同步操作将从 Sheldon-Zhou/sumolights 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
import os, argparse
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib as mp
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
from src.graph_globals import global_params
from src.graphs import graph, boxplot, multi_line, multi_line_with_CI, get_cmap, scatter, save_graph
from src.picklefuncs import load_data
from src.helper_funcs import check_and_make_dir
def main():
#you must have the same number of colours as labels
colours = ['b', 'c', 'orange', 'y', 'm', 'gray']
labels = {'ddpg':'DDPG', 'dqn':'DQN', 'sotl':'SOTL', 'maxpressure':'Max-pressure', 'websters':'Webster\'s', 'uniform':'Uniform'}
if len(colours) != len(labels):
assert 0, 'Error: the number of colours '+str(len(colours))+' does not equal the number of labels'+str(len(labels))
#make dict of labels to colours
colours = { l:c for c, l in zip(colours, labels)}
args = parse_cl_args()
if args.type == 'moe':
fp = 'metrics/'
graph_travel_time(labels, colours, fp, args.save_dir)
metrics = ['queue', 'delay']
graph_individual_intersections(labels, colours, fp, metrics, args.save_dir)
elif args.type == 'hp':
fp = 'hp/'
graph_hyper_params(labels, colours, fp, args.save_dir)
assert 0, print('Error, supplied graph type argument '+str(args.type)+' does not exist')
def parse_cl_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
##sumo params
parser.add_argument("-type", type=str, default='moe', dest='type', help='Data to be graphed, default: moe, options: moe, hp')
parser.add_argument("-save_dir", type=str, default='figures/', dest='save_dir', help='Directory to save figures, default: figures/')
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def graph_hyper_params(labels, colours, fp, save_dir):
tsc = os.listdir(fp)
tsc_hp = {}
#get data
for t in tsc:
tsc_fp = fp+t+'/'
data = [ load_data(tsc_fp+f) for f in os.listdir(tsc_fp)]
tsc_hp[t] = np.stack([ [np.mean(d), np.std(d)] for d in data]).T
#create appropriate graph
n = len(tsc)
if n == 1:
f, axes = plt.subplots()
axes = [axes]
nrows = 2
ncols = int(n/nrows) if n%nrows == 0 else int((n+1)/nrows)
f, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows,ncols=ncols)
axes = axes.flat
if n%nrows != 0:
XTITLE = 'Mean\nTravel Time '+r"$(s)$"
YTITLE = ('Standard\nDeviation\nTravel Time '+r"$(s)$", 80)
#graph each tsc hyperparemeter
for ax, t, i in zip(axes, tsc, range(len(tsc))):
#order hp performance from low to high
#w.r.t mean+std
mean_data = tsc_hp[t][0]
std_data = tsc_hp[t][1]
data = sorted([ (m+s, m, s) for m,s in zip(mean_data, std_data) ], key = lambda x:x[0] )
data = np.stack([ [d[1], d[2]] for d in data]).T
mean_data = data[0]
std_data = data[1]
#rainbow_colours = mp.cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(mean_data)))
rg_colours = mp.cm.brg(np.linspace(1.0, 0.5, len(mean_data)))
if i%ncols == 0 and i >= len(tsc)/2:
xtitle = XTITLE
ytitle = YTITLE
elif i%ncols == 0:
xtitle = ''
ytitle = YTITLE
elif i >= len(tsc)/2:
xtitle = XTITLE
ytitle = ''
xtitle = ''
ytitle = ''
#graph each tsc hp performance
graph( ax, mean_data, scatter( ax, mean_data, std_data, rg_colours, ['']*len(mean_data)),
ytitle_pad = ytitle,
xlim = [0.0, max(mean_data)*1.05],
ylim= [0.0, max(std_data)*1.05],
#axis colourbar
cax = f.add_axes([0.915, 0.1, 0.05, 0.85])
cmap = mp.cm.brg
cm = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('rg', rg_colours, N=rg_colours.shape[0])
norm = mp.colors.Normalize(vmin=0.5, vmax=1.0)
cb = mp.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap=cm,
#color bar axis text
#print([ l._text for l in cb.ax.get_yticklabels()])
#cb_labels = ['']*rg_colours.shape[0]
cb_labels = [ l._text for l in cb.ax.get_yticklabels()]
cb_labels[0] = 'Best'
cb_labels[-1] = 'Worst'
f.suptitle('Hyperparameter Performance')
save_graph(f, save_dir+'tsc_hp.pdf', 600, 14, 24.9)
#now compare all tsc hp sets together in one graph
#prepare data
data_order = sorted(tsc_hp.keys())
#tsc_color = colours[:len(data_order)]
mean_data, std_data, colors, tsc_labels = [], [], [], []
for d in data_order:
n = len(tsc_hp[d][0])
colors.extend( [colours[d]]*n )
#graph all hp data all together
f, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
graph( ax, mean_data, scatter( ax, mean_data, std_data, colors, ['']*len(mean_data)),
ytitle_pad = YTITLE,
title='Traffic Signal Control\nHyperparameter Comparison',
xlim = [0.0, 200.0],
ylim= [0.0, 200.0],
#xlim = [0.0, max(mean_data)*1.05],
#ylim= [0.0, max(std_data)*1.05],
#legend=(0.82, 0.72),
#add legend manually because we only
#want one for each tsc
patches = []
for d in data_order:
c = colours[d]
patches.append( mpatches.Patch(color=c, label=labels[d]) )
plt.legend(handles=patches, framealpha=1.0)
save_graph(f, save_dir+'hp.pdf', 600, 14, 24.9)
def graph_travel_time(labels, colours, fp, save_dir):
#read metric data for all tsc types
data = get_data(fp, 'traveltime', get_folder_data)
#prepare data for graph
data_order = sorted(data.keys())
data = [ data[d] for d in data_order]
labels = [ labels[d] for d in data_order]
c = [ colours[d] for d in data_order]
#graph data
f, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
t = 'Travel Time '+r"$(s)$"+'\n('+r"$\mu,\sigma,$"+'median'+r"$)$"
graph( ax, data, boxplot( ax, data, c, labels),
xtitle='Traffic Signal Controller',
#ytitle_pad = ('Travel Time (s)\n('+r"/mu,/sigma,"+"median)", 60),
ytitle_pad = (t, 60),
title='Traffic Signal Controller\nTravel Time) ',
legend=(0.82, 0.72),
for i, d in enumerate(data_order):
text = '('+str(int(np.mean(data[i])))+', '+str(int( np.std(data[i]) ) )+', '+str(int( np.median(data[i]) ) )+r"$)$"
ax.text(i+1.1, 300, text, color= c[i])
#f.suptitle('Travel Time')
#display graph
save_graph(f, save_dir+'travel_time.pdf', 600, 14, 24.9)
def graph_conf_interval(labels, colours, fp, metric):
#read metric data for all tsc types
data = get_data(fp, metric, get_metric_data)
#prepare data for graph
data_order = sorted(data.keys())
data = [ data[d] for d in data_order]
labels = [ labels[d] for d in data_order]
#graph data
f, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
metric_title = metric.capitalize()
graph( ax, data, multi_line_with_CI( ax, data, colours, labels),
xtitle='Time (s)',
ytitle_pad = (metric_title, 60),
title=metric_title+' by\nTraffic Signal Controller',
legend=(0.72, 0.72),
#display graph
def get_data(fp, metric, read_data_func):
tsc = os.listdir(fp)
tsc_data = { t:read_data_func(fp+t+'/'+metric) for t in tsc}
return tsc_data
def get_metric_data(fp):
#for use with queue and delay data
#sort all metric data from same tsc_id
if not os.path.exists(fp):
assert 0, 'Supplied path '+str(fp)+' does not exist.'
tsc_data = {tsc_id:sorted(os.listdir(fp+'/'+tsc_id))
for tsc_id in os.listdir(fp)}
sim_runs_data = []
#until all data has been popped
k = list(tsc_data.keys())[0]
while len(tsc_data[k]) > 0:
#get file path for each intersection from same sim run
same_run_data = [ fp+'/'+tsc_id+'/'+tsc_data[tsc_id].pop(0)
for tsc_id in tsc_data ]
same_run_data = [ load_data(f) for f in same_run_data ]
#sum across time axis, each element of array
#represents the sum of all tsc_id metric
sim_runs_data.append( np.sum(same_run_data, axis=0) )
return np.stack(sim_runs_data)
def get_folder_data(fp):
#all the travel times can be
#grouped together by extending list
if not os.path.exists(fp):
assert 0, 'Supplied path '+str(fp)+' does not exist.'
data = []
for f in os.listdir(fp):
return np.array(data)
def stack_folder_files(fp):
data = [ load_data(fp+f) for f in os.listdir(fp)]
return np.stack(data)
def graph_individual_intersections(labels, colours, fp, metrics, save_dir):
#rows are metrics
#columns are intersections
tsc = os.listdir(fp)
intersections = os.listdir(fp+tsc[0]+'/'+metrics[0]+'/')
ncols = len(intersections)
nrows = len(metrics)
f, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows,ncols=ncols)
if ax.ndim == 1:
ax = ax[...,np.newaxis]
for m, r in zip(metrics, range(nrows)):
#get metric data for each intersection
data = {}
for t in tsc:
data[t] = {}
for i in intersections:
alias_p = 60
data[t][i] = alias( stack_folder_files(fp+'/'+t+'/'+m+'/'+i+'/'), alias_p)
xtitle = 'Time '+r" $(min)$" if r == nrows-1 else ''
#graph same metric for each intersection
for I, c in zip(intersections, range(ncols)):
title = I if r == 0 else ''
if m == 'queue':
ytitle = m.capitalize()+r" $(veh)$" if c == 0 else ''
ytitle = m.capitalize()+r" $(s)$" if c == 0 else ''
legend = (0.59, 0.6)
data_order = sorted(data.keys())
alias_p = 60
order_data = [ data[d][I] for d in data_order]
order_labels = [ labels[d] for d in data_order]
order_colors = [ colours[d] for d in data_order]
label_c = { labels[d]:colours[d] for d in data_order}
graph( ax[r,c], order_data, multi_line_with_CI( ax[r,c], order_data, order_colors, order_labels),
ytitle_pad = (ytitle , 60),
colours = label_c,
f.suptitle('Intersection Measures of Effectiveness')
save_graph(f, save_dir+'intersection_moe.pdf', 600, 14, 24.9)
def alias(data, a):
n = data.shape[-1]
if n % a != 0:
a = 1
stop = n-a
m = int(n/a)
alias_data = []
for d in data:
#alias data timeseries
alias_data.append( np.array([np.sum(d[i*a:(i+1)*a]) for i in range(m) ]) )
return np.stack(alias_data)
#return np.stack([np.sum(data[i*a:(i+1)*a]) for i in range(stop) ])
#return np.array([ np.sum(data[i*a:(i+1)*a]) for i in range(stop)])
if __name__ == '__main__':
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