import subprocess
import re
import requests
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import platform
import logging
import sys
import time
# 配置日志
format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
# 定义变量
api_mode = 'dynadot' # 或 'duckdns',根据需要选择API模式
# DuckDNS设置
subdomain_duckdns = 'fanderchan'
token_duckdns = 'd782206b-283f-4c34-92xxxxxxxxxxxx'
# Dynadot设置
domain_dynadot = 'xxxxxx' # 域名(Dynadot专用)
subdomain_dynadot = '181' # 子域名
token_dynadot = 'a7c8r6Ci9L6i8e7e6i6D7xxxxxxxxxxx' # Dynadot API密钥
# 获取操作系统类型
os_type = platform.system()
logging.info(f"platform.system: {os_type}")
ipv6 = ""
if os_type == "Windows":
output = subprocess.check_output('ipconfig', encoding='gbk')
ipv6_pattern = r'以太网适配器 以太网:[\s\S]*?IPv6 地址 . . . . . . . . . . . . : ([\da-fA-F:]+)'
match = re.search(ipv6_pattern, output)
if match:
ipv6 = match.group(1)
logging.info(f"Found IPv6: {ipv6}")
logging.warning("IPv6 address not found. Please ensure your network is connected to IPv6.")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Failed to execute ipconfig: {e}")
elif os_type == "Linux":
net_card = "ens33" # Ensure this matches your actual network interface
command = f"ip -6 addr show {net_card} | grep 'inet6' | awk '{{print $2}}' | cut -d'/' -f1"
ipv6 = subprocess.getoutput(command).splitlines()[0]
if ipv6:
logging.info(f"Found IPv6: {ipv6}")
logging.warning("IPv6 address not found. Please ensure your network is connected to IPv6.")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Failed to execute command: {e}")
if not ipv6:
if api_mode == 'dynadot':
logging.info("Updating Dynadot...")
query_url = f'https://api.dynadot.com/api3.xml?key={token_dynadot}&command=get_dns&domain={domain_dynadot}'
logging.info(f"Constructed Dynadot query URL: {query_url}")
# 重试逻辑开始
for attempt in range(2): # 尝试最多两次
response = requests.get(query_url)
logging.info(f"Queried Dynadot DNS settings. Response code: {response.status_code}")
response_content_str = response.content.decode('utf-8')
logging.info(f"Dynadot API response content: {response_content_str}")
root = ET.fromstring(response.content)
response_code = root.find('.//ResponseCode').text
if response_code == '0': # 成功获取响应
break # 退出循环进行后续处理
else: # 如果响应码不是 '0',说明有错误
error_message = root.find('.//Error').text if root.find('.//Error') is not None else 'Unknown error'
logging.warning(f"Dynadot API returned an error: {error_message}")
if attempt == 0: # 如果是第一次尝试失败
logging.info("Waiting 5 seconds before retrying...")
time.sleep(5) # 等待 5 秒再次尝试
else: # 如果第二次尝试仍然失败
logging.error("DNS query failed, terminating script execution.")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error communicating with Dynadot API: {e}")
# 在成功获取响应后的处理
record_exists = False
for sub in root.findall('.//SubDomainRecord'):
subhost = sub.find('Subhost').text
record_type = sub.find('RecordType').text
value = sub.find('Value').text
if subhost == subdomain_dynadot and record_type == 'AAAA' and value == ipv6:
logging.info("DNS record is already up to date on Dynadot. No need to update.")
record_exists = True
if not record_exists:
logging.info("No existing DNS record found. Adding new record on Dynadot.")
update_url = f"https://api.dynadot.com/api3.xml?key={token_dynadot}&command=set_dns2&domain={domain_dynadot}&subdomain0={subdomain_dynadot}&sub_record_type0=aaaa&sub_record0={ipv6}&add_dns_to_current_setting=1"
logging.info(f"Constructed Dynadot update URL: {update_url}")
update_response = requests.get(update_url)
logging.info(f"Sent update request to Dynadot. Response code: {update_response.status_code}")
update_root = ET.fromstring(update_response.content)
if update_root.find('.//SuccessCode').text == '0':
logging.info("IPv6 address added successfully on Dynadot.")
response_error = update_root.find('.//Error')
error_text = response_error.text if response_error is not None else 'Unknown error'
logging.warning(f"Failed to add IPv6 address on Dynadot. Error: {error_text}")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error communicating with Dynadot API: {e}")
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