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dsmc.py 6.38 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
pmocz 提交于 2021-02-05 05:20 +08:00 . init commit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import special
Create Your Own Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (With Python)
Philip Mocz (2021) Princeton Univeristy, @PMocz
Simulate dilute gas with DSMC
Setup: Rayleigh Problem = gas between 2 plates (Alexander & Garcia, 1997)
dimensionless units of m = sigma = k T0 = 1
def main():
""" Direct Simulation Monte Carlo """
# Simulation parameters
uw = 0.2 # lower wall velocity
Tw = 1 # wall temperature
n0 = 0.001 # density
N = 50000 # number of sampling particles
Nsim = 3 # number of simulations to run
Ncell = 50 # number of cells
Nmft = 20 # number of mean-free times to run simulation
plotRealTime = False # True # animate
Nt = Nmft*25 # number of time steps (25 per mean-free time)
lambda_mfp = 1/(np.sqrt(2)*np.pi*n0) # mean free path ~= 225
Lz = 10*lambda_mfp # height of box ~= 2250.8
Kn = lambda_mfp / Lz # Knudsen number = 0.1
v_mean = (2/np.sqrt(np.pi)) * np.sqrt(2*Tw) # mean speed
tau = lambda_mfp / v_mean # mean-free time
dt = Nmft*tau/Nt # timestep
dz = Lz/Ncell # cell height
vol = Lz*dz*dz/Ncell # cell volume
Ne = n0*Lz*dz*dz/N # number of real particles each sampling particle represents
# vector for recording v_y(z=0)
vy0 = np.zeros((Nsim,Nt))
# set the random number generator seed
# prep figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4,4), dpi=80)
ax = plt.gca()
# Simulation Main Loop
for sim in range(Nsim):
# Initialize
x = dz * np.random.random(N)
y = dz * np.random.random(N)
z = Lz * np.random.random(N)
# Maxwellian
vx = np.random.normal(0, Tw, N)
vy = np.random.normal(0, Tw, N)
vz = np.random.normal(0, Tw, N)
# Evolve
for i in range(Nt):
print(' timestep',i,'of',Nt,' (sim',sim+1,'/',Nsim,')')
# drift
x += dt*vx
y += dt*vy
z += dt*vz
# collide specular wall (z=Lz)
# trace the straight-line trajectory to the top wall, bounce it back
hit_top = z > Lz
dt_ac = (z[hit_top]-Lz) / vz[hit_top] # time after collision
vz[hit_top] = -vz[hit_top] # reverse normal component of velocity
z[hit_top] = Lz + dt_ac * vz[hit_top]
# collide thermal wall (z=0)
# reset velocity to a biased maxwellian upon impact
hit_bot = z < 0
dt_ac = z[hit_bot] / vz[hit_bot]
x[hit_bot] -= dt_ac * vx[hit_bot]
y[hit_bot] -= dt_ac * vy[hit_bot]
Nbot = np.sum( hit_bot )
vx[hit_bot] = np.sqrt(Tw) * np.random.normal(0, 1, Nbot)
vy[hit_bot] = np.sqrt(Tw) * np.random.normal(0, 1, Nbot) + uw
vz[hit_bot] = np.sqrt( -2 * Tw * np.log(np.random.random(Nbot)) )
x[hit_bot] += dt_ac * vx[hit_bot]
y[hit_bot] += dt_ac * vy[hit_bot]
z[hit_bot] = dt_ac * vz[hit_bot]
# periodic BCs
x = np.mod(x,dz)
y = np.mod(y,dz)
# collide particles using acceptance--rejection scheme
v_rel_max = 6 # (over-)estimate upper limit to relative vel.
N_collisions = 0
# loop over cells
for j in range(Ncell):
in_cell = (j*dz < z) & (z < (j+1)*dz)
Nc = np.sum( in_cell )
x_c = x[in_cell]
y_c = y[in_cell]
z_c = z[in_cell]
vx_c = vx[in_cell]
vy_c = vy[in_cell]
vz_c = vz[in_cell]
M_cand = np.ceil(Nc**2 * np.pi * v_rel_max * Ne * dt/(2*vol)).astype(int)
# propose collision between i and j
for k in range(M_cand):
r_fac = np.random.random()
i_prop = np.random.randint(Nc)
j_prop = np.random.randint(Nc)
v_rel = np.sqrt((vx_c[i_prop]-vx_c[j_prop])**2 + (vy_c[i_prop]-vy_c[j_prop])**2 + (vz_c[i_prop]-vz_c[j_prop])**2 )
# accept collision with appropriate probability
if v_rel > r_fac*v_rel_max:
# process collision -- hard sphere
vx_cm = 0.5 * (vx_c[i_prop] + vx_c[j_prop])
vy_cm = 0.5 * (vy_c[i_prop] + vy_c[j_prop])
vz_cm = 0.5 * (vz_c[i_prop] + vz_c[j_prop])
cos_theta = 2 * np.random.random() - 1
sin_theta = np.sqrt( 1 - cos_theta**2 )
phi = 2 * np.pi * np.random.random()
vx_p = v_rel * sin_theta * np.cos(phi)
vy_p = v_rel * sin_theta * np.sin(phi)
vz_p = v_rel * cos_theta
vx_c[i_prop] = vx_cm + 0.5*vx_p
vy_c[i_prop] = vy_cm + 0.5*vy_p
vz_c[i_prop] = vz_cm + 0.5*vz_p
vx_c[j_prop] = vx_cm - 0.5*vx_p
vy_c[j_prop] = vy_cm - 0.5*vy_p
vz_c[j_prop] = vz_cm - 0.5*vz_p
N_collisions += 1
x[in_cell] = x_c
y[in_cell] = y_c
z[in_cell] = z_c
vx[in_cell] = vx_c
vy[in_cell] = vy_c
vz[in_cell] = vz_c
print(' ',N_collisions,' collisions')
# periodic BCs
x = np.mod(x,dz)
y = np.mod(y,dz)
# record v_y(z=0)
vy0[sim,i] = np.mean( vy[ (0 < z) & (z < dz) ] )
# measure vy along box
bin_c = dz * np.linspace(0.5,Ncell-0.5,Ncell)
vy_profile = np.zeros((Ncell,1))
for j in range(Ncell):
in_cell = ( j*dz < z ) & ( z < (j+1)*dz )
vy_profile[j] = np.mean(vy[in_cell])
# plot phase-space slice
if plotRealTime:
plt.scatter(z[0::20],vy[0::20], color='blue', s=0.1)
ax.set(xlim=(0, Lz), ylim=(-3,3))
# Plot results: compare v_y(z=0) to BGK theory
fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(6,4), dpi=80)
ax2 = plt.gca()
tt = dt * np.linspace(1, Nt, num=Nt) / tau
bgk = np.zeros(tt.shape)
for i in range(Nt):
xx = np.linspace(tt[i]/10000, tt[i], num=10000)
bgk[i] = 0.5*(1 + np.trapz(np.exp(-xx) / xx * special.iv(1,xx), x=xx))
plt.plot(tt*2.5, bgk, label='BGK theory', color='red')
plt.plot(tt, np.mean(vy0,axis=0).reshape((Nt,1))/uw, label='DSMC', color='blue')
ax2.set(xlim=(0, Nmft), ylim=(0.5, 1.1))
ax2.legend(loc='upper left')
# Save figure
return 0
if __name__== "__main__":
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:coolwindx/dsmc-python.git
