package xlsx
import (
// File is a high level structure providing a slice of Sheet structs
// to the user.
type File struct {
worksheets map[string]*zip.File
referenceTable *RefTable
Date1904 bool
styles *xlsxStyleSheet
Sheets []*Sheet
Sheet map[string]*Sheet
theme *theme
DefinedNames []*xlsxDefinedName
const NoRowLimit int = -1
// Create a new File
func NewFile() *File {
return &File{
Sheet: make(map[string]*Sheet),
Sheets: make([]*Sheet, 0),
DefinedNames: make([]*xlsxDefinedName, 0),
// OpenFile() take the name of an XLSX file and returns a populated
// xlsx.File struct for it.
func OpenFile(fileName string) (file *File, err error) {
return OpenFileWithRowLimit(fileName, NoRowLimit)
// OpenFileWithRowLimit() will open the file, but will only read the specified number of rows.
// If you save this file, it will be truncated to the number of rows specified.
func OpenFileWithRowLimit(fileName string, rowLimit int) (file *File, err error) {
var z *zip.ReadCloser
z, err = zip.OpenReader(fileName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ReadZipWithRowLimit(z, rowLimit)
// OpenBinary() take bytes of an XLSX file and returns a populated
// xlsx.File struct for it.
func OpenBinary(bs []byte) (*File, error) {
return OpenBinaryWithRowLimit(bs, NoRowLimit)
// OpenBinaryWithRowLimit() take bytes of an XLSX file and returns a populated
// xlsx.File struct for it.
func OpenBinaryWithRowLimit(bs []byte, rowLimit int) (*File, error) {
r := bytes.NewReader(bs)
return OpenReaderAtWithRowLimit(r, int64(r.Len()), rowLimit)
// OpenReaderAt() take io.ReaderAt of an XLSX file and returns a populated
// xlsx.File struct for it.
func OpenReaderAt(r io.ReaderAt, size int64) (*File, error) {
return OpenReaderAtWithRowLimit(r, size, NoRowLimit)
// OpenReaderAtWithRowLimit() take io.ReaderAt of an XLSX file and returns a populated
// xlsx.File struct for it.
func OpenReaderAtWithRowLimit(r io.ReaderAt, size int64, rowLimit int) (*File, error) {
file, err := zip.NewReader(r, size)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ReadZipReaderWithRowLimit(file, rowLimit)
// A convenient wrapper around File.ToSlice, FileToSlice will
// return the raw data contained in an Excel XLSX file as three
// dimensional slice. The first index represents the sheet number,
// the second the row number, and the third the cell number.
// For example:
// var mySlice [][][]string
// var value string
// mySlice = xlsx.FileToSlice("myXLSX.xlsx")
// value = mySlice[0][0][0]
// Here, value would be set to the raw value of the cell A1 in the
// first sheet in the XLSX file.
func FileToSlice(path string) ([][][]string, error) {
f, err := OpenFile(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return f.ToSlice()
// FileToSliceUnmerged is a wrapper around File.ToSliceUnmerged.
// It returns the raw data contained in an Excel XLSX file as three
// dimensional slice. Merged cells will be unmerged. Covered cells become the
// values of theirs origins.
func FileToSliceUnmerged(path string) ([][][]string, error) {
f, err := OpenFile(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return f.ToSliceUnmerged()
// Save the File to an xlsx file at the provided path.
func (f *File) Save(path string) (err error) {
target, err := os.Create(path)
if err != nil {
return err
err = f.Write(target)
if err != nil {
return err
return target.Close()
// Write the File to io.Writer as xlsx
func (f *File) Write(writer io.Writer) (err error) {
parts, err := f.MarshallParts()
if err != nil {
zipWriter := zip.NewWriter(writer)
for partName, part := range parts {
w, err := zipWriter.Create(partName)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = w.Write([]byte(part))
if err != nil {
return err
return zipWriter.Close()
// AddSheet Add a new Sheet, with the provided name, to a File.
// The minimum sheet name length is 1 character. If the sheet name length is less an error is thrown.
// The maximum sheet name length is 31 characters. If the sheet name length is exceeded an error is thrown.
// These special characters are also not allowed: : \ / ? * [ ]
func (f *File) AddSheet(sheetName string) (*Sheet, error) {
if _, exists := f.Sheet[sheetName]; exists {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate sheet name '%s'.", sheetName)
runeLength := utf8.RuneCountInString(sheetName)
if runeLength > 31 || runeLength == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("sheet name must be 31 or fewer characters long. It is currently '%d' characters long", runeLength)
// Iterate over the runes
for _, r := range sheetName {
// Excel forbids : \ / ? * [ ]
if r == ':' || r == '\\' || r == '/' || r == '?' || r == '*' || r == '[' || r == ']' {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("sheet name must not contain any restricted characters : \\ / ? * [ ] but contains '%s'", string(r))
sheet := &Sheet{
Name: sheetName,
File: f,
Selected: len(f.Sheets) == 0,
f.Sheet[sheetName] = sheet
f.Sheets = append(f.Sheets, sheet)
return sheet, nil
// Appends an existing Sheet, with the provided name, to a File
func (f *File) AppendSheet(sheet Sheet, sheetName string) (*Sheet, error) {
if _, exists := f.Sheet[sheetName]; exists {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate sheet name '%s'.", sheetName)
sheet.Name = sheetName
sheet.File = f
sheet.Selected = len(f.Sheets) == 0
f.Sheet[sheetName] = &sheet
f.Sheets = append(f.Sheets, &sheet)
return &sheet, nil
func (f *File) makeWorkbook() xlsxWorkbook {
return xlsxWorkbook{
FileVersion: xlsxFileVersion{AppName: "Go XLSX"},
WorkbookPr: xlsxWorkbookPr{ShowObjects: "all"},
BookViews: xlsxBookViews{
WorkBookView: []xlsxWorkBookView{
ShowHorizontalScroll: true,
ShowSheetTabs: true,
ShowVerticalScroll: true,
TabRatio: 204,
WindowHeight: 8192,
WindowWidth: 16384,
XWindow: "0",
YWindow: "0",
Sheets: xlsxSheets{Sheet: make([]xlsxSheet, len(f.Sheets))},
CalcPr: xlsxCalcPr{
IterateCount: 100,
RefMode: "A1",
Iterate: false,
IterateDelta: 0.001,
// Some tools that read XLSX files have very strict requirements about
// the structure of the input XML. In particular both Numbers on the Mac
// and SAS dislike inline XML namespace declarations, or namespace
// prefixes that don't match the ones that Excel itself uses. This is a
// problem because the Go XML library doesn't multiple namespace
// declarations in a single element of a document. This function is a
// horrible hack to fix that after the XML marshalling is completed.
func replaceRelationshipsNameSpace(workbookMarshal string) string {
newWorkbook := strings.Replace(workbookMarshal, `xmlns:relationships="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships" relationships:id`, `r:id`, -1)
// Dirty hack to fix issues #63 and #91; encoding/xml currently
// "doesn't allow for additional namespaces to be defined in the
// root element of the document," as described by @tealeg in the
// comments for #63.
oldXmlns := `<workbook xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main">`
newXmlns := `<workbook xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships">`
return strings.Replace(newWorkbook, oldXmlns, newXmlns, 1)
// Construct a map of file name to XML content representing the file
// in terms of the structure of an XLSX file.
func (f *File) MarshallParts() (map[string]string, error) {
var parts map[string]string
var refTable *RefTable = NewSharedStringRefTable()
refTable.isWrite = true
var workbookRels WorkBookRels = make(WorkBookRels)
var err error
var workbook xlsxWorkbook
var types xlsxTypes = MakeDefaultContentTypes()
marshal := func(thing interface{}) (string, error) {
body, err := xml.Marshal(thing)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return xml.Header + string(body), nil
parts = make(map[string]string)
workbook = f.makeWorkbook()
sheetIndex := 1
if f.styles == nil {
f.styles = newXlsxStyleSheet(f.theme)
if len(f.Sheets) == 0 {
err := errors.New("Workbook must contains atleast one worksheet")
return nil, err
for _, sheet := range f.Sheets {
xSheet := sheet.makeXLSXSheet(refTable, f.styles)
rId := fmt.Sprintf("rId%d", sheetIndex)
sheetId := strconv.Itoa(sheetIndex)
sheetPath := fmt.Sprintf("worksheets/sheet%d.xml", sheetIndex)
partName := "xl/" + sheetPath
types.Overrides = append(
PartName: "/" + partName,
ContentType: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml"})
workbookRels[rId] = sheetPath
workbook.Sheets.Sheet[sheetIndex-1] = xlsxSheet{
Name: sheet.Name,
SheetId: sheetId,
Id: rId,
State: "visible"}
parts[partName], err = marshal(xSheet)
if err != nil {
return parts, err
workbookMarshal, err := marshal(workbook)
if err != nil {
return parts, err
workbookMarshal = replaceRelationshipsNameSpace(workbookMarshal)
parts["xl/workbook.xml"] = workbookMarshal
if err != nil {
return parts, err
parts["_rels/.rels"] = TEMPLATE__RELS_DOT_RELS
parts["docProps/app.xml"] = TEMPLATE_DOCPROPS_APP
// TODO - do this properly, modification and revision information
parts["docProps/core.xml"] = TEMPLATE_DOCPROPS_CORE
parts["xl/theme/theme1.xml"] = TEMPLATE_XL_THEME_THEME
xSST := refTable.makeXLSXSST()
parts["xl/sharedStrings.xml"], err = marshal(xSST)
if err != nil {
return parts, err
xWRel := workbookRels.MakeXLSXWorkbookRels()
parts["xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels"], err = marshal(xWRel)
if err != nil {
return parts, err
parts["[Content_Types].xml"], err = marshal(types)
if err != nil {
return parts, err
parts["xl/styles.xml"], err = f.styles.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return parts, err
return parts, nil
// Return the raw data contained in the File as three
// dimensional slice. The first index represents the sheet number,
// the second the row number, and the third the cell number.
// For example:
// var mySlice [][][]string
// var value string
// mySlice = xlsx.FileToSlice("myXLSX.xlsx")
// value = mySlice[0][0][0]
// Here, value would be set to the raw value of the cell A1 in the
// first sheet in the XLSX file.
func (f *File) ToSlice() (output [][][]string, err error) {
output = [][][]string{}
for _, sheet := range f.Sheets {
s := [][]string{}
for _, row := range sheet.Rows {
if row == nil {
r := []string{}
for _, cell := range row.Cells {
str, err := cell.FormattedValue()
if err != nil {
// Recover from strconv.NumError if the value is an empty string,
// and insert an empty string in the output.
if numErr, ok := err.(*strconv.NumError); ok && numErr.Num == "" {
str = ""
} else {
return output, err
r = append(r, str)
s = append(s, r)
output = append(output, s)
return output, nil
// ToSliceUnmerged returns the raw data contained in the File as three
// dimensional slice (s. method ToSlice).
// A covered cell become the value of its origin cell.
// Example: table where A1:A2 merged.
// | 01.01.2011 | Bread | 20 |
// | | Fish | 70 |
// This sheet will be converted to the slice:
// [ [01.01.2011 Bread 20]
// [01.01.2011 Fish 70] ]
func (f *File) ToSliceUnmerged() (output [][][]string, err error) {
output, err = f.ToSlice()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for s, sheet := range f.Sheets {
for r, row := range sheet.Rows {
for c, cell := range row.Cells {
if cell.HMerge > 0 {
for i := c + 1; i <= c+cell.HMerge; i++ {
output[s][r][i] = output[s][r][c]
if cell.VMerge > 0 {
for i := r + 1; i <= r+cell.VMerge; i++ {
output[s][i][c] = output[s][r][c]
return output, nil
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