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global def rocketChipRoot = here
global def hardfloatScalaModule =
makeScalaModuleFromJSON here "hardfloat"
| setScalaModuleRootDir "hardfloat"
| setScalaModuleDeps (chisel3ScalaModule, Nil)
| setScalaModuleScalacOptions ("-Xsource:2.11", Nil)
global def rocketchipMacros =
makeScalaModuleFromJSON here "rocketchipMacros"
| setScalaModuleRootDir "{rocketChipRoot}/macros"
| addMacrosParadiseCompilerPlugin
global def rocketchipScalaModule =
def deps =
makeScalaModuleFromJSON here "rocketchip"
| setScalaModuleRootDir rocketChipRoot
| setScalaModuleDeps deps
| setScalaModuleScalacOptions ("-Xsource:2.11", Nil)
| addMacrosParadiseCompilerPlugin
def vlsi_mem_gen = source "{rocketChipRoot}/scripts/vlsi_mem_gen"
def vlsi_rom_gen = source "{rocketChipRoot}/scripts/vlsi_rom_gen"
tuple VLSIRomGenOptions =
global ConfFile: Path
global HexFile: String
global OutputFile: String
global def makeVLSIRomGenOptions confFile hexFile outputFile = VLSIRomGenOptions confFile hexFile outputFile
global def rocket_vlsi_rom_gen options =
def cmdline =
def confFile = options.getVLSIRomGenOptionsConfFile.getPathName
def hexFile = options.getVLSIRomGenOptionsHexFile
vlsi_rom_gen.getPathName, confFile, hexFile, Nil
def inputs =
def confFile = options.getVLSIRomGenOptionsConfFile
def outputFile = options.getVLSIRomGenOptionsOutputFile
def outputDir = simplify "{outputFile}/.." | mkdir
vlsi_rom_gen, confFile, outputDir, Nil
def outputFile = options.getVLSIRomGenOptionsOutputFile
match (job cmdline inputs | getJobStdout)
Pass content = write outputFile content
Fail error = makeBadPath error
tuple VLSIMemGenOptions =
global BlackBox: Boolean
global ConfFile: Path
global OutputFile: String
global def makeVLSIMemGenOptions confFile outputFile = VLSIMemGenOptions False confFile outputFile
global def rocket_vlsi_mem_gen options =
def cmdline =
def blackBox = if options.getVLSIMemGenOptionsBlackBox then "-b", Nil else Nil
def outputFile = "-o", options.getVLSIMemGenOptionsOutputFile, Nil
def confFile = options.getVLSIMemGenOptionsConfFile.getPathName, Nil
vlsi_mem_gen.getPathName, (blackBox ++ outputFile ++ confFile)
def inputs =
def confFile = options.getVLSIMemGenOptionsConfFile
def outputFile = options.getVLSIMemGenOptionsOutputFile
def outputDir = simplify "{outputFile}/.." | mkdir
vlsi_mem_gen, confFile, outputDir, Nil
job cmdline inputs | getJobOutput
tuple RocketChipGeneratorOptions =
global Jars: List Path
global TargetDir: Path
global TopModuleName: String
global ConfigNames: List String
global ExtraSources: List Path
global BaseFileName: Option String
global def makeRocketChipGeneratorOptions jars targetDir topModule configs =
RocketChipGeneratorOptions jars targetDir topModule configs Nil None
tuple RocketChipGeneratorOutputs =
DTS_: Path
FirrtlFile_: Path
FirrtlAnnoFile_: Path
RomConf_: Path
AllOutputs_: List Path
InputOptions_: RocketChipGeneratorOptions
OMFile_: Option Path
global def getRocketChipGeneratorOutputsDTS = getRocketChipGeneratorOutputsDTS_
global def getRocketChipGeneratorOutputsFirrtlFile = getRocketChipGeneratorOutputsFirrtlFile_
global def getRocketChipGeneratorOutputsFirrtlAnnoFile = getRocketChipGeneratorOutputsFirrtlAnnoFile_
global def getRocketChipGeneratorOutputsRomConf = getRocketChipGeneratorOutputsRomConf_
global def getRocketChipGeneratorOutputsAllOutputs = getRocketChipGeneratorOutputsAllOutputs_
global def getRocketChipGeneratorOutputsInputOptions = getRocketChipGeneratorOutputsInputOptions_
global def getRocketChipGeneratorOutputsObjectModelFile = getRocketChipGeneratorOutputsOMFile_
# Get the package name from the fully-qualified class name. (Everything before the final dot.)
def getPackageName fullClassName = fullClassName | tokenize `\.` | reverse | tail | reverse | catWith "."
# Get the class name from the fully-qualified class name. (Everything after the final dot.)
def getClassName fullClassName = fullClassName | tokenize `\.` | reverse | head | getOrElse ""
global def runRocketChipGenerator options =
def jars = options.getRocketChipGeneratorOptionsJars
def runDir = rocketChipRoot
def targetDir = options.getRocketChipGeneratorOptionsTargetDir
def cmdline =
def main = "freechips.rocketchip.system.Generator"
def configs = catWith "," options.getRocketChipGeneratorOptionsConfigNames
def topModule = options.getRocketChipGeneratorOptionsTopModuleName
def relJars = jars | map getPathName | map (relative runDir)
def classpath = catWith ":" relJars
def relTargetDir = relative runDir targetDir.getPathName
def baseFileName = match options.getRocketChipGeneratorOptionsBaseFileName
Some name = "--name", name, Nil
None = Nil
"java", "-cp", classpath, main,
"--target-dir", relTargetDir,
"--top-module", topModule,
"--configs", configs,
def inputs =
def bootrom = source '{rocketChipRoot}/bootrom/bootrom.img'
def extras = options.getRocketChipGeneratorOptionsExtraSources
(bootrom, targetDir, extras) ++ jars
def generatorJob =
makePlan cmdline inputs
| setPlanResources ("openjdk/java/1.8.0", Nil)
| setPlanDirectory runDir
| runJob
def filterFiles regex = filter (matches regex _.getPathName) allOutputs
def getFile regex = filterFiles regex | head | getOrElse (makeBadPath (makeError "File not found"))
def getFileOpt regex = match (filterFiles regex)
Nil = None
head, tail = Some head
def allOutputs = generatorJob.getJobOutputs
def baseFileName = match options.getRocketChipGeneratorOptionsBaseFileName
Some fileName = fileName
None =
def packageName = getPackageName options.getRocketChipGeneratorOptionsTopModuleName
def configNames = options.getRocketChipGeneratorOptionsConfigNames | map getClassName | catWith '_'
def annoFile = getFile (regExpCat (`.*`, baseFileName.quote, `\.anno\.json`, Nil))
def firrtlFile = getFile `.*\.fir`
def romConfFile = getFile `.*\.rom\.conf`
def dtsFile = getFile `.*\.dts`
def omFile = getFileOpt `.*\.objectModel\.json`
RocketChipGeneratorOutputs dtsFile firrtlFile annoFile romConfFile allOutputs options omFile
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:chisuhua/rocket-chip.git
