes the sent vector and returns the result in vn
// compute length
float length = VECTOR3D_Length(va);
// test for zero length vector
// if found return zero vector
if (length < EPSILON_E5)
float length_inv = 1.0 / length;
// compute normalized version of vector
vn->x = va->x * length_inv;
vn->y = va->y * length_inv;
vn->z = va->z * length_inv;
} // end VECTOR3D_Normalize
float Fast_Distance_3D(float fx, float fy, float fz) {
// this function computes the distance from the origin to x,y,z
int32_t temp; // used for swaping
int32_t x, y, z; // used for algorithm
// make sure values are all positive
x = fabs(fx) * 1024;
y = fabs(fy) * 1024;
z = fabs(fz) * 1024;
// sort values
if (y < x)
SWAP3D(x, y, temp)
if (z < y)
SWAP3D(y, z, temp)
if (y < x)
SWAP3D(x, y, temp)
int32_t dist = (z + 11 * (y >> 5) + (x >> 2));
// compute distance with 8% error
return ((float) (dist >> 10));
} //
// these are the 4D version of the vector functions, they
// assume that the vectors are 3D with a w, so w is left
// out of all the operations
void VECTOR4D_Build(VECTOR4D_PTR init, VECTOR4D_PTR term, VECTOR4D_PTR result) {
// build a 4d vector
result->x = term->x - init->x;
result->y = term->y - init->y;
result->z = term->z - init->z;
result->w = 1;
} // end VECTOR4D_Build
// this function adds va+vb and return it in vsum
vsum->x = va->x + vb->x;
vsum->y = va->y + vb->y;
vsum->z = va->z + vb->z;
vsum->w = 1;
} // end VECTOR4D_Add
// this function adds va+vb and returns the result on
// the stack
VECTOR4D vsum;
vsum.x = va->x + vb->x;
vsum.y = va->y + vb->y;
vsum.z = va->z + vb->z;
vsum.w = 1;
// return result
return (vsum);
} // end VECTOR4D_Add
// this function subtracts va-vb and return it in vdiff
// the stack
vdiff->x = va->x - vb->x;
vdiff->y = va->y - vb->y;
vdiff->z = va->z - vb->z;
vdiff->w = 1;
} // end VECTOR4D_Sub
// this function subtracts va-vb and returns the result on
// the stack
VECTOR4D vdiff;
vdiff.x = va->x - vb->x;
vdiff.y = va->y - vb->y;
vdiff.z = va->z - vb->z;
vdiff.w = 1;
// return result
return (vdiff);
} // end VECTOR4D_Sub
void VECTOR4D_Scale(float k, VECTOR4D_PTR va) {
// this function scales a vector by the constant k,
// in place , note w is left unchanged
// multiply each component by scaling factor
va->x *= k;
va->y *= k;
va->z *= k;
va->w = 1;
} // end VECTOR4D_Scale
void VECTOR4D_Scale1(float k, VECTOR4D_PTR va, VECTOR4D_PTR vscaled) {
// this function scales a vector by the constant k,
// leaves the original unchanged, and returns the result
// in vres as well as on the stack
// multiply each component by scaling factor
vscaled->x = k * va->x;
vscaled->y = k * va->y;
vscaled->z = k * va->z;
vscaled->w = 1;
} // end VECTOR4D_Scale
// computes the dot product between va and vb
return ((va->x * vb->x) + (va->y * vb->y) + (va->z * vb->z));
} // end VECTOR4D_DOT
// this function computes the cross product between va and vb
// and returns the vector that is perpendicular to each in vn
vn->x = ((va->y * vb->z) - (va->z * vb->y));
vn->y = -((va->x * vb->z) - (va->z * vb->x));
vn->z = ((va->x * vb->y) - (va->y * vb->x));
vn->w = 1;
} // end VECTOR4D_Cross
// this function computes the cross product between va and vb
// and returns the vector that is perpendicular to each
vn.x = ((va->y * vb->z) - (va->z * vb->y));
vn.y = -((va->x * vb->z) - (va->z * vb->x));
vn.z = ((va->x * vb->y) - (va->y * vb->x));
vn.w = 1;
// return result
return (vn);
} // end VECTOR4D_Cross
float VECTOR4D_Length(VECTOR4D_PTR va) {
// computes the magnitude of a vector, slow
return (sqrtf(va->x * va->x + va->y * va->y + va->z * va->z));
} // end VECTOR4D_Length
float VECTOR4D_Length_Fast(VECTOR4D_PTR va) {
// computes the magnitude of a vector using an approximation
// very fast
return (Fast_Distance_3D(va->x, va->y, va->z));
} // end VECTOR4D_Length_Fast
void VECTOR4D_Normalize(VECTOR4D_PTR va) {
// normalizes the sent vector and returns the result
// compute length
float length = sqrtf(va->x * va->x + va->y * va->y + va->z * va->z);
// test for zero length vector
// if found return zero vector
if (length < EPSILON_E5)
float length_inv = 1.0 / length;
// compute normalized version of vector
va->x *= length_inv;
va->y *= length_inv;
va->z *= length_inv;
va->w = 1;
} // end VECTOR4D_Normalize
void VECTOR4D_Normalize1(VECTOR4D_PTR va, VECTOR4D_PTR vn) {
// normalizes the sent vector and returns the result in vn
// compute length
float length = sqrt(va->x * va->x + va->y * va->y + va->z * va->z);
// test for zero length vector
// if found return zero vector
if (length < EPSILON_E5)
float length_inv = 1.0 / length;
// compute normalized version of vector
vn->x = va->x * length_inv;
vn->y = va->y * length_inv;
vn->z = va->z * length_inv;
vn->w = 1;
} // end VECTOR4D_Normalize
// this function returns the cosine of the angle between
// two vectors. Note, we could compute the actual angle,
// many many times, in further calcs we will want ultimately
// compute cos of the angle, so why not just leave it!
return (VECTOR4D_Dot(va, vb) / (VECTOR4D_Length(va) * VECTOR4D_Length(vb)));
} // end VECTOR4D_CosTh
int Mat_Mul1X2_3X2(MATRIX1X2_PTR ma, MATRIX3X2_PTR mb, MATRIX1X2_PTR mprod) {
// this function multiplies a 1x2 matrix against a
// 3x2 matrix - ma*mb and stores the result
// using a dummy element for the 3rd element of the 1x2
// to make the matrix multiply valid i.e. 1x3 X 3x2
int col = 0;
int index = 0;
for (col = 0; col < 2; col++) {
// compute dot product from row of ma
// and column of mb
float sum = 0; // used to hold result
for (index = 0; index < 2; index++) {
// add in next product pair
sum += (ma->M[index] * mb->M[index][col]);
} // end for index
// add in last element * 1
sum += mb->M[index][col];
// insert resulting col element
mprod->M[col] = sum;
} // end for col
return (1);
} // end Mat_Mul_1X2_3X2
void Mat_Add_4X4(MATRIX4X4_PTR ma, MATRIX4X4_PTR mb, MATRIX4X4_PTR msum) {
// this function adds two 4x4 matrices together and
// and stores the result
for (int32_t row = 0; row < 4; row++) {
for (int32_t col = 0; col < 4; col++) {
// insert resulting row,col element
msum->M[row][col] = ma->M[row][col] + mb->M[row][col];
} // end for col
} // end for row
} // end Mat_Add_4X4
void Mat_Mul_4X4(MATRIX4X4_PTR ma, MATRIX4X4_PTR mb, MATRIX4X4_PTR mprod) {
// this function multiplies two 4x4 matrices together and
// and stores the result in mprod
// note later we will take advantage of the fact that we know
// that w=1 always, and that the last column of a 4x4 is
// always 0
for (int32_t row = 0; row < 4; row++) {
for (int32_t col = 0; col < 4; col++) {
// compute dot product from row of ma
// and column of mb
float sum = 0; // used to hold result
for (int32_t index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
// add in next product pair
sum += (ma->M[row][index] * mb->M[index][col]);
} // end for index
// insert resulting row,col element
mprod->M[row][col] = sum;
} // end for col
} // end for row
} // end Mat_Mul_4X4
void Mat_Mul_1X4_4X4(MATRIX1X4_PTR ma, MATRIX4X4_PTR mb, MATRIX1X4_PTR mprod) {
// this function multiplies a 1x4 matrix against a
// 4x4 matrix - ma*mb and stores the result
// no tricks or assumptions here, just a straight multiply
for (int32_t col = 0; col < 4; col++) {
// compute dot product from row of ma
// and column of mb
float sum = 0; // used to hold result
for (int32_t row = 0; row < 4; row++) {
// add in next product pair
sum += (ma->M[row] * mb->M[row][col]);
} // end for index
// insert resulting col element
mprod->M[col] = sum;
} // end for col
} // end Mat_Mul_1X4_4X4
void Mat_Mul_VECTOR3D_4X4(VECTOR3D_PTR va, MATRIX4X4_PTR mb, VECTOR3D_PTR vprod) {
// this function multiplies a VECTOR3D against a
// 4x4 matrix - ma*mb and stores the result in mprod
// the function assumes that the vector refers to a
// 4D homogenous vector, thus the function assumes that
// w=1 to carry out the multiply, also the function
// does not carry out the last column multiply since
// we are assuming w=1, there is no point
int32_t col, row;
for (col = 0; col < 3; col++) {
// compute dot product from row of ma
// and column of mb
float sum = 0; // used to hold result
for (row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
// add in next product pair
sum += (va->M[row] * mb->M[row][col]);
} // end for index
// add in last element in column or w*mb[3][col]
sum += mb->M[row][col];
// insert resulting col element
vprod->M[col] = sum;
} // end for col
} // end Mat_Mul_VECTOR3D_4X4
void Mat_Mul_VECTOR3D_4X3(VECTOR3D_PTR va, MATRIX4X3_PTR mb, VECTOR3D_PTR vprod) {
// this function multiplies a VECTOR3D against a
// 4x3 matrix - ma*mb and stores the result in mprod
// the function assumes that the vector refers to a
// 4D homogenous vector, thus the function assumes that
// w=1 to carry out the multiply, also the function
// does not carry out the last column multiply since
// we are assuming w=1, there is no point
int32_t col, row;
for (col = 0; col < 3; col++) {
// compute dot product from row of ma
// and column of mb
float sum = 0; // used to hold result
for (row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
// add in next product pair
sum += (va->M[row] * mb->M[row][col]);
} // end for index
// add in last element in column or w*mb[3][col]
sum += mb->M[row][col];
// insert resulting col element
vprod->M[col] = sum;
} // end for col
} // end Mat_Mul_VECTOR3D_4X3
void Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X4(VECTOR4D_PTR va, MATRIX4X4_PTR mb, VECTOR4D_PTR vprod) {
// this function multiplies a VECTOR4D against a
// 4x4 matrix - ma*mb and stores the result in mprod
// the function makes no assumptions
for (int32_t col = 0; col < 4; col++) {
// compute dot product from row of ma
// and column of mb
float sum = 0; // used to hold result
for (int32_t row = 0; row < 4; row++) {
// add in next product pair
sum += (va->M[row] * mb->M[row][col]);
} // end for index
// insert resulting col element
vprod->M[col] = sum;
} // end for col
} // end Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X4
void Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X3(VECTOR4D_PTR va, MATRIX4X4_PTR mb, VECTOR4D_PTR vprod) {
// this function multiplies a VECTOR4D against a
// 4x3 matrix - ma*mb and stores the result in mprod
// the function assumes that the last column of
// mb is [0 0 0 1]t , thus w just gets replicated
// from the vector [x y z w]
for (int32_t col = 0; col < 3; col++) {
// compute dot product from row of ma
// and column of mb
float sum = 0; // used to hold result
for (int32_t row = 0; row < 4; row++) {
// add in next product pair
sum += (va->M[row] * mb->M[row][col]);
} // end for index
// insert resulting col element
vprod->M[col] = sum;
} // end for col
// copy back w element
vprod->M[3] = va->M[3];
} // end Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X3
void Mat_Init_4X4(MATRIX4X4_PTR ma, float m00, float m01, float m02, float m03,
float m10, float m11, float m12, float m13, float m20, float m21,
float m22, float m23, float m30, float m31, float m32, float m33) {
// this function fills a 4x4 matrix with the sent data in
// row major form
ma->M00 = m00;
ma->M01 = m01;
ma->M02 = m02;
ma->M03 = m03;
ma->M10 = m10;
ma->M11 = m11;
ma->M12 = m12;
ma->M13 = m13;
ma->M20 = m20;
ma->M21 = m21;
ma->M22 = m22;
ma->M23 = m23;
ma->M30 = m30;
ma->M31 = m31;
ma->M32 = m32;
ma->M33 = m33;
} // end Mat_Init_4X4
int32_t Mat_Inverse_4X4(MATRIX4X4_PTR m, MATRIX4X4_PTR mi) {
// computes the inverse of a 4x4, assumes that the last
// column is [0 0 0 1]t
float det = (m->M00 * (m->M11 * m->M22 - m->M12 * m->M21)
- m->M01 * (m->M10 * m->M22 - m->M12 * m->M20)
+ m->M02 * (m->M10 * m->M21 - m->M11 * m->M20));
// test determinate to see if it's 0
if (fabs(det) < EPSILON_E5)
return (0);
float det_inv = 1.0f / det;
mi->M00 = det_inv * (m->M11 * m->M22 - m->M12 * m->M21);
mi->M01 = -det_inv * (m->M01 * m->M22 - m->M02 * m->M21);
mi->M02 = det_inv * (m->M01 * m->M12 - m->M02 * m->M11);
mi->M03 = 0.0f; // always 0
mi->M10 = -det_inv * (m->M10 * m->M22 - m->M12 * m->M20);
mi->M11 = det_inv * (m->M00 * m->M22 - m->M02 * m->M20);
mi->M12 = -det_inv * (m->M00 * m->M12 - m->M02 * m->M10);
mi->M13 = 0.0f; // always 0
mi->M20 = det_inv * (m->M10 * m->M21 - m->M11 * m->M20);
mi->M21 = -det_inv * (m->M00 * m->M21 - m->M01 * m->M20);
mi->M22 = det_inv * (m->M00 * m->M11 - m->M01 * m->M10);
mi->M23 = 0.0f; // always 0
mi->M30 = -(m->M30 * mi->M00 + m->M31 * mi->M10 + m->M32 * mi->M20);
mi->M31 = -(m->M30 * mi->M01 + m->M31 * mi->M11 + m->M32 * mi->M21);
mi->M32 = -(m->M30 * mi->M02 + m->M31 * mi->M12 + m->M32 * mi->M22);
mi->M33 = 1.0f; // always 0
// return success
return (1);
} // end Mat_Inverse_4X4
void PLANE3D_Init(PLANE3D_PTR plane, POINT3D_PTR p0, VECTOR3D_PTR normal,
int32_t normalize) {
// this function initializes a 3d plane
// copy the point
POINT3D_COPY(&plane->p0, p0);
// if normalize is 1 then the normal is made into a unit vector
if (!normalize)
VECTOR3D_COPY(&plane->n, normal);
else {
// make normal into unit vector
VECTOR3D_Normalize(normal, &plane->n);
} // end else
} // end PLANE3D_Init
void Build_Sin_Cos_Tables(void) {
// create sin/cos lookup table
// note the creation of one extra element; 360
// this helps with logic in using the tables
// generate the tables 0 - 360 inclusive
for (int ang = 0; ang <= 360; ang++) {
// convert ang to radians
float theta = ((float) ang) * XPI / 180.0;
// insert next entry into table
my_cos_look[ang] = cosf(theta);
my_sin_look[ang] = sinf(theta);
} // end for ang
} // end Build_Sin_Cos_Tables
float Fast_Sin(float theta) {
// this function uses the sin_look[] lookup table, but
// has logic to handle negative angles as well as fractional
// angles via interpolation, use this for a more robust
// sin computation that the blind lookup, but with with
// a slight hit in speed
// convert angle to 0-359
theta = fmodf(theta, 360);
// make angle positive
if (theta < 0)
theta += 360.0;
// compute floor of theta and fractional part to interpolate
int theta_int = (int) theta;
float theta_frac = theta - theta_int;
// now compute the value of sin(angle) using the lookup tables
// and interpolating the fractional part, note that if theta_int
// is equal to 359 then theta_int+1=360, but this is fine since the
// table was made with the entries 0-360 inclusive
return (my_sin_look[theta_int]
+ theta_frac * (my_sin_look[theta_int + 1] - my_sin_look[theta_int]));
} // end Fast_Sin
float Fast_Cos(float theta) {
// this function uses the cos_look[] lookup table, but
// has logic to handle negative angles as well as fractional
// angles via interpolation, use this for a more robust
// cos computation that the blind lookup, but with with
// a slight hit in speed
// convert angle to 0-359
theta = fmodf(theta, 360);
// make angle positive
if (theta < 0)
theta += 360.0;
// compute floor of theta and fractional part to interpolate
int theta_int = (int) theta;
float theta_frac = theta - theta_int;
// now compute the value of sin(angle) using the lookup tables
// and interpolating the fractional part, note that if theta_int
// is equal to 359 then theta_int+1=360, but this is fine since the
// table was made with the entries 0-360 inclusive
return (my_cos_look[theta_int]
+ theta_frac * (my_cos_look[theta_int + 1] - my_cos_look[theta_int]));
} // end Fast_Cos
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:fuchen9475/wfb-ng-osd.git
