同步操作将从 src-openEuler/pcs 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
Name: pcs
Version: 0.10.8
Release: 2
License: GPLv2 and BSD-2-Clause and ASL 2.0 and MIT
URL: https://github.com/ClusterLabs/pcs
Summary: Pacemaker Configuration System
%global version_or_commit %{version}
%global pcs_source_name %{name}-%{version_or_commit}
# ui_commit can be determined by hash, tag or branch
%global ui_commit 0.1.5
%global ui_src_name pcs-web-ui-%{ui_commit}
%global pcs_snmp_pkg_name pcs-snmp
%global pyagentx_version 0.4.pcs.2
%global dacite_version 1.6.0
# bundled libraries for old web-ui
%global ember_version 1.4.0
%global jquery_version 1.9.1
%global jquery_ui_version 1.10.1
%global handlebars_version 1.2.1
# We do not use _libdir macro because upstream is not prepared for it.
# Pcs does not include binaries and thus it should live in /usr/lib. Tornado
# and gems include binaries and thus it should live in /usr/lib64. But the
# path to tornado/gems is hardcoded in pcs sources. Modify hard links in pcs
# sources is not the way since then rpmdiff complains that the same file has
# different content in different architectures.
%global pcs_libdir %{_prefix}/lib
%global bundled_src_dir pcs/bundled
%global pcsd_public_dir pcsd/public
#part after last slash is recognized as filename in look-aside repository
#desired name is achived by trick with hash anchor
Source0: %{url}/archive/%{version_or_commit}/%{pcs_source_name}.tar.gz
Source1: https://github.com/ondrejmular/pyagentx/archive/v%{pyagentx_version}/pyagentx-%{pyagentx_version}.tar.gz
Source2: https://github.com/konradhalas/dacite/archive/v%{dacite_version}/dacite-%{dacite_version}.tar.gz
Source3: https://github.com/idevat/pcs-web-ui/archive/%{ui_commit}/%{ui_src_name}.tar.gz
Source4: https://github.com/idevat/pcs-web-ui/releases/download/%{ui_commit}/pcs-web-ui-node-modules-%{ui_commit}.tar.xz
Patch0: 0001-Resolve-the-failure-of-field-matching-in-test-cases.patch
Patch1: 0002-FIX-CVE-2022-1049.patch
# git for patches
BuildRequires: make
BuildRequires: git-core
#printf from coreutils is used in makefile
BuildRequires: coreutils
# python for pcs
BuildRequires: python3 >= 3.6
BuildRequires: python3-dateutil >= 2.7.0
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pycurl
BuildRequires: python3-pyparsing
BuildRequires: python3-tornado
# ruby and gems for pcsd
BuildRequires: ruby >= 2.2.0
BuildRequires: ruby-devel
BuildRequires: rubygem-backports
BuildRequires: rubygem-ethon
BuildRequires: rubygem-ffi
BuildRequires: rubygem-io-console
BuildRequires: rubygem-json
BuildRequires: rubygem-open4
BuildRequires: rubygem-rack
BuildRequires: rubygem-rack-protection
BuildRequires: rubygem-rack-test
BuildRequires: rubygem-sinatra
BuildRequires: rubygem(rexml)
BuildRequires: rubygem-tilt
# ruby libraries for tests
BuildRequires: rubygem-test-unit
# for touching patch files (sanitization function)
BuildRequires: diffstat
# for post, preun and postun macros
BuildRequires: systemd
# for tests
BuildRequires: python3-lxml
BuildRequires: python3-pyOpenSSL
# pcsd fonts and font management tools for creating symlinks to fonts
BuildRequires: fontconfig
BuildRequires: liberation-sans-fonts
BuildRequires: overpass-fonts
# for building web ui
BuildRequires: npm
# python and libraries for pcs, setuptools for pcs entrypoint
Requires: python3 >= 3.6
Requires: python3-lxml
Requires: python3-setuptools
Requires: python3-pycurl
Requires: python3-dateutil >= 2.7.0
Requires: python3-pyparsing
Requires: python3-tornado
# ruby and gems for pcsd
Requires: ruby >= 2.2.0
Requires: rubygem-backports
Requires: rubygem-ethon
Requires: rubygem-ffi
Requires: rubygem-json
Requires: rubygem-open4
Requires: rubygem-rack
Requires: rubygem-rack-protection
Requires: rubygem-rack-test
Requires: rubygem(rexml)
Requires: rubygem(webrick)
Requires: rubygem-tilt
Requires: rubygem-sinatra
# ruby and gems for pcsd-ruby
Requires: rubygem-daemons
Requires: rubygem-eventmachine
Requires: rubygem-thin
# for killall
Requires: psmisc
# for working with certificates (validation etc.)
Requires: openssl
Requires: python3-pyOpenSSL
# cluster stack and related packages
Suggests: pacemaker
Requires: (corosync >= 2.99 if pacemaker)
# pcs enables corosync encryption by default so we require libknet1-plugins-all
Requires: (libknet1-plugins-all if corosync)
Requires: pacemaker-cli >= 2.0.0
# for post, preun and postun macros
Requires(post): systemd
Requires(preun): systemd
Requires(postun): systemd
# pam is used for authentication inside daemon (python ctypes)
# more details: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1717113
Requires: pam
# pcsd fonts
Requires: liberation-sans-fonts
Requires: overpass-fonts
Provides: bundled(dacite) = %{dacite_version}
Provides: bundled(ember) = %{ember_version}
Provides: bundled(handlebars) = %{handlebars_version}
Provides: bundled(jquery) = %{jquery_version}
Provides: bundled(jquery-ui) = %{jquery_ui_version}
pcs is a corosync and pacemaker configuration tool. It permits users to
easily view, modify and create pacemaker based clusters.
# pcs-snmp package definition
%package -n %{pcs_snmp_pkg_name}
Summary: Pacemaker cluster SNMP agent
License: GPLv2 and BSD-2-Clause
# tar for unpacking pyagetx source tar ball
BuildRequires: tar
Requires: pcs = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: pacemaker
Requires: net-snmp
Provides: bundled(pyagentx) = %{pyagentx_version}
%description -n %{pcs_snmp_pkg_name}
SNMP agent that provides information about pacemaker cluster to the master agent (snmpd)
%autosetup -p1 -S git -n %{pcs_source_name}
# -- following is inspired by python-simplejon.el5 --
# Update timestamps on the files touched by a patch, to avoid non-equal
# .pyc/.pyo files across the multilib peers within a build
# update_times <reference_file> <file_to_touch> ...
# set the access and modification times of each file_to_touch to the times
# of reference_file
# put all args to file_list
# first argument is reference_file: so take it and remove from file_list
unset file_list[0]
for fname in ${file_list[@]}; do
touch -r $reference_file $fname
# update_times_patch <patch_file_name>
# set the access and modification times of each file in patch to the times
# of patch_file_name
# diffstat
# -l lists only the filenames. No histogram is generated.
# -p override the logic that strips common pathnames,
# simulating the patch "-p" option. (Strip the smallest prefix containing
# num leading slashes from each file name found in the patch file)
update_times ${patch_file_name} `diffstat -p1 -l ${patch_file_name}`
# update_times_patch %%{PATCH0}
# prepare dirs/files necessary for building web ui
# inside SOURCE3 is only directory %%{ui_src_name}
tar -xzf %SOURCE3 -C %{pcsd_public_dir}
tar -xf %SOURCE4 -C %{pcsd_public_dir}/%{ui_src_name}
# dir for python bundles
mkdir -p %{bundled_src_dir}
# sources for pyagentx
tar -xzf %SOURCE1 -C %{bundled_src_dir}
mv %{bundled_src_dir}/pyagentx-%{pyagentx_version} %{bundled_src_dir}/pyagentx
update_times %SOURCE1 `find %{bundled_src_dir}/pyagentx -follow`
cp %{bundled_src_dir}/pyagentx/LICENSE.txt pyagentx_LICENSE.txt
cp %{bundled_src_dir}/pyagentx/CONTRIBUTORS.txt pyagentx_CONTRIBUTORS.txt
cp %{bundled_src_dir}/pyagentx/README.md pyagentx_README.md
# sources for python dacite
tar -xzf %SOURCE2 -C %{bundled_src_dir}
mv %{bundled_src_dir}/dacite-%{dacite_version} %{bundled_src_dir}/dacite
cp %{bundled_src_dir}/dacite/LICENSE dacite_LICENSE
cp %{bundled_src_dir}/dacite/README.md dacite_README.md
%define debug_package %{nil}
# build web ui and put it to pcsd
make -C %{pcsd_public_dir}/%{ui_src_name} build
mv %{pcsd_public_dir}/%{ui_src_name}/build pcsd/public/ui
rm -r %{pcsd_public_dir}/%{ui_src_name}
# main pcs install
%make_install \
PREFIX=%{_prefix} \
SYSTEMD_UNIT_DIR=%{_unitdir} \
LIB_DIR=%{pcs_libdir} \
PYTHON=%{__python3} \
PYTHON_SITELIB=%{python3_sitelib} \
BASH_COMPLETION_DIR=%{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions \
BUNDLE_PYAGENTX_SRC_DIR=`readlink -f %{bundled_src_dir}/pyagentx` \
BUNDLE_DACITE_SRC_DIR=`readlink -f %{bundled_src_dir}/dacite` \
BUILD_GEMS=false \
hdrdir="%{_includedir}" \
rubyhdrdir="%{_includedir}" \
# In the building environment LC_CTYPE is set to C which causes tests to fail
# due to python prints a warning about it to stderr. The following environment
# variable disables the warning.
# On the live system either UTF8 locale is set or the warning is emmited
# which breaks pcs. That is the correct behavior since with wrong locales it
# would be probably broken anyway.
# The main concern here is to make the tests pass.
# See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/python3_c.utf-8_locale for details.
#run pcs tests
# disabled tests:
BUNDLED_LIB_LOCATION=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pcs_libdir}/pcs/bundled/packages \
%{__python3} pcs_test/suite.py --tier0 -v --vanilla --all-but \
pcs_test.tier0.daemon.app.test_app_remote.SyncConfigMutualExclusive.test_get_not_locked \
pcs_test.tier0.daemon.app.test_app_remote.SyncConfigMutualExclusive.test_post_not_locked \
#run pcsd tests and remove them
GEM_HOME=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pcs_libdir}/%{rubygem_bundle_dir} ruby \
-I${pcsd_dir} \
-I${pcsd_dir}/test \
if [ $test_result_python -ne 0 ]; then
return $test_result_python
return $test_result_ruby
remove_all_tests() {
#remove pcsd tests, we do not distribute them in the rpm
rm -r -v ${pcsd_dir}/test
# remove javascript testing files
rm -r -v ${pcsd_dir}/public/js/dev
# Make sure the new version of the daemon is runnning.
# Also, make sure to start pcsd-ruby if it hasn't been started or even
# installed before. This is done by restarting pcsd.service.
%{_bindir}/systemctl daemon-reload
%{_bindir}/systemctl try-restart pcsd.service
%systemd_post pcsd.service
%systemd_post pcsd-ruby.service
%post -n %{pcs_snmp_pkg_name}
%systemd_post pcs_snmp_agent.service
%systemd_preun pcsd.service
%systemd_preun pcsd-ruby.service
%preun -n %{pcs_snmp_pkg_name}
%systemd_preun pcs_snmp_agent.service
%systemd_postun_with_restart pcsd.service
%systemd_postun_with_restart pcsd-ruby.service
%postun -n %{pcs_snmp_pkg_name}
%systemd_postun_with_restart pcs_snmp_agent.service
%doc README.md
%doc dacite_README.md
%license dacite_LICENSE
%license COPYING
%dir %{_var}/log/pcsd
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/pcsd
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/pcsd
%ghost %config(noreplace) %attr(0600,root,root) %{_sharedstatedir}/pcsd/cfgsync_ctl
%ghost %config(noreplace) %attr(0600,root,root) %{_sharedstatedir}/pcsd/known-hosts
%ghost %config(noreplace) %attr(0600,root,root) %{_sharedstatedir}/pcsd/pcsd.cookiesecret
%ghost %config(noreplace) %attr(0600,root,root) %{_sharedstatedir}/pcsd/pcsd.crt
%ghost %config(noreplace) %attr(0600,root,root) %{_sharedstatedir}/pcsd/pcsd.key
%ghost %config(noreplace) %attr(0644,root,root) %{_sharedstatedir}/pcsd/pcs_settings.conf
%ghost %config(noreplace) %attr(0644,root,root) %{_sharedstatedir}/pcsd/pcs_users.conf
%exclude %{pcs_libdir}/pcsd/*.debian
%exclude %{pcs_libdir}/pcsd/Gemfile
%exclude %{pcs_libdir}/pcsd/Gemfile.lock
%exclude %{pcs_libdir}/pcsd/Makefile
%exclude %{pcs_libdir}/pcsd/pcsd.conf
%exclude %{pcs_libdir}/pcsd/pcsd.service
%exclude %{pcs_libdir}/pcsd/pcsd-ruby.service
%exclude %{pcs_libdir}/pcsd/pcsd.8
%exclude %{pcs_libdir}/pcsd/public/js/dev/*
%exclude %{python3_sitelib}/pcs/bash_completion
%exclude %{python3_sitelib}/pcs/pcs.8
%exclude %{python3_sitelib}/pcs/pcs
%files -n %{pcs_snmp_pkg_name}
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/pcs_snmp_agent
%doc pyagentx_CONTRIBUTORS.txt
%doc pyagentx_README.md
%license COPYING
%license pyagentx_LICENSE.txt
* Fri Jun 17 2022 duyiwei <[email protected]> - 0.10.8-2
- FIX-CVE-2022-1049
* Thu Mar 10 2022 jiangxinyu <[email protected]> - 0.10.8-1
- update to 0.10.8
* Fri Oct 30 2020 jiangxinyu <[email protected]> - 0.10.5-1
- Upgrade the pcs package version to 0.10.5-1
* Sun Apr 26 2020 wangmian<[email protected]> - 0.10.2-5
- Change pcs ui
* Wed Apr 22 2020 houjian<[email protected]> - 0.10.2-4
- Init the project
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