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evilbinary 提交于 2020-10-17 22:22 . fix compile &
;Copyright 2016-2080 evilbinary.
;作者:evilbinary on 12/24/16.
(library (x86)
reg0 reg1 reg2 reg3 reg4 reg5 reg6 reg7 regs regs-map
r0h r0l r1h r1l
asm set mref mset note
add label sar sal mul sub div
shl shr ret
call jmp cmp-jmp cmp
land lor xor save restore
nop local proc pret lproc lret
fcall ccall
stext sexit
data sdata
(rename (scheme) (div div2) )
(define arch-bits 32)
(define reg0 'eax) ;for object ptr
(define reg1 'ebx) ;
(define reg2 'ecx)
(define reg3 'edx)
(define reg4 'esi) ;for alloc base
(define reg5 'edi)
(define reg6 'ebp)
(define reg7 'esp)
(define r0 'ax)
(define r0l 'al)
(define r0h 'ah)
(define r1l 'bl)
(define r1h 'bh)
(define regs (list reg0 reg1 reg2 reg3 reg4 reg5 reg6 reg7 r0 r0l r0h r1l r1h))
(define regs-map (list 'reg0 reg0 'reg1 reg1 'reg2 reg2 'reg3 reg3 'reg4 reg4 'reg5 reg5 'reg6 reg6 'reg7 reg7 'r0 r0 'r0l r0l 'r0h r0h ))
(define symbol-prefix
(case (machine-type)
((arm32le) "_")
((a6nt i3nt ta6nt ti3nt) "_")
((a6osx i3osx ta6osx ti3osx) "_")
((a6le i3le ta6le ti3le) "")))
;;opt lib
(define (copy-string ecx esi edi)
(asm "push ecx")
(asm "push esi")
(asm "push edi")
(asm "cld")
(asm "rep movsb")
(asm "pop ecx")
(asm "pop esi")
(asm "pop edi")
(define (gen-define)
;;(asm "section .data")
(let-values ([(keyvec valvec) (hashtable-entries (get-asm-data-define))])
(lambda (key val)
(data key val))
keyvec valvec))
(define note
[(a) (asm ";;~a" a)]
[(fmt . val)
(printf ";;")
(apply asm fmt val)]))
(define (asm . args)
(apply printf args)
(newline ))
(define data
[(var val)
(note "data var=~a val=~a" var val)
[(string? val)
(asm "~a db \"~a\",0 " (symbol->asm-id var) val)]
[(number? val)
(asm "~a dd ~a" (symbol->asm-id var) val)]
(asm "~a dd ~a" (symbol->asm-id var) val)]
[(var val len)
(note "data var=~a val=~a len=~a" var val len)
(asm "~a db ~a" (symbol->asm-id var) val)
(asm "times ~a db 0" len)
(define (asm-compile-exp exp name)
(let ((asm
(case (machine-type)
((arm32le) "")
((a6nt i3nt ta6nt ti3nt) (format "`which nasm` ~a.s -f win32 && ld -arch i386 -e _start -no_pie -lc ~a.o -o ~a" name name name))
((a6osx i3osx ta6osx ti3osx) (format "`which nasm` ~a.s -f macho && ld -macosx_version_min 10.6 -arch i386 -e _start -no_pie -lc ~a.o -o ~a" name name name))
((a6le i3le ta6le ti3le) (format "`which nasm` ~a.s -f elf32 && ld -dynamic-linker /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ld-linux.so.2 -lc -m elf_i386 -e _start ~a.o -o ~a" name name name))))
(printf "~a\n" asm)
(system asm)
;;asm code here
(define (operands-rep x)
[(integer? x) x]
[(memq x regs)
[(memq x regs-map)
; (printf "(memq x regs)=>~a ===========> ~a\n" (memq x regs-map) (cadr (memq x regs-map)))
(cadr (memq x regs-map))]
[(symbol? x)
(let ((s (symbol->string x)))
(if (equal? (string-ref s 0) #\&)
(format "~a \n sal eax,3" (symbol->asm-id (substring s 1 (string-length s)) ))
(format "[~a]" (symbol->asm-id s)))
[(list? x)
(let loop ((e x) (s "["))
(if (pair? e)
(loop (cdr e) (string-append s (format "~a + " (car e) )))
(string-append s "0]")
(note "operands-rep else ~a" x)
(format "~a" x ) ]
(define (arg . args)
(if (> (length args) 0)
(let l ((arg args) (i 0))
(if (pair? arg)
[(number? (car arg))
(note "number arg=~a 0x~x" (car arg) (car arg))
(asm "mov dword [esp+ ~a], ~a" (* i 4) (car arg))
[(list? (car arg))
(note "list arg=~a" (car arg))
(asm "mov ~a,~a" reg0 (operands-rep (car arg)) )
(asm "mov dword [esp+ ~a], ~a" (* i 4) reg0)
[(string? (car arg))
(note "string arg=~a" (car arg))
(asm "mov dword [esp+ ~a], ~a" (* i 4) (symbol->asm-id (car arg)))
[(memq (car arg) regs-map)
(note "reg arg=~a" (car arg))
(asm "mov dword [esp+ ~a], ~a" (* i 4) (operands-rep (car arg)) )
[(void? (car arg))
(note "void arg")
(note "else arg=~a" (car arg))
(asm "mov ~a,~a" reg0 (operands-rep (car arg)) )
(asm "mov dword [esp+ ~a],~a" (* i 4) reg0)
(l (cdr arg) (+ i 1)))
(define (carg . args)
(if (> (length args) 0)
(let l ((arg args) (i 0))
(if (pair? arg)
[(number? (car arg))
(note "number arg=~a 0x~x" (car arg) (car arg))
(asm "mov ~a,~a" reg0 (car arg))
(sar reg0 type-shift)
(asm "mov dword [esp+ ~a], ~a" (* i 4) reg0 )
[(list? (car arg))
(note "list arg=~a" (car arg))
(asm "mov ~a,~a" reg0 (operands-rep (car arg)) )
(sar reg0 type-shift)
(asm "mov dword [esp+ ~a], ~a" (* i 4) reg0)
[(string? (car arg))
(note "string arg=~a" (car arg))
(asm "mov ~a,~a" reg0 (symbol->asm-id (car arg)) )
(sar reg0 type-shift)
(asm "mov dword [esp+ ~a], ~a" (* i 4) reg0 )
[(memq (car arg) regs-map)
(note "reg arg=~a" (car arg))
(asm "mov ~a,~a" reg0 (operands-rep (car arg)) )
(sar reg0 type-shift)
(asm "mov dword [esp+ ~a], ~a" (* i 4) reg0 )
(note "else arg=~a" (car arg))
(asm "mov ~a,~a" reg0 (operands-rep (car arg)) )
(sar reg0 type-shift)
(asm "mov dword [esp+ ~a],~a" (* i 4) reg0)
(l (cdr arg) (+ i 1)))
(define cmp->inst
(lambda (op)
(case op
[(>) 'jg]
[(<) 'jl]
[(>=) 'jae]
[(<=) 'jle]
[(=) 'je]
[else (printf "erro binop ~s" op)])))
(define (emit-cmp binop v1 v2)
(let* ((l1 (gen-sym (cmp->inst binop) ))
(l2 (symbol-append l1 'end)) )
; (xor reg0 reg0)
(note "cmp ~a ~a ~a" binop v1 v2)
(set reg0 (operands-rep v1))
; (set reg1 v2)
; (sar reg0 type-shift)
; (sar reg1 type-shift)
(asm "cmp ~a,~a" reg0 (operands-rep v2))
(asm "~a ~a" (cmp->inst binop) l1)
(set reg0 'false-rep)
(jmp l2)
(label l1)
(set reg0 'true-rep)
(label l2)
(note binop)
(define (stext arg)
(if (equal? arg 'start)
(asm (format "extern ~aprintf" symbol-prefix))
(asm (format "extern ~aexit" symbol-prefix))
(asm (format "extern ~amalloc" symbol-prefix))
(asm "")
(asm "section .text")
(asm "global _start")
(asm "%macro cproc 1
push ebx
mov ebx, esp ; remember current esp
and esp, 0xFFFFFFF0 ; align to next 16 byte boundary (could be zero offset!)
sub esp, 12 ; skip ahead 12 so we can store original esp
push ebx ; store esp (16 bytes aligned again)
sub esp, %1 ; pad for arguments (make conditional?)
; arg must match most recent call to clib_prolog
%macro ceproc 1
add esp, %1 ; remove arg padding
pop ebx ; get original esp
mov esp, ebx ; restore
pop ebx
(asm "_start:")
(asm "push ebp")
(asm "mov ebp, esp")
(asm "and esp,0xFFFFFFF0")
(asm "sub esp,12")
; (asm "mov eax ,dword [ebp+4 ]")
; (asm "mov eax ,dword [ebp+0 ]")
; (asm "pop eax ;;argc to eax")
; (asm "pop ebx ;;argv to ebx")
; (asm "mov ebp,esp")
; (asm "and esp,0xFFFFFFF0")
; (asm "sub esp,16")
(sexit 0)
(define (sexit code)
(note "call exit 0")
(fcall 'exit 0)
(asm "pop ebp")
(asm "ret")
(define (sdata arg)
(if (equal? 'start arg)
(asm "section .data")
(define (local index)
(if (number? index)
(list 'ebp (* 4 index))
(define (align args)
(* 16 (flonum->fixnum (+ 0.9 (/ (* 4 (length args)) 16))))
(define (ccall l . args)
(asm "cproc ~a" (align args))
; (if (> (length args) 0)
; (begin
; (asm "and esp,0xFFFFFFF0")
; (asm "sub esp,~a" (align args))
; ))
(apply carg args)
(asm "call ~a~a" symbol-prefix (symbol->asm-id l))
; (if (> (length args) 0)
; (asm "add esp, ~a" (align args) )
; )
(asm "ceproc ~a" (align args))
(define (fcall l . args)
(asm "cproc ~a" (align args))
; (if (> (length args) 0)
; (begin
; (asm "and esp,0xFFFFFFF0")
; (asm "sub esp,~a" (align args))
; ))
(apply arg args)
(asm "call ~a~a" symbol-prefix (symbol->asm-id l))
; (if (> (length args) 0)
; (asm "add esp, ~a" (align args) )
; )
(asm "ceproc ~a" (align args))
(define (call l . args)
(if (> (length args) 0)
(asm "sub esp,~a" (align args))
(apply arg args)
(asm "call ~a" (symbol->asm-id l))
(if (> (length args) 0)
(asm "add esp, ~a" (align args) )
(define (jmp l)
(asm "jmp ~a" (symbol->asm-id l)))
(define (cmp-jmp val1 val2 l1 l2)
;;param eax
(asm "cmp ~a,~a" (operands-rep val1) (operands-rep val2))
(if (not (null? l1) )
(asm "je ~a" (symbol->asm-id l1) )) ;; goto equal
; (printf "===========>~a\n" (symbol? l2))
(if (not (null? l2) )
(asm "jne ~a" (symbol->asm-id l2) )) ;; goto not equal
(define (cmp type a b)
(emit-cmp type a b)
;; set symbol? [a], string a ,reg
;; set reg,reg mem,reg reg,mem
(define set
[(a b)
(note "set ~a ~a (list? a)=~a number b?=~a" a b (list? a) (number? b))
(unless (equal? a b)
[(and (symbol? a) (number? b))
(asm "mov ~a,~a" (operands-rep a) b)
[(and (list? a) (or (list? b) (symbol? b)))
(asm "mov ~a,~a" reg0 (operands-rep b) )
(asm "mov ~a,~a" (operands-rep a) reg0 )
(asm "mov ~a~a,~a" (if (list? a) "dword " "") (operands-rep a) (operands-rep b) )
[(a b c)
(unless (equal? a b)
(asm "mov ~a,~a ;;~a" (operands-rep a) (operands-rep b) c ))]))
;;ref reg,[reg] reg,[mem]
(define mref
[(a b)
(asm "mov ~a,[~a]" (operands-rep a) (operands-rep b) )]
[(a b c)
(asm "mov ~a,[~a] ;;~a" (operands-rep a) (operands-rep b) c )]))
;;set [reg],reg [mem],reg
(define mset
[(a b)
(unless (equal? a b)
(asm "mov [~a],~a" (operands-rep a) (operands-rep b) ))]
[(a b size)
(unless (equal? a b)
(if (pair? size)
[(equal? (car size) 'word )
(asm "mov eax,~a" (operands-rep a))
(asm "mov ebx,~a" (operands-rep b))
(asm "mov word [eax],bx ;;~a" size )
[(equal? (car size) 'byte )
(asm "mov eax,~a" (operands-rep a))
(asm "mov ebx,~a" (operands-rep b))
(asm "mov byte [eax],bl ;;~a" size )
(asm "mov [~a],~a ;;~a" (operands-rep a) (operands-rep b) size )
(asm "mov [~a],~a ;;~a" (operands-rep a) (operands-rep b) size )
(define (add a b)
(if (or (number? a) (list? a))
(asm "mov ~a,~a" reg0 (operands-rep a))
(asm "add ~a,~a" reg0 (operands-rep b))
(asm "add ~a,~a" (operands-rep a) (operands-rep b))
(define (sub a b)
(if (or (number? a) (list? a))
(asm "mov ~a,~a" reg0 (operands-rep a))
(asm "sub ~a,~a" reg0 (operands-rep b))
(asm "sub ~a,~a" (operands-rep a) (operands-rep b))
(define (mul a b)
(asm "xor edx,edx")
(asm "mov ~a,~a" reg0 (operands-rep a))
(asm "mov ~a,~a" reg2 (operands-rep b))
(asm "mul ~a" reg2)
(sar reg0 type-shift)
(define (div a b)
(asm "xor edx,edx")
(asm "mov ~a,~a" reg0 (operands-rep a))
(asm "mov ~a,~a" reg2 (operands-rep b))
(asm "div ~a" reg2) ;;余数 edx=>reg3 商eax=>reg0
(sal reg0 type-shift)
;;(sal reg3 type-shift)
(define (proc l args)
(note "\n")
(note "proc ~a" l)
(label l)
(asm "push ebp")
; (asm "push esp")
(asm "mov ebp, esp")
(asm "add ebp, 8")
(define (pret)
; (asm "pop esp")
(asm "pop ebp")
(asm "ret"))
(define (lproc l args)
(note "\n")
(note "lproc ~a" l)
(label l)
(asm "push ebp")
; (asm "push esp")
(asm "mov ebp, esp")
(asm "add ebp, 8")
(define (lret)
(asm "pop ebp")
(asm "ret"))
(define (ret)
(asm "ret"))
(define (label l)
(asm "~a:" (symbol->asm-id l ))
(define (shift op a b)
[(number? b)
(asm "~a ~a,~a" op (operands-rep a) (operands-rep b) )
(asm "mov ecx,~a" (operands-rep b))
(asm "~a ~a,cl" op (operands-rep a))
(define (sar a b)
(shift 'sar a b))
(define (sal a b)
(shift 'sal a b))
(define (shl a b)
(shift 'shl a b))
(define (shr a b)
(shift 'shr a b))
(define (land a b)
(asm "and ~a,~a" (operands-rep a) (operands-rep b) ))
(define (lor a b)
(asm "or ~a,~a" (operands-rep a) (operands-rep b)))
(define (xor a b)
(asm "xor ~a,~a" (operands-rep a) (operands-rep b)))
(define (save a)
(asm "push ~a" (operands-rep a)))
(define (restore a)
(asm "pop ~a" (operands-rep a)))
(define (nop)
(asm "nop"))
;;instruct start here
(define (saves)
(asm "pushfd")
(save reg1)
(save reg2)
(save reg3)
(save reg4)
(save reg5)
(define (restores)
(restore reg5)
(restore reg4)
(restore reg3)
(restore reg2)
(restore reg1)
(asm "popfd")
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:evilbinary/duck-compiler.git
