StratoVirt is an opensource VMM(Virtual Machine Manager) which aims to perform next generation virtualization.StratoVirt is based on Rust programming language.StratoVirt is lightweight, efficient and safe.It also has features like Full Sence Support and Modules Flexible Splitting.
最近更新: 5天前osgEarth - 3D Mapping Engine & C++ SDK This is a modified version of osgEarth 2.10 to work with WebGL 2.0 (WASM) and osgVerse
最近更新: 3个月前航天/卫星建模与仿真算法库AstroLib。🚀卫星仿真必备底层专业算法。《航天系统建模与仿真》(即将出版)配套源码。 包含矢量/矩阵、时间/坐标系统、姿态/轨道、空间环境、插值/积分算法等仿真需要的基本程序。 包含飞行器六自由度仿真、空间交会、并行仿真等完整仿真实例。
最近更新: 3个月前